2023-10-08 13:12:46 +02:00

385 lines
13 KiB

def "nu-complete threads" [] {
seq 1 (sys|get cpu|length)
# Here we store the map of annotations internal names and the annotation actually used during test creation
# The reason we do that is to allow annotations to be easily renamed without modifying rest of the code
# Functions with no annotations or with annotations not on the list are rejected during module evaluation
# test and test-skip annotations may be used multiple times throughout the module as the function names are stored in a list
# Other annotations should only be used once within a module file
# If you find yourself in need of multiple before- or after- functions it's a sign your test suite probably needs redesign
def valid-annotations [] {
"#[test]": "test",
"#[ignore]": "test-skip",
"#[before-each]": "before-each"
"#[before-all]": "before-all"
"#[after-each]": "after-each"
"#[after-all]": "after-all"
# Returns a table containing the list of function names together with their annotations (comments above the declaration)
def get-annotated [
file: path
] path -> table<function_name: string, annotation: string> {
let raw_file = (
open $file
| lines
| enumerate
| flatten
| where item starts-with def and index > 0
| insert annotation {|x|
| get ($x.index - 1)
| get item
| str trim
| where annotation in (valid-annotations|columns)
| reject index
| update item {
split column -c ' '
| get column2.0
| rename function_name
# Takes table of function names and their annotations such as the one returned by get-annotated
# Returns a record where keys are internal names of valid annotations and values are corresponding function names
# Annotations that allow multiple functions are of type list<string>
# Other annotations are of type string
# Result gets merged with the template record so that the output shape remains consistent regardless of the table content
def create-test-record [] nothing -> record<before-each: string, after-each: string, before-all: string, after-all: string, test: list<string>, test-skip: list<string>> {
let input = $in
let template_record = {
before-each: '',
before-all: '',
after-each: '',
after-all: '',
test-skip: []
let test_record = (
| update annotation {|x|
| get $x.annotation
| group-by annotation
| transpose key value
| update value {|x|
| if $x.key in ["test", "test-skip"] {
} else {
get 0
| transpose --ignore-titles -r -d
| merge $test_record
def throw-error [error: record] {
error make {
msg: $"(ansi red)($error.msg)(ansi reset)"
label: {
text: ($error.label)
start: $error.span.start
end: $error.span.end
# show a test record in a pretty way
# `$in` must be a `record<file: string, module: string, name: string, pass: bool>`.
# the output would be like
# - "<indentation> x <module> <test>" all in red if failed
# - "<indentation> s <module> <test>" all in yellow if skipped
# - "<indentation> <module> <test>" all in green if passed
def show-pretty-test [indent: int = 4] {
let test = $in
(1..$indent | each {" "} | str join)
(match $test.result {
"pass" => { ansi green },
"skip" => { ansi yellow },
_ => { ansi red }
(match $test.result {
"pass" => " ",
"skip" => "s",
_ => { char failed }
" "
$"($ ($test.test)"
(ansi reset)
] | str join
# Takes a test record and returns the execution result
# Test is executed via following steps:
# * Public function with random name is generated that runs specified test in try/catch block
# * Module file is opened
# * Random public function is appended to the end of the file
# * Modified file is saved under random name
# * Nu subprocess is spawned
# * Inside subprocess the modified file is imported and random function called
# * Output of the random function is serialized into nuon and returned to parent process
# * Modified file is removed
def run-test [
test: record
] {
let test_file_name = (random chars -l 10)
let test_function_name = (random chars -l 10)
let rendered_module_path = ({parent: ($test.file|path dirname), stem: $test_file_name, extension: nu}| path join)
let test_function = $"
export def ($test_function_name) [] {
try {
$context | ($test.test)
} catch { |err|
$err | get raw
open $test.file
| lines
| append ($test_function)
| str join (char nl)
| save $rendered_module_path
let result = (
^$nu.current-exe --no-config-file -c $"use ($rendered_module_path) *; ($test_function_name)|to nuon"
| complete
rm $rendered_module_path
return $result
# Takes a module record and returns a table with following columns:
# * file - path to file under test
# * name - name of the module under test
# * test - name of specific test
# * result - test execution result
def run-tests-for-module [
module: record<file: path name: string before-each: string after-each: string before-all: string after-all: string test: list test-skip: list>
threads: int
] -> table<file: path, name: string, test: string, result: string> {
let global_context = if not ($module.before-all|is-empty) {
