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Shorewall 4.3.4
It was previously my intention to defer release of IPv6 support until
4.4. That plan was based on an architecture that supported a single
configuration for both IPv4 and IPv6.
Splitting IPv6 support out into separate products has made adding that
support an order of magnitude easier and less invasive. So it is my
current plan to release IPv6 support in a future 4.2.x release.
I am therefore opening the testing of the development branch to a wider
R E L E A S E 4 . 3 H I G H L I G H T S
1) Support is included for IPv6.
Minimun system requirements:
- Kernel 2.6.25 or later.
- iptables 1.4.0 or later with 1.4.1 strongly recommended.
- Perl 5.10 if you wish to use DNS names in your IPv6 config files.
In that case you will also have to install Perl Socket6 support.
Problems Corrected in 4.3.4
1) Previously, an extra 'done' could be emitted in the generated shell
script resulting in a shell syntax error at run-time.
2) In IPv6, ipranges were previously not supported even when the
kernel and ip6tables included support for them.
3) An optimization in all Shorewall-perl 4.2 and 4.3 versions could
cause undesirable side effects. The optimization deleted the
<interface>_in and <interface>_fwd chains and moved their rules
to the appropriate rules chain (a <zone>2<xxx> chain).
This worked badly in cases where a zone was associated with more
than one interface. Rules could be duplicated or, worse, a rule
that was intended for only input from one of the zone's interfaces
would be applied to input from all of the zone's interfaces.
This problem has been corrected so that an interface-related
chains is only deleted if:
a) the chain has no rules in it; or
b) the interface is associated with only one zone and that zone is
associated with only that interface in which case it is safe to
move the rules.
Other Changes in 4.3.4
1) Shorewall and Shorewall Lite now show only IPv4 connections in the
output of 'shorewall show connections', 'shorewall-lite show
connections', 'shorewall dump' and 'shorewall-lite dump'.
Migration Issues.
New Features in Shorewall 4.3
1) Two new packages are included:
a) Shorewall6 - analagous to Shorewall-common but handles IPv6
rather than IPv4.
b) Shorewall6-lite - analagous to Shorewall-lite but handles IPv6
rather than IPv4.
The packages store their configurations in /etc/shorewall6/ and
/etc/shorewall6-lite/ respectively.
The fact that the packages are separate from their IPv4 counterparts
means that you control IPv4 and IPv6 traffic separately (the same
way that Netfilter does). Starting/Stopping the firewall for one
address family has no effect on the other address family.
Other features of Shorewall6 are:
a) There is no NAT of any kind (most people see this as a giant step
forward). When an ISP assigns you a public IPv6 address, you are
actually assigned an IPv6 'prefix' which is like an IPv4
subnet. A 64-bit prefix allows 4 billion squared individual hosts
(the size of the current IPv4 address space squared).
b) The default zone type is ipv6.
c) The currently-supported interface options in Shorewall6 are:
nosmurfs (traps multicast and Subnet-router anycast addresses
used as the packet source address).
forward (setting it to 0 makes the router behave like a host
on that interface rather than like a router).
d) The currently-supported host options in Shorewall6 are:
e) Traffic Shaping is disabled by default. The tcdevices and
tcclasses files are address-family independent so
to use the Shorewall builtin Traffic Shaper, TC_ENABLED=Internal
should be specified in Shorewall or in Shorewall6 but not in
both. In the configuration where the internal traffic shaper is
not enabled, CLEAR_TC=No should be specified.
tcfilters are not available in Shorewall6.
f) When both an interface and an address or address list need to
be specified in a rule, the address or list must be enclosed in
angle brackets. Example:
ACCEPT net:eth0:<2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe> dmz
Note that this includes MAC addresses as well as IPv6 addresses.
The HOSTS column in /etc/shorewall6/hosts also uses this
chat6 eth0:<2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe>
Even when an interface is not specified, it is permitted to
enclose addresses in <> to improve readability. Example:
ACCEPT net:<2001:1::1> $FW
g) The options available in shorewall6.conf are a subset of those
available in shorewall.conf.
h) The Perl module is required if you include DNS names
in your Shorewall6 configuration. Note that it is loaded the
first time that a DNS name is encountered so if it is missing,
you get a message similar to this one:
Checking /etc/shorewall6/rules...
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /root ...