# Search Engine Scraper - se-scraper [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/se-scraper.svg?style=for-the-badge)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/se-scraper) [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/donate-paypal-blue.svg?style=for-the-badge)](https://www.paypal.me/incolumitas) [![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/github/NikolaiT/se-scraper/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/test/github/NikolaiT/se-scraper) This node module allows you to scrape search engines concurrently with different proxies. If you don't have much technical experience or don't want to purchase proxies, you can use [my scraping service](https://scrapeulous.com/). ##### Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Minimal Example](#minimal-example) - [Quickstart](#quickstart) - [Contribute](#contribute) - [Using Proxies](#proxies) - [Custom Scrapers](#custom-scrapers) - [Examples](#examples) - [Scraping Model](#scraping-model) - [Technical Notes](#technical-notes) - [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage) - [Special Query String Parameters for Search Engines](#query-string-parameters) Se-scraper supports the following search engines: * Google * Google News * Google News App version (https://news.google.com) * Google Image * Amazon * Bing * Bing News * Baidu * Youtube * Infospace * Duckduckgo * Webcrawler * Reuters * Cnbc * Marketwatch This module uses puppeteer and a modified version of [puppeteer-cluster](https://github.com/thomasdondorf/puppeteer-cluster/). It was created by the Developer of [GoogleScraper](https://github.com/NikolaiT/GoogleScraper), a module with 1800 Stars on Github. ## Installation You need a working installation of **node** and the **npm** package manager. For example, if you are using Ubuntu 18.04, you can install node and npm with the following commands: ```bash sudo apt update; sudo apt install nodejs; # recent version of npm curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x -o nodesource_setup.sh; sudo bash nodesource_setup.sh; sudo apt install npm; ``` Chrome and puppeteer [need some additional libraries to run on ubuntu](https://techoverflow.net/2018/06/05/how-to-fix-puppetteer-error-). This command will install dependencies: ```bash # install all that is needed by chromium browser. Maybe not everything needed sudo apt-get install gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget; ``` Install **se-scraper** by entering the following command in your terminal ```bash npm install se-scraper ``` If you **don't** want puppeteer to download a complete chromium browser, add this variable to your environment. Then this module is not guaranteed to run out of the box. ```bash export PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD=1 ``` ## Minimal Example Create a file named `minimal.js` with the following contents ```js const se_scraper = require('se-scraper'); (async () => { let scrape_job = { search_engine: 'google', keywords: ['lets go boys'], num_pages: 1, }; var results = await se_scraper.scrape({}, scrape_job); console.dir(results, {depth: null, colors: true}); })(); ``` Start scraping by firing up the command `node minimal.js` ## Quickstart Create a file named `run.js` with the following contents ```js const se_scraper = require('se-scraper'); (async () => { let browser_config = { debug_level: 1, output_file: 'examples/results/data.json', }; let scrape_job = { search_engine: 'google', keywords: ['news', 'se-scraper'], num_pages: 1, // add some cool google search settings google_settings: { gl: 'us', // The gl parameter determines the Google country to use for the query. hl: 'en', // The hl parameter determines the Google UI language to return results. start: 0, // Determines the results offset to use, defaults to 0. num: 100, // Determines the number of results to show, defaults to 10. Maximum is 100. }, }; var scraper = new se_scraper.ScrapeManager(browser_config); await scraper.start(); var results = await scraper.scrape(scrape_job); console.dir(results, {depth: null, colors: true}); await scraper.quit(); })(); ``` Start scraping by firing up the command `node run.js` ## Contribute I really help and love your help! However scraping is a dirty business and it often takes me a lot of time to find failing selectors or missing JS logic. So if any search engine does not yield the results of your liking, please create a **static test case** similar to [this static test of google](test/static_tests/google.js) that fails. I will try to correct se-scraper then. That's how you would proceed: 1. Copy the [static google test case](test/static_tests/google.js) 2. Remove all unnecessary testing code 3. Save a search to file where se-scraper does not work correctly. 3. Implement the static test case using the saved search html where se-scraper currently fails. 4. Submit a new issue with the failing test case as pull request 5. I will fix it! (or better: you submit a pull request directly) ## Proxies **se-scraper** will create one browser instance per proxy. So the maximal amount of concurrency is equivalent to the number of proxies plus one (your own IP). ```js const se_scraper = require('se-scraper'); (async () => { let browser_config = { debug_level: 1, output_file: 'examples/results/proxyresults.json', proxy_file: '/home/nikolai/.proxies', // one proxy per line log_ip_address: true, }; let scrape_job = { search_engine: 'google', keywords: ['news', 'scrapeulous.com', 'incolumitas.com', 'i work too much', 'what to do?', 'javascript is hard'], num_pages: 1, }; var scraper = new se_scraper.ScrapeManager(browser_config); await scraper.start(); var results = await scraper.scrape(scrape_job); console.dir(results, {depth: null, colors: true}); await scraper.quit(); })(); ``` With a proxy file such as ```text socks5:// socks4:// ``` This will scrape with **three** browser instance each having their own IP address. