mod helpers; use helpers as h; use helpers::{Playground, Stub::*}; #[test] fn group_by() { Playground::setup("group_by_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "los_tres_caballeros.csv", r#" first_name,last_name,rusty_at,type Andrés,Robalino,10/11/2013,A Jonathan,Turner,10/12/2013,B Yehuda,Katz,10/11/2013,A "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" open los_tres_caballeros.csv | group-by rusty_at | get "10/11/2013" | count | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "2"); }) } #[test] fn group_by_errors_if_unknown_column_name() { Playground::setup("group_by_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "los_tres_caballeros.csv", r#" first_name,last_name,rusty_at,type Andrés,Robalino,10/11/2013,A Jonathan,Turner,10/12/2013,B Yehuda,Katz,10/11/2013,A "#, )]); let actual = nu_error!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" open los_tres_caballeros.csv | group-by ttype "# )); assert!(actual.contains("Unknown column")); }) } #[cfg(data_processing_primitives)] #[test] fn split_by() { Playground::setup("split_by_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "los_tres_caballeros.csv", r#" first_name,last_name,rusty_at,type Andrés,Robalino,10/11/2013,A Jonathan,Turner,10/12/2013,B Yehuda,Katz,10/11/2013,A "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" open los_tres_caballeros.csv | group-by rusty_at | split-by type | get A."10/11/2013" | count | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "2"); }) } #[cfg(data_processing_primitives)] #[test] fn split_by_errors_if_no_table_given_as_input() { Playground::setup("split_by_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), ]); let actual = nu_error!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" ls | get name | split-by type "# )); assert!(actual.contains("Expected table from pipeline")); }) } #[test] fn first_gets_first_rows_by_amount() { Playground::setup("first_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" ls | first 3 | count | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "3"); }) } #[test] fn first_gets_all_rows_if_amount_higher_than_all_rows() { Playground::setup("first_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" ls | first 99 | count | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "4"); }) } #[test] fn first_gets_first_row_when_no_amount_given() { Playground::setup("first_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![EmptyFile("caballeros.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" ls | first | count | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "1"); }) } #[test] fn last_gets_last_rows_by_amount() { Playground::setup("last_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" ls | last 3 | count | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "3"); }) } #[test] fn last_gets_last_row_when_no_amount_given() { Playground::setup("last_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![EmptyFile("caballeros.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" ls | last | count | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "1"); }) } #[test] fn lines() { let actual = nu!( cwd: "tests/fixtures/formats", h::pipeline( r#" open cargo_sample.toml --raw | lines | skip-while $it != "[dependencies]" | skip 1 | first 1 | split-column "=" | get Column1 | trim | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual, "rustyline"); } #[test] fn save_figures_out_intelligently_where_to_write_out_with_metadata() { Playground::setup("save_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( "cargo_sample.toml", r#" [package] name = "nu" version = "0.1.1" authors = ["Yehuda Katz "] description = "A shell for the GitHub era" license = "ISC" edition = "2018" "#, )]); let subject_file = dirs.test().join("cargo_sample.toml"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), "open save_test_1/cargo_sample.toml | inc package.version --minor | save" ); let actual = h::file_contents(&subject_file); assert!(actual.contains("0.2.0")); }) } #[test] fn it_arg_works_with_many_inputs_to_external_command() { Playground::setup("it_arg_works_with_many_inputs", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ FileWithContent("file1", "text"), FileWithContent("file2", " and more text"), ]); let (stdout, stderr) = nu_combined!( cwd: dirs.test(), h::pipeline( r#" echo hello world | split-row " " | ^echo $it "# )); #[cfg(windows)] assert_eq!("hello world", stdout); #[cfg(not(windows))] assert_eq!("helloworld", stdout); assert!(!stderr.contains("No such file or directory")); }) } #[test] fn save_can_write_out_csv() { Playground::setup("save_test_2", |dirs, _| { let expected_file = dirs.test().join("cargo_sample.csv"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), "open {}/cargo_sample.toml | inc package.version --minor | get package | save save_test_2/cargo_sample.csv", dirs.formats() ); let actual = h::file_contents(expected_file); assert!(actual.contains("[Table],A shell for the GitHub era,2018,ISC,nu,0.2.0")); }) } // This test is more tricky since we are checking for binary output. The output rendered in ASCII is (roughly): // �authors+0Yehuda Katz descriptionA shell for the GitHub eraedition2018licenseISCnamenuversion0.2.0 // It is not valid utf-8, so this is just an approximation. #[test] fn save_can_write_out_bson() { Playground::setup("save_test_3", |dirs, _| { let expected_file = dirs.test().join("cargo_sample.bson"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), "open {}/cargo_sample.toml | inc package.version --minor | get package | save save_test_3/cargo_sample.bson", dirs.formats() ); let actual = h::file_contents_binary(expected_file); assert!( actual == vec![ 168, 0, 0, 0, 4, 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 115, 0, 43, 0, 0, 0, 2, 48, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 89, 101, 104, 117, 100, 97, 32, 75, 97, 116, 122, 32, 60, 119, 121, 99, 97, 116, 115, 64, 103, 109, 97, 105, 108, 46, 99, 111, 109, 62, 0, 0, 2, 100, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 65, 32, 115, 104, 101, 108, 108, 32, 102, 111, 114, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 71, 105, 116, 72, 117, 98, 32, 101, 114, 97, 0, 2, 101, 100, 105, 116, 105, 111, 110, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 50, 48, 49, 56, 0, 2, 108, 105, 99, 101, 110, 115, 101, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 73, 83, 67, 0, 2, 110, 97, 109, 101, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 110, 117, 0, 2, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 48, 46, 50, 46, 48, 0, 0 ] ); }) }