2021-06-02 08:39:28 -05:00

92 lines
3.0 KiB

filesize_format = "B" # can be b, kb, kib, mb, mib, gb, gib, etc
filesize_metric = true # true => (KB, MB, GB), false => (KiB, MiB, GiB)
skip_welcome_message = false # Note to nushell developer: This is expected to be false, when testing nushell itself
disable_table_indexes = false
nonzero_exit_errors = true
startup = [
"alias la = ls --long",
"def nudown [] {fetch | get assets | select name download_count}",
"def nuver [] {version | pivot key value}",
table_mode = "other" # basic, compact, compact_double, light, thin, with_love, rounded, reinforced, heavy, none, other
plugin_dirs = ["D:\\Src\\GitHub\\nu-plugin-lib\\samples\\Nu.Plugin.Len\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp3.1"]
pivot_mode = "auto" # auto, always, never
ctrlc_exit = false
complete_from_path = true
rm_always_trash = true
prompt = "build-string (ansi gb) (pwd) (ansi reset) '(' (ansi cb) (do -i { git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD } | str trim ) (ansi reset) ')' (char newline) (ansi yb) (date format '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S%.3f %p') (ansi reset) '> ' "
# for each of the options in the color_config section, you are able to set
# the color alone or with one of the following attributes.
# color, abbreviation
# green g
# red r
# blue u
# black b
# yellow y
# purple p
# cyan c
# white w
# attribute, abbreviation
# bold b
# underline u
# italic i
# dimmed d
# reverse r
# abbreviated: green bold = gb, red underline = ru, blue dimmed = ud
# or verbose: green_bold, red_underline, blue_dimmed
primitive_int = "green"
primitive_decimal = "red"
primitive_filesize = "ur"
primitive_string = "pb"
primitive_line = "yellow"
primitive_columnpath = "cyan"
primitive_pattern = "white"
primitive_boolean = "green"
primitive_date = "ru"
primitive_duration = "blue"
primitive_range = "purple"
primitive_path = "yellow"
primitive_binary = "cyan"
separator_color = "purple"
header_align = "l" # left|l, right|r, center|c
header_color = "c" # green|g, red|r, blue|u, black|b, yellow|y, purple|p, cyan|c, white|w
header_bold = true
index_color = "rd"
leading_trailing_space_bg = "white"
max_history_size = 100000
history_duplicates = "ignoreconsecutive" # alwaysadd,ignoreconsecutive
history_ignore_space = false
completion_type = "circular" # circular, list, fuzzy
completion_prompt_limit = 100
keyseq_timeout_ms = 500 # ms
edit_mode = "emacs" # vi, emacs
auto_add_history = true
bell_style = "audible" # audible, none, visible
color_mode = "enabled" # enabled, forced, disabled
tab_stop = 4
term_width = "default" # "default" or a number
tab_width = 4
colored_output = true
true_color = true
header = true
line_numbers = true
grid = false
vcs_modification_markers = true
snip = true
wrapping_mode = "NoWrapping" # Character, NoWrapping
use_italics = true
paging_mode = "QuitIfOneScreen" # Always, QuitIfOneScreen, Never
pager = "less"
theme = "TwoDark"
# To add path and env do this
# > config set path $nu.path
# > config set env $nu.env