forked from extern/nushell
Fix cp bug (#5462)
* Cleanup - remove old commented code * Force a / or \ to distinguish between folders and files for cp * Force a / or \ to distinguish between folders and files for cp * Remove unneeded code * Add cp test for checking copy to non existing directory * Fix warning in test
This commit is contained in:
@ -74,6 +74,15 @@ impl Command for Cp {
let source = path.join(src.item.as_str());
let destination = path.join(dst.item.as_str());
// check if destination is a dir and it exists
let path_last_char = destination.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().chars().last();
let is_directory = path_last_char == Some('/') || path_last_char == Some('\\');
if is_directory && !destination.exists() {
return Err(ShellError::DirectoryNotFound(
Some("destination directory does not exist".to_string()),
let ctrlc = engine_state.ctrlc.clone();
let span = call.head;
@ -254,185 +263,6 @@ impl Command for Cp {
// let mut sources =
// nu_glob::glob(&source.to_string_lossy()).map_or_else(|_| Vec::new(), Iterator::collect);
// if sources.is_empty() {
// return Err(ShellError::FileNotFound(call.positional[0].span));
// }
// if sources.len() > 1 && !destination.is_dir() {
// return Err(ShellError::MoveNotPossible {
// source_message: "Can't move many files".to_string(),
// source_span: call.positional[0].span,
// destination_message: "into single file".to_string(),
// destination_span: call.positional[1].span,
// });
// }
// let any_source_is_dir = sources.iter().any(|f| matches!(f, Ok(f) if f.is_dir()));
// let recursive: bool = call.has_flag("recursive");
// if any_source_is_dir && !recursive {
// return Err(ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle(
// "Directories must be copied using \"--recursive\"".to_string(),
// call.positional[0].span,
// ));
// }
// if interactive && !force {
// let mut remove: Vec<usize> = vec![];
// for (index, file) in sources.iter().enumerate() {
// let prompt = format!(
// "Are you shure that you want to copy {} to {}?",
// file.as_ref()
// .map_err(|err| ShellError::SpannedLabeledError(
// "Reference error".into(),
// err.to_string(),
// call.head
// ))?
// .file_name()
// .ok_or_else(|| ShellError::SpannedLabeledError(
// "File name error".into(),
// "Unable to get file name".into(),
// call.head
// ))?
// .to_str()
// .ok_or_else(|| ShellError::SpannedLabeledError(
// "Unable to get str error".into(),
// "Unable to convert to str file name".into(),
// call.head
// ))?,
// destination
// .file_name()
// .ok_or_else(|| ShellError::SpannedLabeledError(
// "File name error".into(),
// "Unable to get file name".into(),
// call.head
// ))?
// .to_str()
// .ok_or_else(|| ShellError::SpannedLabeledError(
// "Unable to get str error".into(),
// "Unable to convert to str file name".into(),
// call.head
// ))?,
// );
// let input = get_interactive_confirmation(prompt)?;
// if !input {
// remove.push(index);
// }
// }
// remove.reverse();
// for index in remove {
// sources.remove(index);
// }
// if sources.is_empty() {
// return Err(ShellError::NoFileToBeCopied());
// }
// }
// for entry in sources.into_iter().flatten() {
// let mut sources = FileStructure::new();
// sources.walk_decorate(&entry, engine_state, stack)?;
// if entry.is_file() {
// let sources = sources.paths_applying_with(|(source_file, _depth_level)| {
// if destination.is_dir() {
// let mut dest = canonicalize_with(&destination, &path)?;
// if let Some(name) = entry.file_name() {
// dest.push(name);
// }
// Ok((source_file, dest))
// } else {
// Ok((source_file, destination.clone()))
// }
// })?;
// for (src, dst) in sources {
// if src.is_file() {
// std::fs::copy(&src, dst).map_err(|e| {
// ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle(
// format!(
// "failed to move containing file \"{}\": {}",
// src.to_string_lossy(),
// e
// ),
// call.positional[0].span,
// )
// })?;
// }
// }
// } else if entry.is_dir() {
// let destination = if !destination.exists() {
// destination.clone()
// } else {
// match entry.file_name() {
// Some(name) => destination.join(name),
// None => {
// return Err(ShellError::FileNotFoundCustom(
// format!("containing \"{:?}\" is not a valid path", entry),
// call.positional[0].span,
// ))
// }
// }
// };
// std::fs::create_dir_all(&destination).map_err(|e| {
// ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle(
// format!("failed to recursively fill destination: {}", e),
// call.positional[1].span,
// )
// })?;
// let sources = sources.paths_applying_with(|(source_file, depth_level)| {
// let mut dest = destination.clone();
// let path = canonicalize_with(&source_file, &path)?;
// let components = path
// .components()
// .map(|fragment| fragment.as_os_str())
// .rev()
// .take(1 + depth_level);
// components.for_each(|fragment| dest.push(fragment));
// Ok((PathBuf::from(&source_file), dest))
// })?;
// for (src, dst) in sources {
// if src.is_dir() && !dst.exists() {
// std::fs::create_dir_all(&dst).map_err(|e| {
// ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle(
// format!(
// "failed to create containing directory \"{}\": {}",
// dst.to_string_lossy(),
// e
// ),
// call.positional[1].span,
// )
// })?;
// }
// if src.is_file() {
// std::fs::copy(&src, &dst).map_err(|e| {
// ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle(
// format!(
// "failed to move containing file \"{}\": {}",
// src.to_string_lossy(),
// e
// ),
// call.positional[0].span,
// )
// })?;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// Ok(PipelineData::new(call.head))
// }
fn interactive_copy_file(interactive: bool, src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf, span: Span) -> Value {
@ -235,3 +235,17 @@ fn copy_file_and_dir_from_two_parents_up_using_multiple_dots_to_current_dir_recu
assert!(files_exist_at(vec!["hello_there", "hello_again"], expected));
fn copy_to_non_existing_dir() {
Playground::setup("cp_test_11", |_dirs, sandbox| {
let actual = nu!(
cwd: sandbox.cwd(),
"cp empty_file ~/not_a_dir/",
assert!(actual.err.contains("directory not found"));
assert!(actual.err.contains("destination directory does not exist"));
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ fn expand_tilde_with_home(path: impl AsRef<Path>, home: Option<PathBuf>) -> Path
let path_last_char = path.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().chars().last();
let need_trailing_slash = path_last_char == Some('/') || path_last_char == Some('\\');
match home {
None => path.into(),
Some(mut h) => {
@ -31,6 +34,10 @@ fn expand_tilde_with_home(path: impl AsRef<Path>, home: Option<PathBuf>) -> Path
if p != Path::new("") {
if need_trailing_slash {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user