// Attribution: a lot of this came from procs https://github.com/dalance/procs // and sysinfo https://github.com/GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo use chrono::offset::TimeZone; use chrono::{Local, NaiveDate}; use libc::c_void; use ntapi::ntpebteb::PEB; use ntapi::ntpsapi::{ NtQueryInformationProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, ProcessCommandLineInformation, ProcessWow64Information, PROCESSINFOCLASS, PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION, }; use ntapi::ntrtl::{RtlGetVersion, PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS, RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS}; use ntapi::ntwow64::{PEB32, PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS32, RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS32}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::mem::{size_of, zeroed, MaybeUninit}; use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::ptr; use std::ptr::null_mut; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use winapi::shared::basetsd::SIZE_T; use winapi::shared::minwindef::{DWORD, FALSE, FILETIME, LPVOID, MAX_PATH, TRUE, ULONG}; use winapi::shared::ntdef::{NT_SUCCESS, UNICODE_STRING}; use winapi::shared::ntstatus::{ STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH, }; use winapi::um::handleapi::CloseHandle; use winapi::um::memoryapi::{ReadProcessMemory, VirtualQueryEx}; use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::{ GetCurrentProcess, GetPriorityClass, GetProcessTimes, OpenProcess, OpenProcessToken, }; use winapi::um::psapi::{ GetModuleBaseNameW, GetProcessMemoryInfo, K32EnumProcesses, PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX, }; use winapi::um::securitybaseapi::{AdjustTokenPrivileges, GetTokenInformation}; use winapi::um::tlhelp32::{ CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, Process32Next, PROCESSENTRY32, TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, }; use winapi::um::winbase::{GetProcessIoCounters, LookupAccountSidW, LookupPrivilegeValueW}; use winapi::um::winnt::{ TokenGroups, TokenUser, HANDLE, IO_COUNTERS, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, PROCESS_VM_READ, PSID, RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW, SE_DEBUG_NAME, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED, SID, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, TOKEN_GROUPS, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, TOKEN_QUERY, TOKEN_USER, }; pub struct ProcessInfo { pub pid: i32, pub command: String, pub ppid: i32, pub start_time: chrono::DateTime, pub cpu_info: CpuInfo, pub memory_info: MemoryInfo, pub disk_info: DiskInfo, pub user: SidName, pub groups: Vec, pub priority: u32, pub thread: i32, pub interval: Duration, pub cmd: Vec, pub environ: Vec, pub cwd: PathBuf, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct MemoryInfo { pub page_fault_count: u64, pub peak_working_set_size: u64, pub working_set_size: u64, pub quota_peak_paged_pool_usage: u64, pub quota_paged_pool_usage: u64, pub quota_peak_non_paged_pool_usage: u64, pub quota_non_paged_pool_usage: u64, pub page_file_usage: u64, pub peak_page_file_usage: u64, pub private_usage: u64, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct DiskInfo { pub prev_read: u64, pub prev_write: u64, pub curr_read: u64, pub curr_write: u64, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct CpuInfo { pub prev_sys: u64, pub prev_user: u64, pub curr_sys: u64, pub curr_user: u64, } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] pub fn collect_proc(interval: Duration, _with_thread: bool) -> Vec { let mut base_procs = Vec::new(); let mut ret = Vec::new(); let _ = set_privilege(); for pid in get_pids() { let handle = get_handle(pid); if let Some(handle) = handle { let times = get_times(handle); let io = get_io(handle); let time = Instant::now(); if let (Some((_, _, sys, user)), Some((read, write))) = (times, io) { base_procs.push((pid, sys, user, read, write, time)); } } } thread::sleep(interval); let (mut ppids, mut threads) = get_ppid_threads(); for (pid, prev_sys, prev_user, prev_read, prev_write, prev_time) in base_procs { let ppid = ppids.remove(&pid); let thread = threads.remove(&pid); let handle = get_handle(pid); if let Some(handle) = handle { let command = get_command(handle); let memory_info = get_memory_info(handle); let times = get_times(handle); let