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to scrape with different proxies per tab. Chromium does not support that. ## Custom Scrapers You can define your own scraper class and use it within se-scraper. [Check this example out](examples/custom_scraper.js) that defines a custom scraper for Ecosia. ## Examples * [Reuse existing browser](examples/multiple_search_engines.js) yields [these results](examples/results/multiple_search_engines.json) * [Simple example scraping google](examples/quickstart.js) yields [these results](examples/results/data.json) * [Simple example scraping baidu](examples/baidu.js) yields [these results](examples/results/baidu.json) * [Scrape with one proxy per browser](examples/proxies.js) yields [these results](examples/results/proxyresults.json) * [Scrape 100 keywords on Bing with multible tabs in one browser](examples/multiple_tabs.js) produces [this](examples/results/bing.json) * [Scrape two keywords on Amazon](examples/amazon.js) produces [this](examples/results/amazon.json) * [Inject your own scraping logic](examples/pluggable.js) * [For the Lulz: Scraping google dorks for SQL injection vulnerabilites and confirming them.](examples/for_the_lulz.js) * [Scrape google maps/locations](examples/google_maps.js) yields [these results](examples/results/maps.json) ## Scraping Model **se-scraper** scrapes search engines only. In order to introduce concurrency into this library, it is necessary to define the scraping model. Then we can decide how we divide and conquer. #### Scraping Resources What are common scraping resources? 1. **Memory and CPU**. Necessary to launch multiple browser instances. 2. **Network Bandwith**. Is not often the bottleneck. 3. **IP Addresses**. Websites often block IP addresses after a certain amount of requests from the same IP address. Can be circumvented by using proxies. 4. Spoofable identifiers such as browser fingerprint or user agents. Those will be handled by **se-scraper** #### Concurrency Model **se-scraper** should be able to run without any concurrency at all. This is the default case. No concurrency means only one browser/tab is searching at the time. For concurrent use, we will make use of a modified [puppeteer-cluster library](https://github.com/thomasdondorf/puppeteer-cluster). One scrape job is properly defined by * 1 search engine such as `google` * `M` pages * `N` keywords/queries * `K` proxies and `K+1` browser instances (because when we have no proxies available, we will scrape with our dedicated IP) Then **se-scraper** will create `K+1` dedicated browser instances with a unique ip address. Each browser will get `N/(K+1)` keywords and will issue `N/(K+1) * M` total requests to the search engine. The problem is that [puppeteer-cluster library](https://github.com/thomasdondorf/puppeteer-cluster) does only allow identical options for subsequent new browser instances. Therefore, it is not trivial to launch a cluster of browsers with distinct proxy settings. Right now, every browser has the same options. It's not possible to set options on a per browser basis. Solution: 1. Create a [upstream proxy router](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/678). 2. Modify [puppeteer-cluster library](https://github.com/thomasdondorf/puppeteer-cluster) to accept a list of proxy strings and then pop() from this list at every new call to `workerInstance()` in https://github.com/thomasdondorf/puppeteer-cluster/blob/master/src/Cluster.ts I wrote an [issue here](https://github.com/thomasdondorf/puppeteer-cluster/issues/107). **I ended up doing this**. ## Technical Notes Scraping is done with a headless chromium browser using the automation library puppeteer. Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. If you need to deploy scraping to the cloud (AWS or Azure), you can contact me at **hire@incolumitas.com** The chromium browser is started with the following flags to prevent scraping detection. ```js var ADDITIONAL_CHROME_FLAGS = [ '--disable-infobars', '--window-position=0,0', '--ignore-certifcate-errors', '--ignore-certifcate-errors-spki-list', '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--disable-accelerated-2d-canvas', '--disable-gpu', '--window-size=1920x1080', '--hide-scrollbars', '--disable-notifications', ]; ``` Furthermore, to avoid loading unnecessary ressources and to speed up scraping a great deal, we instruct chrome to not load images and css and media: ```js await page.setRequestInterception(true); page.on('request', (req) => { let type = req.resourceType(); const block = ['stylesheet', 'font', 'image', 'media']; if (block.includes(type)) { req.abort(); } else { req.continue(); } }); ``` #### Making puppeteer and headless chrome undetectable Consider the following resources: * https://intoli.com/blog/making-chrome-headless-undetectable/ * https://intoli.com/blog/not-possible-to-block-chrome-headless/ * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16179602 **se-scraper** implements the countermeasures against headless chrome detection