def borrow-year [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current $current.year = $current.year - 1 $current.month = $current.month + 12 $current } def leap-year-days [year] { if $year mod 400 == 0 { 29 } else if $year mod 4 == 0 and $year mod 100 != 0 { 29 } else { 28 } } def borrow-month [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current if $from.month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12] { $ = $ + 31 $current.month = $current.month - 1 if $current.month < 0 { $current = (borrow-year $from $current) } } else if $from.month in [4, 6, 9, 11] { $ = $ + 30 $current.month = $current.month - 1 if $current.month < 0 { $current = (borrow-year $from $current) } } else { # oh February let num_days_feb = (leap-year-days $current.year) $ = $ + $num_days_feb $current.month = $current.month - 1 if $current.month < 0 { $current = (borrow-year $from $current) } } $current } def borrow-day [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current $current.hour = $current.hour + 24 $ = $ - 1 if $ < 0 { $current = (borrow-month $from $current) } $current } def borrow-hour [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current $current.minute = $current.minute + 60 $current.hour = $current.hour - 1 if $current.hour < 0 { $current = (borrow-day $from $current) } $current } def borrow-minute [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current $current.second = $current.second + 60 $current.minute = $current.minute - 1 if $current.minute < 0 { $current = (borrow-hour $from $current) } $current } def borrow-second [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current $current.millisecond = $current.millisecond + 1_000 $current.second = $current.second - 1 if $current.second < 0 { $current = (borrow-minute $from $current) } $current } def borrow-millisecond [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current $current.microsecond = $current.microsecond + 1_000_000 $current.millisecond = $current.millisecond - 1 if $current.millisecond < 0 { $current = (borrow-second $from $current) } $current } def borrow-microsecond [from: record, current: record] { mut current = $current $current.nanosecond = $current.nanosecond + 1_000_000_000 $current.microsecond = $current.microsecond - 1 if $current.microsecond < 0 { $current = (borrow-millisecond $from $current) } $current } # Subtract two datetimes and return a record with the difference # Examples # print (datetime-diff 2023-05-07T04:08:45+12:00 2019-05-10T09:59:12+12:00) # print (datetime-diff (date now) 2019-05-10T09:59:12-07:00) export def datetime-diff [from: datetime, to: datetime] { let from_expanded = ($from | date to-timezone utc | date to-record | merge { millisecond: 0, microsecond: 0}) let to_expanded = ($to | date to-timezone utc | date to-record | merge { millisecond: 0, microsecond: 0}) mut result = { year: ($from_expanded.year - $to_expanded.year), month: ($from_expanded.month - $to_expanded.month)} if $result.month < 0 { $result = (borrow-year $from_expanded $result) } $ = $ - $ if $ < 0 { $result = (borrow-month $from_expanded $result) } $result.hour = $from_expanded.hour - $to_expanded.hour if $result.hour < 0 { $result = (borrow-day $from_expanded $result) } $result.minute = $from_expanded.minute - $to_expanded.minute if $result.minute < 0 { $result = (borrow-hour $from_expanded $result) } $result.second = $from_expanded.second - $to_expanded.second if $result.second < 0 { $result = (borrow-minute $from_expanded $result) } $result.nanosecond = $from_expanded.nanosecond - $to_expanded.nanosecond if $result.nanosecond < 0 { $result = (borrow-second $from_expanded $result) } $result.millisecond = ($result.nanosecond / 1_000_000 | into int) # don't want a decimal $result.microsecond = (($result.nanosecond mod 1_000_000) / 1_000 | into int) $result.nanosecond = ($result.nanosecond mod 1_000 | into int) $result } export def pretty-print-duration [dur: duration] { mut result = "" if $dur.year > 0 { if $dur.year > 1 { $result = $"($dur.year)yrs " } else { $result = $"($dur.year)yr " } } if $dur.month > 0 { if $dur.month > 1 { $result = $"($result)($dur.month)months " } else { $result = $"($result)($dur.month)month " } } if $ > 0 { if $ > 1 { $result = $"($result)($ " } else { $result = $"($result)($ " } } if $dur.hour > 0 { if $dur.hour > 1 { $result = $"($result)($dur.hour)hrs " } else { $result = $"($result)($dur.hour)hr " } } if $dur.minute > 0 { if $dur.minute > 1 { $result = $"($result)($dur.minute)mins " } else { $result = $"($result)($dur.minute)min " } } if $dur.second > 0 { if $dur.second > 1 { $result = $"($result)($dur.second)secs " } else { $result = $"($result)($dur.second)sec " } } if $dur.millisecond > 0 { if $dur.millisecond > 1 { $result = $"($result)($dur.millisecond)ms " } else { $result = $"($result)($dur.millisecond)ms " } } if $dur.microsecond > 0 { if $dur.microsecond > 1 { $result = $"($result)($dur.microsecond)µs " } else { $result = $"($result)($dur.microsecond)µs " } } if $dur.nanosecond > 0 { if $dur.nanosecond > 1 { $result = $"($result)($dur.nanosecond)ns " } else { $result = $"($result)($dur.nanosecond)ns " } } $result }