forked from extern/shorewall_code
Add 'comment' to alternative input
Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2156,6 +2156,47 @@ sub split_list3( $$ ) {
# This version spits a list on white-space with optional leading comma. It prevents double-quoted
# strings from being split.
sub split_list4( $ ) {
my ($list ) = @_;
my @list1 = split( /,?\s+/, $list );
my @list2;
my $element = '';
my $opencount = 0;
return @list1 unless $list =~ /"/;
@list1 = split( /(,?\s+)/, $list );
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @list1; $i += 2 ) {
my $e = $list1[$i];
if ( $e =~ /[^\\]"/ ) {
if ( $e =~ /[^\\]".*[^\\]"/ ) {
fatal_error 'Unescaped embedded quote (' . join( $list1[$i - 1], $element, $e ) . ')' if $element ne '';
push @list2, $e;
} elsif ( $element ne '' ) {
fatal_error 'Quoting Error (' . join( $list1[$i - 1], $element, $e ) . ')' unless $e =~ /"$/;
push @list2, join( $list1[$i - 1], $element, $e );
$element = '';
} else {
$element = $e;
} elsif ( $element ne '' ) {
$element = join( $list1[$i - 1], $element, $e );
} else {
push @list2, $e;
fatal_error "Mismatched_quotes ($list)" if $element ne '';
# Splits the columns of a config file record
@ -2354,18 +2395,36 @@ sub split_line2( $$;$$$ ) {
$pairs =~ s/^\s*//;
$pairs =~ s/\s*$//;
my @pairs = split( /,?\s+/, $pairs );
my @pairs = split_list4( $pairs );
for ( @pairs ) {
fatal_error "Invalid column/value pair ($_)" unless /^(\w+)(?:=>?|:)(.+)$/;
my ( $column, $value ) = ( lc( $1 ), $2 );
fatal_error "Unknown column ($1)" unless exists $columnsref->{$column};
$column = $columnsref->{$column};
fatal_error "Non-ASCII gunk in file" if $columns =~ /[^\s[:print:]]/;
$value = $1 if $value =~ /^"([^"]+)"$/;
fatal_error "Column values may not contain embedded double quotes, single back quotes or backslashes" if $columns =~ /["`\\]/;
fatal_error "Non-ASCII gunk in the value of the $column column" if $columns =~ /[^\s[:print:]]/;
$line[$column] = $value;
if ( $value =~ /"$/ ) {
fatal_error "Invalid value ( $value )" unless $value =~ /^"(.*)"$/;
$value = $1;
if ( $column eq 'comment' ) {
if ( $comments_allowed ) {
if ( have_capability( 'COMMENTS' ) ) {
$comment = $value;
} else {
warning_message '"comment" ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter' unless $warningcount++;
} else {
fatal_error '"comment" is not allowed in this file';
} else {
fatal_error "Unknown column ($1)" unless exists $columnsref->{$column};
$column = $columnsref->{$column};
fatal_error "Non-ASCII gunk in file" if $columns =~ /[^\s[:print:]]/;
$value = $1 if $value =~ /^"([^"]+)"$/;
$value =~ s/\\"/"/g;
fatal_error "Non-ASCII gunk in the value of the $column column" if $columns =~ /[^\s[:print:]]/;
$line[$column] = $value;
Reference in New Issue
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