use crate::{ completions::NuCompleter, prompt_update, reedline_config::{add_menus, create_keybindings, KeybindingsMode}, util::{eval_source, get_init_cwd, report_error, report_error_new}, NuHighlighter, NuValidator, NushellPrompt, }; use log::{info, trace}; use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result}; use nu_color_config::get_color_config; use nu_engine::{convert_env_values, eval_block}; use nu_parser::{lex, parse}; use nu_protocol::{ ast::PathMember, engine::{EngineState, Stack, StateWorkingSet}, BlockId, HistoryFileFormat, PipelineData, PositionalArg, ShellError, Span, Type, Value, VarId, }; use reedline::{DefaultHinter, Emacs, SqliteBackedHistory, Vi}; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::{sync::atomic::Ordering, time::Instant}; use sysinfo::SystemExt; const PRE_PROMPT_MARKER: &str = "\x1b]133;A\x1b\\"; const PRE_EXECUTE_MARKER: &str = "\x1b]133;C\x1b\\"; const CMD_FINISHED_MARKER: &str = "\x1b]133;D\x1b\\"; const RESET_APPLICATION_MODE: &str = "\x1b[?1l"; pub fn evaluate_repl( engine_state: &mut EngineState, stack: &mut Stack, nushell_path: &str, is_perf_true: bool, ) -> Result<()> { use reedline::{FileBackedHistory, Reedline, Signal}; let mut entry_num = 0; let mut nu_prompt = NushellPrompt::new(); if is_perf_true { info!( "translate environment vars {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!() ); } // Translate environment variables from Strings to Values if let Some(e) = convert_env_values(engine_state, stack) { let working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(engine_state); report_error(&working_set, &e); } // seed env vars stack.add_env_var( "CMD_DURATION_MS".into(), Value::String { val: "0823".to_string(), span: Span { start: 0, end: 0 }, }, ); stack.add_env_var( "LAST_EXIT_CODE".into(), Value::Int { val: 0, span: Span { start: 0, end: 0 }, }, ); if is_perf_true { info!( "load config initially {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!() ); } // Get the config once for the history `max_history_size` // Updating that will not be possible in one session let config = engine_state.get_config(); if is_perf_true { info!("setup reedline {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!()); } let mut line_editor = Reedline::create(); let history_path = crate::config_files::get_history_path( nushell_path, engine_state.config.history_file_format, ); if let Some(history_path) = history_path.as_deref() { if is_perf_true { info!("setup history {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!()); } let history: Box = match engine_state.config.history_file_format { HistoryFileFormat::PlainText => Box::new( FileBackedHistory::with_file( config.max_history_size as usize, history_path.to_path_buf(), ) .into_diagnostic()?, ), HistoryFileFormat::Sqlite => Box::new( SqliteBackedHistory::with_file(history_path.to_path_buf()).into_diagnostic()?, ), }; line_editor = line_editor.with_history(history); }; let sys = sysinfo::System::new(); loop { if is_perf_true { info!( "load config each loop {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!() ); } //Reset the ctrl-c handler if let Some(ctrlc) = &mut engine_state.ctrlc {, Ordering::SeqCst); } // Reset the SIGQUIT handler if let Some(sig_quit) = engine_state.get_sig_quit() {, Ordering::SeqCst); } let config = engine_state.get_config(); if is_perf_true { info!("setup colors {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!()); } let color_hm = get_color_config(config); if is_perf_true { info!("update reedline {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!()); } let engine_reference = std::sync::Arc::new(engine_state.clone()); line_editor = line_editor .with_highlighter(Box::new(NuHighlighter { engine_state: engine_state.clone(), config: config.clone(), })) .with_validator(Box::new(NuValidator { engine_state: engine_state.clone(), })) .with_completer(Box::new(NuCompleter::new( engine_reference.clone(), stack.clone(), ))) .with_quick_completions(config.quick_completions) .with_partial_completions(config.partial_completions) .with_ansi_colors(config.use_ansi_coloring); line_editor = if config.use_ansi_coloring { line_editor.with_hinter(Box::new( DefaultHinter::default().with_style(color_hm["hints"]), )) } else { line_editor.disable_hints() }; line_editor = match add_menus(line_editor, engine_reference, stack, config) { Ok(line_editor) => line_editor, Err(e) => { let