Add method to convert ClassifiedBlock into completion locations. (#2316)

The completion engine maps completion locations to spans on a line, which
indicate whther to complete a command name, flag name, argument, and so on.

Initial implementation is simplistic, with some rough edges, since it relies
heavily on the parser's interpretation. For example

    du -

if asking for completions, `-` is considered a positional argument by the
parser, but the user is likely looking for a flag. These scenarios will be
addressed in a series of progressive enhancements to the engine.
This commit is contained in:
Jason Gedge 2020-08-21 15:37:51 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0dd1403a69
commit 9f85b10fcb
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 589 additions and 381 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ use crate::context::Context;
use crate::git::current_branch;
use crate::path::canonicalize;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::shell::completer::NuCompleter;
use crate::shell::Helper;
use crate::EnvironmentSyncer;
use futures_codec::FramedRead;
@ -787,10 +786,7 @@ pub async fn cli(
let cwd = context.shell_manager.path();
Box::new(<NuCompleter as Default>::default()),
let colored_prompt = {
if let Some(prompt) = config.get("prompt") {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
use std::fs::{read_dir, DirEntry};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
#[cfg(all(windows, feature = "ichwh"))]
use ichwh::{IchwhError, IchwhResult};
use indexmap::set::IndexSet;
use crate::completion::{Context, Suggestion};
use crate::context;
pub struct Completer;
impl Completer {
pub fn complete(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, partial: &str) -> Vec<Suggestion> {
let context: &context::Context = ctx.as_ref();
let mut commands: IndexSet<String> = IndexSet::from_iter(context.registry.names());
let path_executables = find_path_executables().unwrap_or_default();
// TODO quote these, if necessary
.filter(|v| v.starts_with(partial))
.map(|v| Suggestion {
replacement: format!("{} ", v),
display: v,
// These is_executable/pathext implementations are copied from ichwh and modified
// to not be async
fn pathext() -> IchwhResult<Vec<String>> {
// Cut off the leading '.' character
.map(|ext| ext[1..].to_string())
fn is_executable(file: &DirEntry) -> bool {
if let Ok(metadata) = file.metadata() {
let file_type = metadata.file_type();
// If the entry isn't a file, it cannot be executable
if !(file_type.is_file() || file_type.is_symlink()) {
return false;
if let Some(extension) = file.path().extension() {
if let Ok(exts) = pathext() {
.any(|ext| extension.to_string_lossy().eq_ignore_ascii_case(ext))
} else {
} else {
} else {
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
fn is_executable(_file: &DirEntry) -> bool {
fn is_executable(file: &DirEntry) -> bool {
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
let metadata = file.metadata();
if let Ok(metadata) = metadata {
let filetype = metadata.file_type();
let permissions = metadata.permissions();
// The file is executable if it is a directory or a symlink and the permissions are set for
// owner, group, or other
(filetype.is_file() || filetype.is_symlink()) && (permissions.mode() & 0o111 != 0)
} else {
// TODO cache these, but watch for changes to PATH
fn find_path_executables() -> Option<IndexSet<String>> {
let path_var = std::env::var_os("PATH")?;
let paths: Vec<_> = std::env::split_paths(&path_var).collect();
let mut executables: IndexSet<String> = IndexSet::new();
for path in paths {
if let Ok(mut contents) = read_dir(path) {
while let Some(Ok(item)) = {
if is_executable(&item) {
if let Ok(name) = item.file_name().into_string() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
use nu_protocol::hir::*;
use nu_source::{Span, Spanned, SpannedItem};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum LocationType {
Flag(String), // command name
Argument(Option<String>, Option<String>), // command name, argument name
pub type CompletionLocation = Spanned<LocationType>;
// TODO The below is very similar to shapes / expression_to_flat_shape. Check back October 2020
// to see if we're close enough to just make use of those.
struct Flatten<'s> {
line: &'s str,
command: Option<String>,
flag: Option<String>,
