Make optimize 8 a multi-pass operation.

Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <>
This commit is contained in:
Tom Eastep 2013-01-21 09:12:42 -08:00
parent c820c54f41
commit 5beae475f5

View File

@ -3089,122 +3089,130 @@ sub optimize_level4( $$ ) {
sub optimize_level8( $$$ ) { sub optimize_level8( $$$ ) {
my ( $table, $tableref , $passes ) = @_; my ( $table, $tableref , $passes ) = @_;
my $progress = 1; my $progress = 1;
my @chains = ( grep $_->{referenced} && ! $_->{builtin}, values %{$tableref} );
my @chains1 = @chains;
my $chains = @chains;
my $chainseq = 0; my $chainseq = 0;
my %rename;
my %combined;
progress_message "\n Table $table pass $passes, $chains referenced user chains, level 8...";
%renamed = (); %renamed = ();
for my $chainref ( @chains ) { while ( $progress ) {
my $digest = ''; my @chains = ( grep $_->{referenced} && ! $_->{builtin}, values %{$tableref} );
my @chains1 = @chains;
my $chains = @chains;
my %rename;
my %combined;
for ( @{$chainref->{rules}} ) { $progress = 0;
if ( $digest ) {
$digest .= ' |' . format_rule( $chainref, $_, 1 );
} else {
$digest = format_rule( $chainref, $_, 1 );
$chainref->{digest} = sha1 $digest; progress_message "\n Table $table pass $passes, $chains referenced user chains, level 8...";
for my $chainref ( @chains ) { $passes++;
my $rules = $chainref->{rules};
# Shift the current $chainref off of @chains1
shift @chains1;
# Skip empty chains
for my $chainref1 ( @chains1 ) {
next unless @{$chainref1->{rules}};
next if $chainref1->{optflags} & DONT_DELETE;
if ( $chainref->{digest} eq $chainref1->{digest} ) {
progress_message " Chain $chainref1->{name} combined with $chainref->{name}";
replace_references $chainref1, $chainref->{name}, undef;
unless ( $chainref->{name} =~ /^~/ ) { for my $chainref ( grep ! $_->{digest}, @chains ) {
# my $digest = '';
# For simple use of the BLACKLIST section, we can end up with many identical
# chains. To distinguish them from other renamed chains, we keep track of
# these chains via the 'blacklistsection' member.
$rename{ $chainref->{name} } = $chainref->{blacklistsection} ? '~blacklist' : '~comb';
$combined{ $chainref1->{name} } = $chainref->{name};
my @rename = keys %rename;
if ( @rename ) {
# First create aliases for each renamed chain and change the {name} member.
for my $oldname ( @rename ) {
my $newname = $renamed{ $oldname } = $rename{ $oldname } . $chainseq++;
trace( $tableref->{$oldname}, 'RN', 0, " Renamed $newname" ) if $debug;
$tableref->{$newname} = $tableref->{$oldname};
$tableref->{$oldname}{name} = $newname;
progress_message " Chain $oldname renamed to $newname";
# Next, map the combined names
while ( my ( $oldname, $combinedname ) = each %combined ) {
$renamed{$oldname} = $renamed{$combinedname} || $combinedname;
# Now adjust the references to point to the new name
while ( my ($chain, $chainref ) = each %$tableref ) {
my %references = %{$chainref->{references}};
if ( my $newname = $renamed{$chainref->{policychain} || ''} ) {
$chainref->{policychain} = $newname;
while ( my ( $chain1, $chainref1 ) = each %references ) {
if ( my $newname = $renamed{$chainref->{references}{$chain1}} ) {
$chainref->{references}{$newname} = $chainref->{references}{$chain1};
delete $chainref->{references}{$chain1};
# Delete the old names from the table
delete $tableref->{$_} for @rename;
# And fix up the rules
for my $chainref ( values %$tableref ) {
my $rulenum = 0;
for ( @{$chainref->{rules}} ) { for ( @{$chainref->{rules}} ) {
$rulenum++; if ( $digest ) {
$digest .= ' |' . format_rule( $chainref, $_, 1 );
} else {
$digest = format_rule( $chainref, $_, 1 );
if ( my $newname = $renamed{$_->{target}} ) { $chainref->{digest} = sha1 $digest;
$_->{target} = $newname; }
trace( $chainref, 'R', $rulenum, $_ ) if $debug;
for my $chainref ( @chains ) {
my $rules = $chainref->{rules};
# Shift the current $chainref off of @chains1
shift @chains1;
# Skip empty chains
for my $chainref1 ( @chains1 ) {
next unless @{$chainref1->{rules}};
next if $chainref1->{optflags} & DONT_DELETE;
if ( $chainref->{digest} eq $chainref1->{digest} ) {
progress_message " Chain $chainref1->{name} combined with $chainref->{name}";
$progress = 1;
replace_references $chainref1, $chainref->{name}, undef;
unless ( $chainref->{name} =~ /^~/ ) {
# For simple use of the BLACKLIST section, we can end up with many identical
# chains. To distinguish them from other renamed chains, we keep track of
# these chains via the 'blacklistsection' member.
$rename{ $chainref->{name} } = $chainref->{blacklistsection} ? '~blacklist' : '~comb';
$combined{ $chainref1->{name} } = $chainref->{name};
my @rename = keys %rename;
if ( @rename ) {
# First create aliases for each renamed chain and change the {name} member.
for my $oldname ( @rename ) {
my $newname = $renamed{ $oldname } = $rename{ $oldname } . $chainseq++;
trace( $tableref->{$oldname}, 'RN', 0, " Renamed $newname" ) if $debug;
$tableref->{$newname} = $tableref->{$oldname};
$tableref->{$oldname}{name} = $newname;
progress_message " Chain $oldname renamed to $newname";
# Next, map the combined names
while ( my ( $oldname, $combinedname ) = each %combined ) {
$renamed{$oldname} = $renamed{$combinedname} || $combinedname;
# Now adjust the references to point to the new name
while ( my ($chain, $chainref ) = each %$tableref ) {
my %references = %{$chainref->{references}};
if ( my $newname = $renamed{$chainref->{policychain} || ''} ) {
$chainref->{policychain} = $newname;
while ( my ( $chain1, $chainref1 ) = each %references ) {
if ( my $newname = $renamed{$chainref->{references}{$chain1}} ) {
$chainref->{references}{$newname} = $chainref->{references}{$chain1};
delete $chainref->{references}{$chain1};
# Delete the old names from the table
delete $tableref->{$_} for @rename;
# And fix up the rules
for my $chainref ( values %$tableref ) {
my $rulenum = 0;
for ( @{$chainref->{rules}} ) {
if ( my $newname = $renamed{$_->{target}} ) {
$_->{target} = $newname;
delete $chainref->{digest};
trace( $chainref, 'R', $rulenum, $_ ) if $debug;
} }
} }
} }
} }
$passes; $passes;
} }
# #