proposed on those sites. Most recent detection counter measures can be found here: * https://github.com/paulirish/headless-cat-n-mouse/blob/master/apply-evasions.js **se-scraper** makes use of those anti detection techniques. To check whether evasion works, you can test it by passing `test_evasion` flag to the config: ```js let config = { // check if headless chrome escapes common detection techniques test_evasion: true }; ``` It will create a screenshot named `headless-test-result.png` in the directory where the scraper was started that shows whether all test have passed. ## Advanced Usage Use **se-scraper** by calling it with a script such as the one below. ```js const se_scraper = require('se-scraper'); // those options need to be provided on startup // and cannot give to se-scraper on scrape() calls let browser_config = { // the user agent to scrape with user_agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3835.0 Safari/537.36', // if random_user_agent is set to True, a random user agent is chosen random_user_agent: false, // whether to select manual settings in visible mode set_manual_settings: false, // log ip address data log_ip_address: false, // log http headers log_http_headers: false, // how long to sleep between requests. a random sleep interval within the range [a,b] // is drawn before every request. empty string for no sleeping. sleep_range: '', // which search engine to scrape search_engine: 'google', compress: false, // compress // whether debug information should be printed // level 0: print nothing // level 1: print most important info // ... // level 4: print all shit nobody wants to know debug_level: 1, keywords: ['nodejs rocks',], // whether to start the browser in headless mode headless: true, // specify flags passed to chrome here chrome_flags: [], // the number of pages to scrape for each keyword num_pages: 1, // path to output file, data will be stored in JSON output_file: '', // whether to also passthru all the html output of the serp pages html_output: false, // whether to return a screenshot of serp pages as b64 data screen_output: false, // whether to prevent images, css, fonts and media from being loaded // will speed up scraping a great deal block_assets: true, // path to js module that extends functionality // this module should export the functions: // get_browser, handle_metadata, close_browser //custom_func: resolve('examples/pluggable.js'), custom_func: '', throw_on_detection: false, // use a proxy for all connections // example: 'socks5://' // example: '' proxy: '', // a file with one proxy per line. Example: // socks5:// // proxy_file: '', // whether to use proxies only // when this is set to true, se-scraper will not use // your default IP address use_proxies_only: false, // check if headless chrome escapes common detection techniques // this is a quick test and should be used for debugging test_evasion: false, apply_evasion_techniques: true, // settings for puppeteer-cluster puppeteer_cluster_config: { timeout: 30 * 60 * 1000, // max timeout set to 30 minutes monitor: false, concurrency: Cluster.CONCURRENCY_BROWSER, maxConcurrency: 1, } }; (async () => { // scrape config can change on each scrape() call let scrape_config = { // which search engine to scrape search_engine: 'google', // an array of keywords to scrape keywords: ['cat', 'mouse'], // the number of pages to scrape for each keyword num_pages: 2, // OPTIONAL PARAMS BELOW: google_settings: { gl: 'us', // The gl parameter determines the Google country to use for the query. hl: 'fr', // The hl parameter determines the Google UI language to return results. start: 0, // Determines the results offset to use, defaults to 0. num: 100, // Determines the number of results to show, defaults to 10. Maximum is 100. }, // instead of keywords you can specify a keyword_file. this overwrites the keywords array keyword_file: '', // how long to sleep between requests. a random sleep interval within the range [a,b] // is drawn before every request. empty string for no sleeping. sleep_range: '', // path to output file, data will be stored in JSON output_file: 'output.json', // whether to prevent images, css, fonts from being loaded // will speed up scraping a great deal block_assets: false, // check if headless chrome escapes common detection techniques // this is a quick test and should be used for debugging test_evasion: false, apply_evasion_techniques: true, // log ip address data log_ip_address: false, // log http headers log_http_headers: false, }; let results = await se_scraper.scrape(browser_config, scrape_config); console.dir(results, {depth: null, colors: true}); })(); ``` [Output for the above script on my machine.](examples/results/advanced.json) ### Query String Parameters You can add your custom query string parameters to the configuration object by specifying a `google_settings` key. In general: `{{search engine}}_settings`. For example you can customize your google search with the following config: ```js let scrape_config = { search_engine: 'google', // use specific search engine parameters for various search engines google_settings: { google_domain: 'google.com', gl: 'us', // The gl parameter determines the Google country to use for the query. hl: 'us', // The hl parameter determines the Google UI language to return results. start: 0, // Determines the results offset to use, defaults to 0. num: 100, // Determines the number of results to show, defaults to 10. Maximum is 100. }, } ```