mod helpers; use h::in_directory as cwd; use helpers as h; use nu::AbsolutePath; #[test] fn lines() { nu!(output, cwd("tests/fixtures/formats"), "open cargo_sample.toml --raw | lines | skip-while $it != \"[dependencies]\" | skip 1 | first 1 | split-column \"=\" | get Column1 | trim | echo $it"); assert_eq!(output, "rustyline"); } #[test] fn open_can_parse_csv() { nu!( output, cwd("tests/fixtures/formats"), "open caco3_plastics.csv | first 1 | get origin | echo $it" ); assert_eq!(output, "SPAIN"); } #[test] fn open_can_parse_toml() { nu!( output, cwd("tests/fixtures/formats"), "open cargo_sample.toml | get package.edition | echo $it" ); assert_eq!(output, "2018"); } #[test] fn open_can_parse_json() { nu!(output, cwd("tests/fixtures/formats"), "open sgml_description.json | get glossary.GlossDiv.GlossList.GlossEntry.GlossSee | echo $it"); assert_eq!(output, "markup") } #[test] fn open_can_parse_xml() { nu!( output, cwd("tests/fixtures/formats"), "open jonathan.xml | get | echo $it" ); assert_eq!( output, "" ) } #[test] fn open_can_parse_ini() { nu!( output, cwd("tests/fixtures/formats"), "open sample.ini | get SectionOne.integer | echo $it" ); assert_eq!(output, "1234") } #[test] fn open_error_if_file_not_found() { nu_error!( output, cwd("tests/fixtures/formats"), "open i_dont_exist.txt | echo $it" ); assert!(output.contains("File could not be opened")); } #[test] fn save_can_write_out_csv() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let (playground, tmp, _dir) = h::setup_playground_for("save_test")?; let expected_file = tmp.as_ref().join("cargo_sample.csv"); let root = &AbsolutePath::new(std::env::current_dir()?); let path = root / "tests/fixtures/formats/cargo_sample.toml"; let command = format!( "open {} | inc package.version --minor | get package | save {}", path.as_ref().display(), "cargo_sample.csv" ); for item in std::fs::read_dir(tmp.as_ref()) { println!("item :: {:?}", item); } nu!(_output, tmp.as_ref().display(), command); let actual = h::file_contents(&expected_file); assert!(actual.contains("[list list],A shell for the GitHub era,2018,ISC,nu,0.2.0")); drop(playground); drop(tmp); Ok(()) } #[test] fn rm_can_remove_a_file() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let (_playground, tmp, _) = h::setup_playground_for("remove_file")?; let file = &AbsolutePath::new(&tmp) / "rm_test.txt"; h::create_file_at(&file)?; nu!(_output, tmp.path().display(), "rm rm_test.txt"); assert!(!file.as_ref().exists()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn rm_can_remove_directory_contents_with_recursive_flag() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init(); let (playground, tmp, dir) = h::setup_playground_for("rm_test")?; for f in ["yehuda.txt", "jonathan.txt", "andres.txt"].iter() { h::create_file_at(&tmp.path().join(f))?; } nu!( _output, playground.path().display(), format!("rm {} --recursive", dir) ); assert!(!tmp.path().exists()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn rm_error_if_attempting_to_delete_a_directory_without_recursive_flag( ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let (playground, tmp, dir) = h::setup_playground_for("rm_test_2")?; nu_error!(output, playground.path().display(), format!("rm {}", dir)); assert!(tmp.path().exists()); assert!(output.contains("is a directory")); h::delete_directory_at(tmp.path()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn rm_error_if_attempting_to_delete_single_dot_as_argument() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let (_playground, tmp, _) = h::setup_playground_for("rm_test_2")?; nu_error!(output, tmp.path().display(), "rm ."); assert!(output.contains("may not be removed")); Ok(()) } #[test] fn rm_error_if_attempting_to_delete_two_dot_as_argument() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let (_playground, tmp, _) = h::setup_playground_for("rm_test_2")?; nu_error!(output, tmp.path().display(), "rm .."); assert!(output.contains("may not be removed")); Ok(()) }