working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(engine_state); report_error(&working_set, &e); Reedline::create() } }; let buffer_editor = if !config.buffer_editor.is_empty() { Some(config.buffer_editor.clone()) } else { stack .get_env_var(engine_state, "EDITOR") .map(|v| v.as_string().unwrap_or_default()) .filter(|v| !v.is_empty()) .or_else(|| { stack .get_env_var(engine_state, "VISUAL") .map(|v| v.as_string().unwrap_or_default()) .filter(|v| !v.is_empty()) }) }; line_editor = if let Some(buffer_editor) = buffer_editor { line_editor.with_buffer_editor(buffer_editor, "nu".into()) } else { line_editor }; if config.sync_history_on_enter { if is_perf_true { info!("sync history {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!()); } line_editor.sync_history().into_diagnostic()?; } if is_perf_true { info!("setup keybindings {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!()); } // Changing the line editor based on the found keybindings line_editor = match create_keybindings(config) { Ok(keybindings) => match keybindings { KeybindingsMode::Emacs(keybindings) => { let edit_mode = Box::new(Emacs::new(keybindings)); line_editor.with_edit_mode(edit_mode) } KeybindingsMode::Vi { insert_keybindings, normal_keybindings, } => { let edit_mode = Box::new(Vi::new(insert_keybindings, normal_keybindings)); line_editor.with_edit_mode(edit_mode) } }, Err(e) => { let working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(engine_state); report_error(&working_set, &e); line_editor } }; if is_perf_true { info!("prompt_update {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!()); } // Right before we start our prompt and take input from the user, // fire the "pre_prompt" hook if let Some(hook) = config.hooks.pre_prompt.clone() { if let Err(err) = eval_hook(engine_state, stack, vec![], &hook) { report_error_new(engine_state, &err); } } // Next, check all the environment variables they ask for // fire the "env_change" hook let config = engine_state.get_config(); if let Err(error) = eval_env_change_hook(config.hooks.env_change.clone(), engine_state, stack) { report_error_new(engine_state, &error) } let config = engine_state.get_config(); let shell_integration = config.shell_integration; if shell_integration { run_ansi_sequence(PRE_PROMPT_MARKER)?; } let prompt = prompt_update::update_prompt(config, engine_state, stack, &mut nu_prompt, is_perf_true); entry_num += 1; if is_perf_true { info!( "finished setup, starting repl {}:{}:{}", file!(), line!(), column!() ); } let input = line_editor.read_line(prompt); match input { Ok(Signal::Success(s)) => { let history_supports_meta = matches!(config.history_file_format, HistoryFileFormat::Sqlite); if history_supports_meta && !s.is_empty() { line_editor .update_last_command_context(&|mut c| { c.start_timestamp = Some(chrono::Utc::now()); c.hostname = sys.host_name(); c.cwd = Some(StateWorkingSet::new(engine_state).get_cwd()); c }) .into_diagnostic()?; // todo: don't stop repl if error here? } // Right before we start running the code the user gave us, // fire the "pre_execution" hook if let Some(hook) = config.hooks.pre_execution.clone() { if let Err(err) = eval_hook(engine_state, stack, vec![], &hook) { report_error_new(engine_state, &err); } } if shell_integration { run_ansi_sequence(RESET_APPLICATION_MODE)?; run_ansi_sequence(PRE_EXECUTE_MARKER)?; if let Some(cwd) = stack.get_env_var(engine_state, "PWD") { let path = cwd.as_string()?; // Try to abbreviate string for windows title let maybe_abbrev_path = if let Some(p) = nu_path::home_dir() { path.replace(&p.as_path().display().to_string(), "~") } else { path }; // Set window title too // // ESC]0;stringBEL -- Set icon name and window title to string // ESC]1;stringBEL -- Set icon name to string // ESC]2;stringBEL -- Set window title to string run_ansi_sequence(&format!