io = get_io(handle); let start_time = if let Some((start, _, _, _)) = times { // 11_644_473_600 is the number of seconds between the Windows epoch (1601-01-01) and // the Linux epoch (1970-01-01). let time = chrono::Duration::seconds(start as i64 / 10_000_000); let base = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(1601, 1, 1).and_then(|nd| nd.and_hms_opt(0, 0, 0)); if let Some(base) = base { let time = base + time; Local.from_utc_datetime(&time) } else { continue; } } else { let time = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(1601, 1, 1).and_then(|nt| nt.and_hms_opt(0, 0, 0)); if let Some(time) = time { Local.from_utc_datetime(&time) } else { continue; } }; let cpu_info = if let Some((_, _, curr_sys, curr_user)) = times { Some(CpuInfo { prev_sys, prev_user, curr_sys, curr_user, }) } else { None }; let disk_info = if let Some((curr_read, curr_write)) = io { Some(DiskInfo { prev_read, prev_write, curr_read, curr_write, }) } else { None }; let user = get_user(handle); let groups = get_groups(handle); let priority = get_priority(handle); let curr_time = Instant::now(); let interval = curr_time - prev_time; let mut all_ok = true; all_ok &= command.is_some(); all_ok &= cpu_info.is_some(); all_ok &= memory_info.is_some(); all_ok &= disk_info.is_some(); all_ok &= user.is_some(); all_ok &= groups.is_some(); all_ok &= thread.is_some(); if all_ok { let (proc_cmd, proc_env, proc_cwd) = match unsafe { get_process_params(handle) } { Ok(pp) => (pp.0, pp.1, pp.2), Err(_) => (vec![], vec![], PathBuf::new()), }; let command = command.unwrap_or_default(); let ppid = ppid.unwrap_or(0); let cpu_info = cpu_info.unwrap_or_default(); let memory_info = memory_info.unwrap_or_default(); let disk_info = disk_info.unwrap_or_default(); let user = user.unwrap_or_else(|| SidName { sid: vec![], name: None, domainname: None, }); let groups = groups.unwrap_or_default(); let thread = thread.unwrap_or_default(); let proc = ProcessInfo { pid, command, ppid, start_time, cpu_info, memory_info, disk_info, user, groups, priority, thread, interval, cmd: proc_cmd, environ: proc_env, cwd: proc_cwd, }; ret.push(proc); } unsafe { CloseHandle(handle); } } } ret } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn set_privilege() -> bool { unsafe { let handle = GetCurrentProcess(); let mut token: HANDLE = zeroed(); let ret = OpenProcessToken(handle, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &mut token); if ret == 0 { return false; } let mut tps: TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = zeroed(); let se_debug_name: Vec = format!("{}\0", SE_DEBUG_NAME).encode_utf16().collect(); tps.PrivilegeCount = 1; let ret = LookupPrivilegeValueW( ptr::null(), se_debug_name.as_ptr(), &mut tps.Privileges[0].Luid, ); if ret == 0 { return false; } tps.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; let ret = AdjustTokenPrivileges( token, FALSE, &mut tps, 0, ptr::null::() as *mut TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, ptr::null::() as *mut u32, ); if ret == 0 { return false; } true } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_pids() -> Vec { let dword_size = size_of::(); let mut pids: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(10192); let mut cb_needed = 0; unsafe { pids.set_len(10192); let result = K32EnumProcesses( pids.as_mut_ptr(), (dword_size * pids.len()) as DWORD, &mut cb_needed, ); if result == 0 { return Vec::new(); } let pids_len = cb_needed / dword_size as DWORD; pids.set_len(pids_len as usize); } pids.iter().map(|x| *x as i32).collect() } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_ppid_threads() -> (HashMap, HashMap) { let mut ppids = HashMap::new(); let mut threads = HashMap::new(); unsafe { let snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); let mut entry: PROCESSENTRY32 = zeroed(); entry.dwSize = size_of::() as u32; let mut not_the_end = Process32First(snapshot, &mut entry); while not_the_end != 0 { ppids.insert(entry.th32ProcessID as i32, entry.th32ParentProcessID as i32); threads.insert(entry.th32ProcessID as i32, entry.cntThreads as i32); not_the_end = Process32Next(snapshot, &mut entry); } CloseHandle(snapshot); } (ppids, threads) } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_handle(pid: i32) -> Option { if pid == 0 { return None; } let handle = unsafe { OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid as