use assert_cmd::prelude::*; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use std::io::Write; use std::process::Command; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; type TestResult = Result<(), Box>; #[cfg(test)] fn run_test(input: &str, expected: &str) -> TestResult { let mut file = NamedTempFile::new()?; let name = file.path(); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("engine-q")?; cmd.arg(name); writeln!(file, "{}", input)?; let output = cmd.output()?; let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).to_string(); let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string(); println!("stdout: {}", stdout); println!("stderr: {}", stderr); assert!(output.status.success()); assert_eq!(stdout.trim(), expected); Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] fn fail_test(input: &str, expected: &str) -> TestResult { let mut file = NamedTempFile::new()?; let name = file.path(); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("engine-q")?; cmd.arg(name); writeln!(file, "{}", input)?; let output = cmd.output()?; let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).to_string(); let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string(); println!("stdout: {}", stdout); println!("stderr: {}", stderr); assert!(stderr.contains(expected)); Ok(()) } fn not_found_msg() -> &'static str { if cfg!(windows) { "cannot find" } else { "No such" } } #[test] fn add_simple() -> TestResult { run_test("3 + 4", "7") } #[test] fn add_simple2() -> TestResult { run_test("3 + 4 + 9", "16") } #[test] fn broken_math() -> TestResult { fail_test("3 + ", "incomplete") } #[test] fn modulo1() -> TestResult { run_test("5 mod 2", "1") } #[test] fn modulo2() -> TestResult { run_test("5.25 mod 2", "1.25") } #[test] fn and() -> TestResult { run_test("$true && $false", "false") } #[test] fn or() -> TestResult { run_test("$true || $false", "true") } #[test] fn pow() -> TestResult { run_test("3 ** 3", "27") } #[test] fn contains() -> TestResult { run_test("'testme' =~ 'test'", "true") } #[test] fn not_contains() -> TestResult { run_test("'testme' !~ 'test'", "false") } #[test] fn if_test1() -> TestResult { run_test("if $true { 10 } else { 20 } ", "10") } #[test] fn if_test2() -> TestResult { run_test("if $false { 10 } else { 20 } ", "20") } #[test] fn simple_if() -> TestResult { run_test("if $true { 10 } ", "10") } #[test] fn simple_if2() -> TestResult { run_test("if $false { 10 } ", "") } #[test] fn if_cond() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 < 3 { 3 } ", "3") } #[test] fn if_cond2() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 > 3 { 3 } ", "") } #[test] fn if_cond3() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 < 3 { 5 } else { 4 } ", "5") } #[test] fn if_cond4() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 > 3 { 5 } else { 4 } ", "4") } #[test] fn if_elseif1() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 > 3 { 5 } else if 6 < 7 { 4 } ", "4") } #[test] fn if_elseif2() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 < 3 { 5 } else if 6 < 7 { 4 } else { 8 } ", "5") } #[test] fn if_elseif3() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 > 3 { 5 } else if 6 > 7 { 4 } else { 8 } ", "8") } #[test] fn if_elseif4() -> TestResult { run_test("if 2 > 3 { 5 } else if 6 < 7 { 4 } else { 8 } ", "4") } #[test] fn no_scope_leak1() -> TestResult { fail_test( "if $false { let $x = 10 } else { let $x = 20 }; $x", "Variable not found", ) } #[test] fn no_scope_leak2() -> TestResult { fail_test( "def foo [] { $x }; def bar [] { let $x = 10; foo }; bar", "Variable not found", ) } #[test] fn no_scope_leak3() -> TestResult { run_test( "def foo [$x] { $x }; def bar [] { let $x = 10; foo 20}; bar", "20", ) } #[test] fn no_scope_leak4() -> TestResult { run_test( "def foo [$x] { $x }; def bar [] { let $x = 10; (foo 20) + $x}; bar", "30", ) } #[test] fn simple_var_closing() -> TestResult { run_test("let $x = 10; def foo [] { $x }; foo", "10") } #[test] fn predecl_check() -> TestResult { run_test("def bob [] { sam }; def sam [] { 3 }; bob", "3") } #[test] fn def_with_no_dollar() -> TestResult { run_test("def bob [x] { $x + 3 }; bob 4", "7") } #[test] fn env_shorthand() -> TestResult { run_test("FOO=BAR if $false { 3 } else { 4 }", "4") } #[test] fn floating_add() -> TestResult { run_test("10.1 + 0.8", "10.9") } #[test] fn subcommand() -> TestResult { run_test("def foo [] {}; def \"foo bar\" [] {3}; foo bar", "3") } #[test] fn alias_1() -> TestResult { run_test("def foo [$x] { $x + 10 }; alias f = foo; f 100", "110") } #[test] fn alias_2() -> TestResult { run_test( "def foo [$x $y] { $x + $y + 10 }; alias f = foo 33; f 100", "143", ) } #[test] fn alias_2_multi_word() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def "foo bar" [$x $y] { $x + $y + 10 }; alias f = foo bar 33; f 100"#, "143", ) } #[test] fn block_param1() -> TestResult { run_test("[3] | each { $it + 10 } | get 0", "13") } #[test] fn block_param2() -> TestResult { run_test("[3] | each { |y| $y + 10 } | get 0", "13") } #[test] fn block_param3_list_iteration() -> TestResult { run_test("[1,2,3] | each { $it + 10 } | get 1", "12") } #[test] fn block_param4_list_iteration() -> TestResult { run_test("[1,2,3] | each { |y| $y + 10 } | get 2", "13") } #[test] fn range_iteration1() -> TestResult { run_test("1..4 | each { |y| $y + 10 } | get 0", "11") } #[test] fn range_iteration2() -> TestResult { run_test("4..1 | each { |y| $y + 100 } | get 3", "101") } #[test] fn simple_value_iteration() -> TestResult { run_test("4 | each { $it + 10 }", "14") } #[test] fn concrete_variable_assignment() -> TestResult { run_test( "let x = (1..100 | each { |y| $y + 100 }); $x | length; $x | length", "100", ) } #[test] fn build_string1() -> TestResult { run_test("build-string 'nu' 'shell'", "nushell") } #[test] fn build_string2() -> TestResult { run_test("'nu' | each {build-string $it 'shell'}", "nushell") } #[test] fn build_string3() -> TestResult { run_test( "build-string 'nu' 'shell' | each {build-string $it ' rocks'}", "nushell rocks", ) } #[test] fn build_string4() -> TestResult { run_test( "['sam','rick','pete'] | each { build-string $it ' is studying'} | get 2", "pete is studying", ) } #[test] fn build_string5() -> TestResult { run_test( "['sam','rick','pete'] | each { |x| build-string $x ' is studying'} | get 1", "rick is studying", ) } #[test] fn cell_path_subexpr1() -> TestResult { run_test("([[lang, gems]; [nu, 100]]).lang | get 0", "nu") } #[test] fn cell_path_subexpr2() -> TestResult { run_test("([[lang, gems]; [nu, 100]]).lang.0", "nu") } #[test] fn cell_path_var1() -> TestResult { run_test("let x = [[lang, gems]; [nu, 100]]; $x.lang | get 0", "nu") } #[test] fn cell_path_var2() -> TestResult { run_test("let x = [[lang, gems]; [nu, 100]]; $x.lang.0", "nu") } #[test] fn custom_rest_var() -> TestResult { run_test("def foo [...x] { $x.0 + $x.1 }; foo 10 80", "90") } #[test] fn row_iteration() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[name, size]; [tj, 100], [rl, 200]] | each { $it.size * 8 } | get 1", "1600", ) } #[test] fn record_iteration() -> TestResult { run_test("([[name, level]; [aa, 100], [bb, 200]] | each { $it | each { |x| if $x.column == \"level\" { $x.value + 100 } else { $x.value } } }).level | get 1", "300") } #[test] fn row_condition1() -> TestResult { run_test( "([[name, size]; [a, 1], [b, 2], [c, 3]] | where size < 3).name | get 1", "b", ) } #[test] fn row_condition2() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[name, size]; [a, 1], [b, 2], [c, 3]] | where $it.size > 2 | length", "1", ) } #[test] fn better_block_types() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"([1, 2, 3] | each -n { $"($it.index) is ($it.item)" }).1"#, "1 is 2", ) } #[test] fn module_def_imports_1() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export def a [] { 1 }; def b [] { 2 } }; use foo; foo a"#, "1", ) } #[test] fn module_def_imports_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export def a [] { 1 }; def b [] { 2 } }; use foo a; a"#, "1", ) } #[test] fn module_def_imports_3() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export def a [] { 1 }; export def b [] { 2 } }; use foo *; b"#, "2", ) } #[test] fn module_def_imports_4() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module foo { export def a [] { 1 }; export def b [] { 2 } }; use foo c"#, "not find import", ) } #[test] fn module_def_imports_5() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export def a [] { 1 }; def b [] { '2' }; export def c [] { '3' } }; use foo [a, c]; c"#, "3", ) } #[test] fn module_env_imports_1() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export env a { '1' } }; use foo; $nu.env.'foo a'"#, "1", ) } #[test] fn module_env_imports_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export env a { '1' } }; use foo a; $nu.env.a"#, "1", ) } #[test] fn module_env_imports_3() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export env a { '1' }; export env b { '2' } }; use foo *; $nu.env.b"#, "2", ) } #[test] fn module_env_imports_4() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module foo { export env a { '1' }; export env b { '2' } }; use foo c"#, "not find import", ) } #[test] fn