impl<'s> Flatten<'s> {
/// Converts a SpannedExpression into a completion location for use in NuCompleter
fn expression(&self, e: &SpannedExpression) -> Vec<CompletionLocation> {
match &e.expr {
Expression::Block(block) => self.completion_locations(block),
Expression::Invocation(block) => self.completion_locations(block),
Expression::List(exprs) => exprs.iter().flat_map(|v| self.expression(v)).collect(),
Expression::Command(span) => vec![LocationType::Command.spanned(*span)],
Expression::Path(path) => self.expression(&path.head),
Expression::Variable(_) => vec![LocationType::Variable.spanned(e.span)],
| Expression::FilePath(_)
| Expression::Literal(Literal::ColumnPath(_))
| Expression::Literal(Literal::GlobPattern(_))
| Expression::Literal(Literal::Number(_))
| Expression::Literal(Literal::Size(_, _))
| Expression::Literal(Literal::String(_)) => {
LocationType::Argument(self.command.clone(), self.flag.clone()).spanned(e.span),
Expression::Binary(binary) => {
let mut result = Vec::new();
result.append(&mut self.expression(&binary.left));
result.append(&mut self.expression(&binary.right));
Expression::Range(range) => {
let mut result = Vec::new();
result.append(&mut self.expression(&range.left));
result.append(&mut self.expression(&range.right));
| Expression::ExternalCommand(_)
| Expression::Synthetic(_)
| Expression::Literal(Literal::Operator(_))
| Expression::Literal(Literal::Bare(_))
| Expression::Garbage => Vec::new(),
fn internal_command(&self, internal: &InternalCommand) -> Vec<CompletionLocation> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
match internal.args.head.expr {
Expression::Command(_) => {
Expression::Literal(Literal::String(_)) => {
_ => (),
if let Some(positionals) = &internal.args.positional {
let mut positionals = positionals.iter();
if == "run_external" {
if let Some(external_command) = {
result.extend(positionals.flat_map(|positional| match positional.expr {
Expression::Garbage => {
let garbage = positional.span.slice(self.line);
let location = if garbage.starts_with('-') {
} else {
// TODO we may be able to map this to the name of a positional,
// but we'll need a signature
LocationType::Argument(Some(, None)
_ => self.expression(positional),
if let Some(named) = &internal.args.named {
for (name, kind) in &named.named {
match kind {
NamedValue::PresentSwitch(span) => {
NamedValue::Value(span, expr) => {
result.append(&mut self.with_flag(name.clone()).expression(expr));
_ => (),
fn pipeline(&self, pipeline: &Commands) -> Vec<CompletionLocation> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
for command in &pipeline.list {
match command {
ClassifiedCommand::Internal(internal) => {
let engine = self.with_command(;
result.append(&mut engine.internal_command(internal));
ClassifiedCommand::Expr(expr) => result.append(&mut self.expression(expr)),
_ => (),
/// Flattens the block into a Vec of completion locations
pub fn completion_locations(&self, block: &Block) -> Vec<CompletionLocation> {
block.block.iter().flat_map(|v| self.pipeline(v)).collect()
pub fn new(line: &'s str) -> Flatten<'s> {
Flatten {
command: None,
flag: None,
pub fn with_command(&self, command: String) -> Flatten<'s> {
Flatten {
line: self.line,
command: Some(command),
flag: None,
pub fn with_flag(&self, flag: String) -> Flatten<'s> {
Flatten {
line: self.line,
command: self.command.clone(),
flag: Some(flag),
/// Characters that precede a command name
const BEFORE_COMMAND_CHARS: &[char] = &['|', '(', ';'];
/// Determines the completion location for a given block at the given cursor position
pub fn completion_location(line: &str, block: &Block, pos: usize) -> Option<CompletionLocation> {
let completion_engine = Flatten::new(line);
let locations = completion_engine.completion_locations(block);
if locations.is_empty() {
} else {
let mut prev = None;
for loc in locations {
// We don't use span.contains because we want to include the end. This handles the case
// where the cursor is just after the text (i.e., no space between cursor and text)
if loc.span.start() <= pos && pos <= loc.span.end() {
return Some(loc);
} else if pos < loc.span.start() {
prev = Some(loc);
if let Some(prev) = prev {
// Cursor is between locations (or at the end). Look at the line to see if the cursor
// is after some character that would imply we're in the command position.