DWORD, ) }; if handle.is_null() { None } else { Some(handle) } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_times(handle: HANDLE) -> Option<(u64, u64, u64, u64)> { unsafe { let mut start: FILETIME = zeroed(); let mut exit: FILETIME = zeroed(); let mut sys: FILETIME = zeroed(); let mut user: FILETIME = zeroed(); let ret = GetProcessTimes( handle, &mut start as *mut FILETIME, &mut exit as *mut FILETIME, &mut sys as *mut FILETIME, &mut user as *mut FILETIME, ); let start = u64::from(start.dwHighDateTime) << 32 | u64::from(start.dwLowDateTime); let exit = u64::from(exit.dwHighDateTime) << 32 | u64::from(exit.dwLowDateTime); let sys = u64::from(sys.dwHighDateTime) << 32 | u64::from(sys.dwLowDateTime); let user = u64::from(user.dwHighDateTime) << 32 | u64::from(user.dwLowDateTime); if ret != 0 { Some((start, exit, sys, user)) } else { None } } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_memory_info(handle: HANDLE) -> Option { unsafe { let mut pmc: PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX = zeroed(); let ret = GetProcessMemoryInfo( handle, &mut pmc as *mut PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX as *mut c_void as *mut PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, size_of::() as DWORD, ); if ret != 0 { let info = MemoryInfo { page_fault_count: u64::from(pmc.PageFaultCount), peak_working_set_size: pmc.PeakWorkingSetSize as u64, working_set_size: pmc.WorkingSetSize as u64, quota_peak_paged_pool_usage: pmc.QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage as u64, quota_paged_pool_usage: pmc.QuotaPagedPoolUsage as u64, quota_peak_non_paged_pool_usage: pmc.QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage as u64, quota_non_paged_pool_usage: pmc.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage as u64, page_file_usage: pmc.PagefileUsage as u64, peak_page_file_usage: pmc.PeakPagefileUsage as u64, private_usage: pmc.PrivateUsage as u64, }; Some(info) } else { None } } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_command(handle: HANDLE) -> Option { unsafe { let mut exe_buf = [0u16; MAX_PATH + 1]; let h_mod = std::ptr::null_mut(); let ret = GetModuleBaseNameW( handle, h_mod as _, exe_buf.as_mut_ptr(), MAX_PATH as DWORD + 1, ); let mut pos = 0; for x in exe_buf.iter() { if *x == 0 { break; } pos += 1; } if ret != 0 { Some(String::from_utf16_lossy(&exe_buf[..pos])) } else { None } } } trait RtlUserProcessParameters { fn get_cmdline(&self, handle: HANDLE) -> Result, &'static str>; fn get_cwd(&self, handle: HANDLE) -> Result, &'static str>; fn get_environ(&self, handle: HANDLE) -> Result, &'static str>; } macro_rules! impl_RtlUserProcessParameters { ($t:ty) => { impl RtlUserProcessParameters for $t { fn get_cmdline(&self, handle: HANDLE) -> Result, &'static str> { let ptr = self.CommandLine.Buffer; let size = self.CommandLine.Length; unsafe { get_process_data(handle, ptr as _, size as _) } } fn get_cwd(&self, handle: HANDLE) -> Result, &'static str> { let ptr = self.CurrentDirectory.DosPath.Buffer; let size = self.CurrentDirectory.DosPath.Length; unsafe { get_process_data(handle, ptr as _, size as _) } } fn get_environ(&self, handle: HANDLE) -> Result, &'static str> { let ptr = self.Environment; unsafe { let size = get_region_size(handle, ptr as LPVOID)?; get_process_data(handle, ptr as _, size as _) } } } }; } impl_RtlUserProcessParameters!(RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS32); impl_RtlUserProcessParameters!(RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS); unsafe fn null_terminated_wchar_to_string(slice: &[u16]) -> String { match slice.iter().position(|&x| x == 0) { Some(pos) => OsString::from_wide(&slice[..pos]) .to_string_lossy() .into_owned(), None => OsString::from_wide(slice).to_string_lossy().into_owned(), } } #[allow(clippy::uninit_vec)] unsafe fn get_process_data( handle: HANDLE, ptr: LPVOID, size: usize, ) -> Result, &'static str> { let mut buffer: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(size / 2 + 1); buffer.set_len(size / 2); if ReadProcessMemory( handle, ptr as *mut _, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size, std::ptr::null_mut(), ) != TRUE { return Err("Unable to read process data"); } Ok(buffer) } unsafe fn get_region_size(handle: HANDLE, ptr: LPVOID) -> Result { let mut meminfo = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); if VirtualQueryEx( handle, ptr, meminfo.