# std.nu, `used` to load all standard library components # Universal assert command # # If the condition is not true, it generates an error. # # # Example # # ```nushell # >_ assert (3 == 3) # >_ assert (42 == 3) # Error: # × Assertion failed: # ╭─[myscript.nu:11:1] # 11 │ assert (3 == 3) # 12 │ assert (42 == 3) # · ───┬──── # · ╰── It is not true. # 13 │ # ╰──── # ``` # # The --error-label flag can be used if you want to create a custom assert command: # ``` # def "assert even" [number: int] { # assert ($number mod 2 == 0) --error-label { # start: (metadata $number).span.start, # end: (metadata $number).span.end, # text: $"($number) is not an even number", # } # } # ``` export def assert [ condition: bool, # Condition, which should be true message?: string, # Optional error message --error-label: record # Label for `error make` if you want to create a custom assert ] { if $condition { return } let span = (metadata $condition).span error make { msg: ($message | default "Assertion failed."), label: ($error_label | default { text: "It is not true.", start: (metadata $condition).span.start, end: (metadata $condition).span.end }) } } # Assert that executing the code generates an error # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert error {|| missing_command} # passes # > assert error {|| 12} # fails export def "assert error" [ code: closure, message?: string ] { let error_raised = (try { do $code; false } catch { true }) assert ($error_raised) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $code).span.start end: (metadata $code).span.end text: $"There were no error during code execution: (view source $code)" } } # Assert $left == $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert equal 1 1 # passes # > assert equal (0.1 + 0.2) 0.3 # > assert equal 1 2 # fails export def "assert equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left == $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"They are not equal. Left = ($left). Right = ($right)." } } # Assert $left != $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert not equal 1 2 # passes # > assert not equal 1 "apple" # passes # > assert not equal 7 7 # fails export def "assert not equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left != $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"They both are ($left)." } } # Assert $left <= $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert less or equal 1 2 # passes # > assert less or equal 1 1 # passes # > assert less or equal 1 0 # fails export def "assert less or equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left <= $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert $left < $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert less 1 2 # passes # > assert less 1 1 # fails export def "assert less" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left < $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert $left > $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert greater 2 1 # passes # > assert greater 2 2 # fails export def "assert greater" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left > $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert $left >= $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert greater or equal 2 1 # passes # > assert greater or equal 2 2 # passes # > assert greater or equal 1 2 # fails export def "assert greater or equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left >= $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert length of $left is $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert length [0, 0] 2 # passes # > assert length [0] 3 # fails export def "assert length" [left: list, right: int, message?: string] { assert (($left | length) == $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Length of ($left) is ($left | length), not ($right)" } } # Assert that ($left | str contains $right) # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert str contains "arst" "rs" # passes # > assert str contains "arst" "k" # fails export def "assert str contains" [left: string, right: string, message?: string] { assert ($left | str contains $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"'($left)' does not contain '($right)'." } } # Add the given paths to the PATH. # # # Example # - adding some dummy paths to an empty PATH # ```nushell # >_ with-env [PATH []] { # std path add "foo" # std path add "bar" "baz" # std path add "fooo" --append # # assert equal $env.PATH ["bar" "baz" "foo" "fooo"] # # print (std path add "returned" --ret) # } # ╭───┬──────────╮ # │ 0 │ returned │ # │ 1 │ bar │ # │ 2 │ baz │ # │ 3 │ foo │ # │ 4 │ fooo │ # ╰───┴──────────╯ # ``` export def-env "path add" [ --ret (-r) # return $env.PATH, useful in pipelines to avoid scoping. --append (-a) # append to $env.PATH instead of prepending to. ...paths # the paths to add to $env.PATH. ] { let-env PATH = ( $env.PATH | if $append { append $paths } else { prepend $paths } ) if $ret { $env.PATH } } # Maintain a list of working directories and navigates them # the directory stack export-env { let-env DIRS_POSITION = 0 let-env DIRS_LIST = [($env.PWD | path expand)] } # Add one or more directories to the list. # PWD becomes first of the newly added directories. export def-env "dirs add" [ ...paths: string # directory or directories to add to working list ] { mut abspaths = [] for p in $paths { let exp = ($p | path expand) if ($exp | path type) != 'dir' { let span = (metadata $p).span error make {msg: "not a directory", label: {text: "not a directory", start: $span.start, end: $span.end } } } $abspaths = ($abspaths | append $exp) } let-env DIRS_LIST = ($env.DIRS_LIST | insert ($env.DIRS_POSITION + 1) $abspaths | flatten) let-env DIRS_POSITION = $env.DIRS_POSITION + 1 _fetch 0 } # Advance to the next directory in the list or wrap to beginning. export def-env "dirs next" [ N:int = 1 # number of positions to move. ] { _fetch $N } # Back up to the previous directory or wrap to the end. export def-env "dirs prev" [ N:int = 1 # number of positions to move. ] { _fetch (-1 * $N) } # Drop the current directory from the list, if it's not the only one. # PWD becomes the next working directory export def-env "dirs drop" [] { if ($env.DIRS_LIST | length) > 1 { let-env DIRS_LIST = ( ($env.DIRS_LIST | take $env.DIRS_POSITION) | append ($env.DIRS_LIST | skip ($env.DIRS_POSITION + 1)) ) } _fetch 0 } # Display current working directories. export def-env "dirs show" [] { mut out = [] for $p in ($env.DIRS_LIST | enumerate) { $out = ($out | append [ [active, path]; [($p.index == $env.DIRS_POSITION), $p.item] ]) } $out } # fetch item helper def-env _fetch [ offset: int, # signed change to position ] { # nushell 'mod' operator is really 'remainder', can return negative values. # see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13683563/whats-the-difference-between-mod-and-remainder let pos = ($env.DIRS_POSITION + $offset + ($env.DIRS_LIST | length) ) mod ($env.DIRS_LIST | length) let-env DIRS_POSITION = $pos cd ($env.DIRS_LIST | get $pos ) } def CRITICAL_LEVEL [] { 50 } def ERROR_LEVEL [] { 40 } def WARNING_LEVEL [] { 30 } def INFO_LEVEL [] { 20 } def DEBUG_LEVEL [] { 10 } def parse-string-level [level: string] { ( if $level == "CRITICAL" { (CRITICAL_LEVEL)} else if $level == "CRIT" { (CRITICAL_LEVEL)} else if $level == "ERROR" { (ERROR_LEVEL) } else if $level == "WARNING" { (WARNING_LEVEL) } else if $level == "WARN" { (WARNING_LEVEL) } else if $level == "INFO" { (INFO_LEVEL) } else if $level == "DEBUG" { (DEBUG_LEVEL) } else { (INFO_LEVEL) } ) } def current-log-level [] { let env_level = ($env | get -i NU_LOG_LEVEL | default (INFO_LEVEL)) try { ($env_level | into int) } catch { parse-string-level $env_level } } def now [] { date now | date format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%.3f" } # Log critical message export def "log critical" [message: string] { if (current-log-level) > (CRITICAL_LEVEL) { return } print --stderr $"(ansi red_bold)CRT|(now)|($message)(ansi reset)" } # Log error message export def "log error" [message: string] { if (current-log-level) > (ERROR_LEVEL) { return } print --stderr $"(ansi red)ERR|(now)|($message)(ansi reset)" } # Log warning message export def "log warning" [message: string] { if (current-log-level) > (WARNING_LEVEL) { return } print --stderr $"(ansi yellow)WRN|(now)|($message)(ansi reset)" } # Log info message export def "log info" [message: string] { if (current-log-level) > (INFO_LEVEL) { return } print --stderr $"(ansi default)INF|(now)|($message)(ansi reset)" } # Log debug message export def "log debug" [message: string] { if (current-log-level) > (DEBUG_LEVEL) { return } print --stderr $"(ansi default_dimmed)DBG|(now)|($message)(ansi reset)" } # Utility functions to read, change and create XML data in format supported # by `to xml` and `from xml` commands # Get all xml entries matching simple xpath-inspired query export def xaccess [ path: list # List of steps. Each step can be a # 1. String with tag name. Finds all children with specified name. Equivalent to `child::A` in xpath # 2. `*` string. Get all children without any filter. Equivalent to `descendant` in xpath # 3. Int. Select n-th among nodes selected by previous path. Equivalent to `(...)