let start = prev.span.end();
if line[start..pos].contains(BEFORE_COMMAND_CHARS) {
} else {
// TODO this should be able to be mapped to a command
Some(LocationType::Argument(None, None).spanned(Span::unknown()))
} else {
// Cursor is before any possible completion location, so must be a command
mod tests {
use super::*;
use nu_parser::SignatureRegistry;
use nu_protocol::{Signature, SyntaxShape};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct VecRegistry(Vec<Signature>);
impl From<Vec<Signature>> for VecRegistry {
fn from(v: Vec<Signature>) -> Self {
impl SignatureRegistry for VecRegistry {
fn has(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
self.0.iter().any(|v| & == name)
fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<nu_protocol::Signature> {
self.0.iter().find(|v| & == name).map(Clone::clone)
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<dyn SignatureRegistry> {
mod completion_location {
use super::*;
use nu_parser::{classify_block, lite_parse, SignatureRegistry};
fn completion_location(
line: &str,
registry: &dyn SignatureRegistry,
pos: usize,
) -> Option<LocationType> {
let lite_block = lite_parse(line, 0).expect("lite_parse");
let block = classify_block(&lite_block, registry);
super::completion_location(line, &block.block, pos).map(|v| v.item)
fn completes_internal_command_names() {
let registry: VecRegistry =
vec![Signature::build("echo").rest(SyntaxShape::Any, "the values to echo")].into();
let line = "echo 1 | echo 2";
completion_location(line, &registry, 10),
fn completes_external_command_names() {
let registry: VecRegistry = Vec::new().into();
let line = "echo 1 | echo 2";
completion_location(line, &registry, 10),
fn completes_command_names_when_cursor_immediately_after_command_name() {
let registry: VecRegistry = Vec::new().into();
let line = "echo 1 | echo 2";
completion_location(line, &registry, 4),
fn completes_variables() {
let registry: VecRegistry = Vec::new().into();
let line = "echo $nu.env.";
completion_location(line, &registry, 13),
fn completes_flags() {
let registry: VecRegistry = vec![Signature::build("du")
.switch("recursive", "the values to echo", None)
.rest(SyntaxShape::Any, "blah")]
let line = "du --recurs";
completion_location(line, &registry, 7),
fn completes_arguments() {
let registry: VecRegistry =
vec![Signature::build("echo").rest(SyntaxShape::Any, "the values to echo")].into();
let line = "echo 1 | echo 2";
completion_location(line, &registry, 6),
Some(LocationType::Argument(Some("echo".to_string()), None)),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
use crate::completion::{Context, Suggestion};
use crate::context;
pub struct Completer;
impl Completer {
pub fn complete(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, cmd: String, partial: &str) -> Vec<Suggestion> {
let context: &context::Context = ctx.as_ref();
if let Some(cmd) = context.registry.get_command(&cmd) {
let sig = cmd.signature();
let mut suggestions = Vec::new();
for (name, (named_type, _desc)) in sig.named.iter() {
suggestions.push(format!("--{}", name));
if let Some(c) = named_type.get_short() {
suggestions.push(format!("-{}", c));
.filter(|v| v.starts_with(partial))
.map(|v| Suggestion {
replacement: format!("{} ", v),
display: v,
} else {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
pub(crate) mod command;
pub(crate) mod engine;
pub(crate) mod flag;
pub(crate) mod path;
use nu_errors::ShellError;
use crate::context;
@ -35,6 +40,4 @@ pub trait Completer {
pos: usize,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
) -> Result<(usize, Vec<Suggestion>), ShellError>;
fn hint(&self, line: &str, pos: usize, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Option<String>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
use rustyline::completion::FilenameCompleter;
use crate::completion::{Context, Suggestion};
pub struct Completer {
inner: FilenameCompleter,
impl Completer {
pub fn new() -> Completer {
Completer {
inner: FilenameCompleter::new(),
pub fn complete(&self, _ctx: &Context<'_>, partial: &str) -> Vec<Suggestion> {
let expanded = nu_parser::expand_ndots(partial);
if let Ok((_pos, pairs)) = self.inner.complete_path(&expanded, expanded.len()) {
.map(|v| Suggestion {
replacement: v.replacement,
display: v.display,
} else {