("\x1b]2;{}\x07", maybe_abbrev_path))?; } } let start_time = Instant::now(); let tokens = lex(s.as_bytes(), 0, &[], &[], false); // Check if this is a single call to a directory, if so auto-cd let cwd = nu_engine::env::current_dir_str(engine_state, stack)?; let path = nu_path::expand_path_with(&s, &cwd); let orig = s.clone(); if (orig.starts_with('.') || orig.starts_with('~') || orig.starts_with('/') || orig.starts_with('\\')) && path.is_dir() && tokens.0.len() == 1 { // We have an auto-cd let (path, span) = { if !path.exists() { let working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(engine_state); report_error( &working_set, &ShellError::DirectoryNotFound(tokens.0[0].span, None), ); } let path = nu_path::canonicalize_with(path, &cwd) .expect("internal error: cannot canonicalize known path"); (path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), tokens.0[0].span) }; stack.add_env_var( "OLDPWD".into(), Value::String { val: cwd.clone(), span: Span { start: 0, end: 0 }, }, ); //FIXME: this only changes the current scope, but instead this environment variable //should probably be a block that loads the information from the state in the overlay stack.add_env_var( "PWD".into(), Value::String { val: path.clone(), span: Span { start: 0, end: 0 }, }, ); let cwd = Value::String { val: cwd, span }; let shells = stack.get_env_var(engine_state, "NUSHELL_SHELLS"); let mut shells = if let Some(v) = shells { v.as_list() .map(|x| x.to_vec()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![cwd]) } else { vec![cwd] }; let current_shell = stack.get_env_var(engine_state, "NUSHELL_CURRENT_SHELL"); let current_shell = if let Some(v) = current_shell { v.as_integer().unwrap_or_default() as usize } else { 0 }; shells[current_shell] = Value::String { val: path, span }; stack.add_env_var("NUSHELL_SHELLS".into(), Value::List { vals: shells, span }); } else { trace!("eval source: {}", s); eval_source( engine_state, stack, s.as_bytes(), &format!("entry #{}", entry_num), PipelineData::new(Span::new(0, 0)), ); } let cmd_duration = start_time.elapsed(); stack.add_env_var( "CMD_DURATION_MS".into(), Value::String { val: format!("{}", cmd_duration.as_millis()), span: Span { start: 0, end: 0 }, }, ); // FIXME: permanent state changes like this hopefully in time can be removed // and be replaced by just passing the cwd in where needed if let Some(cwd) = stack.get_env_var(engine_state, "PWD") { let path = cwd.as_string()?; let _ = std::env::set_current_dir(path); engine_state.add_env_var("PWD".into(), cwd); } if history_supports_meta && !s.is_empty() { line_editor .update_last_command_context(&|mut c| { c.duration = Some(cmd_duration); c.exit_status = stack .get_env_var(engine_state, "LAST_EXIT_CODE") .and_then(|e| e.as_i64().ok()); c }) .into_diagnostic()?; // todo: don't stop repl if error here? } if shell_integration { // FIXME: use variant with exit code, if apropriate run_ansi_sequence(CMD_FINISHED_MARKER)?; } } Ok(Signal::CtrlC) => { // `Reedline` clears the line content. New prompt is shown if shell_integration { run_ansi_sequence(CMD_FINISHED_MARKER)?; } } Ok(Signal::CtrlD) => { // When exiting clear to a new line if shell_integration { run_ansi_sequence(CMD_FINISHED_MARKER)?; } println!(); break; } Err(err) => { let message = err.to_string(); if !message.contains("duration") { println!("Error: {:?}", err); } if shell_integration { run_ansi_sequence(CMD_FINISHED_MARKER)?; } } } } Ok(()) } pub fn eval_env_change_hook( env_change_hook: Option, engine_state: &mut EngineState, stack: &mut Stack, ) -> Result<(), ShellError> { if let Some(hook) = env_change_hook { match hook { Value::Record { cols: env_names, vals: hook_values, .. } => { for (env_name, hook_value) in env_names.iter().zip(hook_values.iter()) { let before = engine_state .previous_env_vars .get(env_name) .cloned() .unwrap_or_default(); let after = stack .get_env_var(engine_state, env_name) .unwrap_or_default(); if before != after { eval_hook( engine_state, stack, vec![("$before".into(), before), ("$after".into(), after.clone())], hook_value, )?; engine_state .previous_env_vars .insert(env_name.to_string(), after); } } } x => { return Err(ShellError::TypeMismatch( "record for the 'env_change' hook".to_string(), x.span()?, )); } } } Ok(()) } pub fn eval_hook( engine_state: &mut EngineState, stack: &mut Stack, arguments: Vec<(String, Value)>, value: &Value, ) -> Result<(), ShellError> { let value_span = value.span()?; let condition_path = PathMember::String { val: "condition".to_string(), span: value_span, }; let code_path = PathMember::String { val: "code".to_string(), span: value_span, }; match value { Value::List { vals, .. } => { for val in vals { eval_hook(engine_state, stack, arguments.clone(), val)? } } Value::Record { .. } => { let do_run_hook = if let Ok(condition) = value.clone().follow_cell_path(&[condition_path], false) { match condition { Value::Block { val: block_id, span: block_span, .. } => { match run_hook_block( engine_state, stack, block_id, arguments.clone(), block_span, ) { Ok(value) => match value { Value::Bool { val, .. } => val, other => { return Err(ShellError::UnsupportedConfigValue( "boolean output".to_string(), format!