forked from extern/nushell
* Updated rustyline to 6.0.0. Added completion_mode config * Formatted completion_mode config
211 lines
6.9 KiB
211 lines
6.9 KiB
use crate::context::Context;
use ansi_term::{Color, Style};
use log::log_enabled;
use nu_parser::{FlatShape, PipelineShape, ShapeResult, Token, TokensIterator};
use nu_protocol::{errln, outln};
use nu_source::{nom_input, HasSpan, Tag, Tagged, Text};
use rustyline::completion::Completer;
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
use rustyline::highlight::Highlighter;
use rustyline::hint::Hinter;
use std::borrow::Cow::{self, Owned};
pub(crate) struct Helper {
context: Context,
pub colored_prompt: String,
impl Helper {
pub(crate) fn new(context: Context) -> Helper {
Helper {
colored_prompt: String::new(),
impl Completer for Helper {
type Candidate = rustyline::completion::Pair;
fn complete(
line: &str,
pos: usize,
ctx: &rustyline::Context<'_>,
) -> Result<(usize, Vec<rustyline::completion::Pair>), ReadlineError> {
self.context.shell_manager.complete(line, pos, ctx)
impl Hinter for Helper {
fn hint(&self, line: &str, pos: usize, ctx: &rustyline::Context<'_>) -> Option<String> {
let text = Text::from(line);
.hint(line, pos, ctx, self.context.expand_context(&text))
impl Highlighter for Helper {
fn highlight_prompt<'b, 's: 'b, 'p: 'b>(
&'s self,
prompt: &'p str,
default: bool,
) -> Cow<'b, str> {
use std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed;
if default {
} else {
fn highlight_hint<'h>(&self, hint: &'h str) -> Cow<'h, str> {
Owned("\x1b[1m".to_owned() + hint + "\x1b[m")
fn highlight<'l>(&self, line: &'l str, _pos: usize) -> Cow<'l, str> {
let tokens = nu_parser::pipeline(nom_input(line));
match tokens {
Err(_) => Cow::Borrowed(line),
Ok((_rest, v)) => {
let pipeline = match v.as_pipeline() {
Err(_) => return Cow::Borrowed(line),
Ok(v) => v,
let text = Text::from(line);
let expand_context = self.context.expand_context(&text);
let tokens = vec![Token::Pipeline(pipeline).into_spanned(v.span())];
let mut tokens = TokensIterator::new(&tokens[..], expand_context, v.span());
let shapes = {
// We just constructed a token list that only contains a pipeline, so it can't fail
let result = tokens.expand_infallible(PipelineShape);
if let Some(failure) = result.failed {
"BUG: PipelineShape didn't find a pipeline :: {:#?}",
if log_enabled!(target: "nu::expand_syntax", log::Level::Debug) {
let _ =
let mut painter = Painter::new();
for shape in shapes {
painter.paint_shape(&shape, line);
fn highlight_char(&self, _line: &str, _pos: usize) -> bool {
fn vec_tag<T>(input: Vec<Tagged<T>>) -> Option<Tag> {
let mut iter = input.iter();
let first =;
let last = iter.last();
Some(match last {
None => first,
Some(last) => first.until(&last.tag),
struct Painter {
current: Style,
buffer: String,
impl Painter {
fn new() -> Painter {
Painter {
current: Style::default(),
buffer: String::new(),
fn into_string(self) -> String {
fn paint_shape(&mut self, shape: &ShapeResult, line: &str) {
let style = match &shape {
ShapeResult::Success(shape) => match shape.item {
FlatShape::OpenDelimiter(_) => Color::White.normal(),
FlatShape::CloseDelimiter(_) => Color::White.normal(),
FlatShape::ItVariable | FlatShape::Keyword => Color::Purple.bold(),
FlatShape::Variable | FlatShape::Identifier => Color::Purple.normal(),
FlatShape::Type => Color::Blue.bold(),
FlatShape::CompareOperator => Color::Yellow.normal(),
FlatShape::DotDot => Color::Yellow.bold(),
FlatShape::Dot => Style::new().fg(Color::White),
FlatShape::InternalCommand => Color::Cyan.bold(),
FlatShape::ExternalCommand => Color::Cyan.normal(),
FlatShape::ExternalWord => Color::Green.bold(),
FlatShape::BareMember => Color::Yellow.bold(),
FlatShape::StringMember => Color::Yellow.bold(),
FlatShape::String => Color::Green.normal(),
FlatShape::Path => Color::Cyan.normal(),
FlatShape::GlobPattern => Color::Cyan.bold(),
FlatShape::Word => Color::Green.normal(),
FlatShape::Pipe => Color::Purple.bold(),
FlatShape::Flag => Color::Blue.bold(),
FlatShape::ShorthandFlag => Color::Blue.bold(),
FlatShape::Int => Color::Purple.bold(),
FlatShape::Decimal => Color::Purple.bold(),
FlatShape::Whitespace | FlatShape::Separator => Color::White.normal(),
FlatShape::Comment => Color::Green.bold(),
FlatShape::Garbage => Style::new().fg(Color::White).on(Color::Red),
FlatShape::Size { number, unit } => {
let number = number.slice(line);
let unit = unit.slice(line);
self.paint(Color::Purple.bold(), number);
self.paint(Color::Cyan.bold(), unit);
ShapeResult::Fallback { shape, .. } => match shape.item {
FlatShape::Whitespace | FlatShape::Separator => Color::White.normal(),
_ => Style::new().fg(Color::White).on(Color::Red),
self.paint(style, shape.span().slice(line));
fn paint(&mut self, style: Style, body: &str) {
let infix = self.current.infix(style);
self.current = style;
.push_str(&format!("{}{}", infix, style.paint(body)));
impl rustyline::Helper for Helper {}
// Use default validator for normal single line behaviour
// In the future we can implement this for custom multi-line support
impl rustyline::validate::Validator for Helper {}