module_env_imports_5() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { export env a { '1' }; export env b { '2' }; export env c { '3' } }; use foo [a, c]; $nu.env.c"#, "3", ) } #[test] fn module_def_and_env_imports_1() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" }; export def foo [] { "bar" } }; use spam foo; $"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn module_def_and_env_imports_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" }; export def foo [] { "bar" } }; use spam foo; foo"#, "bar", ) } #[test] fn module_def_import_uses_internal_command() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { def b [] { 2 }; export def a [] { b } }; use foo; foo a"#, "2", ) } #[test] fn module_env_import_uses_internal_command() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module foo { def b [] { "2" }; export env a { b } }; use foo; $nu.env.'foo a'"#, "2", ) } // TODO: Test the use/hide tests also as separate lines in REPL (i.e., with merging the delta in between) #[test] fn hides_def() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; hide foo; foo"#, not_found_msg()) } #[test] fn hides_env() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"let-env foo = "foo"; hide foo; $"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_then_redefines() -> TestResult { // this one should fail because of predecl -- cannot have more defs with the same name in a // block fail_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; hide foo; def foo [] { "bar" }; foo"#, "defined more than once", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_then_redefines() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"let-env foo = "foo"; hide foo; let-env foo = "bar"; $"#, "bar", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_in_scope_1() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; do { hide foo; foo }"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_def_in_scope_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; do { def foo [] { "bar" }; hide foo; foo }"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_in_scope_3() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; do { hide foo; def foo [] { "bar" }; hide foo; foo }"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_def_in_scope_4() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; do { def foo [] { "bar" }; hide foo; hide foo; foo }"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_env_in_scope_1() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"let-env foo = "foo"; do { hide foo; $ }"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_in_scope_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"let-env foo = "foo"; do { let-env foo = "bar"; hide foo; $ }"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_in_scope_3() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"let-env foo = "foo"; do { hide foo; let-env foo = "bar"; hide foo; $ }"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_in_scope_4() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"let-env foo = "foo"; do { let-env foo = "bar"; hide foo; hide foo; $ }"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hide_def_twice_not_allowed() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; hide foo; hide foo"#, "did not find", ) } #[test] fn hide_env_twice_not_allowed() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"let-env foo = "foo"; hide foo; hide foo"#, "did not find") } #[test] fn hides_def_runs_env_1() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"let-env foo = "bar"; def foo [] { "foo" }; hide foo; $"#, "bar", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_runs_env_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; let-env foo = "bar"; hide foo; $"#, "bar", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_and_env() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"let-env foo = "bar"; def foo [] { "foo" }; hide foo; hide foo; $"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_import_1() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam; hide spam foo; spam foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_def_import_2() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam; hide spam; spam foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_def_import_3() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam; hide spam [foo]; spam foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_def_import_4() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam foo; hide foo; foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_def_import_5() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam *; hide foo; foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_def_import_6() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam *; hide spam *; foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_env_import_1() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" } }; use spam; hide spam foo; $nu.env.'spam foo'"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_import_2() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" } }; use spam; hide spam; $nu.env.'spam foo'"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_import_3() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" } }; use spam; hide spam [foo]; $nu.env.'spam foo'"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_import_4() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" } }; use spam foo; hide foo; $"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_import_5() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" } }; use spam *; hide foo; $"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_env_import_6() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" } }; use spam *; hide spam *; $"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_runs_env_import() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" }; export def foo [] { "bar" } }; use spam foo; hide foo; $"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_and_env_import_1() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" }; export def foo [] { "bar" } }; use spam foo; hide foo; hide foo; $"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn hides_def_and_env_import_2() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" }; export def foo [] { "bar" } }; use spam foo; hide foo; hide foo; foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn def_twice_should_fail() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"def foo [] { "foo" }; def foo [] { "bar" }"#, "defined more than once", ) } #[test] fn use_def_import_after_hide() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam foo; hide foo; use spam foo; foo"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn use_env_import_after_hide() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "foo" } }; use spam foo; hide foo; use spam foo; $"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn hide_shadowed_decl() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "bar" } }; def foo [] { "foo" }; do { use spam foo; hide foo; foo }"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn hide_shadowed_env() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "bar" } }; let-env foo = "foo"; do { use spam foo; hide foo; $ }"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn hides_all_decls_within_scope() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export def foo [] { "bar" } }; def foo [] { "foo" }; use spam foo; hide foo; foo"#, not_found_msg(), ) } #[test] fn hides_all_envs_within_scope() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"module spam { export env foo { "bar" } }; let-env foo = "foo"; use spam foo; hide foo; $"#, "did you mean", ) } #[test] fn from_json_1() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"('{"name": "Fred"}' | from json).name"#, "Fred") } #[test] fn from_json_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"('{"name": "Fred"} {"name": "Sally"}' | from json -o).name.1"#, "Sally", ) } #[test] fn wrap() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"([1, 2, 3] | wrap foo).foo.1"#, "2") } #[test] fn get() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"[[name, grade]; [Alice, A], [Betty, B]] | get grade.1"#, "B", ) } #[test] fn select() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"([[name, age]; [a, 1], [b, 2]]) | select name | get 1 | get name"#, "b", ) } #[test] fn string_cell_path() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"let x = "name"; [["name", "score"]; [a, b], [c, d]] | get $x | get 1"#, "c", ) } #[test] fn split_row() -> TestResult { run_test(r#""hello world" | split row " " | get 1"#, "world") } #[test] fn split_column() -> TestResult { run_test( r#""hello world" | split column " " | get "Column1".0"#, "hello", ) } #[test] fn for_loops() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"(for x in [1, 2, 3] { $x + 10 }).1"#, "12") } #[test] fn par_each() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"1..10 | par-each --numbered { ([[index, item]; [$it.index, ($it.item > 5)]]).0 } | where index == 4 | get item.0"#, "false", ) } #[test] fn type_in_list_of_this_type() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"42 in [41 42 43]"#, "true") } #[test] fn type_in_list_of_non_this_type() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"'hello' in [41 42 43]"#, "mismatched for operation") } #[test] fn string_in_string() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"'z' in 'abc'"#, "false") } #[test] fn non_string_in_string() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"42 in 'abc'"#, "mismatched for operation") } #[test] fn int_in_inc_range() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"1 in -4..9.42"#, "true") } #[test] fn int_in_dec_range() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"1 in 9.42..