forked from extern/ohmyzsh
The previous check simply compared whether the last commit of the branch was the same in the local and the remote repository. This commit also checks whether the remote commit is an ancestor of the local commit. This fixes the case where the local repository has new commits after the last published commit.
216 lines
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216 lines
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# Migrate .zsh-update file to $ZSH_CACHE_DIR
if [[ -f ~/.zsh-update && ! -f "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update" ]]; then
mv ~/.zsh-update "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update"
# Get user's update preferences
# Supported update modes:
# - prompt (default): the user is asked before updating when it's time to update
# - auto: the update is performed automatically when it's time
# - reminder: a reminder is shown to the user when it's time to update
# - disabled: automatic update is turned off
zstyle -s ':omz:update' mode update_mode || {
# If the mode zstyle setting is not set, support old-style settings
[[ "$DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT" != true ]] || update_mode=auto
[[ "$DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE" != true ]] || update_mode=disabled
# Cancel update if:
# - the automatic update is disabled.
# - the current user doesn't have write permissions nor owns the $ZSH directory.
# - git is unavailable on the system.
if [[ "$update_mode" = disabled ]] \
|| [[ ! -w "$ZSH" || ! -O "$ZSH" ]] \
|| ! command -v git &>/dev/null; then
unset update_mode
function current_epoch() {
zmodload zsh/datetime
echo $(( EPOCHSECONDS / 60 / 60 / 24 ))
function is_update_available() {
local branch
branch=${"$(cd -q "$ZSH"; git config --local oh-my-zsh.branch)":-master}
local remote remote_url remote_repo
remote=${"$(cd -q "$ZSH"; git config --local oh-my-zsh.remote)":-origin}
remote_url=$(cd -q "$ZSH"; git config remote.$remote.url)
local repo
case "$remote_url" in
|*) repo=${${remote_url#}%.git} ;;
|*) repo=${${}%.git} ;;
# If the remote is not using GitHub we can't check for updates
# Let's assume there are updates
return 0 ;;
# If the remote repo is not the official one, let's assume there are updates available
[[ "$repo" = ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh ]] || return 0
local api_url="${repo}/commits/${branch}"
# Get local HEAD. If this fails assume there are updates
local local_head
local_head=$(cd -q "$ZSH"; git rev-parse $branch 2>/dev/null) || return 0
# Get remote HEAD. If no suitable command is found assume there are updates
# On any other error, skip the update (connection may be down)
local remote_head
if (( ${+commands[curl]} )); then
curl -m 2 -fsSL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.sha' $api_url 2>/dev/null
elif (( ${+commands[wget]} )); then
wget -T 2 -O- --header='Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.sha' $api_url 2>/dev/null
elif (( ${+commands[fetch]} )); then
HTTP_ACCEPT='Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.sha' fetch -T 2 -o - $api_url 2>/dev/null
exit 0
) || return 1
# Compare local and remote HEADs (if they're equal there are no updates)
[[ "$local_head" != "$remote_head" ]] || return 1
# If local and remote HEADs don't match, check if there's a common ancestor
# If the merge-base call fails, $remote_head might not be downloaded so assume there are updates
local base
base=$(cd -q "$ZSH"; git merge-base $local_head $remote_head 2>/dev/null) || return 0
# If the common ancestor ($base) is not $remote_head,
# the local HEAD is older than the remote HEAD
[[ $base != $remote_head ]]
function update_last_updated_file() {
echo "LAST_EPOCH=$(current_epoch)" >! "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update"
function update_ohmyzsh() {
if ZSH="$ZSH" zsh -f "$ZSH/tools/" --interactive; then
function has_typed_input() {
# Created by Philippe Troin <>
emulate -L zsh
zmodload zsh/zselect
# Back up stty settings prior to disabling canonical mode
# Consider that no input can be typed if stty fails
# (this might happen if stdin is not a terminal)
local termios
termios=$(stty --save 2>/dev/null) || return 1
# Disable canonical mode so that typed input counts
# regardless of whether Enter was pressed
stty -icanon
# Poll stdin (fd 0) for data ready to be read
zselect -t 0 -r 0
return $?
} always {
# Restore stty settings
stty $termios
() {
emulate -L zsh
local epoch_target mtime option LAST_EPOCH
# Remove lock directory if older than a day
zmodload zsh/datetime
zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
if mtime=$(zstat +mtime "$ZSH/log/update.lock" 2>/dev/null); then
if (( (mtime + 3600 * 24) < EPOCHSECONDS )); then
command rm -rf "$ZSH/log/update.lock"
# Check for lock directory
if ! command mkdir "$ZSH/log/update.lock" 2>/dev/null; then
# Remove lock directory on exit. `return $ret` is important for when trapping a SIGINT:
# The return status from the function is handled specially. If it is zero, the signal is
# assumed to have been handled, and execution continues normally. Otherwise, the shell
# will behave as interrupted except that the return status of the trap is retained.
# This means that for a CTRL+C, the trap needs to return the same exit status so that
# the shell actually exits what it's running.
trap "
unset update_mode
unset -f current_epoch is_update_available update_last_updated_file update_ohmyzsh 2>/dev/null
command rm -rf '$ZSH/log/update.lock'
return \$ret
# Create or update .zsh-update file if missing or malformed
if ! source "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update" 2>/dev/null || [[ -z "$LAST_EPOCH" ]]; then
# Number of days before trying to update again
zstyle -s ':omz:update' frequency epoch_target || epoch_target=${UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS:-13}
# Test if enough time has passed until the next update
if (( ( $(current_epoch) - $LAST_EPOCH ) < $epoch_target )); then
# Test if Oh My Zsh directory is a git repository
if ! (cd -q "$ZSH" && LANG= git rev-parse &>/dev/null); then
echo >&2 "[oh-my-zsh] Can't update: not a git repository."
# Check if there are updates available before proceeding
if ! is_update_available; then
# Don't ask for confirmation before updating if in auto mode
if [[ "$update_mode" = auto ]]; then
return $?
# If in reminder mode show reminder and exit
if [[ "$update_mode" = reminder ]]; then
echo "[oh-my-zsh] It's time to update! You can do that by running \`omz update\`"
return 0
# If user has typed input, show reminder and exit
if has_typed_input; then
echo "[oh-my-zsh] It's time to update! You can do that by running \`omz update\`"
return 0
# Ask for confirmation and only update on 'y', 'Y' or Enter
# Otherwise just show a reminder for how to update
echo -n "[oh-my-zsh] Would you like to update? [Y/n] "
read -r -k 1 option
[[ "$option" = $'\n' ]] || echo
case "$option" in
[yY$'\n']) update_ohmyzsh ;;
[nN]) update_last_updated_file ;&
*) echo "[oh-my-zsh] You can update manually by running \`omz update\`" ;;
unset update_mode
unset -f current_epoch is_update_available update_last_updated_file update_ohmyzsh