use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContentToBeTrimmed; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; use nu_test_support::{nu, pipeline}; #[test] fn parse_script_success() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" greet "world" def greet [name] { echo "hello" $name } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_script_with_wrong_type() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" greet "world" def greet [name] { echo "hello" $name } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check -d --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("Failed to parse content")); }) } #[test] fn parse_script_failure() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" greet "world" def greet [name { echo "hello" $name } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check -d "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("Unexpected end of code")); }) } #[test] fn parse_module_success() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_4", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" # export def hello [name: string] { $"hello ($name)!" } export def hi [where: string] { $"hi ($where)!" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_module_with_wrong_type() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_5", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" # export def hello [name: string { $"hello ($name)!" } export def hi [where: string] { $"hi ($where)!" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check -d "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("Failed to parse content")); }) } #[test] fn parse_module_failure() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_6", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" # export def hello [name: string { $"hello ($name)!" } export def hi [where: string] { $"hi ($where)!" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check -d --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("Unexpected end of code")); }) } #[test] fn file_not_exist() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_7", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("file not found")); }) } #[test] fn parse_unsupported_file() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_8", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "foo.txt", r#" # export def hello [name: string { $"hello ($name)!" } export def hi [where: string] { $"hi ($where)!" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check --as-module foo.txt "# )); assert!(actual .err .contains("File extension must be the type of .nu")); }) } #[test] fn parse_dir_failure() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_9", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check --as-module ~ "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("Path is not a file")); }) } #[test] fn parse_module_success_2() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_10", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" # export env MYNAME { "Arthur, King of the Britons" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" nu-check --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_script_success_with_raw_stream() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_11", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" greet "world" def greet [name] { echo "hello" $name } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open | nu-check "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_module_success_with_raw_stream() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_12", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" # export def hello [name: string] { $"hello ($name)!" } export def hi [where: string] { $"hi ($where)!" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open | nu-check --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_string_as_script_success() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_13", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" echo $'two(char nl)lines' | nu-check "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_string_as_script() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_14", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" echo $'two(char nl)lines' | nu-check -d --as-module "# )); println!("the out put is {}", actual.err); assert!(actual.err.contains("Failed to parse content")); }) } #[test] fn parse_module_success_with_internal_stream() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_15", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" # export def hello [name: string] { $"hello ($name)!" } export def hi [where: string] { $"hi ($where)!" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open | lines | nu-check --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_script_success_with_complex_internal_stream() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_16", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" #grep for nu def grep-nu [ search #search term entrada? #file or pipe # #Examples #grep-nu search file.txt #ls **/* | some_filter | grep-nu search #open file.txt | grep-nu search ] { if ($entrada | empty?) { if ($in | column? name) { grep -ihHn $search ($in | get name) } else { ($in | into string) | grep -ihHn $search } } else { grep -ihHn $search $entrada } | lines | parse "{file}:{line}:{match}" | str trim | update match {|f| $f.match | nu-highlight } | rename "source file" "line number" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open | lines | nu-check "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_script_failure_with_complex_internal_stream() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_17", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" #grep for nu def grep-nu [ search #search term entrada? #file or pipe # #Examples #grep-nu search file.txt #ls **/* | some_filter | grep-nu search #open file.txt | grep-nu search ] if ($entrada | empty?) { if ($in | column? name) { grep -ihHn $search ($in | get name) } else { ($in | into string) | grep -ihHn $search } } else { grep -ihHn $search $entrada } | lines | parse "{file}:{line}:{match}" | str trim | update match {|f| $f.match | nu-highlight } | rename "source file" "line number" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open | lines | nu-check "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "false".to_string()); }) } #[test] fn parse_script_success_with_complex_external_stream() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_18", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" #grep for nu def grep-nu [ search #search term entrada? #file or pipe # #Examples #grep-nu search file.txt #ls **/* | some_filter | grep-nu search #open file.txt | grep-nu search ] { if ($entrada | empty?) { if ($in | column? name) { grep -ihHn $search ($in | get name) } else { ($in | into string) | grep -ihHn $search } } else { grep -ihHn $search $entrada } | lines | parse "{file}:{line}:{match}" | str trim | update match {|f| $f.match | nu-highlight } | rename "source file" "line number" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open | nu-check "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn parse_module_success_with_complex_external_stream() { Playground::setup("nu_check_test_19", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "", r#" #grep for nu def grep-nu [ search #search term entrada? #file or pipe # #Examples #grep-nu search file.txt #ls **/* | some_filter | grep-nu search #open file.txt | grep-nu search ] { if ($entrada | empty?) { if ($in | column? name) { grep -ihHn $search ($in | get name) } else { ($in | into string) | grep -ihHn $search } } else { grep -ihHn $search $entrada } | lines | parse "{file}:{line}:{match}" | str trim | update match {|f| $f.match | nu-highlight } | rename "source file" "line number" } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open | nu-check -d --as-module "# )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) }