-4"#, "true") } #[test] fn int_in_exclusive_range() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"3 in 0..<3"#, "false") } #[test] fn non_number_in_range() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"'a' in 1..3"#, "mismatched for operation") } #[test] fn string_in_record() -> TestResult { run_test(r#""a" in ('{ "a": 13, "b": 14 }' | from json)"#, "true") } #[test] fn non_string_in_record() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"4 in ('{ "a": 13, "b": 14 }' | from json)"#, "mismatch during operation", ) } #[test] fn string_in_valuestream() -> TestResult { run_test( r#" 'Hello' in ("Hello World" | lines)"#, "true", ) } #[test] fn string_not_in_string() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"'d' not-in 'abc'"#, "true") } #[test] fn float_not_in_inc_range() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"1.4 not-in 2..9.42"#, "true") } #[test] fn earlier_errors() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"[1, "bob"] | each { $it + 3 } | each { $it / $it } | table"#, "int", ) } #[test] fn missing_column_error() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#"([([[name, size]; [ABC, 10], [DEF, 20]]).1, ([[name]; [HIJ]]).0]).size | table"#, "did you mean 'name'?", ) } #[test] fn missing_parameters() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"def foo {}"#, "expected [") } #[test] fn flag_param_value() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def foo [--bob: int] { $bob + 100 }; foo --bob 55"#, "155", ) } #[test] fn do_rest_args() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"(do { || $rest } 1 2).1 + 10"#, "12") } #[test] fn custom_switch1() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def florb [ --dry-run: bool ] { if ($dry-run) { "foo" } else { "bar" } }; florb --dry-run"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn custom_switch2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def florb [ --dry-run: bool ] { if ($dry-run) { "foo" } else { "bar" } }; florb"#, "bar", ) } #[test] fn custom_switch3() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def florb [ --dry-run ] { if ($dry-run) { "foo" } else { "bar" } }; florb --dry-run"#, "foo", ) } #[test] fn custom_switch4() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def florb [ --dry-run ] { if ($dry-run) { "foo" } else { "bar" } }; florb"#, "bar", ) } #[test] fn bad_var_name() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"let $"foo bar" = 4"#, "can't contain") } #[test] fn long_flag() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"([a, b, c] | each --numbered { if $it.index == 1 { 100 } else { 0 } }).1"#, "100", ) } #[test] fn help_works_with_missing_requirements() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"each --help | lines | length"#, "10") } #[test] fn scope_variable() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"let x = 3; $scope.vars.'$x'"#, "int") } #[test] fn zip_ranges() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"1..3 | zip 4..6 | get 2.1"#, "6") } #[test] fn shorthand_env_1() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"FOO=BAZ $nu.env.FOO"#, "BAZ") } #[test] fn shorthand_env_2() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"FOO=BAZ FOO=MOO $nu.env.FOO"#, "MOO") } #[test] fn shorthand_env_3() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"FOO=BAZ BAR=MOO $nu.env.FOO"#, "BAZ") } #[test] fn update_cell_path_1() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"[[name, size]; [a, 1.1]] | into int size | get size.0"#, "1", ) } #[test] fn range_and_reduction() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"1..6..36 | math sum"#, "148") } #[test] fn precedence_of_or_groups() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"4 mod 3 == 0 || 5 mod 5 == 0"#, "true") } #[test] fn where_on_ranges() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"1..10 | where $it > 8 | math sum"#, "19") } #[test] fn index_on_list() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"[1, 