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size_of::(), ) == 0 { return Err("Unable to read process memory information"); } let meminfo = meminfo.assume_init(); Ok((meminfo.RegionSize as isize - ptr.offset_from(meminfo.BaseAddress)) as usize) } #[allow(clippy::uninit_vec)] unsafe fn ph_query_process_variable_size( process_handle: HANDLE, process_information_class: PROCESSINFOCLASS, ) -> Option> { let mut return_length = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); let mut status = NtQueryInformationProcess( process_handle, process_information_class, std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, return_length.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, ); if status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW && status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL && status != STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH { return None; } let mut return_length = return_length.assume_init(); let buf_len = (return_length as usize) / 2; let mut buffer: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(buf_len + 1); buffer.set_len(buf_len); status = NtQueryInformationProcess( process_handle, process_information_class, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, return_length, &mut return_length as *mut _, ); if !NT_SUCCESS(status) { return None; } buffer.push(0); Some(buffer) } unsafe fn get_cmdline_from_buffer(buffer: *const u16) -> Vec { // Get argc and argv from the command line let mut argc = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); let argv_p = winapi::um::shellapi::CommandLineToArgvW(buffer, argc.as_mut_ptr()); if argv_p.is_null() { return Vec::new(); } let argc = argc.assume_init(); let argv = std::slice::from_raw_parts(argv_p, argc as usize); let mut res = Vec::new(); for arg in argv { let len = libc::wcslen(*arg); let str_slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(*arg, len); res.push(String::from_utf16_lossy(str_slice)); } winapi::um::winbase::LocalFree(argv_p as *mut _); res } unsafe fn get_process_params( handle: HANDLE, ) -> Result<(Vec, Vec, PathBuf), &'static str> { if !cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") { return Err("Non 64 bit targets are not supported"); } // First check if target process is running in wow64 compatibility emulator let mut pwow32info = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); let result = NtQueryInformationProcess( handle, ProcessWow64Information, pwow32info.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size_of::() as u32, null_mut(), ); if !NT_SUCCESS(result) { return Err("Unable to check WOW64 information about the process"); } let pwow32info = pwow32info.assume_init(); if pwow32info.is_null() { // target is a 64 bit process let mut pbasicinfo = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); let result = NtQueryInformationProcess( handle, ProcessBasicInformation, pbasicinfo.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size_of::() as u32, null_mut(), ); if !NT_SUCCESS(result) { return Err("Unable to get basic process information"); } let pinfo = pbasicinfo.assume_init(); let mut peb = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); if ReadProcessMemory( handle, pinfo.PebBaseAddress as *mut _, peb.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size_of::() as SIZE_T, std::ptr::null_mut(), ) != TRUE { return Err("Unable to read process PEB"); } let peb = peb.assume_init(); let mut proc_params = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); if ReadProcessMemory( handle, peb.ProcessParameters as *mut PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS as *mut _, proc_params.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size_of::() as SIZE_T, std::ptr::null_mut(), ) != TRUE { return Err("Unable to read process parameters"); } let proc_params = proc_params.assume_init(); return Ok(( get_cmd_line(&proc_params, handle), get_proc_env(&proc_params, handle), get_cwd(&proc_params, handle), )); } // target is a 32 bit process in wow64 mode let mut peb32 = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); if ReadProcessMemory( handle, pwow32info, peb32.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size_of::() as SIZE_T, std::ptr::null_mut(), ) != TRUE { return Err("Unable to read PEB32"); } let peb32 = peb32.assume_init(); let mut proc_params = MaybeUninit::::uninit(); if ReadProcessMemory( handle, peb32.ProcessParameters as *mut PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS32 as *mut _, proc_params.