use std::path::Path; use indexmap::IndexMap; use log::trace; use nu_errors::{ArgumentError, ParseError}; use nu_protocol::hir::{ self, Binary, Block, ClassifiedCommand, Expression, ExternalRedirection, Flag, FlagKind, Group, InternalCommand, Member, NamedArguments, Operator, Pipeline, RangeOperator, SpannedExpression, Unit, }; use nu_protocol::{NamedType, PositionalType, Signature, SyntaxShape, UnspannedPathMember}; use nu_source::{HasSpan, Span, Spanned, SpannedItem}; use num_bigint::BigInt; use crate::lex::lexer::{lex, parse_block}; use crate::lex::tokens::{LiteBlock, LiteCommand, LitePipeline}; use crate::path::expand_path; use crate::scope::ParserScope; use bigdecimal::BigDecimal; use self::{ def::{parse_definition, parse_definition_prototype}, util::trim_quotes, util::verify_and_strip, }; mod def; mod util; pub use self::util::garbage; /// Parses a simple column path, one without a variable (implied or explicit) at the head pub fn parse_simple_column_path( lite_arg: &Spanned, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { let mut delimiter = '.'; let mut inside_delimiter = false; let mut output = vec![]; let mut current_part = String::new(); let mut start_index = 0; let mut last_index = 0; for (idx, c) in lite_arg.item.char_indices() { last_index = idx; if inside_delimiter { if c == delimiter { inside_delimiter = false; } } else if c == '\'' || c == '"' || c == '`' { inside_delimiter = true; delimiter = c; } else if c == '.' { let part_span = Span::new( lite_arg.span.start() + start_index, lite_arg.span.start() + idx, ); if let Ok(row_number) = current_part.parse::() { output.push(Member::Int(BigInt::from(row_number), part_span)); } else { let trimmed = trim_quotes(¤t_part); output.push(Member::Bare(trimmed.clone().spanned(part_span))); } current_part.clear(); // Note: I believe this is safe because of the delimiter we're using, but if we get fancy with // unicode we'll need to change this start_index = idx + '.'.len_utf8(); continue; } current_part.push(c); } if !current_part.is_empty() { let part_span = Span::new( lite_arg.span.start() + start_index, lite_arg.span.start() + last_index + 1, ); if let Ok(row_number) = current_part.parse::() { output.push(Member::Int(BigInt::from(row_number), part_span)); } else { let current_part = trim_quotes(¤t_part); output.push(Member::Bare(current_part.spanned(part_span))); } } ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::simple_column_path(output), lite_arg.span), None, ) } /// Parses a column path, adding in the preceding reference to $it if it's elided pub fn parse_full_column_path( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { let mut delimiter = '.'; let mut inside_delimiter = false; let mut output = vec![]; let mut current_part = String::new(); let mut start_index = 0; let mut last_index = 0; let mut error = None; let mut head = None; for (idx, c) in lite_arg.item.char_indices() { last_index = idx; if inside_delimiter { if c == delimiter { inside_delimiter = false; } } else if c == '(' { inside_delimiter = true; delimiter = ')'; } else if c == '\'' || c == '"' { inside_delimiter = true; delimiter = c; } else if c == '.' { let part_span = Span::new( lite_arg.span.start() + start_index, lite_arg.span.start() + idx, ); if head.is_none() && current_part.starts_with("$(") && current_part.ends_with(')') { let (invoc, err) = parse_invocation(¤t_part.clone().spanned(part_span), scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } head = Some(invoc.expr); } else if head.is_none() && current_part.starts_with('$') { // We have the variable head head = Some(Expression::variable(current_part.clone(), part_span)) } else if let Ok(row_number) = current_part.parse::() { output.push( UnspannedPathMember::Int(BigInt::from(row_number)).into_path_member(part_span), ); } else { let current_part = trim_quotes(¤t_part); output.push( UnspannedPathMember::String(current_part.clone()).into_path_member(part_span), ); } current_part.clear(); // Note: I believe this is safe because of the delimiter we're using, but if we get fancy with // unicode we'll need to change this start_index = idx + '.'.len_utf8(); continue; } current_part.push(c); } if !current_part.is_empty() { let part_span = Span::new( lite_arg.span.start() + start_index, lite_arg.span.start() + last_index + 1, ); if head.is_none() { if current_part.starts_with("$(") && current_part.ends_with(')') { let (invoc, err) = parse_invocation(¤t_part.spanned(part_span), scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } head = Some(invoc.expr); } else if current_part.starts_with('$') { head = Some(Expression::variable(current_part, lite_arg.span)); } else if let Ok(row_number) = current_part.parse::() { output.push( UnspannedPathMember::Int(BigInt::from(row_number)).into_path_member(part_span), ); } else { let current_part = trim_quotes(¤t_part); output.push(UnspannedPathMember::String(current_part).into_path_member(part_span)); } } else if let Ok(row_number) = current_part.parse::() { output.push( UnspannedPathMember::Int(BigInt::from(row_number)).into_path_member(part_span), ); } else { let current_part = trim_quotes(¤t_part); output.push(UnspannedPathMember::String(current_part).into_path_member(part_span)); } } if let Some(head) = head { ( SpannedExpression::new( Expression::path(SpannedExpression::new(head, lite_arg.span), output), lite_arg.span, ), error, ) } else { ( SpannedExpression::new( Expression::path( SpannedExpression::new( Expression::variable("$it".into(), lite_arg.span), lite_arg.span, ), output, ), lite_arg.span, ), error, ) } } /// Parse a numeric range fn parse_range( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { let lite_arg_span_start = lite_arg.span.start(); let lite_arg_len = lite_arg.item.len(); let (dotdot_pos, operator_str, operator) = if let Some(pos) = lite_arg.item.find("..<") { (pos, "..<", RangeOperator::RightExclusive) } else if let Some(pos) = lite_arg.item.find("..") { (pos, "..", RangeOperator::Inclusive) } else { return ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("range", lite_arg.clone())), ); }; let numbers: Vec<_> = lite_arg.item.split(operator_str).collect(); if numbers.len() != 2 { return ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("range", lite_arg.clone())), ); } let right_number_offset = operator_str.len(); let lhs = numbers[0].to_string().spanned(Span::new( lite_arg_span_start, lite_arg_span_start + dotdot_pos, )); let rhs = numbers[1].to_string().spanned(Span::new( lite_arg_span_start + dotdot_pos + right_number_offset, lite_arg_span_start + lite_arg_len, )); let left_hand_open = dotdot_pos == 0; let right_hand_open = dotdot_pos == lite_arg_len - right_number_offset; let left = if left_hand_open { None } else if let (left, None) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Number, scope, &lhs) { Some(left) } else { return ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("range", lhs)), ); }; let right = if right_hand_open { None } else if let (right, None) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Number, scope, &rhs) { Some(right) } else { return ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("range", rhs)), ); }; ( SpannedExpression::new( Expression::range( left, operator.spanned(Span::new( lite_arg_span_start + dotdot_pos, lite_arg_span_start + dotdot_pos + right_number_offset, )), right, ), lite_arg.span, ), None, ) } /// Parse any allowed operator, including word-based operators fn parse_operator(lite_arg: &Spanned) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { let operator = match &lite_arg.item[..] { "==" => Operator::Equal, "!