use libc::{c_int, c_void, size_t}; use libproc::libproc::bsd_info::BSDInfo; use libproc::libproc::file_info::{pidfdinfo, ListFDs, ProcFDType}; use libproc::libproc::net_info::{InSockInfo, SocketFDInfo, SocketInfoKind, TcpSockInfo}; use libproc::libproc::pid_rusage::{pidrusage, RUsageInfoV2}; use libproc::libproc::proc_pid::{listpidinfo, listpids, pidinfo, ListThreads, ProcType}; use libproc::libproc::task_info::{TaskAllInfo, TaskInfo}; use libproc::libproc::thread_info::ThreadInfo; use mach2::mach_time; use std::cmp; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; pub struct ProcessInfo { pub pid: i32, pub ppid: i32, pub curr_task: TaskAllInfo, pub prev_task: TaskAllInfo, pub curr_path: Option, pub curr_threads: Vec, pub curr_udps: Vec, pub curr_tcps: Vec, pub curr_res: Option, pub prev_res: Option, pub interval: Duration, } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] pub fn collect_proc(interval: Duration, _with_thread: bool) -> Vec { let mut base_procs = Vec::new(); let mut ret = Vec::new(); let arg_max = get_arg_max(); if let Ok(procs) = listpids(ProcType::ProcAllPIDS) { for p in procs { if let Ok(task) = pidinfo::(p as i32, 0) { let res = pidrusage::(p as i32).ok(); let time = Instant::now(); base_procs.push((p as i32, task, res, time)); } } } thread::sleep(interval); for (pid, prev_task, prev_res, prev_time) in base_procs { let curr_task = if let Ok(task) = pidinfo::(pid, 0) { task } else { clone_task_all_info(&prev_task) }; let curr_path = get_path_info(pid, arg_max); let threadids = listpidinfo::(pid, curr_task.ptinfo.pti_threadnum as usize); let mut curr_threads = Vec::new(); if let Ok(threadids) = threadids { for t in threadids { if let Ok(thread) = pidinfo::(pid, t) { curr_threads.push(thread); } } } let mut curr_tcps = Vec::new(); let mut curr_udps = Vec::new(); let fds = listpidinfo::(pid, curr_task.pbsd.pbi_nfiles as usize); if let Ok(fds) = fds { for fd in fds { if let ProcFDType::Socket = fd.proc_fdtype.into() { if let Ok(socket) = pidfdinfo::(pid, fd.proc_fd) { match socket.psi.soi_kind.into() { SocketInfoKind::In => { if socket.psi.soi_protocol == libc::IPPROTO_UDP { let info = unsafe { socket.psi.soi_proto.pri_in }; curr_udps.push(info); } } SocketInfoKind::Tcp => { let info = unsafe { socket.psi.soi_proto.pri_tcp }; curr_tcps.push(info); } _ => (), } } } } } let curr_res = pidrusage::(pid).ok(); let curr_time = Instant::now(); let interval = curr_time - prev_time; let ppid = curr_task.pbsd.pbi_ppid as i32; let proc = ProcessInfo { pid, ppid, curr_task, prev_task, curr_path, curr_threads, curr_udps, curr_tcps, curr_res, prev_res, interval, }; ret.push(proc); } ret } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_arg_max() -> size_t { let mut mib: [c_int; 2] = [libc::CTL_KERN, libc::KERN_ARGMAX]; let mut arg_max = 0i32; let mut size = ::std::mem::size_of::(); unsafe { while libc::sysctl( mib.as_mut_ptr(), 2, (&mut arg_max) as *mut i32 as *mut c_void, &mut size, ::std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, ) == -1 {} } arg_max as size_t } pub struct PathInfo { pub name: String, pub exe: PathBuf, pub root: PathBuf, pub cmd: Vec, pub env: Vec, } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] unsafe fn get_unchecked_str(cp: *mut u8, start: *mut u8) -> String { let len = cp as usize - start as usize; let part = Vec::from_raw_parts(start, len, len); let tmp = String::from_utf8_unchecked(part.clone()); ::std::mem::forget(part); tmp } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn get_path_info(pid: i32, mut size: size_t) -> Option { let mut proc_args = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize); let ptr: *mut u8 = proc_args.as_mut_slice().as_mut_ptr(); let mut mib: [c_int; 3] = [libc::CTL_KERN, libc::KERN_PROCARGS2, pid as c_int]; unsafe { let ret = libc::sysctl( mib.as_mut_ptr(), 3, ptr as *mut c_void, &mut size, ::std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, ); if ret != -1 { let mut n_args: c_int = 0; libc::memcpy( (&mut n_args) as *mut c_int as *mut c_void, ptr as *const c_void, ::std::mem::size_of::(), ); let mut cp = ptr.add(::std::mem::size_of::()); let mut start = cp; if cp < ptr.add(size) { while cp < ptr.add(size) && *cp != 0 { cp = cp.offset(1); } let exe = Path::new(get_unchecked_str(cp, start).as_str()).to_path_buf(); let name = exe .file_name() .unwrap_or_else(|| OsStr::new("")) .to_str() .unwrap_or("") .to_owned(); let mut need_root = true; let mut root = Default::default(); if exe.is_absolute() { if let Some(parent) = exe.parent() { root = parent.to_path_buf(); need_root = false; } } while cp < ptr.add(size) && *cp == 0 { cp = cp.offset(1); } start = cp; let mut c = 0; let mut cmd = Vec::new(); while c < n_args && cp < ptr.add(size) { if *cp == 0 { c += 1; cmd.push(get_unchecked_str(cp, start)); start = cp.offset(1); } cp = cp.offset(1); } start = cp; let mut env = Vec::new(); while cp < ptr.add(size) { if *cp == 0 { if cp == start { break; } env.push(get_unchecked_str(cp, start)); start = cp.offset(1); } cp = cp.offset(1); } if need_root { for env in env.iter() { if env.starts_with("PATH=") { root = Path::new(&env[6..]).to_path_buf(); break; } } } Some(PathInfo { exe, name, root, cmd, env, }) } else { None } } else { None } } } #[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)] fn clone_task_all_info(src: &TaskAllInfo) -> TaskAllInfo { let pbsd = BSDInfo { pbi_flags: src.pbsd.pbi_flags, pbi_status: src.pbsd.pbi_status, pbi_xstatus: src.pbsd.pbi_xstatus, pbi_pid: src.pbsd.pbi_pid, pbi_ppid: src.pbsd.pbi_ppid, pbi_uid: src.pbsd.pbi_uid, pbi_gid: src.pbsd.pbi_gid, pbi_ruid: src.pbsd.pbi_ruid, pbi_rgid: src.pbsd.pbi_rgid, pbi_svuid: src.pbsd.pbi_svuid, pbi_svgid: src.pbsd.pbi_svgid, rfu_1: src.pbsd.rfu_1, pbi_comm: src.pbsd.pbi_comm, pbi_name: src.pbsd.pbi_name, pbi_nfiles: src.pbsd.pbi_nfiles, pbi_pgid: src.pbsd.pbi_pgid, pbi_pjobc: src.pbsd.pbi_pjobc, e_tdev: src.pbsd.e_tdev, e_tpgid: src.pbsd.e_tpgid, pbi_nice: src.pbsd.pbi_nice, pbi_start_tvsec: src.pbsd.pbi_start_tvsec, pbi_start_tvusec: src.pbsd.pbi_start_tvusec, }; let ptinfo = TaskInfo { pti_virtual_size: src.ptinfo.pti_virtual_size, pti_resident_size: src.ptinfo.pti_resident_size, pti_total_user: src.ptinfo.pti_total_user, pti_total_system: src.ptinfo.pti_total_system, pti_threads_user: src.ptinfo.pti_threads_user, pti_threads_system: src.ptinfo.pti_threads_system, pti_policy: src.ptinfo.pti_policy, pti_faults: src.ptinfo.pti_faults, pti_pageins: src.ptinfo.pti_pageins, pti_cow_faults: src.ptinfo.pti_cow_faults, pti_messages_sent: src.ptinfo.pti_messages_sent, pti_messages_received: src.ptinfo.pti_messages_received, pti_syscalls_mach: src.ptinfo.pti_syscalls_mach, pti_syscalls_unix: src.ptinfo.pti_syscalls_unix, pti_csw: src.ptinfo.pti_csw, pti_threadnum: src.ptinfo.pti_threadnum, pti_numrunning: src.ptinfo.pti_numrunning, pti_priority: src.ptinfo.pti_priority, }; TaskAllInfo { pbsd, ptinfo } } impl ProcessInfo { /// PID of process pub fn pid(&self) -> i32 { } /// Name of command pub fn name(&self) -> String { if let Some(path) = &self.curr_path { if !path.cmd.is_empty() { let command_path = &path.exe; if let Some(command_name) = command_path.file_name() { command_name.to_string_lossy().to_string() } else { command_path.to_string_lossy().to_string() } } else { String::from("") } } else { String::from("") } } /// Full name of command, with arguments pub fn command(&self) -> String { if let Some(path) = &self.curr_path { if !path.cmd.is_empty() { path.cmd.join(" ").replace('\n', " ").replace('\t', " ") } else { String::new() } } else { String::new() } } /// Get the status of the process pub fn status(&self) -> String { let mut state = 7; for t in &self.curr_threads { let s = match t.pth_run_state { 1 => 1, // TH_STATE_RUNNING 2 => 5, // TH_STATE_STOPPED 3 => { if t.pth_sleep_time > 20 { 4 } else { 3 } } // TH_STATE_WAITING 4 => 2, // TH_STATE_UNINTERRUPTIBLE 5 => 6, // TH_STATE_HALTED _ => 7, }; state = cmp::min(s, state); } let state = match state { 0 => "", 1 => "Running", 2 => "Uninterruptible", 3 => "Sleep", 4 => "Waiting", 5 => "Stopped", 6 => "Halted", _ => "?", }; state.to_string() } /// CPU usage as a percent of total pub fn cpu_usage(&self) -> f64 { let curr_time = self.curr_task.ptinfo.pti_total_user + self.curr_task.ptinfo.pti_total_system; let prev_time = self.prev_task.ptinfo.pti_total_user + self.prev_task.ptinfo.pti_total_system; let usage_ticks = curr_time - prev_time; let interval_us = self.interval.as_micros(); let ticktime_us = mach_ticktime() / 1000.0; usage_ticks as f64 * 100.0 * ticktime_us / interval_us as f64 } /// Memory size in number of bytes pub fn mem_size(&self) -> u64 { self.curr_task.ptinfo.pti_resident_size } /// Virtual memory size in bytes pub fn virtual_size(&self) -> u64 { self.curr_task.ptinfo.pti_virtual_size } } /// The Macos kernel returns process times in mach ticks rather than nanoseconds. To get times in /// nanoseconds, we need to multiply by the mach timebase, a fractional value reported by the /// kernel. It is uncertain if the kernel returns the same value on each call to /// mach_timebase_info; if it does, it may be worth reimplementing this as a lazy_static value. fn mach_ticktime() -> f64 { let mut timebase = mach_time::mach_timebase_info_data_t::default(); let err = unsafe { mach_time::mach_timebase_info(&mut timebase) }; if err == 0 { timebase.numer as f64 / timebase.denom as f64 } else { // assume times are in nanoseconds then... 1.0 } }