#!/usr/bin/env nu # Created: 2022/05/26 19:05:20 # Description: # A script to do the github release task, need nushell to be installed. # REF: # 1. https://github.com/volks73/cargo-wix # The main binary file to be released let bin = 'nu' let os = $env.OS let target = $env.TARGET # Repo source dir like `/home/runner/work/nushell/nushell` let src = $env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE let flags = $env.TARGET_RUSTFLAGS let dist = $'($env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE)/output' let version = (open Cargo.toml | get package.version) # $env $'(char nl)Packaging ($bin) v($version) for ($target) in ($src)...'; hr-line -b if not ('Cargo.lock' | path exists) { cargo generate-lockfile } $'Start building ($bin)...'; hr-line # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build for Ubuntu and macOS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $os in ['ubuntu-latest', 'macos-latest'] { if $os == 'ubuntu-latest' { sudo apt-get install libxcb-composite0-dev -y } if $target == 'aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu' { sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu -y let-env CARGO_TARGET_AARCH64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_LINKER = 'aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc' cargo-build-nu $flags } else if $target == 'armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf' { sudo apt-get install pkg-config gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf -y let-env CARGO_TARGET_ARMV7_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNUEABIHF_LINKER = 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc' cargo-build-nu $flags } else { # musl-tools to fix 'Failed to find tool. Is `musl-gcc` installed?' # Actually just for x86_64-unknown-linux-musl target sudo apt install musl-tools -y cargo-build-nu $flags } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build for Windows without static-link-openssl feature # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $os in ['windows-latest'] { if ($flags | str trim | empty?) { cargo build --release --all --target $target --features=extra } else { cargo build --release --all --target $target --features=extra $flags } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare for the release archive # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let suffix = if $os == 'windows-latest' { '.exe' } # nu, nu_plugin_* were all included let executable = $'target/($target)/release/($bin)*($suffix)' $'Current executable file: ($executable)' cd $src; mkdir $dist; rm -rf $'target/($target)/release/*.d' $'target/($target)/release/nu_pretty_hex*' $'(char nl)All executable files:'; hr-line ls -f $executable $'(char nl)Copying release files...'; hr-line cp -v README.release.txt $'($dist)/README.txt' [LICENSE $executable] | each {|it| cp -rv $it $dist } | flatten $'(char nl)Check binary release version detail:'; hr-line let ver = if $os == 'windows-latest' { (do -i { ./output/nu.exe -c 'version' }) | str collect } else { (do -i { ./output/nu -c 'version' }) | str collect } if ($ver | str trim | empty?) { $'(ansi r)Incompatible nu binary...(ansi reset)' } else { $ver } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a release archive and send it to output for the following steps # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd $dist; $'(char nl)Creating release archive...'; hr-line if $os in ['ubuntu-latest', 'macos-latest'] { $'(char nl)(ansi g)Archive contents:(ansi reset)'; hr-line; ls let archive = $'($dist)/($bin)-($version)-($target).tar.gz' tar czf $archive * print $'archive: ---> ($archive)'; ls $archive echo $'::set-output name=archive::($archive)' } else if $os == 'windows-latest' { let releaseStem = $'($bin)-($version)-($target)' $'(char nl)Download less related stuffs...'; hr-line curl https://github.com/jftuga/less-Windows/releases/download/less-v590/less.exe -o $'($dist)\less.exe' curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jftuga/less-Windows/master/LICENSE -o $'($dist)\LICENSE-for-less.txt' # Create Windows msi release package if (get-env _EXTRA_) == 'msi' { let wixRelease = $'($src)/target/wix/($releaseStem).msi' $'(char nl)Start creating Windows msi package...' cd $src; hr-line # Wix need the binaries be stored in target/release/ cp -r $'($dist)/*' target/release/ cargo install cargo-wix --version 0.3.2 cargo wix --no-build --nocapture --package nu --output $wixRelease echo $'::set-output name=archive::($wixRelease)' } else { $'(char nl)(ansi g)Archive contents:(ansi reset)'; hr-line; ls let archive = $'($dist)/($releaseStem).zip' 7z a $archive * print $'archive: ---> ($archive)'; let pkg = (ls -f $archive | get name) if not ($pkg | empty?) { echo $'::set-output name=archive::($pkg | get 0)' } } } def 'cargo-build-nu' [ options: string ] { if ($options | str trim | empty?) { cargo build --release --all --target $target --features=extra,static-link-openssl } else { cargo build --release --all --target $target --features=extra,static-link-openssl $options } } # Print a horizontal line marker def 'hr-line' [ --blank-line(-b): bool ] { print $'(ansi g)---------------------------------------------------------------------------->(ansi reset)' if $blank-line { char nl } } # Get the specified env key's value or '' def 'get-env' [ key: string # The key to get it's env value default: string = '' # The default value for an empty env ] { $env | get -i $key | default $default }