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size_of::() as SIZE_T, std::ptr::null_mut(), ) != TRUE { return Err("Unable to read 32 bit process parameters"); } let proc_params = proc_params.assume_init(); Ok(( get_cmd_line(&proc_params, handle), get_proc_env(&proc_params, handle), get_cwd(&proc_params, handle), )) } static WINDOWS_8_1_OR_NEWER: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let mut version_info: RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW = unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() }; version_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = std::mem::size_of::() as u32; if !NT_SUCCESS(unsafe { RtlGetVersion(&mut version_info as *mut RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW as *mut _) }) { return true; } // Windows 8.1 is 6.3 version_info.dwMajorVersion > 6 || version_info.dwMajorVersion == 6 && version_info.dwMinorVersion >= 3 }); fn get_cmd_line(params: &T, handle: HANDLE) -> Vec { if *WINDOWS_8_1_OR_NEWER { get_cmd_line_new(handle) } else { get_cmd_line_old(params, handle) } } #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] fn get_cmd_line_new(handle: HANDLE) -> Vec { unsafe { if let Some(buffer) = ph_query_process_variable_size(handle, ProcessCommandLineInformation) { let buffer = (*(buffer.as_ptr() as *const UNICODE_STRING)).Buffer; get_cmdline_from_buffer(buffer) } else { vec![] } } } fn get_cmd_line_old(params: &T, handle: HANDLE) -> Vec { match params.get_cmdline(handle) { Ok(buffer) => unsafe { get_cmdline_from_buffer(buffer.as_ptr()) }, Err(_e) => Vec::new(), } } fn get_proc_env(params: &T, handle: HANDLE) -> Vec { match params.get_environ(handle) { Ok(buffer) => { let equals = "=" .encode_utf16() .next() .expect("unable to get next utf16 value"); let raw_env = buffer; let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut begin = 0; while let Some(offset) = raw_env[begin..].iter().position(|&c| c == 0) { let end = begin + offset; if raw_env[begin..end].iter().any(|&c| c == equals) { result.push( OsString::from_wide(&raw_env[begin..end]) .to_string_lossy() .into_owned(), ); begin = end + 1; } else { break; } } result } Err(_e) => Vec::new(), } } fn get_cwd(params: &T, handle: HANDLE) -> PathBuf { match params.get_cwd(handle) { Ok(buffer) => unsafe { PathBuf::from(null_terminated_wchar_to_string(buffer.as_slice())) }, Err(_e) => PathBuf::new(), } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_io(handle: HANDLE) -> Option<(u64, u64)> { unsafe { let mut io: IO_COUNTERS = zeroed(); let ret = GetProcessIoCounters(handle, &mut io); if ret != 0 { Some((io.ReadTransferCount, io.WriteTransferCount)) } else { None } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SidName { pub sid: Vec, pub name: Option, pub domainname: Option, } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_user(handle: HANDLE) -> Option { unsafe { let mut token: HANDLE = zeroed(); let ret = OpenProcessToken(handle, TOKEN_QUERY, &mut token); if ret == 0 { return None; } let mut cb_needed = 0; let _ = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenUser, ptr::null::() as *mut c_void, 0, &mut cb_needed, ); let mut buf: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(cb_needed as usize); let ret = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenUser, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, cb_needed, &mut cb_needed, ); buf.set_len(cb_needed as usize); if ret == 0 { return None; } #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] let token_user = buf.as_ptr() as *const TOKEN_USER; let psid = (*token_user).User.Sid; let sid = get_sid(psid); let (name, domainname) = if let Some((x, y)) = get_name_cached(psid) { (Some(x), Some(y)) } else { (None, None) }; Some(SidName { sid, name, domainname, }) } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_groups(handle: HANDLE) -> Option> { unsafe { let mut token: HANDLE = zeroed(); let ret = OpenProcessToken(handle, TOKEN_QUERY, &mut token); if ret == 0 { return None; } let mut cb_needed = 0; let _ = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenGroups, ptr::null::() as *mut c_void, 0, &mut cb_needed, ); let mut buf: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(cb_needed as usize); let ret = GetTokenInformation( token, TokenGroups, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, cb_needed, &mut cb_needed, ); buf.set_len(cb_needed as usize); if ret == 0 { return None; } #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] let token_groups = buf.as_ptr() as *const TOKEN_GROUPS; let mut ret = Vec::new(); let sa = (*token_groups).Groups.as_ptr(); for i in 0..