2, 3].1"#, "2") } #[test] fn in_variable_1() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"[3] | if $in.0 > 4 { "yay!" } else { "boo" }"#, "boo") } #[test] fn in_variable_2() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 2 { "yay!" } else { "boo" }"#, "yay!") } #[test] fn in_variable_3() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 4 { "yay!" } else { $in }"#, "3") } #[test] fn in_variable_4() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"3 | do { $in }"#, "3") } #[test] fn in_variable_5() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 2 { $in - 10 } else { $in * 10 }"#, "-7") } #[test] fn in_variable_6() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 6 { $in - 10 } else { $in * 10 }"#, "30") } #[test] fn record_1() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"{'a': 'b'} | get a"#, "b") } #[test] fn record_2() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"{'b': 'c'}.b"#, "c") } #[test] fn multi_word_imports() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"module spam { export def "foo bar" [] { 10 } }; use spam "foo bar"; foo bar"#, "10", ) } #[test] fn config_filesize_format_with_metric_true() -> TestResult { // Note: this tests both the config variable and that it is properly captured into a block run_test( r#"let config = {"filesize_metric": $true "filesize_format": "kib" }; do { 40kb | into string } "#, "39.1 KiB", ) } #[test] fn config_filesize_format_with_metric_false_kib() -> TestResult { // Note: this tests both the config variable and that it is properly captured into a block run_test( r#"let config = {"filesize_metric": $false "filesize_format": "kib" }; do { 40kb | into string } "#, "39.1 KiB", ) } #[test] fn config_filesize_format_with_metric_false_kb() -> TestResult { // Note: this tests both the config variable and that it is properly captured into a block run_test( r#"let config = {"filesize_metric": $false "filesize_format": "kb" }; do { 40kb | into string } "#, "40.0 KB", ) } #[test] fn comment_skipping_1() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"let x = { y: 20 # foo }; $x.y"#, "20", ) } #[test] fn comment_skipping_2() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"let x = { y: 20 # foo z: 40 }; $x.z"#, "40", ) } #[test] fn command_filter_reject_1() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[lang, gems]; [nu, 100]] | reject gems | to json", r#"[ { "lang": "nu" } ]"#, ) } #[test] fn command_filter_reject_2() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[lang, gems, grade]; [nu, 100, a]] | reject gems grade | to json", r#"[ { "lang": "nu" } ]"#, ) } #[test] fn command_filter_reject_3() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[lang, gems, grade]; [nu, 100, a]] | reject grade gems | to json", r#"[ { "lang": "nu" } ]"#, ) } #[test] fn command_drop_column_1() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[lang, gems, grade]; [nu, 100, a]] | drop column 2 | to json", r#"[ { "lang": "nu" } ]"#, ) } #[test] fn chained_operator_typecheck() -> TestResult { run_test("1 != 2 && 3 != 4 && 5 != 6", "true") } #[test] fn proper_shadow() -> TestResult { run_test("let x = 10; let x = $x + 9; $x", "19") } #[test] fn comment_multiline() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def foo [] { let x = 1 + 2 # comment let y = 3 + 4 # another comment $x + $y }; foo"#, "10", ) } #[test] fn flatten_simple_list() -> TestResult { run_test("[[N, u, s, h, e, l, l]] | flatten", "N\nu\ns\nh\ne\nl\nl") } #[test] fn flatten_get_simple_list() -> TestResult { run_test("[[N, u, s, h, e, l, l]] | flatten | get 0", "N") } #[test] fn flatten_table_get() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[origin, people]; [Ecuador, ([[name, meal]; ['Andres', 'arepa']])]] | flatten | get meal", "arepa", ) } #[test] fn flatten_table_column_get_last() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[origin, crate, versions]; [World, ([[name]; ['nu-cli']]), ['0.21', '0.22']]] | flatten versions | last | get versions", "0.22", ) } #[test] fn get_table_columns_1() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[name, age, grade]; [paul,21,a]] | columns | first", "name", ) } #[test] fn get_table_columns_2() -> TestResult { run_test("[[name, age, grade]; [paul,21,a]] | columns | nth 1", "age") } #[test] fn allow_missing_optional_params() -> TestResult { run_test( "def foo [x?:int] { if $x != $nothing { $x + 10 } else { 5 } }; foo", "5", ) } #[test] fn flatten_should_flatten_inner_table() -> TestResult { run_test( "[[[name, value]; [abc, 123]]] | flatten | get value.0", "123", ) }