View File

@ -1,364 +1,72 @@
use std::fs::{read_dir, DirEntry};
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
use indexmap::set::IndexSet;
use nu_errors::ShellError;
use rustyline::completion::{Completer as _, FilenameCompleter};
use rustyline::hint::{Hinter as _, HistoryHinter};
#[cfg(all(windows, feature = "ichwh"))]
use ichwh::{IchwhError, IchwhResult};
use crate::completion::{self, Completer};
use crate::completion::{self, Suggestion};
use crate::context;
use crate::prelude::*;
use nu_data::config;
pub(crate) struct NuCompleter {
file_completer: FilenameCompleter,
hinter: HistoryHinter,
pub(crate) struct NuCompleter {}
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
enum ReplacementLocation {
impl NuCompleter {}
impl NuCompleter {
fn complete_internal(
pub fn complete(
line: &str,
pos: usize,
context: &completion::Context,
) -> rustyline::Result<(usize, Vec<rustyline::completion::Pair>)> {
let line_chars: Vec<_> = line[..pos].chars().collect();
) -> (usize, Vec<Suggestion>) {
use crate::completion::engine::LocationType;
let (replace_pos, replace_loc) = get_replace_pos(line, pos);
// See if we're a flag
let mut completions;
if pos > 0 && replace_pos < line_chars.len() && line_chars[replace_pos] == '-' {
if let Ok(lite_block) = nu_parser::lite_parse(line, 0) {
completions = get_matching_arguments(
} else {
completions = self.file_completer.complete(line, pos, context.as_ref())?.1;
} else {
completions = self.file_completer.complete(line, pos, context.as_ref())?.1;
// Only complete executables or commands if the thing we're completing
// is syntactically a command
if replace_loc == ReplacementLocation::Command {
let context: &context::Context = context.as_ref();
let commands: Vec<String> = context.registry.names();
let mut all_executables: IndexSet<_> = commands.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
let complete_from_path = config::config(Tag::unknown())
.map(|conf| {
.map(|v| v.is_true())
if complete_from_path {
let path_executables = find_path_executables().unwrap_or_default();
for path_exe in path_executables {
let nu_context: &context::Context = context.as_ref();
let lite_block = match nu_parser::lite_parse(line, 0) {
Ok(block) => Some(block),
Err(result) => result.partial,
for exe in all_executables.iter() {
let mut pos = replace_pos;
let mut matched = false;
if pos < line_chars.len() {
for chr in exe.chars() {
if line_chars[pos] != chr {
pos += 1;
if pos == line_chars.len() {
matched = true;
if matched {
completions.push(rustyline::completion::Pair {
display: exe.to_string(),
replacement: exe.to_string(),
let location = lite_block
.map(|block| nu_parser::classify_block(&block, &nu_context.registry))
.and_then(|block| {
crate::completion::engine::completion_location(line, &block.block, pos)
if let Some(location) = location {
let partial = location.span.slice(line);
let suggestions = match location.item {
LocationType::Command => {
let command_completer = crate::completion::command::Completer {};
command_completer.complete(context, partial)
// Adjust replacement to deal with a quote already at the cursor. Specifically, if there's
// already a quote at the cursor, but the replacement doesn't have one, we need to ensure
// one exists (to be safe, even if the completion doesn't need it).
for completion in &mut completions {
let cursor_char = line.chars().nth(replace_pos);
if cursor_char.unwrap_or(' ') == '"' && !completion.replacement.starts_with('"') {
completion.replacement.insert(0, '"');
LocationType::Flag(cmd) => {
let flag_completer = crate::completion::flag::Completer {};
flag_completer.complete(context, cmd, partial)
Ok((replace_pos, completions))
LocationType::Argument(_cmd, _arg_name) => {
// TODO use cmd and arg_name to narrow things down further
let path_completer = crate::completion::path::Completer::new();
path_completer.complete(context, partial)
impl Completer for NuCompleter {
fn complete(
line: &str,
pos: usize,
context: &completion::Context,
) -> Result<(usize, Vec<completion::Suggestion>), ShellError> {
let expanded = nu_parser::expand_ndots(&line);
// Find the first not-matching char position, if there is one
let differ_pos = line
.find(|(_index, (a, b))| a != b)
.map(|(differ_pos, _)| differ_pos);
let pos = if let Some(differ_pos) = differ_pos {
if differ_pos < pos {
pos + (expanded.len() - line.len())
} else {
LocationType::Variable => Vec::new(),
} else {
self.complete_internal(&expanded, pos, context)
.map_err(|e| ShellError::untagged_runtime_error(format!("{}", e)))
.map(|(pos, completions)| {
