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# Shorewall-perl 4.0 -- /usr/share/shorewall-perl/Shorewall/
# This program is under GPL []
# (c) 2007 - Tom Eastep (
# Complete documentation is available at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
# This module deals with the /etc/shorewall/policy file.
package Shorewall::Policy;
require Exporter;
use Shorewall::Config;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Chains;
use Shorewall::Actions;
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( validate_policy apply_policy_rules complete_standard_chain sub setup_syn_flood_chains );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( );
our $VERSION = 4.01;
# Create a new policy chain and return a reference to it.
sub new_policy_chain($$$)
my ($chain, $policy, $optional) = @_;
my $chainref = new_chain 'filter', $chain;
$chainref->{is_policy} = 1;
$chainref->{policy} = $policy;
$chainref->{is_optional} = $optional;
$chainref->{policychain} = $chain;
# Set the passed chain's policychain and policy to the passed values.
sub set_policy_chain($$$)
my ($chain1, $chainref, $policy) = @_;
my $chainref1 = $filter_table->{$chain1};
$chainref1 = new_chain 'filter', $chain1 unless $chainref1;
unless ( $chainref1->{policychain} ) {
if ( $config{EXPAND_POLICIES} ) {
# We convert the canonical chain into a policy chain, using the settings of the
# passed policy chain.
$chainref1->{policychain} = $chain1;
$chainref1->{loglevel} = $chainref->{loglevel} if defined $chainref->{loglevel};
if ( defined $chainref->{synparams} ) {
$chainref1->{synparams} = $chainref->{synparams};
$chainref1->{synchain} = $chainref->{synchain};
$chainref1->{default} = $chainref->{default} if defined $chainref->{default};
$chainref1->{is_policy} = 1;
push @policy_chains, $chainref1;
} else {
$chainref1->{policychain} = $chainref->{name};
$chainref1->{policy} = $policy;
# Process the policy file
sub validate_policy()
sub print_policy($$$$)
my ( $source, $dest, $policy , $chain ) = @_;
progress_message " Policy for $source to $dest is $policy using chain $chain"
unless ( $source eq $dest ) || ( $source eq 'all' ) || ( $dest eq 'all' );
my %validpolicies = (
ACCEPT => undef,
REJECT => undef,
DROP => undef,
CONTINUE => undef,
QUEUE => undef,
NONE => undef
my %map = ( DROP_DEFAULT => 'DROP' ,
my $zone;
use constant { OPTIONAL => 1 };
my $action = $config{$option};
next if $action eq 'none';
my $actiontype = $targets{$action};
if ( defined $actiontype ) {
fatal_error "Invalid setting ($action) for $option" unless $actiontype & ACTION;
} else {
fatal_error "Default Action $option=$action not found";
unless ( $usedactions{$action} ) {
$usedactions{$action} = 1;
createactionchain $action;
$default_actions{$map{$option}} = $action;
for $zone ( @zones ) {
push @policy_chains, ( new_policy_chain "${zone}2${zone}", 'ACCEPT', OPTIONAL );
if ( $config{IMPLICIT_CONTINUE} && ( @{$zones{$zone}{parents}} ) ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
next if $zone eq $zone1;
push @policy_chains, ( new_policy_chain "${zone}2${zone1}", 'CONTINUE', OPTIONAL );
push @policy_chains, ( new_policy_chain "${zone1}2${zone}", 'CONTINUE', OPTIONAL );
my $fn = open_file 'policy';
my $first_entry = 1;
while ( read_a_line ) {
if ( $first_entry ) {
progress_message2 "$doing $fn...";
$first_entry = 0;
my ( $client, $server, $policy, $loglevel, $synparams ) = split_line 3, 5, 'policy file';
$loglevel = '' if $loglevel eq '-';
$synparams = '' if $synparams eq '-';
my $clientwild = ( "\L$client" eq 'all' );
fatal_error "Undefined zone $client" unless $clientwild || $zones{$client};
my $serverwild = ( "\L$server" eq 'all' );
fatal_error "Undefined zone $server" unless $serverwild || $zones{$server};
( $policy , my ( $default, $remainder ) ) = split( /:/, $policy, 3 );
fatal_error "Invalid default action ($default:$remainder)" if defined $remainder;
if ( $default ) {
if ( "\L$default" eq 'none' ) {
$default = 'none';
} else {
my $defaulttype = $targets{$default} || 0;
if ( $defaulttype & ACTION ) {
unless ( $usedactions{$default} ) {
$usedactions{$default} = 1;
createactionchain $default;
} else {
fatal_error "Unknown Default Action ($default)";
} else {
$default = $default_actions{$policy} || '';
fatal_error "Invalid policy $policy" unless exists $validpolicies{$policy};
if ( $policy eq 'NONE' ) {
fatal_error "$client $server $policy $loglevel $synparams: NONE policy not allowed with \"all\""
if $clientwild || $serverwild;
fatal_error "$client, $server, $policy, $loglevel, $synparams: NONE policy not allowed to/from firewall zone"
if ( $zones{$client}{type} eq 'firewall' ) || ( $zones{$server}{type} eq 'firewall' );
unless ( $clientwild || $serverwild ) {
if ( $zones{$server}{type} eq 'bport4' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid policy - DEST zone is a Bridge Port zone but the SOURCE zone is not associated with the same bridge"
unless $zones{$client}{bridge} eq $zones{$server}{bridge} || single_interface( $client ) eq $zones{$server}{bridge};
my $chain = "${client}2${server}";
my $chainref;
if ( defined $filter_table->{$chain} ) {
