use nu_protocol::engine::{EngineState, StateWorkingSet}; use std::path::Path; use crate::*; pub fn create_default_context(cwd: impl AsRef) -> EngineState { let mut engine_state = EngineState::new(); let delta = { let mut working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(&engine_state); macro_rules! bind_command { ( $( $command:expr ),* $(,)? ) => { $( working_set.add_decl(Box::new($command)); )* }; } // If there are commands that have the same name as default declarations, // they have to be registered before the main declarations. This helps to make // them only accessible if the correct input value category is used with the // declaration #[cfg(feature = "dataframe")] add_dataframe_decls(&mut working_set); // Core bind_command! { Alias, Debug, Def, DefEnv, Describe, Do, Du, Echo, ErrorMake, ExportCommand, ExportDef, ExportDefEnv, ExportEnv, Extern, For, Help, Hide, History, If, Ignore, Let, Metadata, Module, Source, Tutor, Use, Version, }; // Filters bind_command! { All, Any, Append, Collect, Columns, Compact, Default, Drop, DropColumn, DropNth, Each, EachGroup, EachWindow, Empty, Every, Find, First, Flatten, Get, GroupBy, Headers, SplitBy, Keep, Merge, Move, KeepUntil, KeepWhile, Last, Length, Lines, ParEach, ParEachGroup, Prepend, Range, Reduce, Reject, Rename, Reverse, Roll, RollDown, RollUp, RollLeft, RollRight, Rotate, Select, Shuffle, Skip, SkipUntil, SkipWhile, SortBy, Transpose, Uniq, Update, UpdateCells, Where, Wrap, Zip, }; // Path bind_command! { Path, PathBasename, PathDirname, PathExists, PathExpand, PathJoin, PathParse, PathRelativeTo, PathSplit, PathType, }; // System bind_command! { Benchmark, Exec, External, Ps, Sys, }; #[cfg(feature = "which")] bind_command! { Which }; // Strings bind_command! { BuildString, Char, Decode, DetectColumns, Format, Parse, Size, Split, SplitChars, SplitColumn, SplitRow, Str, StrCamelCase, StrCapitalize, StrCollect, StrContains, StrDowncase, StrEndswith, StrFindReplace, StrIndexOf, StrKebabCase, StrLength, StrLpad, StrPascalCase, StrReverse, StrRpad, StrScreamingSnakeCase, StrSnakeCase, StrStartsWith, StrSubstring, StrTrim, StrUpcase }; // FileSystem bind_command! { Cd, Cp, Ls, Mkdir, Mv, Open, Rm, Save, Touch, }; // Platform bind_command! { Ansi, AnsiGradient, AnsiStrip, Clear, KeybindingsDefault, Input, KeybindingsListen, Keybindings, Kill, KeybindingsList, Sleep, TermSize, }; // Date bind_command! { Date, DateFormat, DateHumanize, DateListTimezones, DateNow, DateToTable, DateToTimezone, }; // Shells bind_command! { Enter, Exit, GotoShell, NextShell, PrevShell, Shells, }; // Formats bind_command! { From, FromCsv, FromEml, FromIcs, FromIni, FromJson, FromOds, FromSsv, FromToml, FromTsv, FromUrl, FromVcf, FromXlsx, FromXml, FromYaml, FromYml, To, ToCsv, ToHtml, ToJson, ToMd, ToToml, ToTsv, ToCsv, Touch, Use, Update, Where, ToUrl, ToXml, ToYaml, }; // Viewers bind_command! { Griddle, Table, }; // Conversions bind_command! { Fmt, Into, IntoBool, IntoBinary, IntoDatetime, IntoDecimal, IntoFilesize, IntoInt, IntoString, }; // Env bind_command! { Env, LetEnv, LoadEnv, WithEnv, }; // Math bind_command! { Math, MathAbs, MathAvg, MathCeil, MathEval, MathFloor, MathMax, MathMedian, MathMin, MathMode, MathProduct, MathRound, MathSqrt, MathStddev, MathSum, MathVariance, }; // Network bind_command! { Fetch, Url, UrlHost, UrlPath, UrlQuery, UrlScheme, } // Random bind_command! { Random, RandomBool, RandomChars, RandomDecimal, RandomDice, RandomInteger, RandomUuid, }; // Generators bind_command! { Cal, Seq, SeqDate, }; // Hash bind_command! { Hash, HashMd5::default(), HashSha256::default(), Base64, }; // Experimental bind_command! { ViewSource, }; // Deprecated bind_command! { InsertDeprecated, PivotDeprecated, StrDatetimeDeprecated, StrDecimalDeprecated, StrIntDeprecated, NthDeprecated, UnaliasDeprecated, }; #[cfg(feature = "dataframe")] bind_command!(DataframeDeprecated); #[cfg(feature = "plugin")] bind_command!(Register); working_set.render() }; let _ = engine_state.merge_delta(delta, None, &cwd); engine_state }