<pre>##############################################################################<br># /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf V1.4 - Change the following variables to<br># match your setup<br>#<br># This program is under GPL [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.htm]<br>#<br># This file should be placed in /etc/shorewall<br>#<br># (c) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 - Tom Eastep (teastep@shorewall.net)<br>##############################################################################<br># L O G G I N G<br>##############################################################################<br>LOGFILE=/var/log/messages<br>LOGFORMAT="Shorewall:%s:%s:"<br>LOGRATE=<br>LOGBURST=<br>LOGUNCLEAN=info<br>BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL=<br>LOGNEWNOTSYN=<br>MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL=info<br>TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL=debug<br>RFC1918_LOG_LEVEL=debug<br>PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin<br>SUBSYSLOCK=/var/lock/subsys/shorewall<br>STATEDIR=/var/lib/shorewall<br>MODULESDIR=<br>FW=fw<br>NAT_ENABLED=Yes<br>MANGLE_ENABLED=Yes<br>IP_FORWARDING=On<br>ADD_IP_ALIASES=Yes<br>ADD_SNAT_ALIASES=Yes<br>TC_ENABLED=Yes<br>CLEAR_TC=No<br>MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN=No<br>CLAMPMSS=No<br>ROUTE_FILTER=Yes<br>NAT_BEFORE_RULES=No<br>MULTIPORT=Yes<br>DETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS=Yes<br>MUTEX_TIMEOUT=60<br>NEWNOTSYN=Yes<br>BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=DROP<br>MACLIST_DISPOSITION=REJECT<br>TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION=DROP<br>#LAST LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br><br></pre>
<pre><fontface="Courier">#<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- Sample Zone File For Two Interfaces<br># /etc/shorewall/zones<br>#<br># This file determines your network zones. Columns are:<br>#<br># ZONE Short name of the zone<br># DISPLAY Display name of the zone<br># COMMENTS Comments about the zone<br>#<br>#ZONE DISPLAY COMMENTS<br>net Net Internet<br>loc Local Local Networks<br>dmz DMZ Demilitarized Zone<br>vpn1 VPN1 VPN to Germany<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</font><font
<pre>###############################################################################<br>#SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST<br>loc net ACCEPT<br>loc fw ACCEPT<br>loc dmz ACCEPT<br># If you want open access to the Internet from your Firewall <br># remove the comment from the following line.<br>fw net ACCEPT<br>fw loc ACCEPT<br>fw dmz ACCEPT<br>dmz fw ACCEPT<br>dmz loc ACCEPT<br>dmz net ACCEPT<br># <br># Adding VPN Access<br>loc vpn1 ACCEPT<br>dmz vpn1 ACCEPT<br>fw vpn1 ACCEPT<br>vpn1 loc ACCEPT<br>vpn1 dmz ACCEPT<br>vpn1 fw ACCEPT<br>#<br>net all DROP info<br>all all REJECT info<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br></pre>
<pre>#EXTERNAL INTERFACE INTERNAL ALL INTERFACES LOCAL<br>#<br># Intranet Web Server<br> eth0:0 No No<br>#<br># Project Web Server<br> eth0:1 No No<br>#<br># Blackberry Server<br> eth0:2 No No<br>#<br># Corporate Mail Server<br> eth0:3 No No<br>#<br># Second Corp Mail Server<br> eth0:4 No No<br>#<br># Sims Server<br> eth0:5 No No<br>#<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br></pre>
<pre><fontface="Courier"size="2">#ADDRESS INTERFACE EXTERNAL HAVEROUTE<br>#<br># The Corporate email server in the DMZ<br> eth2 eth0 No<br>#<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE </font></pre>
<h3>Rules File (The shell variables are set in /etc/shorewall/params):</h3>
<pre>##############################################################################<br>#ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE ORIGINAL<br># PORT PORT(S) DEST<br>#<br># Accept DNS connections from the firewall to the network<br>#<br>ACCEPT fw net tcp 53<br>ACCEPT fw net udp 53<br>#<br># Accept SSH from internet interface from kaos only<br>#<br>ACCEPT net: fw tcp 22<br>#<br># Accept connections from the local network for administration <br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp 20:22<br>ACCEPT loc net tcp 22<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp 53<br>ACCEPT loc fw udp 53<br>ACCEPT loc net tcp 53<br>ACCEPT loc net udp 53<br>#<br># Allow Ping To And From Firewall<br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw icmp 8<br>ACCEPT loc dmz icmp 8<br>ACCEPT loc net icmp 8<br>ACCEPT dmz fw icmp 8<br>ACCEPT dmz loc icmp 8<br>ACCEPT dmz net icmp 8<br>DROP net fw icmp 8<br>DROP net loc icmp 8<br>DROP net dmz icmp 8<br>ACCEPT fw loc icmp 8<br>ACCEPT fw dmz icmp 8<br>DROP fw net icmp 8<br>#<br># Accept proxy web connections from the inside<br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp 8118<br>#<br># Forward PcAnywhere, Oracle and Web traffic from outside to the Demo systems<br># From a specific IP Address on the Internet.<br># <br># ACCEPT net: loc: tcp 1521,http<br># ACCEPT net: loc: tcp 5631:5632<br>#<br># Intranet web server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 443<br>ACCEPT dmz loc: tcp 443<br>#<br># Projects web server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 80<br>ACCEPT dmz loc: tcp 80<br># <br># Blackberry Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 3101<br>#<br># Corporate Email Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 25,53,110,143,443<br>#<br># Corporate #2 Email Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 25,80,110,443<br>#<br># Sims Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 80,443<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 7001:7002<br>ACCEPT net: loc: tcp 5631:5632<br>#<br># Access to DMZ<br>ACCEPT loc dmz udp 53,177<br>ACCEPT loc dmz tcp 80,25,53,22,143,443,993,20,110 -<br>ACCEPT net dmz udp 53<br>ACCEPT net dmz tcp 25,53,22,21,123<br>ACCEPT dmz net tcp 25,53,80,123,443,21,22<br>ACCEPT dmz net udp 53<br>#<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE</pre>
<pre>############################################################################<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- /etc/shorewall/start<br>#<br># Add commands below that you want to be executed after shorewall has<br># been started or restarted.<br>#<br>qt service ipsec start<br></pre>
<pre>############################################################################<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- /etc/shorewall/stop<br>#<br># Add commands below that you want to be executed at the beginning of a<br># "shorewall stop" command.<br>#<br>qt service ipsec stop</pre>
<pre>############################################################################<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- /etc/shorewall/init<br>#<br># Add commands below that you want to be executed at the beginning of<br># a "shorewall start" or "shorewall restart" command.<br>#<br>qt service ipsec stop<br></pre>