[1]` in xpath, but is indexed from 0. # 4. Closure. Predicate accepting entry. Selects all entries among nodes selected by previous path for which predicate returns true. ] { let input = $in if ($path | is-empty) { let path_span = (metadata $path).span error make {msg: 'Empty path provided' label: {text: 'Use a non-empty list of path steps' start: $path_span.start end: $path_span.end}} } # In xpath first element in path is applied to root element # this way it is possible to apply first step to root element # of nu xml without unrolling one step of loop mut values = () $values = {content: [ { content: $input } ] } for $step in ($path) { match ($step | describe) { 'string' => { if $step == '*' { $values = ($values.content | flatten) } else { $values = ($values.content | flatten | where tag == $step) } }, 'int' => { $values = [ ($values | get $step) ] }, 'closure' => { $values = ($values | where {|x| do $step $x}) }, $type => { let step_span = (metadata $step).span error make {msg: $'Incorrect path step type ($type)' label: {text: 'Use a string or int as a step' start: $step_span.start end: $step_span.end}} } } if ($values | is-empty) { return [] } } $values } def xupdate-string-step [ step: string rest: list updater: closure ] { let input = $in # Get a list of elements to be updated and their indices let to_update = ($input.content | enumerate | filter {|it| let item = $it.item $step == '*' or $item.tag == $step }) if ($to_update | is-empty) { return $input } let new_values = ($to_update.item | xupdate-internal $rest $updater) mut reenumerated_new_values = ($to_update.index | zip $new_values | each {|x| {index: $x.0 item: $x.1}}) mut new_content = [] for it in ($input.content | enumerate) { let item = $it.item let idx = $it.index let next = (if (not ($reenumerated_new_values | is-empty)) and $idx == $reenumerated_new_values.0.index { let tmp = $reenumerated_new_values.0 $reenumerated_new_values = ($reenumerated_new_values | skip 1) $tmp.item } else { $item }) $new_content = ($new_content | append $next) } {tag: $input.tag attributes: $input.attributes content: $new_content} } def xupdate-int-step [ step: int rest: list updater: closure ] { $in | enumerate | each {|it| let item = $it.item let idx = $it.index if $idx == $step { [ $item ] | xupdate-internal $rest $updater | get 0 } else { $item } } } def xupdate-closure-step [ step: closure rest: list updater: closure ] { $in | each {|it| if (do $step $it) { [ $it ] | xupdate-internal $rest $updater | get 0 } else { $it } } } def xupdate-internal [ path: list updater: closure ] { let input = $in if ($path | is-empty) { $input | each $updater } else { let step = $path.0 let rest = ($path | skip 1) match ($step | describe) { 'string' => { $input | each {|x| $x | xupdate-string-step $step $rest $updater} }, 'int' => { $input | xupdate-int-step $step $rest $updater }, 'closure' => { $input | xupdate-closure-step $step $rest $updater }, $type => { let step_span = (metadata $step).span error make {msg: $'Incorrect path step type ($type)' label: {text: 'Use a string or int as a step' start: $step_span.start end: $step_span.end}} } } } } # Update xml data entries matching simple xpath-inspired query export def xupdate [ path: list # List of steps. Each step can be a # 1. String with tag name. Finds all children with specified name. Equivalent to `child::A` in xpath # 2. `*` string. Get all children without any filter. Equivalent to `descendant` in xpath # 3. Int. Select n-th among nodes selected by previous path. Equivalent to `(...)[1]` in xpath, but is indexed from 0. # 4. Closure. Predicate accepting entry. Selects all entries among nodes selected by previous path for which predicate returns true. updater: closure # A closure used to transform entries matching path. ] { {tag:? attributes:? content: [$in]} | xupdate-internal $path $updater | get content.0 } # Get type of an xml entry # # Possible types are 'tag', 'text', 'pi' and 'comment' export def xtype [] { let input = $in if (($input | describe) == 'string' or ($input.tag? == null and $input.attributes? == null and ($input.content? | describe) == 'string')) { 'text' } else if $input.tag? == '!' { 'comment' } else if $input.tag? != null and ($input.tag? | str starts-with '?') { 'pi' } else if $input.tag? != null { 'tag' } else { error make {msg: 'Not an xml emtry. Check valid types of xml entries via `help to xml`'} } } # Insert new entry to elements matching simple xpath-inspired query export def xinsert [ path: list # List of steps. Each step can be a # 1. String with tag name. Finds all children with specified name. Equivalent to `child::A` in xpath # 2. `*` string. Get all children without any filter. Equivalent to `descendant` in xpath # 3. Int. Select n-th among nodes selected by previous path. Equivalent to `(...)[1]` in xpath, but is indexed from 0. # 4. Closure. Predicate accepting entry. Selects all entries among nodes selected by previous path for which predicate returns true. new_entry: record # A new entry to insert into `content` field of record at specified position position?: int # Position to insert `new_entry` into. If specified inserts entry at given position (or end if # position is greater than number of elements) in content of all entries of input matched by # path. If not specified inserts at the end. ] { $in | xupdate $path {|entry| match ($entry | xtype) { 'tag' => { let new_content = if $position == null { $entry.content | append $new_entry } else { let position = if $position > ($entry.content | length) { $entry.content | length } else { $position } $entry.content | insert $position $new_entry } {tag: $entry.tag attributes: $entry.attributes content: $new_content} }, _ => (error make {msg: 'Can insert entry only into content of a tag node'}) } } } # print a command name as dimmed and italic def pretty-command [] { let command = $in return $"(ansi default_dimmed)(ansi default_italic)($command)(ansi reset)" } # give a hint error when the clip command is not available on the system def check-clipboard [ clipboard: string # the clipboard command name --system: string # some information about the system running, for better error ] { if (which $clipboard | is-empty) { error make --unspanned { msg: $"(ansi red)clipboard_not_found(ansi reset): you are running ($system) but the ($clipboard | pretty-command) clipboard command was not found on your system." } } } # put the end of a pipe into the system clipboard. # # Dependencies: # - xclip on linux x11 # - wl-copy on linux wayland # - clip.exe on windows # # Examples: # put a simple string to the clipboard, will be stripped to remove ANSI sequences # >_ "my wonderful string" | clip # my wonderful string # saved to clipboard (stripped) # # put a whole table to the clipboard # >_ ls *.toml | clip # ╭───┬─────────────────────┬──────┬────────┬───────────────╮ # │ # │ name │ type │ size │ modified │ # ├───┼─────────────────────┼──────┼────────┼───────────────┤ # │ 0 │ Cargo.toml │ file │ 5.0 KB │ 3 minutes ago │ # │ 1 │ Cross.toml │ file │ 363 B │ 2 weeks ago │ # │ 2 │ rust-toolchain.toml │ file │ 1.1 KB │ 2 weeks ago │ # ╰───┴─────────────────────┴──────┴────────┴───────────────╯ # # saved to clipboard # # put huge structured data in the clipboard, but silently # >_ open Cargo.toml --raw | from toml | clip --silent # # when the clipboard system command is not installed # >_ "mm this is fishy..." | clip # Error: # × clipboard_not_found: # │ you are using xorg on linux # │ but # │ the xclip clipboard command was not found on your system. export def clip [ --silent: bool # do not print the content of the clipboard to the standard output --no-notify: bool # do not throw a notification (only on linux) ] { let input = $in let input = if ($input | describe) == "string" { $input | ansi strip } else { $input } match $nu.os-info.name { "linux" => { if ($env.WAYLAND_DISPLAY? | is-empty) { check-clipboard xclip --system $"('xorg' | pretty-command) on linux" $input | xclip -sel clip } else { check-clipboard wl-copy --system $"('wayland' | pretty-command) on linux" $input | wl-copy } }, "windows" => { chcp 65001 # see https://discord.com/channels/601130461678272522/601130461678272524/1085535756237426778 check-clipboard clip.exe --system $"('xorg' | pretty-command) on linux" $input | clip.exe }, "macos" => { check-clipboard pbcopy --system macOS $input | pbcopy }, _ => { error make --unspanned { msg: $"(ansi red)unknown_operating_system(ansi reset): '($nu.os-info.name)' is not supported by the ('clip' | pretty-command) command. please open a feature request in the [issue tracker](char lparen)https://github.com/nushell/nushell/issues/new/choose(char rparen) to add your operating system to the standard library." } }, } if not $silent { print $input print --no-newline $"(ansi white_italic)(ansi white_dimmed)saved to clipboard" if ($input | describe) == "string" { print " (stripped)" } print --no-newline $"(ansi reset)" } if (not $no_notify) and ($nu.os-info.name == linux) { notify-send "std clip" "saved to clipboard" } }