=" => Operator::NotEqual, "<" => Operator::LessThan, "<=" => Operator::LessThanOrEqual, ">" => Operator::GreaterThan, ">=" => Operator::GreaterThanOrEqual, "=~" => Operator::Contains, "!~" => Operator::NotContains, "+" => Operator::Plus, "-" => Operator::Minus, "*" => Operator::Multiply, "/" => Operator::Divide, "in" => Operator::In, "not-in" => Operator::NotIn, "mod" => Operator::Modulo, "&&" => Operator::And, "||" => Operator::Or, "**" => Operator::Pow, _ => { return ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("operator", lite_arg.clone())), ); } }; ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::operator(operator), lite_arg.span), None, ) } /// Parse a unit type, eg '10kb' fn parse_unit(lite_arg: &Spanned) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { fn parse_decimal_str_to_number(decimal: &str) -> Option { let string_to_parse = format!("0.{}", decimal); if let Ok(x) = string_to_parse.parse::() { return Some((1_f64 / x) as i64); } None } let unit_groups = [ (Unit::Kilobyte, "KB", Some((Unit::Byte, 1000))), (Unit::Megabyte, "MB", Some((Unit::Kilobyte, 1000))), (Unit::Gigabyte, "GB", Some((Unit::Megabyte, 1000))), (Unit::Terabyte, "TB", Some((Unit::Gigabyte, 1000))), (Unit::Petabyte, "PB", Some((Unit::Terabyte, 1000))), (Unit::Kibibyte, "KIB", Some((Unit::Byte, 1024))), (Unit::Mebibyte, "MIB", Some((Unit::Kibibyte, 1024))), (Unit::Gibibyte, "GIB", Some((Unit::Mebibyte, 1024))), (Unit::Byte, "B", None), (Unit::Nanosecond, "NS", None), (Unit::Microsecond, "US", Some((Unit::Nanosecond, 1000))), (Unit::Millisecond, "MS", Some((Unit::Microsecond, 1000))), (Unit::Second, "SEC", Some((Unit::Millisecond, 1000))), (Unit::Minute, "MIN", Some((Unit::Second, 60))), (Unit::Hour, "HR", Some((Unit::Minute, 60))), (Unit::Day, "DAY", Some((Unit::Minute, 1440))), (Unit::Week, "WK", Some((Unit::Day, 7))), (Unit::Month, "MON", Some((Unit::Day, 30))), (Unit::Year, "YR", Some((Unit::Day, 365))), ]; if let Some(unit) = unit_groups .iter() .find(|&x| lite_arg.to_uppercase().ends_with(x.1)) { let mut lhs = lite_arg.item.clone(); for _ in 0..unit.1.len() { lhs.pop(); } let input: Vec<&str> = lhs.split('.').collect(); let (value, unit_to_use) = match &input[..] { [number_str] => (number_str.parse::().ok(), unit.0), [number_str, decimal_part_str] => match unit.2 { Some(unit_to_convert_to) => match ( number_str.parse::(), parse_decimal_str_to_number(decimal_part_str), ) { (Ok(number), Some(decimal_part)) => ( Some( (number * unit_to_convert_to.1) + (unit_to_convert_to.1 / decimal_part), ), unit_to_convert_to.0, ), _ => (None, unit.0), }, None => (None, unit.0), }, _ => (None, unit.0), }; if let Some(x) = value { let lhs_span = Span::new(lite_arg.span.start(), lite_arg.span.start() + lhs.len()); let unit_span = Span::new(lite_arg.span.start() + lhs.len(), lite_arg.span.end()); return ( SpannedExpression::new( Expression::unit(x.spanned(lhs_span), unit_to_use.spanned(unit_span)), lite_arg.span, ), None, ); } } ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("unit", lite_arg.clone())), ) } fn parse_invocation( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { // We have a command invocation let string: String = lite_arg .item .chars() .skip(2) .take(lite_arg.item.chars().count() - 3) .collect(); // We haven't done much with the inner string, so let's go ahead and work with it let (tokens, err) = lex(&string, lite_arg.span.start() + 2); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); }; let (lite_block, err) = parse_block(tokens); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); }; scope.enter_scope(); let (classified_block, err) = classify_block(&lite_block, scope); scope.exit_scope(); ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::Invocation(classified_block), lite_arg.span), err, ) } fn parse_variable( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { if lite_arg.item == "$it" { trace!("parsing $it"); parse_full_column_path(lite_arg, scope) } else { ( SpannedExpression::new( Expression::variable(lite_arg.item.clone(), lite_arg.span), lite_arg.span, ), None, ) } } /// Parses the given lite_arg starting with dollar returning /// a expression starting with $ /// Currently either Variable, Invocation, FullColumnPath fn parse_dollar_expr( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { trace!("Parsing dollar expression: {:?}", lite_arg.item); if lite_arg.item == "$true" { ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::boolean(true), lite_arg.span), None, ) } else if lite_arg.item == "$false" { ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::boolean(false), lite_arg.span), None, ) } else if lite_arg.item.ends_with(')') { //Return invocation trace!("Parsing invocation expression"); parse_invocation(lite_arg, scope) } else if lite_arg.item.contains("..") { parse_range(lite_arg, scope) } else if lite_arg.item.contains('.') { trace!("Parsing path expression"); parse_full_column_path(lite_arg, scope) } else { trace!("Parsing variable expression"); parse_variable(lite_arg, scope) } } #[derive(Debug)] enum FormatCommand { Text(Spanned), Column(Spanned), } fn format(input: &str, start: usize) -> (Vec, Option) { let original_start = start; let mut output = vec![]; let mut error = None; let mut loop_input = input.chars().peekable(); let mut start = start; let mut end = start; loop { let mut before = String::new(); let mut found_start = false; while let Some(c) = { end += 1; if c == '{' { if let Some(x) = loop_input.peek() { if *x == '{' { found_start = true; end += 1; let _ =; break; } } } before.push(c); } if !before.is_empty() { if found_start { output.push(FormatCommand::Text( before.to_string().spanned(Span::new(start, end - 2)), )); } else { output.push(FormatCommand::Text(before.spanned(Span::new(start, end)))); break; } } // Look for column as we're now at one let mut column = String::new(); start = end; let mut previous_c = ' '; let mut found_end = false; while let Some(c) = { end += 1; if c == '}' && previous_c == '}' { let _ = column.pop(); found_end = true; break; } previous_c = c; column.push(c); } if !column.is_empty() { if found_end { output.push(FormatCommand::Column( column.to_string().spanned(Span::new(start, end - 2)), )); } else { output.push(FormatCommand::Column( column.to_string().spanned(Span::new(start, end)), )); if error.is_none() { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error( input.spanned(Span::new(original_start, end)), ArgumentError::MissingValueForName("unclosed {{ }}".to_string()), )); } } } if found_start && !found_end { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error( input.spanned(Span::new(original_start, end)), ArgumentError::MissingValueForName("unclosed {{ }}".to_string()), )); } if before.is_empty() && column.is_empty() { break; } start = end; } (output, error) } /// Parses an interpolated string, one that has expressions inside of it fn parse_interpolated_string( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { trace!