We will be learning how to write a command and see what's required to do so in small steps. For this example we are interested writing a command named `take-two` that takes two lucky values coming in.
Let's generate a table with row literal syntax first, like so:
_Note: values are passed around in the stream. A generated table like the example above is three row values. See the [values chapter](https://www.nushell.sh/contributor-book/values.html) to learn more about row value types._
We want to `take-two` rows from the generated table. Here is what we would like to do:
See the `take-two` command in the pipeline above? That's what we want.
Before starting writing the command it's important to understand that everything in the stream are values. Sometimes you will see a table with no columns and the reason is that none of the values coming in are row value types. For this case we call it simply a _list_, like so:
When the pipeline finishes, as soon as Nu sees a value that is of type row it will try to display it as a table with columns. The reason is that a value of type row represents rows having column cell headers and cell values.
We appended the value 10 using `append`. Nu sees **four** values in the stream, **three** of them being row types and **one** being an int value type. Therefore we see a table printed (the three row values) and a list (one int value) from the **stream**. This matters because some commands expect and assume all values coming in are row types and some do not.
For the command `take-two` we are about to implement we don't care what kind of values are coming in since we just want to **take two** values.
## Command implementation steps
To guide us in our command implementation journey we will start registering the command, as we do so we will be driving out the command.
### Register the command
All the internal commands reside in `crates/nu-command`. For our command named `take-two` we can create the source file `take_two.rs` and place it in `src/commands/take_two.rs`. Go ahead and create it:
Before registering it to the context you need to make it available by declaring the module and re-export it in `crates/nu-command/src/commands.rs`. The commands we write are modules already (`take_two.rs` is the `take_two` module). In case you are not familiar with rust modules [read this refresher](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch07-02-defining-modules-to-control-scope-and-privacy.html). Let's go ahead and declare it and then re-export the command's `Command` struct as `TakeTwo`, like so:
We should be ready now to register it. You need to add the command (in this case the struct will be in scope named as `TakeTwo` from the previous snippet) where they are added one by one to the context.
We will need to implement the required functions `name` for telling Nu the name of the command, `signature` to tell the command's signature, and `usage`. Before we start, we will also write an example of the usage implementing `examples` (not shown above).
Ready? Go ahead and edit `crates/nu-command/src/commands/take_two.rs`:
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 10.56s
Since we have been working in `crates/nu-command` and building there to shorten the build time as we work on the command, you may want to run a full build now by doing `cargo build --all --features=extra`:
Let's try entering `help take-two`:
> help take-two
takes two values
> take-two {flags}
-h, --help: Display this help message
Takes two values
> echo [11161984 500 200] | take-two
We get a help description of our newly implemented `take-two` command for free. This works because we implemented `examples`. It's good practice to do so for documentation (and as we will soon see, unit testing) purposes.
Now let's run `echo [11161984 500 200] | take-two`
> echo [11161984 500 200] | take-two
error: Error: Unimplemented: take-two does not implement run or run_with_actions
That was unexpected. What happened?
We did not implement `take-two`'s logic anywhere. Nu is telling us the command does not implement `run` or `run_with_actions`. These functions are in the `WholeStreamCommand` trait and the default implementation gives the error. Since our command won't be doing any actions we can go ahead and implement `run` for the logic, let's do that: