use std::env::current_dir; use std::path::PathBuf; use nu_engine::CallExt; use nu_path::canonicalize_with; use nu_protocol::ast::Call; use nu_protocol::engine::{Command, EvaluationContext}; use nu_protocol::{ShellError, Signature, SyntaxShape, Value}; use crate::filesystem::util::FileStructure; pub struct Cp; impl Command for Cp { fn name(&self) -> &str { "cp" } fn usage(&self) -> &str { "Copy files." } fn signature(&self) -> Signature { Signature::build("cp") .required("source", SyntaxShape::GlobPattern, "the place to copy from") .required("destination", SyntaxShape::Filepath, "the place to copy to") .switch( "recursive", "copy recursively through subdirectories", Some('r'), ) .switch("interactive", "ask user to confirm action", Some('i')) } fn run( &self, context: &EvaluationContext, call: &Call, _input: Value, ) -> Result { let source: String = call.req(context, 0)?; let destination: String = call.req(context, 1)?; let interactive = call.has_flag("interactive"); if interactive { println!( "Are you shure that you want to move {} to {}?", source, destination ); } let path: PathBuf = current_dir().unwrap(); let source = path.join(source.as_str()); let destination = path.join(destination.as_str()); let sources = glob::glob(&source.to_string_lossy()).map_or_else(|_| Vec::new(), Iterator::collect); if sources.is_empty() { return Err(ShellError::FileNotFound(call.positional[0].span)); } if sources.len() > 1 && !destination.is_dir() { return Err(ShellError::MoveNotPossible { source_message: "Can't move many files".to_string(), source_span: call.positional[0].span, destination_message: "into single file".to_string(), destination_span: call.positional[1].span, }); } let any_source_is_dir = sources.iter().any(|f| matches!(f, Ok(f) if f.is_dir())); let recursive: bool = call.has_flag("recursive"); if any_source_is_dir && !recursive { return Err(ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle( "Directories must be copied using \"--recursive\"".to_string(), call.positional[0].span, )); } for entry in sources.into_iter().flatten() { let mut sources = FileStructure::new(); sources.walk_decorate(&entry)?; if entry.is_file() { let sources = sources.paths_applying_with(|(source_file, _depth_level)| { if destination.is_dir() { let mut dest = canonicalize_with(&destination, &path)?; if let Some(name) = entry.file_name() { dest.push(name); } Ok((source_file, dest)) } else { Ok((source_file, destination.clone())) } })?; for (src, dst) in sources { if src.is_file() { std::fs::copy(&src, dst).map_err(|e| { ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle( format!( "failed to move containing file \"{}\": {}", src.to_string_lossy(), e ), call.positional[0].span, ) })?; } } } else if entry.is_dir() { let destination = if !destination.exists() { destination.clone() } else { match entry.file_name() { Some(name) => destination.join(name), None => { return Err(ShellError::FileNotFoundCustom( format!("containing \"{:?}\" is not a valid path", entry), call.positional[0].span, )) } } }; std::fs::create_dir_all(&destination).map_err(|e| { ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle( format!("failed to recursively fill destination: {}", e), call.positional[1].span, ) })?; let sources = sources.paths_applying_with(|(source_file, depth_level)| { let mut dest = destination.clone(); let path = canonicalize_with(&source_file, &path)?; let components = path .components() .map(|fragment| fragment.as_os_str()) .rev() .take(1 + depth_level); components.for_each(|fragment| dest.push(fragment)); Ok((PathBuf::from(&source_file), dest)) })?; for (src, dst) in sources { if src.is_dir() && !dst.exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(&dst).map_err(|e| { ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle( format!( "failed to create containing directory \"{}\": {}", dst.to_string_lossy(), e ), call.positional[1].span, ) })?; } if src.is_file() { std::fs::copy(&src, &dst).map_err(|e| { ShellError::MoveNotPossibleSingle( format!( "failed to move containing file \"{}\": {}", src.to_string_lossy(), e ), call.positional[0].span, ) })?; } } } } Ok(Value::Nothing { span: call.head }) } }