2021-04-06 12:28:22 +02:00
# Pacman #
2018-04-15 14:47:08 +02:00
2021-04-06 12:28:22 +02:00
# abs and aur command check
local abs_aur=''
(( ! $+commands[abs] )) || abs_aur+=' && sudo abs'
(( ! $+commands[aur] )) || abs_aur+=' && sudo aur'
2018-04-15 14:47:08 +02:00
2016-09-27 08:17:18 +02:00
2011-07-17 00:42:09 +02:00
# Pacman - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Tips
2016-08-24 08:08:55 +02:00
alias pacupg='sudo pacman -Syu'
alias pacin='sudo pacman -S'
alias pacins='sudo pacman -U'
alias pacre='sudo pacman -R'
alias pacrem='sudo pacman -Rns'
alias pacrep='pacman -Si'
alias pacreps='pacman -Ss'
alias pacloc='pacman -Qi'
alias paclocs='pacman -Qs'
alias pacinsd='sudo pacman -S --asdeps'
alias pacmir='sudo pacman -Syy'
alias paclsorphans='sudo pacman -Qdt'
alias pacrmorphans='sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qtdq)'
2017-02-23 08:52:56 +01:00
alias pacfileupg='sudo pacman -Fy'
2020-03-10 12:29:43 +01:00
alias pacfiles='pacman -F'
2018-04-15 19:13:39 +02:00
alias pacls='pacman -Ql'
alias pacown='pacman -Qo'
2021-04-06 12:28:22 +02:00
alias pacupd="sudo pacman -Sy$abs_aur"
alias upgrade='sudo pacman -Syu'
2011-07-17 00:42:09 +02:00
2018-04-15 15:53:43 +02:00
function paclist() {
2021-04-06 12:28:22 +02:00
# Based on https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=93683
pacman -Qqe | \
xargs -I '{}' \
expac "${bold_color}% 20n ${fg_no_bold[white]}%d${reset_color}" '{}'
2011-07-17 00:42:09 +02:00
2011-07-20 04:38:29 +02:00
2018-04-15 15:53:43 +02:00
function pacdisowned() {
2020-12-07 22:00:25 +01:00
local tmp db fs
2011-07-17 00:42:09 +02:00
mkdir "$tmp"
2020-12-07 22:00:25 +01:00
trap 'rm -rf "$tmp"' EXIT
2011-07-17 00:42:09 +02:00
pacman -Qlq | sort -u > "$db"
2016-08-24 08:08:55 +02:00
find /bin /etc /lib /sbin /usr ! -name lost+found \
\( -type d -printf '%p/\n' -o -print \) | sort > "$fs"
2011-07-17 00:42:09 +02:00
comm -23 "$fs" "$db"
2012-12-02 20:55:19 +01:00
2021-04-06 12:28:22 +02:00
alias pacmanallkeys='sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys'
2012-12-02 20:55:19 +01:00
2018-04-15 15:53:43 +02:00
function pacmansignkeys() {
2020-12-07 22:00:25 +01:00
local key
for key in $@; do
2012-12-02 20:55:19 +01:00
sudo pacman-key --recv-keys $key
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key $key
printf 'trust\n3\n' | sudo gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg \
--no-permission-warning --command-fd 0 --edit-key $key
2018-04-15 19:13:39 +02:00
if (( $+commands[xdg-open] )); then
function pacweb() {
2021-04-06 12:28:22 +02:00
if [[ $# = 0 || "$1" =~ '--help|-h' ]]; then
local underline_color="\e[${color[underline]}m"
echo "$0 - open the website of an ArchLinux package"
echo "Usage:"
echo " $bold_color$0$reset_color ${underline_color}target${reset_color}"
return 1
2020-12-07 22:00:25 +01:00
local pkg="$1"
local infos="$(LANG=C pacman -Si "$pkg")"
2018-04-15 19:13:39 +02:00
if [[ -z "$infos" ]]; then
2020-12-07 22:00:25 +01:00
local repo="$(grep -m 1 '^Repo' <<< "$infos" | grep -oP '[^ ]+$')"
local arch="$(grep -m 1 '^Arch' <<< "$infos" | grep -oP '[^ ]+$')"
2018-04-15 19:13:39 +02:00
xdg-open "https://www.archlinux.org/packages/$repo/$arch/$pkg/" &>/dev/null
2021-04-06 12:28:22 +02:00
# AUR helpers #
if (( $+commands[pacaur] )); then
alias paupg='pacaur -Syu'
alias pasu='pacaur -Syu --noconfirm'
alias pain='pacaur -S'
alias pains='pacaur -U'
alias pare='pacaur -R'
alias parem='pacaur -Rns'
alias parep='pacaur -Si'
alias pareps='pacaur -Ss'
alias paloc='pacaur -Qi'
alias palocs='pacaur -Qs'
alias palst='pacaur -Qe'
alias paorph='pacaur -Qtd'
alias painsd='pacaur -S --asdeps'
alias pamir='pacaur -Syy'
alias paupd="pacaur -Sy$abs_aur"
alias upgrade='pacaur -Syu'
if (( $+commands[trizen] )); then
alias trconf='trizen -C'
alias trupg='trizen -Syua'
alias trsu='trizen -Syua --noconfirm'
alias trin='trizen -S'
alias trins='trizen -U'
alias trre='trizen -R'
alias trrem='trizen -Rns'
alias trrep='trizen -Si'
alias trreps='trizen -Ss'
alias trloc='trizen -Qi'
alias trlocs='trizen -Qs'
alias trlst='trizen -Qe'
alias trorph='trizen -Qtd'
alias trinsd='trizen -S --asdeps'
alias trmir='trizen -Syy'
alias trupd="trizen -Sy$abs_aur"
alias upgrade='trizen -Syu'
if (( $+commands[yaourt] )); then
alias yaconf='yaourt -C'
alias yaupg='yaourt -Syua'
alias yasu='yaourt -Syua --noconfirm'
alias yain='yaourt -S'
alias yains='yaourt -U'
alias yare='yaourt -R'
alias yarem='yaourt -Rns'
alias yarep='yaourt -Si'
alias yareps='yaourt -Ss'
alias yaloc='yaourt -Qi'
alias yalocs='yaourt -Qs'
alias yalst='yaourt -Qe'
alias yaorph='yaourt -Qtd'
alias yainsd='yaourt -S --asdeps'
alias yamir='yaourt -Syy'
alias yaupd="yaourt -Sy$abs_aur"
alias upgrade='yaourt -Syu'
if (( $+commands[yay] )); then
alias yaconf='yay -Pg'
alias yaupg='yay -Syu'
alias yasu='yay -Syu --noconfirm'
alias yain='yay -S'
alias yains='yay -U'
alias yare='yay -R'
alias yarem='yay -Rns'
alias yarep='yay -Si'
alias yareps='yay -Ss'
alias yaloc='yay -Qi'
alias yalocs='yay -Qs'
alias yalst='yay -Qe'
alias yaorph='yay -Qtd'
alias yainsd='yay -S --asdeps'
alias yamir='yay -Syy'
alias yaupd="yay -Sy$abs_aur"
alias upgrade='yay -Syu'
unset abs_aur