# config

Configuration management.

Syntax: `config {flags}`

### Flags

    --load <file path shape>
      load the config from the path give

    --set <any shape>
      set a value in the config, eg) --set [key value]

    --set_into <member shape>
      sets a variable from values in the pipeline

    --get <any shape>
      get a value from the config

    --remove <any shape>
      remove a value from the config

      clear the config

      return the path to the config file

### Variables

| Variable   | Type             | Description                                             |
| ---------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| path       | table of strings | PATH to use to find binaries                            |
| env        | row              | the environment variables to pass to external commands  |
| ctrlc_exit | boolean          | whether or not to exit Nu after multiple ctrl-c presses |
| table_mode | "light" or other | enable lightweight or normal tables                     |
| edit_mode  | "vi" or "emacs"  | changes line editing to "vi" or "emacs" mode            |

## Examples

> config --set [table_mode "light"]

A more detailed description on how to use this command to configure Nu shell can be found in the configuration chapter of [Nu Book](https://www.nushell.sh/book/en/configuration.html).