The 'functions' file has moved to /usr/lib/shorewall/functions. If you have
an application that uses functions from that file, your application will need
to be changed to reflect this change of location.<br>
<h3>Version >= 1.3.8</h3>
<p>If you have a pair of firewall systems configured for failover
or if you have asymmetric routing, you will need to modify
your firewall setup slightly under Shorewall
versions >= 1.3.8. Beginning with version 1.3.8,
you must set NEWNOTSYN=Yes in your
/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf file.</p>
<h3>Version >= 1.3.7</h3>
<p>Users specifying ALLOWRELATED=No in /etc/shorewall.conf
will need to include the following rules in
their /etc/shorewall/icmpdef file (creating
this file if necessary):</p>
<pre> run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT<br> run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT<br> run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT<br> run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT<br> run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT</pre>
<p>Users having an /etc/shorewall/icmpdef file may remove the ". /etc/shorewall/icmp.def"
command from that file since the icmp.def file is now empty.</p>
<h3><b><aname="Bering">Upgrading </a>Bering to
Shorewall >= 1.3.3</b></h3>
<p>To properly upgrade with Shorewall version
1.3.3 and later:</p>
<li>Be sure you have a backup -- you
will need to transcribe any Shorewall configuration
changes that you have made to the new
<li>Replace the shorwall.lrp package
provided on the Bering floppy with the
later one. If you did not obtain the later
version from Jacques's site, see additional
instructions below.</li>
<li>Edit the /var/lib/lrpkg/root.exclude.list
file and remove the /var/lib/shorewall entry
if present. Then do not forget to backup
root.lrp !</li>
<p>The .lrp that I release isn't set up for a two-interface firewall like
Jacques's. You need to follow the <ahref="two-interface.htm">instructions
for setting up a two-interface firewall</a> plus you also need to add the
following two Bering-specific rules to /etc/shorewall/rules:</p>
<pre># Bering specific rules:<br># allow loc to fw udp/53 for dnscache to work<br># allow loc to fw tcp/80 for weblet to work<br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw udp 53<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp 80</pre>
<h3align="left">Version 1.3.6 and 1.3.7</h3>
<palign="left">If you have a pair of firewall systems configured for
failover or if you have asymmetric routing, you will need to modify
your firewall setup slightly under Shorewall versions 1.3.6 and
<palign="left">Create the file /etc/shorewall/newnotsyn and in it add
the following rule<br>
<fontface="Courier">run_iptables -A newnotsyn -j RETURN #
So that the connection tracking table can be rebuilt<br>
after takeover.<br>
<palign="left">Create /etc/shorewall/common (if you don't already
have that file) and include the following:<br>
<fontface="Courier">run_iptables -A common -p tcp --tcp-flags
ACK,FIN,RST ACK -j ACCEPT #Accept Acks to rebuild connection<br>