("Parse_interpolated_string"); let inner_string = trim_quotes(&lite_arg.item); let mut error = None; let (format_result, err) = format(&inner_string, lite_arg.span.start() + 1); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let mut output = vec![]; for f in format_result { match f { FormatCommand::Text(t) => { output.push(SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::Literal(hir::Literal::String(t.item)), span: t.span, }); } FormatCommand::Column(c) => { let (o, err) = parse_full_column_path(&c, scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } output.push(o); } } } let pipelines = vec![Pipeline { span: lite_arg.span, list: vec![ClassifiedCommand::Internal(InternalCommand { name: "build-string".to_owned(), name_span: lite_arg.span, args: hir::Call { head: Box::new(SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::Synthetic(hir::Synthetic::String("build-string".to_owned())), span: lite_arg.span, }), external_redirection: ExternalRedirection::Stdout, named: None, positional: Some(output), span: lite_arg.span, }, })], }]; let group = Group::new(pipelines, lite_arg.span); let call = SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::Invocation(Block::new( Signature::new(""), vec![group], IndexMap::new(), lite_arg.span, )), span: lite_arg.span, }; (call, error) } /// Parses the given argument using the shape as a guide for how to correctly parse the argument fn parse_external_arg( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { if lite_arg.item.starts_with('$') { return parse_dollar_expr(&lite_arg, scope); } if lite_arg.item.starts_with('`') && lite_arg.item.len() > 1 && lite_arg.item.ends_with('`') { // This is an interpolated string parse_interpolated_string(&lite_arg, scope) } else { ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::string(lite_arg.item.clone()), lite_arg.span), None, ) } } fn parse_list( lite_block: &LiteBlock, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (Vec, Option) { let mut error = None; if lite_block.block.is_empty() { return (vec![], None); } let lite_pipeline = &lite_block.block[0]; let mut output = vec![]; for lite_pipeline in &lite_pipeline.pipelines { for lite_inner in &lite_pipeline.commands { for part in & { let item = if part.ends_with(',') { let mut str: String = part.item.clone(); str.pop(); str.spanned(Span::new(part.span.start(), part.span.end() - 1)) } else { part.clone() }; let (part, err) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Any, scope, &item); output.push(part); if error.is_none() { error = err; } } } } (output, error) } fn parse_table( lite_block: &LiteBlock, scope: &dyn ParserScope, span: Span, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { let mut error = None; let mut output = vec![]; // Header let lite_group = &lite_block.block[0]; let lite_pipeline = &lite_group.pipelines[0]; let lite_inner = &lite_pipeline.commands[0]; let (string, err) = verify_and_strip(&[0], '[', ']'); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let (tokens, err) = lex(&string,[0].span.start() + 1); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_inner.span()), err); } let (lite_header, err) = parse_block(tokens); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_inner.span()), err); } let (headers, err) = parse_list(&lite_header, scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } // Cells let lite_rows = &lite_group.pipelines[1]; let lite_cells = &lite_rows.commands[0]; for arg in & { let (string, err) = verify_and_strip(&arg, '[', ']'); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let (tokens, err) = lex(&string, arg.span.start() + 1); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(arg.span), err); } let (lite_cell, err) = parse_block(tokens); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(arg.span), err); } let (inner_cell, err) = parse_list(&lite_cell, scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } output.push(inner_cell); } ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::Table(headers, output), span), error, ) } /// Parses the given argument using the shape as a guide for how to correctly parse the argument fn parse_arg( expected_type: SyntaxShape, scope: &dyn ParserScope, lite_arg: &Spanned, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { if lite_arg.item.starts_with('$') { return parse_dollar_expr(&lite_arg, scope); } match expected_type { SyntaxShape::Number => { if let Ok(x) = lite_arg.item.parse::() { ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::integer(x), lite_arg.span), None, ) } else if let Ok(x) = lite_arg.item.parse::() { ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::decimal(x), lite_arg.span), None, ) } else { ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("number", lite_arg.clone())), ) } } SyntaxShape::Int => { if let Ok(x) = lite_arg.item.parse::() { ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::integer(x), lite_arg.span), None, ) } else { ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("int", lite_arg.clone())), ) } } SyntaxShape::String => { if lite_arg.item.starts_with('`') && lite_arg.item.len() > 1 && lite_arg.item.ends_with('`') { // This is an interpolated string parse_interpolated_string(&lite_arg, scope) } else { let trimmed = trim_quotes(&lite_arg.item); ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::string(trimmed), lite_arg.span), None, ) } } SyntaxShape::GlobPattern => { let trimmed = trim_quotes(&lite_arg.item); let expanded = expand_path(&trimmed).to_string(); ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::glob_pattern(expanded), lite_arg.span), None, ) } SyntaxShape::Range => parse_range(&lite_arg, scope), SyntaxShape::Operator => parse_operator(&lite_arg), SyntaxShape::Unit => parse_unit(&lite_arg), SyntaxShape::FilePath => { let trimmed = trim_quotes(&lite_arg.item); let