use nu_engine::EvaluationContext; use nu_errors::ShellError; use std::error::Error; #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; #[allow(unused_imports)] use nu_engine::script::LineResult; #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] use crate::keybinding::{convert_keyevent, KeyCode}; #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] use crate::shell::Helper; #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] use rustyline::{ self, config::Configurer, config::{ColorMode, CompletionType, Config}, error::ReadlineError, line_buffer::LineBuffer, At, Cmd, ConditionalEventHandler, Editor, EventHandler, Modifiers, Movement, Word, }; #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] pub fn convert_rustyline_result_to_string(input: Result) -> LineResult { match input { Ok(s) if s == "history -c" || s == "history --clear" => LineResult::ClearHistory, Ok(s) => LineResult::Success(s), Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => LineResult::CtrlC, Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => LineResult::CtrlD, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Error: {:?}", err); LineResult::Break } } } #[derive(Clone)] #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] struct PartialCompleteHintHandler; #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] impl ConditionalEventHandler for PartialCompleteHintHandler { fn handle( &self, _evt: &rustyline::Event, _n: rustyline::RepeatCount, _positive: bool, ctx: &rustyline::EventContext, ) -> Option { Some(match ctx.hint_text() { Some(hint_text) if ctx.pos() == ctx.line().len() => { let mut line_buffer = LineBuffer::with_capacity(hint_text.len()); line_buffer.update(hint_text, 0); line_buffer.move_to_next_word(At::AfterEnd, Word::Vi, 1); let text = hint_text[0..line_buffer.pos()].to_string(); Cmd::Insert(1, text) } _ => Cmd::Move(Movement::ForwardWord(1, At::AfterEnd, Word::Vi)), }) } } #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] pub fn default_rustyline_editor_configuration() -> Editor { #[cfg(windows)] const DEFAULT_COMPLETION_MODE: CompletionType = CompletionType::Circular; #[cfg(not(windows))] const DEFAULT_COMPLETION_MODE: CompletionType = CompletionType::List; let config = Config::builder() .check_cursor_position(true) .color_mode(ColorMode::Forced) .build(); let mut rl: Editor<_> = Editor::with_config(config); // add key bindings to move over a whole word with Ctrl+ArrowLeft and Ctrl+ArrowRight //M modifier, E KeyEvent, K KeyCode rl.bind_sequence( convert_keyevent(KeyCode::Left, Some(Modifiers::CTRL)), Cmd::Move(Movement::BackwardWord(1, Word::Vi)), ); rl.bind_sequence( convert_keyevent(KeyCode::Right, Some(Modifiers::CTRL)), EventHandler::Conditional(Box::new(PartialCompleteHintHandler)), ); // workaround for multiline-paste hang in rustyline (see rl.bind_sequence( convert_keyevent(KeyCode::BracketedPasteStart, None), rustyline::Cmd::Noop, ); // Let's set the defaults up front and then override them later if the user indicates // defaults taken from here rl.set_max_history_size(100); rl.set_history_ignore_dups(true); rl.set_history_ignore_space(false); rl.set_completion_type(DEFAULT_COMPLETION_MODE); rl.set_completion_prompt_limit(100); rl.set_keyseq_timeout(-1); rl.set_edit_mode(rustyline::config::EditMode::Emacs); rl.set_auto_add_history(false); rl.set_bell_style(rustyline::config::BellStyle::default()); rl.set_color_mode(rustyline::ColorMode::Enabled); rl.set_tab_stop(8); if let Err(e) = crate::keybinding::load_keybindings(&mut rl) { println!("Error loading keybindings: {:?