2020-08-15 07:52:59 -05:00

263 lines
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use crate::maybe_owned::MaybeOwned;
use crate::value::primitive::Primitive;
use crate::value::{UntaggedValue, Value};
use derive_new::new;
use getset::Getters;
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use nu_source::{b, DebugDocBuilder, PrettyDebug, Spanned, SpannedItem, Tag};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::cmp::{Ord, Ordering, PartialOrd};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
/// A dictionary that can hold a mapping from names to Values
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Getters, new)]
pub struct Dictionary {
#[get = "pub"]
pub entries: IndexMap<String, Value>,
impl Hash for Dictionary {
/// Create the hash function to allow the Hash trait for dictionaries
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
let mut entries = self.entries.clone();
impl PartialOrd for Dictionary {
/// Compare two dictionaries for sort ordering
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Dictionary) -> Option<Ordering> {
let this: Vec<&String> = self.entries.keys().collect();
let that: Vec<&String> = other.entries.keys().collect();
if this != that {
return this.partial_cmp(&that);
let this: Vec<&Value> = self.entries.values().collect();
let that: Vec<&Value> = self.entries.values().collect();
impl Ord for Dictionary {
/// Compare two dictionaries for ordering
fn cmp(&self, other: &Dictionary) -> Ordering {
let this: Vec<&String> = self.entries.keys().collect();
let that: Vec<&String> = other.entries.keys().collect();
if this != that {
return this.cmp(&that);
let this: Vec<&Value> = self.entries.values().collect();
let that: Vec<&Value> = self.entries.values().collect();
impl PartialEq<Value> for Dictionary {
/// Test a dictionary against a Value for equality
fn eq(&self, other: &Value) -> bool {
matches!(&other.value, UntaggedValue::Row(d) if self == d)
/// A key-value pair specifically meant to be used in debug and pretty-printing
#[derive(Debug, new)]
struct DebugEntry<'a> {
key: &'a str,
value: &'a Value,
impl<'a> PrettyDebug for DebugEntry<'a> {
/// Build the the information to pretty-print the DebugEntry
fn pretty(&self) -> DebugDocBuilder {
(b::key(self.key.to_string()) + b::equals() + self.value.pretty().into_value()).group()
impl PrettyDebug for Dictionary {
/// Get a Dictionary ready to be pretty-printed
fn pretty(&self) -> DebugDocBuilder {
.map(|(key, value)| DebugEntry::new(key, value)),
impl From<IndexMap<String, Value>> for Dictionary {
/// Create a dictionary from a map of strings to Values
fn from(input: IndexMap<String, Value>) -> Dictionary {
let mut out = IndexMap::default();
for (key, value) in input {
out.insert(key, value);
impl Dictionary {
/// Find the matching Value for a given key, if possible. If not, return a Primitive::Nothing
pub fn get_data(&self, desc: &str) -> MaybeOwned<'_, Value> {
match self.entries.get(desc) {
Some(v) => MaybeOwned::Borrowed(v),
None => MaybeOwned::Owned(
pub fn merge_from(&self, other: &Dictionary) -> Dictionary {
let mut obj = self.clone();
for column in other.keys() {
let key = column.clone();
let value_key = key.as_str();
let value_spanned_key = value_key.spanned_unknown();
let other_column = match other.get_data_by_key(value_spanned_key) {
Some(value) => value,
None => UntaggedValue::Primitive(Primitive::Nothing).into_untagged_value(),
obj.entries.insert(key, other_column);
/// Iterate the keys in the Dictionary
pub fn keys(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &String> {
/// Iterate the values in the Dictionary
pub fn values(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Value> {
/// Checks if given key exists
pub fn contains_key(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
/// Find the matching Value for a key, if possible
pub fn get_data_by_key(&self, name: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Value> {
let result = self
.find(|(desc_name, _)| *desc_name == name.item)?
.into_value(Tag::new(result.tag.anchor(), name.span)),
/// Get a mutable entry that matches a key, if possible
pub fn get_mut_data_by_key(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<&mut Value> {
match self
.find(|(desc_name, _)| *desc_name == name)
Some((_, v)) => Some(v),
None => None,
/// Insert a new key/value pair into the dictionary
pub fn insert_data_at_key(&mut self, name: &str, value: Value) {
self.entries.insert(name.to_string(), value);
/// Return size of dictionary
pub fn length(&self) -> usize {
/// A helper to help create dictionaries for you. It has the ability to insert values into the dictionary while maintaining the tags that need to be applied to the individual members
pub struct TaggedDictBuilder {
tag: Tag,
dict: IndexMap<String, Value>,
impl TaggedDictBuilder {
/// Create a new builder
pub fn new(tag: impl Into<Tag>) -> TaggedDictBuilder {
TaggedDictBuilder {
tag: tag.into(),
dict: IndexMap::default(),
/// Build the contents of the builder into a Value
pub fn build(tag: impl Into<Tag>, block: impl FnOnce(&mut TaggedDictBuilder)) -> Value {
let mut builder = TaggedDictBuilder::new(tag);
block(&mut builder);
/// Create a new builder with a pre-defined capacity
pub fn with_capacity(tag: impl Into<Tag>, n: usize) -> TaggedDictBuilder {
TaggedDictBuilder {
tag: tag.into(),
dict: IndexMap::with_capacity(n),
/// Insert an untagged key/value pair into the dictionary, to later be tagged when built
pub fn insert_untagged(&mut self, key: impl Into<String>, value: impl Into<UntaggedValue>) {
.insert(key.into(), value.into().into_value(&self.tag));
/// Insert a key/value pair into the dictionary
pub fn insert_value(&mut self, key: impl Into<String>, value: impl Into<Value>) {
self.dict.insert(key.into(), value.into());
/// Convert the dictionary into a tagged Value using the original tag
pub fn into_value(self) -> Value {
let tag = self.tag.clone();
/// Convert the dictionary into an UntaggedValue
pub fn into_untagged_value(self) -> UntaggedValue {
UntaggedValue::Row(Dictionary { entries: self.dict })
/// Returns true if the dictionary is empty, false otherwise
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl From<TaggedDictBuilder> for Value {
/// Convert a builder into a tagged Value
fn from(input: TaggedDictBuilder) -> Value {