expanded = expand_path(&trimmed).to_string(); let path = Path::new(&expanded); ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::FilePath(path.to_path_buf()), lite_arg.span), None, ) } SyntaxShape::ColumnPath => parse_simple_column_path(lite_arg), SyntaxShape::FullColumnPath => parse_full_column_path(lite_arg, scope), SyntaxShape::Any => { let shapes = vec![ SyntaxShape::Int, SyntaxShape::Number, SyntaxShape::Range, SyntaxShape::Unit, SyntaxShape::Block, SyntaxShape::Table, SyntaxShape::String, ]; for shape in shapes.iter() { if let (s, None) = parse_arg(*shape, scope, lite_arg) { return (s, None); } } ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("any shape", lite_arg.clone())), ) } SyntaxShape::Table => { let mut chars = lite_arg.item.chars(); match (, chars.next_back()) { (Some('['), Some(']')) => { // We have a literal row let string: String = chars.collect(); // We haven't done much with the inner string, so let's go ahead and work with it let (tokens, err) = lex(&string, lite_arg.span.start() + 1); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); } let (lite_block, err) = parse_block(tokens); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); } let lite_groups = &lite_block.block; if lite_groups.is_empty() { return ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::List(vec![]), lite_arg.span), None, ); } if lite_groups[0].pipelines.len() == 1 { let (items, err) = parse_list(&lite_block, scope); ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::List(items), lite_arg.span), err, ) } else if lite_groups[0].pipelines.len() == 2 { parse_table(&lite_block, scope, lite_arg.span) } else { ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch( "list or table", "unknown".to_string().spanned(lite_arg.span), )), ) } } _ => ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("table", lite_arg.clone())), ), } } SyntaxShape::MathExpression => parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Any, scope, lite_arg), SyntaxShape::Block | SyntaxShape::RowCondition => { // Blocks have one of two forms: the literal block and the implied block // To parse a literal block, we need to detect that what we have is itself a block let mut chars = lite_arg.item.chars(); match (, chars.next_back()) { (Some('{'), Some('}')) => { // We have a literal block let string: String = chars.collect(); // We haven't done much with the inner string, so let's go ahead and work with it let (tokens, err) = lex(&string, lite_arg.span.start() + 1); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); } let (lite_block, err) = parse_block(tokens); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); } scope.enter_scope(); let (classified_block, err) = classify_block(&lite_block, scope); scope.exit_scope(); ( SpannedExpression::new(Expression::Block(classified_block), lite_arg.span), err, ) } _ => { // We have an implied block, but we can't parse this here // it needed to have been parsed up higher where we have control over more than one arg ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("block", lite_arg.clone())), ) } } } } } /// Match the available flags in a signature with what the user provided. This will check both long-form flags (--long) and shorthand flags (-l) /// This also allows users to provide a group of shorthand flags (-la) that correspond to multiple shorthand flags at once. fn get_flags_from_flag( signature: &nu_protocol::Signature, cmd: &Spanned, arg: &Spanned, ) -> (Vec<(String, NamedType)>, Option) { if arg.item.starts_with('-') { // It's a flag (or set of flags) let mut output = vec![]; let mut error = None; let remainder: String = arg.item.chars().skip(1).collect(); if remainder.starts_with('-') { // Long flag expected let remainder: String = remainder.chars().skip(1).collect(); if let Some((named_type, _)) = signature.named.get(&remainder) { output.push((remainder.clone(), named_type.clone())); } else { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error( cmd.clone(), ArgumentError::UnexpectedFlag(arg.clone()), )); } } else { // Short flag(s) expected let mut starting_pos = arg.span.start() + 1; for c in remainder.chars() { let mut found = false; for (full_name, named_arg) in signature.named.iter() { if Some(c) == named_arg.0.get_short() { found = true; output.push((full_name.clone(), named_arg.0.clone())); break; } } if !found { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error( cmd.clone(), ArgumentError::UnexpectedFlag( arg.item .clone() .spanned(Span::new(starting_pos, starting_pos + c.len_utf8())), ), )); } starting_pos += c.len_utf8(); } } (output, error) } else { // It's not a flag, so don't bother with it (vec![], None) } } /// This is a bit of a "fix-up" of previously parsed areas. In cases where we're in shorthand mode (eg in the `where` command), we need /// to use the original source to parse a column path. Without it, we'll lose a little too much information to parse it correctly. As we'll /// only know we were on the left-hand side of an expression after we do the full math parse, we need to do this step after rather than during /// the initial parse. fn shorthand_reparse( left: SpannedExpression, orig_left: Option>, scope: &dyn ParserScope, shorthand_mode: bool, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { // If we're in shorthand mode, we need to reparse the left-hand side if possible if shorthand_mode { if let Some(orig_left) = orig_left { parse_arg(SyntaxShape::FullColumnPath, scope, &orig_left) } else { (left, None) } } else { (left, None) } } fn parse_parenthesized_expression( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, shorthand_mode: bool, ) -> (SpannedExpression, Option) { let mut chars = lite_arg.item.chars(); match (, chars.next_back()) { (Some('('), Some(')')) => { // We have a literal row let string: String = chars.collect(); // We haven't done much with the inner string, so let's go ahead and work with it let (tokens, err) = lex(&string, lite_arg.span.start() + 1); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); } let (lite_block, err) = parse_block(tokens); if err.is_some() { return (garbage(lite_arg.span), err); } if lite_block.block.len() != 1 { return ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("math expression", lite_arg.clone())), ); } let mut lite_pipeline = lite_block.block[0].clone(); let mut collection = vec![]; for lite_pipeline in lite_pipeline.pipelines.iter_mut() { for lite_cmd in lite_pipeline.commands.iter_mut() { collection.append(&mut; } } let (_, expr, err) = parse_math_expression(0, &collection[..], scope, shorthand_mode); (expr, err) } _ => ( garbage(lite_arg.span), Some(ParseError::mismatch("table", lite_arg.clone())), ), } } fn parse_possibly_parenthesized( lite_arg: &Spanned, scope: &dyn ParserScope, shorthand_mode: bool, ) -> ( (Option>, SpannedExpression), Option, ) { if lite_arg.item.starts_with('(') { let (lhs, err) = parse_parenthesized_expression(lite_arg, scope, shorthand_mode); ((None, lhs), err) } else { let (lhs, err) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Any, scope, lite_arg); ((Some(lite_arg.clone()), lhs), err) } } /// Handle parsing math expressions, complete with working with the precedence of the operators pub fn parse_math_expression( incoming_idx: usize, lite_args: &[Spanned], scope: &dyn ParserScope, shorthand_mode: bool, ) -> (usize, SpannedExpression, Option) { // Precedence parsing is included // shorthand_mode means that the left-hand side of an expression can point to a column-path. // To make this possible, we parse as normal, but then go back and when we detect a // left-hand side, reparse that value if it's a string let mut idx = 0; let mut error = None; let mut working_exprs = vec![]; let mut prec = vec![]; let (lhs_working_expr, err) = parse_possibly_parenthesized(&lite_args[idx], scope, shorthand_mode); if error.is_none() { error = err; } working_exprs.push(lhs_working_expr); idx += 1; prec.push(0); while idx < lite_args.len() { let (op, err) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Operator, scope, &lite_args[idx]); if error.is_none() { error = err; } idx += 1; if idx == lite_args.len() { if error.is_none() { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error( lite_args[idx - 1].clone(), ArgumentError::MissingMandatoryPositional("right hand side".into()), )); } working_exprs.push((None, garbage(op.span))); working_exprs.push((None, garbage(op.span))); prec.push(0); break; } trace!( "idx: {} working_exprs: {:#?} prec: {:?}", idx, working_exprs, prec ); let (rhs_working_expr, err) = parse_possibly_parenthesized(&lite_args[idx], scope, shorthand_mode); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let next_prec = op.precedence(); if !prec.is_empty() && next_prec > *prec.last().expect("this shouldn't happen") { prec.push(next_prec); working_exprs.push((None, op)); working_exprs.push(rhs_working_expr); idx += 1; continue; } while !prec.is_empty() && *prec.last().expect("This shouldn't happen") >= next_prec && next_prec > 0 // Not garbage && working_exprs.len() >= 3 { // Pop 3 and create and expression, push and repeat trace!( "idx: {} working_exprs: {:#?} prec: {:?}", idx, working_exprs, prec ); let (_, right) = working_exprs.pop().expect("This shouldn't be possible"); let (_, op) = working_exprs.pop().expect("This shouldn't be possible"); let (orig_left, left) = working_exprs.pop().expect("This shouldn't be possible"); // If we're in shorthand mode, we need to reparse the left-hand side if possible let (left, err) = shorthand_reparse(left, orig_left, scope, shorthand_mode); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let span = Span::new(left.span.start(), right.span.end()); working_exprs.push(( None, SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::Binary(Box::new(Binary { left, op, right })), span, }, )); prec.pop(); } working_exprs.push((None, op)); working_exprs.push(rhs_working_expr); prec.push(next_prec); idx += 1; } while working_exprs.len() >= 3 { // Pop 3 and create and expression, push and repeat let (_, right) = working_exprs.pop().expect("This shouldn't be possible"); let (_, op) = working_exprs.pop().expect("This shouldn't be possible"); let (orig_left, left) = working_exprs.pop().expect("This shouldn't be possible"); let (left, err) = shorthand_reparse(left, orig_left, scope, shorthand_mode); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let span = Span::new(left.span.start(), right.span.end()); working_exprs.push(( None, SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::Binary(Box::new(Binary { left, op, right })), span, }, )); } let (orig_left, left) = working_exprs.pop().expect("This shouldn't be possible"); let (left, err) = shorthand_reparse(left, orig_left, scope, shorthand_mode); if error.is_none() { error = err; } (incoming_idx + idx, left, error) } /// Handles parsing the positional arguments as a batch /// This allows us to check for times where multiple arguments are treated as one shape, as is the case with SyntaxShape::Math fn parse_positional_argument( idx: usize, lite_cmd: &LiteCommand, positional_type: &PositionalType, remaining_positionals: usize, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (usize, SpannedExpression, Option) { let mut idx = idx; let mut error = None; let arg = match positional_type { PositionalType::Mandatory(_, SyntaxShape::MathExpression) | PositionalType::Optional(_, SyntaxShape::MathExpression) => { let end_idx = if ( - 1) > remaining_positionals { - remaining_positionals } else { }; let (new_idx, arg, err) = parse_math_expression(idx, &[idx..end_idx], scope, false); let span = arg.span; let mut commands = hir::Pipeline::new(span); commands.push(ClassifiedCommand::Expr(Box::new(arg))); let block = hir::Block::new( Signature::new(""), vec![Group::new(vec![commands], lite_cmd.span())], IndexMap::new(), span, ); let arg = SpannedExpression::new(Expression::Block(block), span); idx = new_idx - 1; if error.is_none() { error = err; } arg } PositionalType::Mandatory(_, SyntaxShape::RowCondition) | PositionalType::Optional(_, SyntaxShape::RowCondition) => { // A condition can take up multiple arguments, as we build the operation as // We need to do this here because in parse_arg, we have access to only one arg at a time if idx < { if[idx].item.starts_with('{') { // It's an explicit math expression, so parse it deeper in let (arg, err) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::RowCondition, scope, &[idx]); if error.is_none() { error = err; } arg } else { let end_idx = if ( - 1) > remaining_positionals { - remaining_positionals } else { }; let (new_idx, arg, err) = parse_math_expression(idx, &[idx..end_idx], scope, true); let span = arg.span; let mut commands = hir::Pipeline::new(span); commands.push(ClassifiedCommand::Expr(Box::new(arg))); let block = hir::Block::new( Signature::new(""), vec![Group::new(vec![commands], lite_cmd.span())], IndexMap::new(), span, ); let arg = SpannedExpression::new(Expression::Block(block), span); idx = new_idx - 1; if error.is_none() { error = err; } arg } } else { if error.is_none() { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error([0].clone(), ArgumentError::MissingMandatoryPositional("condition".into()), )) } garbage(lite_cmd.span()) } } PositionalType::Mandatory(_, shape) | PositionalType::Optional(_, shape) => { let (arg, err) = parse_arg(*shape, scope, &[idx]); if error.is_none() { error = err; } arg } }; (idx, arg, error) } /// Does a full parse of an internal command using the lite-ly parse command as a starting point /// This main focus at this level is to understand what flags were passed in, what positional arguments were passed in, what rest arguments were passed in /// and to ensure that the basic requirements in terms of number of each were met. fn parse_internal_command( lite_cmd: &LiteCommand, scope: &dyn ParserScope, signature: &Signature, mut idx: usize, ) -> (InternalCommand, Option) { // This is a known internal command, so we need to work with the arguments and parse them according to the expected types let (name, name_span) = ([0..