log info $"Running before-all for module ($"
run-test {
file: $module.file,
before-each: 'let context = {}',
after-each: '',
test: $module.before-all
| if $in.exit_code == 0 {
} else {
throw-error {
msg: "Before-all failed"
label: "Failure in test setup"
span: (metadata $in | get span)
} else {
# since tests are skipped based on their annotation and never actually executed we can generate their list in advance
let skipped_tests = (
if not ($module.test-skip|is-empty) {
| update test $module.test-skip
| reject test-skip
| flatten
| insert result 'skip'
} else {
let tests = (
| reject test-skip
| flatten test
| update before-each {|x|
if not ($module.before-each|is-empty) {
$"let context = \(($global_context)|merge \(($module.before-each)\)\)"
} else {
$"let context = ($global_context)"
| update after-each {|x|
if not ($module.after-each|is-empty) {
$"$context | ($module.after-each)"
} else {
| par-each --threads $threads {|test|
log info $"Running ($test.test) in module ($"
log debug $"Global context is ($global_context)"
$test|insert result {|x|
run-test $test
| if $in.exit_code == 0 {
} else {
| append $skipped_tests
| select file name test result
if not ($module.after-all|is-empty) {
log info $"Running after-all for module ($"
run-test {
file: $module.file,
before-each: $"let context = ($global_context)",
after-each: '',
test: $module.after-all
return $tests
# Run tests for nushell code
# By default all detected tests are executed
# Test list can be filtered out by specifying either path to search for, name of the module to run tests for or specific test name
# In order for a function to be recognized as a test by the test runner it needs to be annotated with # test
# Following annotations are supported by the test runner:
# * test - test case to be executed during test run
# * test-skip - test case to be skipped during test run
# * before-all - function to run at the beginning of test run. Returns a global context record that is piped into every test function
# * before-each - function to run before every test case. Returns a per-test context record that is merged with global context and piped into test functions
# * after-each - function to run after every test case. Receives the context record just like the test cases
# * after-all - function to run after all test cases have been executed. Receives the global context record
export def run-tests [
--path: path, # Path to look for tests. Default: current directory.
--module: string, # Test module to run. Default: all test modules found.
--test: string, # Pattern to use to include tests. Default: all tests found in the files.
--exclude: string, # Pattern to use to exclude tests. Default: no tests are excluded
--exclude-module: string, # Pattern to use to exclude test modules. Default: No modules are excluded
--list, # list the selected tests without running them.
--threads: int@"nu-complete threads", # Amount of threads to use for parallel execution. Default: All threads are utilized
] {
let available_threads = (sys | get cpu | length)
# Can't use pattern matching here due to
let threads = (if $threads == null {
} else if $threads < 1 {
} else if $threads <= $available_threads {
} else {
let module_search_pattern = ('**' | path join ({
stem: ($module | default "*")
extension: nu
} | path join))
let path = if $path == null {
} else {
if not ($path | path exists) {
throw-error {
msg: "directory_not_found"
label: "no such directory"
span: (metadata $path | get span)
if not ($module | is-empty) {
try { ls ($path | path join $module_search_pattern) | null } catch {
throw-error {
msg: "module_not_found"
label: $"no such module in ($path)"
span: (metadata $module | get span)
let modules = (
ls ($path | path join $module_search_pattern)
| par-each --threads $threads {|row|
file: $
name: ($ | path parse | get stem)
commands: (get-annotated $
| filter {|x| ($x.commands|length) > 0}
| upsert commands {|module|
| create-test-record
| flatten
| filter {|x| ($x.test|length) > 0}
| filter {|x| if ($exclude_module|is-empty) {true} else {$ !~ $exclude_module}}
| filter {|x| if ($test|is-empty) {true} else {$x.test|any {|y| $y =~ $test}}}
| filter {|x| if ($module|is-empty) {true} else {$module == $}}
| update test {|x|
| filter {|y| if ($test|is-empty) {true} else {$y =~ $test}}
| filter {|y| if ($exclude|is-empty) {true} else {$y !~ $exclude}}
if $list {
return $modules
if ($modules | is-empty) {
error make --unspanned {msg: "no test to run"}
let results = (
| par-each --threads $threads {|module|
run-tests-for-module $module $threads
| flatten
if ($results | any {|x| $x.result == fail}) {
let text = ([
$"(ansi purple)some tests did not pass (char lparen)see complete errors below(char rparen):(ansi reset)"
($results | par-each --threads $threads {|test| ($test | show-pretty-test 4)} | str join "\n")
] | str join "\n")
error make --unspanned { msg: $text }