(*token_groups).GroupCount { let psid = (*sa.offset(i as isize)).Sid; let sid = get_sid(psid); let (name, domainname) = if let Some((x, y)) = get_name_cached(psid) { (Some(x), Some(y)) } else { (None, None) }; let sid_name = SidName { sid, name, domainname, }; ret.push(sid_name); } Some(ret) } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_sid(psid: PSID) -> Vec { unsafe { let mut ret = Vec::new(); let psid = psid as *const SID; let mut ia = 0; ia |= u64::from((*psid).IdentifierAuthority.Value[0]) << 40; ia |= u64::from((*psid).IdentifierAuthority.Value[1]) << 32; ia |= u64::from((*psid).IdentifierAuthority.Value[2]) << 24; ia |= u64::from((*psid).IdentifierAuthority.Value[3]) << 16; ia |= u64::from((*psid).IdentifierAuthority.Value[4]) << 8; ia |= u64::from((*psid).IdentifierAuthority.Value[5]); ret.push(u64::from((*psid).Revision)); ret.push(ia); let cnt = (*psid).SubAuthorityCount; let sa = (*psid).SubAuthority.as_ptr(); for i in 0..cnt { ret.push(u64::from(*sa.offset(i as isize))); } ret } } thread_local!( pub static NAME_CACHE: RefCell>> = RefCell::new(HashMap::new()); ); #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_name_cached(psid: PSID) -> Option<(String, String)> { NAME_CACHE.with(|c| { let mut c = c.borrow_mut(); if let Some(x) = c.get(&psid) { x.clone() } else { let x = get_name(psid); c.insert(psid, x.clone()); x } }) } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_name(psid: PSID) -> Option<(String, String)> { unsafe { let mut cc_name = 0; let mut cc_domainname = 0; let mut pe_use = 0; let _ = LookupAccountSidW( ptr::null::() as *mut u16, psid, ptr::null::() as *mut u16, &mut cc_name, ptr::null::() as *mut u16, &mut cc_domainname, &mut pe_use, ); if cc_name == 0 || cc_domainname == 0 { return None; } let mut name: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(cc_name as usize); let mut domainname: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(cc_domainname as usize); name.set_len(cc_name as usize); domainname.set_len(cc_domainname as usize); let ret = LookupAccountSidW( ptr::null::() as *mut u16, psid, name.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16, &mut cc_name, domainname.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16, &mut cc_domainname, &mut pe_use, ); if ret == 0 { return None; } let name = from_wide_ptr(name.as_ptr()); let domainname = from_wide_ptr(domainname.as_ptr()); Some((name, domainname)) } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn from_wide_ptr(ptr: *const u16) -> String { unsafe { assert!(!ptr.is_null()); let len = (0..std::isize::MAX) .position(|i| *ptr.offset(i) == 0) .unwrap_or_default(); let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len); OsString::from_wide(slice).to_string_lossy().into_owned() } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_priority(handle: HANDLE) -> u32 { unsafe { GetPriorityClass(handle) } } impl ProcessInfo { /// PID of process pub fn pid(&self) -> i32 { self.pid } /// Parent PID of process pub fn ppid(&self) -> i32 { self.ppid } /// Name of command pub fn name(&self) -> String { self.command.clone() } /// Full name of command, with arguments pub fn command(&self) -> String { self.cmd.join(" ") } pub fn environ(&self) -> Vec { self.environ.clone() } pub fn cwd(&self) -> String { self.cwd.display().to_string() } /// Get the status of the process pub fn status(&self) -> String { "unknown".to_string() } /// CPU usage as a percent of total pub fn cpu_usage(&self) -> f64 { let curr_time = self.cpu_info.curr_sys + self.cpu_info.curr_user; let prev_time = self.cpu_info.prev_sys + self.cpu_info.prev_user; let usage_ms = (curr_time - prev_time) / 10000u64; let interval_ms = self.interval.as_secs() * 1000 + u64::from(self.interval.subsec_millis()); usage_ms as f64 * 100.0 / interval_ms as f64 } /// Memory size in number of bytes pub fn mem_size(&self) -> u64 { self.memory_info.working_set_size } /// Virtual memory size in bytes pub fn virtual_size(&self) -> u64 { self.memory_info.private_usage } }