
318 lines
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# Nushell Environment Config File
def create_left_prompt [] {
let path_segment = ($env.PWD)
def create_right_prompt [] {
let time_segment = ([
(date now | date format '%m/%d/%Y %r')
] | str collect)
# Use nushell functions to define your right and left prompt
let-env PROMPT_COMMAND = { create_left_prompt }
let-env PROMPT_COMMAND_RIGHT = { create_right_prompt }
# The prompt indicators are environmental variables that represent
# the state of the prompt
let-env PROMPT_INDICATOR = { "〉" }
# Specifies how environment variables are:
# - converted from a string to a value on Nushell startup (from_string)
# - converted from a value back to a string when running external commands (to_string)
# Note: The conversions happen *after* is loaded
"PATH": {
from_string: { |s| $s | split row (char esep) }
to_string: { |v| $v | str collect (char esep) }
"Path": {
from_string: { |s| $s | split row (char esep) }
to_string: { |v| $v | str collect (char esep) }
# Directories to search for scripts when calling source or use
# By default, <nushell-config-dir>/scripts is added
let-env NU_LIB_DIRS = [
($nu.config-path | path dirname | path join 'scripts')
# Directories to search for plugin binaries when calling register
# By default, <nushell-config-dir>/plugins is added
let-env NU_PLUGIN_DIRS = [
($nu.config-path | path dirname | path join 'plugins')
# To add entries to PATH (on Windows you might use Path), you can use the following pattern:
# let-env PATH = ($env.PATH | prepend '/some/path')
# for more information on themes see
let default_theme = {
# color for nushell primitives
separator: white
leading_trailing_space_bg: { attr: n } # no fg, no bg, attr none effectively turns this off
header: green_bold
empty: blue
bool: white
int: white
filesize: white
duration: white
date: white
range: white
float: white
string: white
nothing: white
binary: white
cellpath: white
row_index: green_bold
record: white
list: white
block: white
hints: dark_gray
# shapes are used to change the cli syntax highlighting
shape_garbage: { fg: "#FFFFFF" bg: "#FF0000" attr: b}
shape_binary: purple_bold
shape_bool: light_cyan
shape_int: purple_bold
shape_float: purple_bold
shape_range: yellow_bold
shape_internalcall: cyan_bold
shape_external: cyan
shape_externalarg: green_bold
shape_literal: blue
shape_operator: yellow
shape_signature: green_bold
shape_string: green
shape_string_interpolation: cyan_bold
shape_datetime: cyan_bold
shape_list: cyan_bold
shape_table: blue_bold
shape_record: cyan_bold
shape_block: blue_bold
shape_filepath: cyan
shape_globpattern: cyan_bold
shape_variable: purple
shape_flag: blue_bold
shape_custom: green
shape_nothing: light_cyan
# The default config record. This is where much of your global configuration is setup.
let-env config = {
filesize_metric: false
table_mode: rounded # basic, compact, compact_double, light, thin, with_love, rounded, reinforced, heavy, none, other
use_ls_colors: true
rm_always_trash: false
color_config: $default_theme
use_grid_icons: true
footer_mode: "25" # always, never, number_of_rows, auto
quick_completions: true # set this to false to prevent auto-selecting completions when only one remains
partial_completions: true # set this to false to prevent partial filling of the prompt
animate_prompt: false # redraw the prompt every second
float_precision: 2
use_ansi_coloring: true
filesize_format: "auto" # b, kb, kib, mb, mib, gb, gib, tb, tib, pb, pib, eb, eib, zb, zib, auto
edit_mode: emacs # emacs, vi
max_history_size: 10000 # Session has to be reloaded for this to take effect
sync_history_on_enter: true # Enable to share the history between multiple sessions, else you have to close the session to persist history to file
menus: [
# Configuration for default nushell menus
# Note the lack of souce parameter
name: completion_menu
only_buffer_difference: false
marker: "| "
type: {
layout: columnar
columns: 4
col_width: 20 # Optional value. If missing all the screen width is used to calculate column width
col_padding: 2
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
name: history_menu
only_buffer_difference: true
marker: "? "
type: {
layout: list
page_size: 10
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
name: help_menu
only_buffer_difference: true
marker: "? "
type: {
layout: description
columns: 4
col_width: 20 # Optional value. If missing all the screen width is used to calculate column width
col_padding: 2
selection_rows: 4
description_rows: 10
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
# Example of extra menus created using a nushell source
# Use the source field to create a list of records that populates
# the menu
name: commands_menu
only_buffer_difference: false
marker: "# "
type: {
layout: columnar
columns: 4
col_width: 20
col_padding: 2
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
source: { |buffer, position|
| where command =~ $buffer
| each { |it| {value: $it.command description: $it.usage} }
name: vars_menu
only_buffer_difference: true
marker: "# "
type: {
layout: list
page_size: 10
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
source: { |buffer, position|
| where name =~ $buffer
| sort-by name
| each { |it| {value: $ description: $it.type} }
name: commands_with_description
only_buffer_difference: true
marker: "# "
type: {
layout: description
columns: 4
col_width: 20
col_padding: 2
selection_rows: 4
description_rows: 10
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
source: { |buffer, position|
| where command =~ $buffer
| each { |it| {value: $it.command description: $it.usage} }
keybindings: [
name: completion_menu
modifier: none
keycode: tab
mode: emacs # Options: emacs vi_normal vi_insert
event: {
until: [
{ send: menu name: completion_menu }
{ send: menunext }
name: completion_previous
modifier: shift
keycode: backtab
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert] # Note: You can add the same keybinding to all modes by using a list
event: { send: menuprevious }
name: history_menu
modifier: control
keycode: char_x
mode: emacs
event: {
until: [
{ send: menu name: history_menu }
{ send: menupagenext }
name: history_previous
modifier: control
keycode: char_z
mode: emacs
event: {
until: [
{ send: menupageprevious }
{ edit: undo }
# Keybindings used to trigger the user defined menus
name: commands_menu
modifier: control
keycode: char_t
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: menu name: commands_menu }
name: vars_menu
modifier: control
keycode: char_y
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: menu name: vars_menu }
name: commands_with_description
modifier: control
keycode: char_u
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: menu name: commands_with_description }