(idx + 1)] .iter() .map(|x| x.item.clone()) .collect::>() .join(" "), Span::new([0].span.start(),[idx].span.end(), ), ); let mut internal_command = InternalCommand::new(name, name_span, lite_cmd.span()); internal_command.args.set_initial_flags(&signature); let mut current_positional = 0; let mut named = NamedArguments::new(); let mut positional = vec![]; let mut error = None; idx += 1; // Start where the arguments begin while idx < { if[idx].item.starts_with('-') &&[idx].item.len() > 1 { let (named_types, err) = get_flags_from_flag(&signature, &[0], &[idx]); if err.is_none() { for (full_name, named_type) in &named_types { match named_type { NamedType::Mandatory(_, shape) | NamedType::Optional(_, shape) => { if idx == { // Oops, we're missing the argument to our named argument if error.is_none() { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error([0].clone(), ArgumentError::MissingValueForName(format!("{:?}", shape)), )); } } else { idx += 1; if > idx { let (arg, err) = parse_arg(*shape, scope, &[idx]); named.insert_mandatory( full_name.clone(),[idx - 1].span, arg, ); if error.is_none() { error = err; } } else if error.is_none() { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error([0].clone(), ArgumentError::MissingValueForName(full_name.to_owned()), )); } } } NamedType::Switch(_) => { named.insert_switch( full_name.clone(), Some(Flag::new(FlagKind::Longhand,[idx].span)), ); } } } } else { positional.push(garbage([idx].span)); if error.is_none() { error = err; } } } else if signature.positional.len() > current_positional { let arg = { let (new_idx, expr, err) = parse_positional_argument( idx, &lite_cmd, &signature.positional[current_positional].0, signature.positional.len() - current_positional - 1, scope, ); idx = new_idx; if error.is_none() { error = err; } expr }; positional.push(arg); current_positional += 1; } else if let Some((rest_type, _)) = &signature.rest_positional { let (arg, err) = parse_arg(*rest_type, scope, &[idx]); if error.is_none() { error = err; } positional.push(arg); current_positional += 1; } else { positional.push(garbage([idx].span)); if error.is_none() { error = Some(ParseError::argument_error([0].clone(), ArgumentError::UnexpectedArgument([idx].clone()), )); } } idx += 1; } // Count the required positional arguments and ensure these have been met let mut required_arg_count = 0; for positional_arg in &signature.positional { if let PositionalType::Mandatory(_, _) = positional_arg.0 { required_arg_count += 1; } } if positional.len() < required_arg_count && error.is_none() { // to make "command -h" work even if required arguments are missing if !named.named.contains_key("help") { let (_, name) = &signature.positional[positional.len()]; error = Some(ParseError::argument_error([0].clone(), ArgumentError::MissingMandatoryPositional(name.to_owned()), )); } } if !named.is_empty() { internal_command.args.named = Some(named); } if !positional.is_empty() { internal_command.args.positional = Some(positional); } (internal_command, error) } fn parse_external_call( lite_cmd: &LiteCommand, end_of_pipeline: bool, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (Option, Option) { let mut error = None; let name =[0].clone().map(|v| { let trimmed = trim_quotes(&v); expand_path(&trimmed).to_string() }); let mut args = vec![]; let (name, err) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::String, scope, &name); let name_span = name.span; if error.is_none() { error = err; } args.push(name); for lite_arg in &[1..] { let (expr, err) = parse_external_arg(lite_arg, scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } args.push(expr); } ( Some(ClassifiedCommand::Internal(InternalCommand { name: "run_external".to_string(), name_span, args: hir::Call { head: Box::new(SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::string("run_external".to_string()), span: name_span, }), positional: Some(args), named: None, span: name_span, external_redirection: if end_of_pipeline { ExternalRedirection::None } else { ExternalRedirection::Stdout }, }, })), error, ) } fn parse_value_call( call: LiteCommand, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (Option, Option) { let mut err = None; let (head, error) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Block, scope, &[0]); let mut span = head.span; if err.is_none() { err = error; } let mut args = vec![]; for arg in { let (arg, error) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::Any, scope, arg); if err.is_none() { err = error; } span = span.until(arg.span); args.push(arg); } ( Some(ClassifiedCommand::Dynamic(hir::Call { head: Box::new(head), positional: Some(args), named: None, span, external_redirection: ExternalRedirection::None, })), err, ) } fn expand_aliases_in_call(call: &mut LiteCommand, scope: &dyn ParserScope) { if let Some(name) = { if let Some(mut expansion) = scope.get_alias(name) { // set the expansion's spans to point to the alias itself for item in expansion.iter_mut() { item.span = name.span; } // replace the alias with the expansion; expansion.append(&mut; = expansion; } } } fn parse_call( mut lite_cmd: LiteCommand, end_of_pipeline: bool, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (Option, Option) { expand_aliases_in_call(&mut lite_cmd, scope); let mut error = None; if { return (None, None); } else if[0].item.starts_with('^') { let name =[0] .clone() .map(|v| v.chars().skip(1).collect::()); // TODO this is the same as the `else` branch below, only the name differs. Find a way // to share this functionality. let mut args = vec![]; let (name, err) = parse_arg(SyntaxShape::String, scope, &name); let name_span = name.span; if error.is_none() { error = err; } args.push(name); for lite_arg in &[1..] { let (expr, err) = parse_external_arg(lite_arg, scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } args.push(expr); } return ( Some(ClassifiedCommand::Internal(InternalCommand { name: "run_external".to_string(), name_span, args: hir::Call { head: Box::new(SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::string("run_external".to_string()), span: name_span, }), positional: Some(args), named: None, span: name_span, external_redirection: if end_of_pipeline { ExternalRedirection::None } else { ExternalRedirection::Stdout }, }, })), error, ); } else if[0].item.starts_with('$') ||[0].item.starts_with('{') { return