}", e); } rl } #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] pub fn configure_rustyline_editor( rl: &mut Editor, config: &dyn nu_data::config::Conf, ) -> Result<(), ShellError> { #[cfg(windows)] const DEFAULT_COMPLETION_MODE: CompletionType = CompletionType::Circular; #[cfg(not(windows))] const DEFAULT_COMPLETION_MODE: CompletionType = CompletionType::List; if let Some(line_editor_vars) = config.var("line_editor") { for (idx, value) in line_editor_vars.row_entries() { match idx.as_ref() { "max_history_size" => { if let Ok(max_history_size) = value.as_u64() { rl.set_max_history_size(max_history_size as usize); } } "history_duplicates" => { // history_duplicates = match value.as_string() { // Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "alwaysadd" => { // rustyline::config::HistoryDuplicates::AlwaysAdd // } // Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "ignoreconsecutive" => { // rustyline::config::HistoryDuplicates::IgnoreConsecutive // } // _ => rustyline::config::HistoryDuplicates::AlwaysAdd, // }; if let Ok(history_duplicates) = value.as_bool() { rl.set_history_ignore_dups(history_duplicates); } } "history_ignore_space" => { if let Ok(history_ignore_space) = value.as_bool() { rl.set_history_ignore_space(history_ignore_space); } } "completion_type" => { let completion_type = match value.as_string() { Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "circular" => { rustyline::config::CompletionType::Circular } Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "list" => { rustyline::config::CompletionType::List } #[cfg(all(unix, feature = "with-fuzzy"))] Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "fuzzy" => { rustyline::config::CompletionType::Fuzzy } _ => DEFAULT_COMPLETION_MODE, }; rl.set_completion_type(completion_type); } "completion_prompt_limit" => { if let Ok(completion_prompt_limit) = value.as_u64() { rl.set_completion_prompt_limit(completion_prompt_limit as usize); } } "keyseq_timeout_ms" => { if let Ok(keyseq_timeout_ms) = value.as_u64() { rl.set_keyseq_timeout(keyseq_timeout_ms as i32); } } "edit_mode" => { let edit_mode = match value.as_string() { Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "vi" => rustyline::config::EditMode::Vi, Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "emacs" => rustyline::config::EditMode::Emacs, _ => rustyline::config::EditMode::Emacs, }; rl.set_edit_mode(edit_mode); // Note: When edit_mode is Emacs, the keyseq_timeout_ms is set to -1 // no matter what you may have configured. This is so that key chords // can be applied without having to do them in a given timeout. So, // it essentially turns off the keyseq timeout. } "auto_add_history" => { if let Ok(auto_add_history) = value.as_bool() { rl.set_auto_add_history(auto_add_history); } } "bell_style" => { let bell_style = match value.as_string() { Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "audible" => { rustyline::config::BellStyle::Audible } Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "none" => rustyline::config::BellStyle::None, Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "visible" => { rustyline::config::BellStyle::Visible } _ => rustyline::config::BellStyle::default(), }; rl.set_bell_style(bell_style); } "color_mode" => { let color_mode = match value.as_string() { Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "enabled" => rustyline::ColorMode::Enabled, Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "forced" => rustyline::ColorMode::Forced, Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "disabled" => rustyline::ColorMode::Disabled, _ => rustyline::ColorMode::Enabled, }; rl.set_color_mode(color_mode); } "tab_stop" => { if let Ok(tab_stop) = value.as_u64() { rl.set_tab_stop(tab_stop as usize); } } _ => (), } } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] pub fn nu_line_editor_helper( context: &EvaluationContext, config: &dyn nu_data::config::Conf, ) -> crate::shell::Helper { let hinter = rustyline_hinter(config); crate::shell::Helper::new(context.clone(), hinter) } #[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")] pub fn rustyline_hinter( config: &dyn nu_data::config::Conf, ) -> Option { if let Some(line_editor_vars) = config.var("line_editor") { for (idx, value) in line_editor_vars.row_entries() { if idx == "show_hints" && value.as_bool() == Ok(false) { return None; } } } Some(rustyline::hint::HistoryHinter {}) } pub fn configure_ctrl_c(_context: &EvaluationContext) -> Result<(), Box> { #[cfg(feature = "ctrlc")] { let cc = _context.ctrl_c().clone(); ctrlc::set_handler(move || {, Ordering::SeqCst); })?; if _context.ctrl_c().load(Ordering::SeqCst) { _context.ctrl_c().store(false, Ordering::SeqCst); } } Ok(()) }