#[cfg(feature = "which")] use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContent; use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContentToBeTrimmed; use nu_test_support::nu; use nu_test_support::pipeline; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; #[test] fn takes_rows_of_nu_value_strings_and_pipes_it_to_stdin_of_external() { Playground::setup("internal_to_external_pipe_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "nu_times.csv", r#" name,rusty_luck,origin Jason,1,Canada Jonathan,1,New Zealand Andrés,1,Ecuador AndKitKatz,1,Estados Unidos "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open nu_times.csv | get origin | each { ^echo $it | nu --testbin chop | lines } | nth 2 "# )); // chop will remove the last escaped double quote from \"Estados Unidos\" assert_eq!(actual.out, "Ecuado"); }) } #[cfg(feature = "directories-support")] #[cfg(feature = "which-support")] #[test] fn autoenv() { use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContent; Playground::setup("autoenv_test", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("foo/bar"); sandbox.mkdir("bizz/buzz"); sandbox.mkdir("foob"); // Windows uses a different command to create an empty file so we need to have different content on windows. let full_nu_env = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" [scripts] entryscripts = ["echo nul > hello.txt"] exitscripts = ["echo nul > bye.txt"]"# } else { r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" [scripts] entryscripts = ["touch hello.txt"] exitscripts = ["touch bye.txt"]"# }; sandbox.with_files(vec![ FileWithContent(".nu-env", full_nu_env), FileWithContent( "foo/.nu-env", r#"[env] overwrite_me = "set_in_foo" fookey = "fooval" "#, ), FileWithContent( "foo/bar/.nu-env", r#"[env] overwrite_me = "set_in_bar""#, ), FileWithContent("bizz/.nu-env", full_nu_env), ]); //Make sure basic keys are set let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust . echo $nu.env.testkey"# ); assert!(actual.out.ends_with("testvalue")); // Make sure exitscripts are run in the directory they were specified. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust cd .. cd autoenv_test ls ls | where name == "bye.txt" | get name"# ); assert!(actual.out.contains("bye.txt")); // Make sure entry scripts are run let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"cd .. autoenv trust autoenv_test cd autoenv_test ls | where name == "hello.txt" | get name"# ); assert!(actual.out.contains("hello.txt")); // If inside a directory with exitscripts, entering a subdirectory should not trigger the exitscripts. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust cd foob ls | where name == "bye.txt" | get name"# ); assert!(!actual.out.contains("bye.txt")); // Make sure entryscripts are run when re-visiting a directory let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust bizz cd bizz rm hello.txt cd .. cd bizz ls | where name == "hello.txt" | get name"# ); assert!(actual.out.contains("hello.txt")); // Entryscripts should not run after changing to a subdirectory. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust bizz cd bizz cd buzz ls | where name == hello.txt | get name"# ); assert!(!actual.out.ends_with("hello.txt")); //Backing out of the directory should unset the keys // let actual = nu!( // cwd: dirs.test(), // r#"cd .. // echo $nu.env.testkey"# // ); // assert!(!actual.out.ends_with("testvalue")); // Make sure script keys are set let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"echo $nu.env.myscript"# ); assert!(actual.out.ends_with("myval")); //Going to sibling directory without passing parent should work. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust foo cd foob cd ../foo echo $nu.env.fookey cd .."# ); assert!(actual.out.ends_with("fooval")); //Going to sibling directory should unset keys // let actual = nu!( // cwd: dirs.test(), // r#"cd foo // cd ../foob // echo $nu.env.fookey // cd .."# // ); // assert!(!actual.out.ends_with("fooval")); // Make sure entry scripts are run let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"ls | where name == "hello.txt" | get name"# ); assert!(actual.out.contains("hello.txt")); //Variables set in parent directories should be set even if you directly cd to a subdir let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust foo cd foo/bar autoenv trust echo $nu.env.fookey"# ); assert!(actual.out.ends_with("fooval")); //Subdirectories should overwrite the values of parent directories. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"autoenv trust foo cd foo/bar autoenv trust echo $nu.env.overwrite_me"# ); assert!(actual.out.ends_with("set_in_bar")); //Make sure that overwritten values are restored. //By deleting foo/.nu-env, we make sure that the value is actually restored and not just set again by autoenv when we re-visit foo. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"cd foo cd bar rm ../.nu-env cd .. echo $nu.env.overwrite_me"# ); assert!(actual.out.ends_with("set_in_foo")) }) } #[test] fn invocation_properly_redirects() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo $(nu --testbin cococo "hello") | str collect "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "hello"); } #[test] fn argument_invocation() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo "foo" | each { echo $(echo $it) } "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "foo"); } #[test] fn invocation_handles_dot() { Playground::setup("invocation_handles_dot", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "nu_times.csv", r#" name,rusty_luck,origin Jason,1,Canada Jonathan,1,New Zealand Andrés,1,Ecuador AndKitKatz,1,Estados Unidos "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" echo $(open nu_times.csv) | get name | each { nu --testbin chop $it | lines } | nth 3 "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "AndKitKat"); }) } #[test] fn string_interpolation_with_it() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo "foo" | each { echo `{{$it}}` } "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "foo"); } #[test] fn string_interpolation_with_column() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[name]; [bob]] | each { echo `{{name}} is cool` } "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "bob is cool"); } #[test] fn string_interpolation_with_column2() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[name]; [fred]] | each { echo `also {{name}} is cool` } "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "also fred is cool"); } #[test] fn string_interpolation_with_column3() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[name]; [sally]] | each { echo `also {{name}}` } "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "also sally"); } #[test] fn string_interpolation_with_it_column_path() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[name]; [sammie]] | each { echo `{{$it.name}}` } "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "sammie"); } #[test] fn run_custom_command() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" def add-me [x y] { = $x + $y}; add-me 10 5 "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "15"); } #[test] fn run_custom_command_with_flag() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" def foo [--bar:number] { if $(echo $bar | empty?) { echo "empty" } { echo $bar } }; foo --bar 10 "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "10"); } #[test] fn run_custom_command_with_flag_missing() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" def foo [--bar:number] { if $(echo $bar | empty?) { echo "empty" } { echo $bar } }; foo "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "empty"); } #[test] fn run_custom_subcommand() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" def "str double" [x] { echo $x $x | str collect }; str double bob "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "bobbob"); } #[test] fn set_variable() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" set x = 5 set y = 12 = $x + $y "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "17"); } #[test] fn set_env_variable() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" set-env TESTENVVAR = "hello world" echo $nu.env.TESTENVVAR "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "hello world"); } #[cfg(feature = "which")] #[test] fn argument_invocation_reports_errors() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", "echo $(ferris_is_not_here.exe)" ); assert!(actual.err.contains("Command not found")); } #[test] fn can_process_one_row_from_internal_and_pipes_it_to_stdin_of_external() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#"echo "nushelll" | nu --testbin chop"# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "nushell"); } #[test] fn echoing_ranges() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo 1..3 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "6"); } #[test] fn echoing_exclusive_ranges() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo 1..<4 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "6"); } #[test] fn table_literals1() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[name age]; [foo 13]] | get age "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "13"); } #[test] fn table_literals2() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[name age] ; [bob 13] [sally 20]] | get age | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "33"); } #[test] fn list_with_commas() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [1, 2, 3] | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "6"); } #[test] fn range_with_left_var() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[size]; [3]] | each { echo $it.size..10 } | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "52"); } #[test] fn range_with_right_var() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[size]; [30]] | each { echo 4..$it.size } | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "459"); } #[test] fn range_with_open_left() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo ..30 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "465"); } #[test] fn exclusive_range_with_open_left() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo ..<31 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "465"); } #[test] fn range_with_open_right() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo 5.. | first 10 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "95"); } #[test] fn exclusive_range_with_open_right() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo 5..< | first 10 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "95"); } #[test] fn range_with_mixed_types() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo 1..10.5 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "55"); } #[test] fn exclusive_range_with_mixed_types() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo 1..<10.5 | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "55"); } #[test] fn table_with_commas() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo [[name, age, height]; [JT, 42, 185] [Unknown, 99, 99]] | get age | math sum "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "141"); } #[test] fn duration_overflow() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" ls | get modified | each { = $it + 1000000000000000000yr } "#) ); assert!(actual.err.contains("Duration overflow")); } #[test] fn date_and_duration_overflow() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" ls | get modified | each { = $it + 1000000yr } "#) ); // assert_eq!(actual.err, "overflow"); assert!(actual.err.contains("Duration and date addition overflow")); } mod parse { use nu_test_support::nu; /* The debug command's signature is: Usage: > debug {flags} flags: -h, --help: Display this help message -r, --raw: Prints the raw value representation. */ #[test] fn errors_if_flag_passed_is_not_exact() { let actual = nu!(cwd: ".", "debug -ra"); assert!( actual.err.contains("unexpected flag"), format!( "error message '{}' should contain 'unexpected flag'", actual.err ) ); let actual = nu!(cwd: ".", "debug --rawx"); assert!( actual.err.contains("unexpected flag"), format!( "error message '{}' should contain 'unexpected flag'", actual.err ) ); } #[test] fn errors_if_flag_is_not_supported() { let actual = nu!(cwd: ".", "debug --ferris"); assert!( actual.err.contains("unexpected flag"), format!( "error message '{}' should contain 'unexpected flag'", actual.err ) ); } #[test] fn errors_if_passed_an_unexpected_argument() { let actual = nu!(cwd: ".", "debug ferris"); assert!( actual.err.contains("unexpected argument"), format!( "error message '{}' should contain 'unexpected argument'", actual.err ) ); } } mod tilde_expansion { use nu_test_support::nu; #[test] #[should_panic] fn as_home_directory_when_passed_as_argument_and_begins_with_tilde() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo ~ "# ); assert!( !actual.out.contains('~'), format!("'{}' should not contain ~", actual.out) ); } #[test] fn does_not_expand_when_passed_as_argument_and_does_not_start_with_tilde() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", r#" echo "1~1" "# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "1~1"); } }