.map(|pair| completion::Suggestion {
display: pair.display,
replacement: pair.replacement,
fn hint(&self, line: &str, pos: usize, ctx: &completion::Context<'_>) -> Option<String> {
self.hinter.hint(line, pos, &ctx.as_ref())
impl Default for NuCompleter {
fn default() -> NuCompleter {
NuCompleter {
file_completer: FilenameCompleter::new(),
hinter: HistoryHinter {},
fn get_matching_arguments(
context: &context::Context,
lite_block: &nu_parser::LiteBlock,
line_chars: &[char],
line: &str,
replace_pos: usize,
pos: usize,
) -> Vec<rustyline::completion::Pair> {
let mut matching_arguments = vec![];
let mut line_copy = line.to_string();
let substring = line_chars[replace_pos..pos].iter().collect::<String>();
let replace_string = (replace_pos..pos).map(|_| " ").collect::<String>();
line_copy.replace_range(replace_pos..pos, &replace_string);
let result = nu_parser::classify_block(&lite_block, &context.registry);
for pipeline in &result.block.block {
for command in &pipeline.list {
if let nu_protocol::hir::ClassifiedCommand::Internal(
nu_protocol::hir::InternalCommand { args, .. },
) = command
if replace_pos >= args.span.start() && replace_pos <= args.span.end() {
if let Some(named) = &args.named {
for (name, _) in named.iter() {
let full_flag = format!("--{}", name);
if full_flag.starts_with(&substring) {
matching_arguments.push(rustyline::completion::Pair {
display: full_flag.clone(),
replacement: full_flag,
// These is_executable/pathext implementations are copied from ichwh and modified
// to not be async
fn pathext() -> IchwhResult<Vec<String>> {
// Cut off the leading '.' character
.map(|ext| ext[1..].to_string())
fn is_executable(file: &DirEntry) -> bool {
if let Ok(metadata) = file.metadata() {
let file_type = metadata.file_type();
// If the entry isn't a file, it cannot be executable
if !(file_type.is_file() || file_type.is_symlink()) {
return false;
if let Some(extension) = file.path().extension() {
if let Ok(exts) = pathext() {
.any(|ext| extension.to_string_lossy().eq_ignore_ascii_case(ext))
(location.span.start(), suggestions)
} else {
} else {
} else {
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
fn is_executable(_file: &DirEntry) -> bool {
fn is_executable(file: &DirEntry) -> bool {
let metadata = file.metadata();
if let Ok(metadata) = metadata {
let filetype = metadata.file_type();
let permissions = metadata.permissions();
// The file is executable if it is a directory or a symlink and the permissions are set for
// owner, group, or other
(filetype.is_file() || filetype.is_symlink()) && (permissions.mode() & 0o111 != 0)
} else {
fn find_path_executables() -> Option<IndexSet<String>> {
let path_var = std::env::var_os("PATH")?;
let paths: Vec<_> = std::env::split_paths(&path_var).collect();
let mut executables: IndexSet<String> = IndexSet::new();
for path in paths {
if let Ok(mut contents) = read_dir(path) {
while let Some(Ok(item)) = {
if is_executable(&item) {
if let Ok(name) = item.file_name().into_string() {
(pos, Vec::new())
fn get_replace_pos(line: &str, pos: usize) -> (usize, ReplacementLocation) {
let line_chars: Vec<_> = line[..pos].chars().collect();
let mut replace_pos = line_chars.len();
let mut parsed_pos = false;
let mut loc = ReplacementLocation::Other;
if let Ok(lite_block) = nu_parser::lite_parse(line, 0) {
'outer: for pipeline in lite_block.block.iter() {
for command in pipeline.commands.iter() {
let name_span =;
if name_span.start() <= pos && name_span.end() >= pos {
replace_pos = name_span.start();
parsed_pos = true;
loc = ReplacementLocation::Command;
break 'outer;
for arg in command.args.iter() {
if arg.span.start() <= pos && arg.span.end() >= pos {
replace_pos = arg.span.start();
parsed_pos = true;
break 'outer;
if !parsed_pos {
// If the command won't parse, naively detect the completion start point
while replace_pos > 0 {
if line_chars[replace_pos - 1] == ' ' {
replace_pos -= 1;
(replace_pos, loc)
fn requote(
items: (usize, Vec<rustyline::completion::Pair>),
) -> (usize, Vec<rustyline::completion::Pair>) {
let mut new_items = Vec::with_capacity(items.1.len());
for item in items.1 {
fn requote(item: Suggestion) -> Suggestion {
let unescaped = rustyline::completion::unescape(&item.replacement, Some('\\'));
let maybe_quote = if unescaped != item.replacement {
} else {
new_items.push(rustyline::completion::Pair {
if unescaped != item.replacement {
Suggestion {
display: item.display,
replacement: format!("{}{}{}", maybe_quote, unescaped, maybe_quote),
replacement: format!("\"{}\"", unescaped),
} else {
(items.0, new_items)

