forked from extern/nushell
src/ has a dependency on BufferedReader which is currently located in nu_command. I am moving BufferedReader to a more relevant location (crate) which will allow / eliminate main's dependency on nu_command in a benchmark / testing environment... now that @rgwood has landed benches I want to start experimenting with benchmarks related to the parser. For benchmark purposes when dealing with parsing you need a very simple set of commands that show how well the parser is doing, in other words just the core commands... Not all of nu_command... Having a smaller nu binary when running the benchmark CI would enable building nushell quickly, yet still show us how well the parser is performing... Once this PR lands the only dependency main will have on nu_command is create_default_context --- meaning for benchmark purposes we can swap in a tiny crate of commands instead of the gigantic nu_command which has its "own" create_default_context... It will also enable other crates going forward to use BufferedReader. Right now it is not accessible to other lower level crates because it is located in a "top of the stack crate".
217 lines
7.3 KiB
217 lines
7.3 KiB
use nu_engine::{eval_block, CallExt};
use nu_protocol::ast::Call;
use nu_protocol::engine::{Command, EngineState, Stack};
use nu_protocol::util::BufferedReader;
use nu_protocol::{
Category, Example, PipelineData, RawStream, ShellError, Signature, Spanned, SyntaxShape, Type,
use std::io::BufReader;
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
use crate::database::SQLiteDatabase;
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
use nu_protocol::IntoPipelineData;
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
use std::path::Path;
pub struct Open;
impl Command for Open {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn usage(&self) -> &str {
"Load a file into a cell, converting to table if possible (avoid by appending '--raw')."
fn search_terms(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
vec!["load", "read", "load_file", "read_file"]
fn signature(&self) -> nu_protocol::Signature {
.input_output_types(vec![(Type::Nothing, Type::Any), (Type::String, Type::Any)])
.optional("filename", SyntaxShape::Filepath, "the filename to use")
.switch("raw", "open file as raw binary", Some('r'))
fn run(
engine_state: &EngineState,
stack: &mut Stack,
call: &Call,
input: PipelineData,
) -> Result<nu_protocol::PipelineData, nu_protocol::ShellError> {
let raw = call.has_flag("raw");
let call_span = call.head;
let ctrlc = engine_state.ctrlc.clone();
let path = call.opt::<Spanned<String>>(engine_state, stack, 0)?;
let path = {
if let Some(path_val) = path {
Some(Spanned {
item: nu_utils::strip_ansi_string_unlikely(path_val.item),
span: path_val.span,
} else {
let path = if let Some(path) = path {
} else {
// Collect a filename from the input
match input {
PipelineData::Value(Value::Nothing { .. }, ..) => {
return Err(ShellError::MissingParameter(
"needs filename".to_string(),
PipelineData::Value(val, ..) => val.as_spanned_string()?,
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::MissingParameter(
"needs filename".to_string(),
let arg_span = path.span;
let path_no_whitespace = &path.item.trim_end_matches(|x| matches!(x, '\x09'..='\x0d'));
let path = Path::new(path_no_whitespace);
if permission_denied(path) {
let error_msg = match path.metadata() {
Ok(md) => format!(
"The permissions of {:o} does not allow access for this user",
md.permissions().mode() & 0o0777
Err(e) => e.to_string(),
let error_msg = String::from("Permission denied");
"Permission denied".into(),
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
if !raw {
let res = SQLiteDatabase::try_from_path(path, arg_span, ctrlc.clone())
.map(|db| db.into_value(call.head).into_pipeline_data());
if res.is_ok() {
return res;
let file = match std::fs::File::open(path) {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(err) => {
return Err(ShellError::GenericError(
"Permission denied".into(),
let buf_reader = BufReader::new(file);
let output = PipelineData::ExternalStream {
stdout: Some(RawStream::new(
Box::new(BufferedReader { input: buf_reader }),
stderr: None,
exit_code: None,
span: call_span,
metadata: None,
trim_end_newline: false,
let ext = if raw {
} else {
.map(|name| name.to_string_lossy().to_string())
if let Some(ext) = ext {
match engine_state.find_decl(format!("from {}", ext).as_bytes(), &[]) {
Some(converter_id) => {
let decl = engine_state.get_decl(converter_id);
if let Some(block_id) = decl.get_block_id() {
let block = engine_state.get_block(block_id);
eval_block(engine_state, stack, block, output, false, false)
} else {
|, stack, &Call::new(call_span), output)
.map_err(|inner| {
format!("Error while parsing as {}", ext),
format!("Could not parse '{}' with `from {}`", path.display(), ext),
Some(format!("Check out `help from {}` or `help from` for more options or open raw data with `open --raw '{}'`", ext, path.display())),
None => Ok(output),
} else {
fn examples(&self) -> Vec<nu_protocol::Example> {
Example {
description: "Open a file, with structure (based on file extension or SQLite database header)",
example: "open myfile.json",
result: None,
Example {
description: "Open a file, as raw bytes",
example: "open myfile.json --raw",
result: None,
Example {
description: "Open a file, using the input to get filename",
example: "'myfile.txt' | open",
result: None,
Example {
description: "Open a file, and decode it by the specified encoding",
example: "open myfile.txt --raw | decode utf-8",
result: None,
fn permission_denied(dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> bool {
match dir.as_ref().read_dir() {
Err(e) => matches!(e.kind(), std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied),
Ok(_) => false,