title: reduce
layout: command
version: 0.59.0

Aggregate a list table to a single value using an accumulator block.

## Signature

```> reduce (block) --fold --numbered```

## Parameters

 -  `block`: reducing function
 -  `--fold {any}`: reduce with initial value
 -  `--numbered`: iterate with an index

## Examples

Sum values of a list (same as 'math sum')
> [ 1 2 3 4 ] | reduce { $it.acc + $it.item }

Sum values with a starting value (fold)
> [ 1 2 3 4 ] | reduce -f 10 { $it.acc + $it.item }

Replace selected characters in a string with 'X'
> [ i o t ] | reduce -f "Arthur, King of the Britons" { $it.acc | str find-replace -a $it.item "X" }

Find the longest string and its index
> [ one longest three bar ] | reduce -n {
        if ($it.item | str length) > ($it.acc | str length) {
        } else {