parse_value_call(lite_cmd, scope); } else if[0].item == "=" { let expr = if > 1 { let (_, expr, err) = parse_math_expression(0, &[1..], scope, false); error = error.or(err); expr } else { error = error.or_else(|| { Some(ParseError::argument_error([0].clone(), ArgumentError::MissingMandatoryPositional("an expression".into()), )) }); garbage(lite_cmd.span()) }; return (Some(ClassifiedCommand::Expr(Box::new(expr))), error); } else if[0].item == "alias" { let error = parse_alias(&lite_cmd, scope); if error.is_none() { return (None, None); } else { return ( Some(ClassifiedCommand::Expr(Box::new(garbage(lite_cmd.span())))), error, ); } } else if[0].item == "source" { if != 2 { return ( None, Some(ParseError::argument_error([0].clone(), ArgumentError::MissingMandatoryPositional("a path for sourcing".into()), )), ); } if[1].item.starts_with('$') { return ( None, Some(ParseError::mismatch( "a filepath constant",[1].clone(), )), ); } if let Ok(contents) = std::fs::read_to_string(expand_path(&[1].item).into_owned()) { let _ = parse(&contents, 0, scope); } else { return ( None, Some(ParseError::mismatch( "a filepath to a source file",[1].clone(), )), ); } } else if > 1 { // Check if it's a sub-command if let Some(signature) = scope.get_signature(&format!( "{} {}",[0].item,[1].item )) { let (mut internal_command, err) = parse_internal_command(&lite_cmd, scope, &signature, 1); error = error.or(err); internal_command.args.external_redirection = if end_of_pipeline { ExternalRedirection::None } else { ExternalRedirection::Stdout }; return (Some(ClassifiedCommand::Internal(internal_command)), error); } } // Check if it's an internal command if let Some(signature) = scope.get_signature(&[0].item) { if[0].item == "def" { let error = parse_definition(&lite_cmd, scope); if error.is_some() { return ( Some(ClassifiedCommand::Expr(Box::new(garbage(lite_cmd.span())))), error, ); } } let (mut internal_command, err) = parse_internal_command(&lite_cmd, scope, &signature, 0); error = error.or(err); internal_command.args.external_redirection = if end_of_pipeline { ExternalRedirection::None } else { ExternalRedirection::Stdout }; (Some(ClassifiedCommand::Internal(internal_command)), error) } else { parse_external_call(&lite_cmd, end_of_pipeline, scope) } } /// Convert a lite-ly parsed pipeline into a fully classified pipeline, ready to be evaluated. /// This conversion does error-recovery, so the result is allowed to be lossy. A lossy unit is designated as garbage. /// Errors are returned as part of a side-car error rather than a Result to allow both error and lossy result simultaneously. fn parse_pipeline( lite_pipeline: LitePipeline, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (Pipeline, Option) { let mut commands = Pipeline::new(lite_pipeline.span()); let mut error = None; let mut iter = lite_pipeline.commands.into_iter().peekable(); while let Some(lite_cmd) = { let (call, err) = parse_call(lite_cmd, iter.peek().is_none(), scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } if let Some(call) = call { commands.push(call); } } (commands, error) } type SpannedKeyValue = (Spanned, Spanned); fn expand_shorthand_forms( lite_pipeline: &LitePipeline, ) -> (LitePipeline, Option, Option) { if !lite_pipeline.commands.is_empty() { if lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts[0].item == "=" { (lite_pipeline.clone(), None, None) } else if lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts[0].contains('=') { let assignment: Vec<_> = lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts[0].split('=').collect(); if assignment.len() != 2 { ( lite_pipeline.clone(), None, Some(ParseError::mismatch( "environment variable assignment", lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts[0].clone(), )), ) } else { let original_span = lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts[0].span; let env_value = trim_quotes(assignment[1]); let (variable_name, value) = (assignment[0], env_value); let mut lite_pipeline = lite_pipeline.clone(); if !lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts.len() > 1 { let mut new_lite_command_parts = lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts.clone(); new_lite_command_parts.remove(0); lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts = new_lite_command_parts; ( lite_pipeline, Some(( variable_name.to_string().spanned(original_span), value.spanned(original_span), )), None, ) } else { ( lite_pipeline.clone(), None, Some(ParseError::mismatch( "a command following variable", lite_pipeline.commands[0].parts[0].clone(), )), ) } } } else { (lite_pipeline.clone(), None, None) } } else { (lite_pipeline.clone(), None, None) } } // pub fn parse_block(lite_block: &LiteBlock, scope: &dyn ParserScope) -> ClassifiedBlock { // let mut block = vec![]; // let mut error = None; // for lite_group in &lite_block.block { // let mut command_list = vec![]; // for lite_pipeline in &lite_group.pipelines { // let (lite_pipeline, vars, err) = expand_shorthand_forms(lite_pipeline); // if error.is_none() { // error = err; // } // let (pipeline, err) = parse_pipeline(&lite_pipeline, scope); // let pipeline = if let Some(vars) = vars { // let span = pipeline.commands.span; // let group = Group::new(vec![pipeline.commands.clone()], span); // let block = hir::Block::new(vec![], vec![group], span); // let mut call = hir::Call::new( // Box::new(SpannedExpression { // expr: Expression::string("with-env".to_string()), // span, // }), // span, // ); // call.positional = Some(vec![ // SpannedExpression { // expr: Expression::List(vec![ // SpannedExpression { // expr: Expression::string(vars.0.item), // span: vars.0.span, // }, // SpannedExpression { // expr: Expression::string(vars.1.item), // span: vars.1.span, // }, // ]), // span: Span::new(vars.0.span.start(), vars.1.span.end()), // }, // SpannedExpression { // expr: Expression::Block(block), // span, // }, // ]); // let classified_with_env = ClassifiedCommand::Internal(InternalCommand { // name: "with-env".to_string(), // name_span: Span::unknown(), // args: call, // }); // ClassifiedPipeline { // commands: Pipeline { // list: vec![classified_with_env], // span, // }, // } // } else { // pipeline // }; // command_list.push(pipeline.commands); // if error.is_none() { // error = err; // } // } // let group = Group::new(command_list, lite_block.span()); // block.push(group); // } // let block = Block::new(vec![], block, lite_block.span()); // ClassifiedBlock::new(block, error) // } fn parse_alias(call: &LiteCommand, scope: &dyn ParserScope) -> Option { if < 4 { return Some(ParseError::mismatch("alias",[0].clone())); } if[0].item != "alias" { return Some(ParseError::mismatch("alias",[0].clone())); } if[2].item != "=" { return Some(ParseError::mismatch("=",[2].clone())); } let