$chainref = $filter_table->{$chain};
if ( $chainref->{is_policy} ) {
if ( $chainref->{is_optional} ) {
$chainref->{is_optional} = 0;
$chainref->{policy} = $policy;
} else {
fatal_error "Duplicate policy: $client $server $policy";
} else {
$chainref->{is_policy} = 1;
$chainref->{policy} = $policy;
$chainref->{policychain} = $chain;
push @policy_chains, ( $chainref ) unless $config{EXPAND_POLICIES} && ( $clientwild || $serverwild );
} else {
$chainref = new_policy_chain $chain, $policy, 0;
push @policy_chains, ( $chainref ) unless $config{EXPAND_POLICIES} && ( $clientwild || $serverwild );
$chainref->{loglevel} = validate_level( $loglevel ) if defined $loglevel && $loglevel ne '';
if ( $synparams ne '' ) {
$chainref->{synparams} = do_ratelimit $synparams, 'ACCEPT';
$chainref->{synchain} = $chain
$chainref->{default} = $default if $default;
if ( $clientwild ) {
if ( $serverwild ) {
for my $zone ( @zones , 'all' ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones , 'all' ) {
set_policy_chain "${zone}2${zone1}", $chainref, $policy;
print_policy $zone, $zone1, $policy, $chain;
} else {
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
set_policy_chain "${zone}2${server}", $chainref, $policy;
print_policy $zone, $server, $policy, $chain;
} elsif ( $serverwild ) {
for my $zone ( @zones , 'all' ) {
set_policy_chain "${client}2${zone}", $chainref, $policy;
print_policy $client, $zone, $policy, $chain;
} else {
print_policy $client, $server, $policy, $chain;
# Policy Rule application
sub policy_rules( $$$$ ) {
my ( $chainref , $target, $loglevel, $default ) = @_;
unless ( $target eq 'NONE' ) {
add_rule $chainref, "-j $default" if $default && $default ne 'none';
log_rule $loglevel , $chainref , $target , '' if $loglevel ne '';
fatal_error "Null target in policy_rules()" unless $target;
add_rule $chainref , ( '-j ' . ( $target eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $target ) ) unless $target eq 'CONTINUE';
sub report_syn_flood_protection() {
progress_message ' Enabled SYN flood protection';
sub default_policy( $$$ ) {
my $chainref = $_[0];
my $policyref = $filter_table->{$chainref->{policychain}};
my $synparams = $policyref->{synparams};
my $default = $policyref->{default};
my $policy = $policyref->{policy};
my $loglevel = $policyref->{loglevel};
fatal_error "No default policy for $_[1] to zone $_[2]" unless $policyref;
if ( $chainref eq $policyref ) {
policy_rules $chainref , $policy, $loglevel , $default;
} else {
if ( $policy eq 'ACCEPT' || $policy eq 'QUEUE' ) {
if ( $synparams ) {
policy_rules $chainref , $policy , $loglevel , $default;
} else {
add_rule $chainref, "-j $policyref->{name}";
$chainref = $policyref;
} elsif ( $policy eq 'CONTINUE' ) {
report_syn_flood_protection if $synparams;
policy_rules $chainref , $policy , $loglevel , $default;
} else {
report_syn_flood_protection if $synparams;
add_rule $chainref , "-j $policyref->{name}";
$chainref = $policyref;
progress_message " Policy $policy from $_[1] to $_[2] using chain $chainref->{name}";
sub apply_policy_rules() {
progress_message2 'Applying Policies...';
for my $chainref ( @policy_chains ) {
my $policy = $chainref->{policy};
my $loglevel = $chainref->{loglevel};
my $optional = $chainref->{is_optional};
my $default = $chainref->{default};
my $name = $chainref->{name};
if ( $policy ne 'NONE' ) {
if ( ! $chainref->{referenced} && ( ! $optional && $policy ne 'CONTINUE' ) ) {
ensure_filter_chain $name, 1;
if ( $name =~ /^all2|2all$/ ) {
run_user_exit $chainref;
policy_rules $chainref , $policy, $loglevel , $default;
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
my $chainref = $filter_table->{"${zone}2${zone1}"};
if ( $chainref->{referenced} ) {
run_user_exit $chainref;
default_policy $chainref, $zone, $zone1;
# Complete a standard chain
# - run any supplied user exit
# - search the policy file for an applicable policy and add rules as
# appropriate
# - If no applicable policy is found, add rules for an assummed
# policy of DROP INFO
sub complete_standard_chain ( $$$ ) {
my ( $stdchainref, $zone, $zone2 ) = @_;
run_user_exit $stdchainref;
my $ruleschainref = $filter_table->{"${zone}2${zone2}"};
my ( $policy, $loglevel, $default ) = ( 'DROP', 6, $config{DROP_DEFAULT} );
my $policychainref;
$policychainref = $filter_table->{$ruleschainref->{policychain}} if $ruleschainref;
( $policy, $loglevel, $default ) = @{$policychainref}{'policy', 'loglevel', 'default' } if $policychainref;
policy_rules $stdchainref , $policy , $loglevel, $default;
# Create and populate the synflood chains corresponding to entries in /etc/shorewall/policy
sub setup_syn_flood_chains() {
for my $chainref ( @policy_chains ) {
my $limit = $chainref->{synparams};
if ( $limit && ! $filter_table->{syn_flood_chain $chainref} ) {
my $level = $chainref->{loglevel};
my $synchainref = new_chain 'filter' , syn_flood_chain $chainref;
add_rule $synchainref , "${limit}-j RETURN";
log_rule_limit $level , $synchainref , $chainref->{name} , 'DROP', '-m limit --limit 5/min --limit-burst 5 ' , '' , 'add' , ''
if $level ne '';
add_rule $synchainref, '-j DROP';