const se_scraper = require('./index.js'); let config = { // the user agent to scrape with user_agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Safari/537.36', // if random_user_agent is set to True, a random user agent is chosen random_user_agent: true, // how long to sleep between requests. a random sleep interval within the range [a,b] // is drawn before every request. empty string for no sleeping. sleep_range: '', // which search engine to scrape search_engine: 'baidu', // whether debug information should be printed // debug info is useful for developers when debugging debug: true, // whether verbose program output should be printed // this output is informational verbose: true, // an array of keywords to scrape keywords: ['cat', 'mouse'], // alternatively you can specify a keyword_file. this overwrites the keywords array keyword_file: '', // the number of pages to scrape for each keyword num_pages: 1, // whether to start the browser in headless mode headless: false, // specify flags passed to chrome here chrome_flags: [], // path to output file, data will be stored in JSON output_file: 'examples/results/baidu.json', // whether to prevent images, css, fonts from being loaded // will speed up scraping a great deal block_assets: false, // path to js module that extends functionality // this module should export the functions: // get_browser, handle_metadata, close_browser // must be an absolute path to the module //custom_func: resolve('examples/pluggable.js'), custom_func: '', // use a proxy for all connections // example: 'socks5://' // example: '' proxy: '', // a file with one proxy per line. Example: // socks5:// // proxy_file: '', // check if headless chrome escapes common detection techniques // this is a quick test and should be used for debugging test_evasion: false, apply_evasion_techniques: true, // log ip address data log_ip_address: false, // log http headers log_http_headers: false, puppeteer_cluster_config: { timeout: 10 * 60 * 1000, // max timeout set to 10 minutes monitor: false, concurrency: 1, // one scraper per tab maxConcurrency: 1, // scrape with 2 tabs } }; function callback(err, response) { if (err) { console.error(err) } /* response object has the following properties: response.results - json object with the scraping results response.metadata - json object with metadata information response.statusCode - status code of the scraping process */ console.dir(response.results, {depth: null, colors: true}); } se_scraper.scrape(config, callback);