View File

@ -282,8 +282,4 @@ impl completion::Completer for HelpShell {
Ok((replace_pos, completions))
fn hint(&self, _line: &str, _pos: usize, _ctx: &completion::Context<'_>) -> Option<String> {

View File

@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
use crate::completion::{self, Completer};
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::shell::palette::{DefaultPalette, Palette};
use std::borrow::Cow::{self, Owned};
use ansi_term::{Color, Style};
use nu_parser::SignatureRegistry;
use nu_protocol::hir::FlatShape;
use nu_source::{Spanned, Tag, Tagged};
use rustyline::hint::Hinter;
use std::borrow::Cow::{self, Owned};
use crate::completion;
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::shell::completer::NuCompleter;
use crate::shell::palette::{DefaultPalette, Palette};
pub struct Helper {
completer: Box<dyn Completer>,
completer: NuCompleter,
hinter: rustyline::hint::HistoryHinter,
context: Context,
pub colored_prompt: String,
impl Helper {
pub(crate) fn new(completer: Box<dyn Completer>, context: Context) -> Helper {
pub(crate) fn new(context: Context) -> Helper {
Helper {
completer: NuCompleter {},
hinter: rustyline::hint::HistoryHinter {},
colored_prompt: String::new(),
@ -45,16 +48,13 @@ impl rustyline::completion::Completer for Helper {
ctx: &rustyline::Context<'_>,
) -> Result<(usize, Vec<Self::Candidate>), rustyline::error::ReadlineError> {
let ctx = completion::Context::new(&self.context, ctx);
.complete(line, pos, &ctx)
.map_err(|_| rustyline::error::ReadlineError::Eof)
Ok(self.completer.complete(line, pos, &ctx))
impl Hinter for Helper {
impl rustyline::hint::Hinter for Helper {
fn hint(&self, line: &str, pos: usize, ctx: &rustyline::Context<'_>) -> Option<String> {
let ctx = completion::Context::new(&self.context, ctx);
self.completer.hint(line, pos, &ctx)
self.hinter.hint(line, pos, &ctx)

View File

@ -307,8 +307,4 @@ impl completion::Completer for ValueShell {
Ok((replace_pos, completions))
fn hint(&self, _line: &str, _pos: usize, _context: &completion::Context<'_>) -> Option<String> {

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ use std::fmt::Debug;
pub struct ParseError<T: Debug> {
/// An informative cause for this parse error
pub(crate) cause: nu_errors::ParseError,
pub cause: nu_errors::ParseError,
/// What has been successfully parsed, if anything
pub(crate) partial: Option<T>,
pub partial: Option<T>,
pub type ParseResult<T> = Result<T, ParseError<T>>;

View File

@ -133,11 +133,6 @@ fn bare(src: &mut Input, span_offset: usize) -> ParseResult<Spanned<String>> {
// correct information from the non-lite parse.
let span = Span::new(
start_offset + span_offset,
start_offset + span_offset + bare.len(),
return Err(ParseError {
cause: nu_errors::ParseError::unexpected_eof(delimiter.to_string(), span),
partial: Some(bare.spanned(span)),

View File

@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ fn classify_pipeline(
positional: Some(args),
named: None,
span: Span::unknown(),
span: name_span,
external_redirection: if iter.peek().is_none() {
} else {
@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ fn classify_pipeline(
positional: Some(args),
named: None,
span: Span::unknown(),
span: name_span,
external_redirection: if iter.peek().is_none() {
} else {

View File

@ -526,10 +526,11 @@ impl Span {
/// let span = Span::new(2, 8);
/// assert_eq!(span.contains(5), true);
/// assert_eq!(span.contains(8), false);
/// assert_eq!(span.contains(100), false);
/// ```
pub fn contains(&self, pos: usize) -> bool {
self.start <= pos && self.end >= pos
self.start <= pos && pos < self.end
/// Returns a new Span by merging an earlier Span with the current Span.