name =[1].item.clone(); let args: Vec<_> =; scope.add_alias(&name, args); None } pub fn classify_block( lite_block: &LiteBlock, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (Block, Option) { let mut output = Block::basic(); let mut error = None; // Check for custom commands first for group in lite_block.block.iter() { for pipeline in &group.pipelines { for call in &pipeline.commands { if let Some(first) = { if first.item == "def" { if pipeline.commands.len() > 1 && error.is_none() { error = Some(ParseError::mismatch("definition", first.clone())); } parse_definition_prototype(call, scope); } } } } } // Then the rest of the code for group in &lite_block.block { let mut out_group = Group::basic(); for pipeline in &group.pipelines { let (pipeline, vars, err) = expand_shorthand_forms(pipeline); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let (out_pipe, err) = parse_pipeline(pipeline.clone(), scope); if error.is_none() { error = err; } let pipeline = if let Some(vars) = vars { let span = pipeline.span(); let block = hir::Block::new( Signature::new(""), vec![Group::new(vec![out_pipe.clone()], span)], IndexMap::new(), span, ); let mut call = hir::Call::new( Box::new(SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::string("with-env".to_string()), span, }), span, ); call.positional = Some(vec![ SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::List(vec![ SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::string(vars.0.item), span: vars.0.span, }, SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::string(vars.1.item), span: vars.1.span, }, ]), span: Span::new(vars.0.span.start(), vars.1.span.end()), }, SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::Block(block), span, }, ]); let classified_with_env = ClassifiedCommand::Internal(InternalCommand { name: "with-env".to_string(), name_span: Span::unknown(), args: call, }); Pipeline { list: vec![classified_with_env], span, } } else { out_pipe }; if !pipeline.list.is_empty() { out_group.push(pipeline); } } if !out_group.pipelines.is_empty() { output.push(out_group); } } let definitions = scope.get_definitions(); for definition in definitions.into_iter() { let name =; if !output.definitions.contains_key(&name) { output.definitions.insert(name, definition.clone()); } } (output, error) } pub fn parse( input: &str, span_offset: usize, scope: &dyn ParserScope, ) -> (Block, Option) { let (output, error) = lex(input, span_offset); if error.is_some() { return (Block::basic(), error); } let (lite_block, error) = parse_block(output); if error.is_some() { return (Block::basic(), error); } classify_block(&lite_block, scope) } #[test] fn unit_parse_byte_units() { struct TestCase { string: String, value: i64, unit: Unit, } let cases = [ TestCase { string: String::from("108b"), value: 108, unit: Unit::Byte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("0B"), value: 0, unit: Unit::Byte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("10kb"), value: 10, unit: Unit::Kilobyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("16KB"), value: 16, unit: Unit::Kilobyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("99kB"), value: 99, unit: Unit::Kilobyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("27Kb"), value: 27, unit: Unit::Kilobyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("11Mb"), value: 11, unit: Unit::Megabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("27mB"), value: 27, unit: Unit::Megabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("811Gb"), value: 811, unit: Unit::Gigabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("27gB"), value: 27, unit: Unit::Gigabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("11Tb"), value: 11, unit: Unit::Terabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("1027tB"), value: 1027, unit: Unit::Terabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("11Pb"), value: 11, unit: Unit::Petabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("27pB"), value: 27, unit: Unit::Petabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("10kib"), value: 10, unit: Unit::Kibibyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("123KiB"), value: 123, unit: Unit::Kibibyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("24kiB"), value: 24, unit: Unit::Kibibyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("10mib"), value: 10, unit: Unit::Mebibyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("123MiB"), value: 123, unit: Unit::Mebibyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("10gib"), value: 10, unit: Unit::Gibibyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("123GiB"), value: 123, unit: Unit::Gibibyte, }, ]; for case in cases.iter() { let input_len = case.string.len(); let value_len = case.value.to_string().len(); let input = case.string.clone().spanned(Span::new(0, input_len)); let result = parse_unit(&input); assert_eq!(result.1, None); assert_eq!( result.0.expr, Expression::unit( Spanned { span: Span::new(0, value_len), item: case.value }, Spanned { span: Span::new(value_len, input_len), item: case.unit } ) ); } } #[test] fn unit_parse_byte_units_decimal() { struct TestCase { string: String, value: i64, value_str: String, unit: Unit, } let cases = [ TestCase { string: String::from("0.25KB"), value: 250, value_str: String::from("0.25"), unit: Unit::Byte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("2.5Mb"), value: 2500, value_str: String::from("2.5"), unit: Unit::Kilobyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("0.5Gb"), value: 500, value_str: String::from("0.5"), unit: Unit::Megabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("811.5Gb"), value: 811500, value_str: String::from("811.5"), unit: Unit::Megabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("11.5Tb"), value: 11500, value_str: String::from("11.5"), unit: Unit::Gigabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("12.5Pb"), value: 12500, value_str: String::from("12.5"), unit: Unit::Terabyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("10.5kib"), value: 10752, value_str: String::from("10.5"), unit: Unit::Byte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("0.5mib"), value: 512, value_str: String::from("0.5"), unit: Unit::Kibibyte, }, TestCase { string: String::from("3.25gib"), value: 3328, value_str: String::from("3.25"), unit: Unit::Mebibyte, }, ]; for case in cases.iter() { let input_len = case.string.len(); let value_len = case.value_str.to_string().len(); let input = case.string.clone().spanned(Span::new(0, input_len)); let result = parse_unit(&input); assert_eq!(result.1, None); assert_eq!( result.0.expr, Expression::unit( Spanned { span: Span::new(0, value_len), item: case.value }, Spanned { span: Span::new(value_len, input_len), item: case.unit } ) ); } }