diff --git a/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt b/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt
index fe50ce142..6d5ff86a4 100644
--- a/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt
+++ b/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt
rejNonSyn(audit) net all
+ h) There are audited versions of the standard Default Actions
+ named ADrop and AReject. Note that these audit everything that
+ they do so you will probably want to make your own copies and
+ modify them to only audit the packets that you care about.
6) Up to this release, the behaviors of 'start -f' and 'restart -f'
has been inconsistent. The 'start -f' command compares the
modification times of /etc/shorewall[6] with
diff --git a/docs/Audit.xml b/docs/Audit.xml
index ed9c87629..1d97e5577 100644
--- a/docs/Audit.xml
+++ b/docs/Audit.xml
@@ -221,58 +221,16 @@ A_ACCEPT:info loc net ...
The builtin actions (dropBroadcast, rejNonSyn, etc.) now support
an 'audit' parameter which causes all ACCEPT, DROP and REJECTs
- performed by the action to be audited. This allows creation of audited
- versions of the Shorewall-provided default actions (action.Drop and
- action.Reject).
+ performed by the action to be audited.
- The builtin actions are those actions listed in the output of
- shorewall show actions whose names begin with a
- lower-case letter.
- Here's a version of action.Drop that does auditing:
-# Count packets that come through here
-# Reject 'auth'
-A_REJECT - - tcp
-# Don't log broadcasts
-# ACCEPT critical ICMP types
-AudAllowICMPs - - icmp
-# Drop packets that are in the INVALID state -- these are usually ICMP packets
-# and just confuse people when they appear in the log.
-# Drop Microsoft noise so that it doesn't clutter up the log.
-# Drop 'newnotsyn' traffic so that it doesn't get logged.
-dropNotSyn(audit) - - tcp
-# Drop late-arriving DNS replies. These are just a nuisance and clutter up
-# the log.
-A_DROP - - udp - 53
- The 'Aud...' macros would be auditing versions of their standard
- macro counterparts (if you are interested in auditing those connection
- types).
+ There are audited versions of the standard Default Actions (ADrop and
+ AReject). These actions audit everything they do which is probably
+ more than you want; as a consequence, you probably will want to make
+ your own copies of these actions and modify them to only audit the
+ packets that you are interested in.