("{}", other.get_type()), other.span()?, )); } }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); } } } other => { return Err(ShellError::UnsupportedConfigValue( "block".to_string(), format!("{}", other.get_type()), other.span()?, )); } } } else { // always run the hook true }; if do_run_hook { match value.clone().follow_cell_path(&[code_path], false)? { Value::String { val, span: source_span, } => { let (block, delta, vars) = { let mut working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(engine_state); let mut vars: Vec<(VarId, Value)> = vec![]; for (name, val) in arguments { let var_id = working_set.add_variable( name.as_bytes().to_vec(), val.span()?, Type::Any, ); vars.push((var_id, val)); } let (output, err) = parse(&mut working_set, Some("hook"), val.as_bytes(), false, &[]); if let Some(err) = err { report_error(&working_set, &err); return Err(ShellError::UnsupportedConfigValue( "valid source code".into(), "source code with syntax errors".into(), source_span, )); } (output, working_set.render(), vars) }; let cwd = match nu_engine::env::current_dir(engine_state, stack) { Ok(p) => p, Err(e) => { report_error_new(engine_state, &e); get_init_cwd() } }; let _ = engine_state.merge_delta(delta, Some(stack), &cwd); let input = PipelineData::new(value_span); let var_ids: Vec = vars .into_iter() .map(|(var_id, val)| { stack.add_var(var_id, val); var_id }) .collect(); match eval_block(engine_state, stack, &block, input, false, false) { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { report_error_new(engine_state, &err); } } for var_id in var_ids.iter() { stack.vars.remove(var_id); } } Value::Block { val: block_id, span: block_span, .. } => { run_hook_block(engine_state, stack, block_id, arguments, block_span)?; } other => { return Err(ShellError::UnsupportedConfigValue( "block or string".to_string(), format!("{}", other.get_type()), other.span()?, )); } } } } Value::Block { val: block_id, span: block_span, .. } => { run_hook_block(engine_state, stack, *block_id, arguments, *block_span)?; } other => { return Err(ShellError::UnsupportedConfigValue( "block, record, or list of records".into(), format!("{}", other.get_type()), other.span()?, )); } } Ok(()) } pub fn run_hook_block( engine_state: &EngineState, stack: &mut Stack, block_id: BlockId, arguments: Vec<(String, Value)>, span: Span, ) -> Result { let block = engine_state.get_block(block_id); let input = PipelineData::new(span); let mut callee_stack = stack.gather_captures(&block.captures); for (idx, PositionalArg { var_id, .. }) in block.signature.required_positional.iter().enumerate() { if let Some(var_id) = var_id { if let Some(arg) = arguments.get(idx) { callee_stack.add_var(*var_id, arg.1.clone()) } else { return Err(ShellError::IncompatibleParametersSingle( "This hook block has too many parameters".into(), span, )); } } } match eval_block(engine_state, &mut callee_stack, block, input, false, false) { Ok(pipeline_data) => match pipeline_data.into_value(span) { Value::Error { error } => Err(error), val => { // If all went fine, preserve the environment of the called block let caller_env_vars = stack.get_env_var_names(engine_state); // remove env vars that are present in the caller but not in the callee // (the callee hid them) for var in caller_env_vars.iter() { if !callee_stack.has_env_var(engine_state, var) { stack.remove_env_var(engine_state, var); } } // add new env vars from callee to caller for (var, value) in callee_stack.get_stack_env_vars() { stack.add_env_var(var, value); } Ok(val) } }, Err(err) => Err(err), } } fn run_ansi_sequence(seq: &str) -> Result<(), ShellError> { match io::stdout().write_all(seq.as_bytes()) { Ok(it) => it, Err(err) => { return Err(ShellError::GenericError( "Error writing ansi sequence".into(), err.to_string(), Some(Span { start: 0, end: 0 }), None, Vec::new(), )); } }; io::stdout().flush().map_err(|e| { ShellError::GenericError( "Error flushing stdio".into(), e.to_string(), Some(Span { start: 0, end: 0 }), None, Vec::new(), ) }) }