git-svn-id: fbd18981-670d-0410-9b5c-8dc0c1a9a2bb
This commit is contained in:
teastep 2007-04-24 19:53:13 +00:00
parent dba25b5137
commit 7fe76f778c
3 changed files with 145 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -630,6 +630,104 @@ sub clearrule() {
$iprangematch = 0;
sub validate_proto( $ ) {
my $proto = $_[0];
my $value = $protocols{$proto};
return $value if defined $value;
return $proto if $proto =~ /^(\d+)$/ && $proto <= 65535;
return $proto if $proto eq 'all';
fatal_error "Invalid/Unknown protocol ($proto)";
sub validate_portpair( $ ) {
my $portpair = $_[0];
fatal_error "Invalid port range ($portpair)" if $portpair =~ tr/:/:/ > 1;
$portpair = "0$portpair" if substr( $portpair, 0, 1 ) eq ':';
$portpair = "${portpair}65535" if substr( $portpair, -1, 1 ) eq ':';
my @ports = split/:/, $portpair;
for my $port ( @ports ) {
my $value = $services{$port};
unless ( defined $value ) {
$value = $port if $port =~ /^(\d+)$/ && $port <= 65535;
fatal_error "Invalid/Unknown port/service ($port)" unless defined $value;
$port = $value;
if ( @ports == 2 ) {
fatal_error "Invalid port range ($portpair)" unless $ports[0] < $ports[1];
join ':', @ports;
sub validate_port_list( $ ) {
my $result = '';
for my $port ( split/,/, $_[0] ) {
my $value = validate_portpair( $port );
$result = $result ? join ',', $result, $value : $value;
my %icmp_types = ( any => 'any',
'echo-reply' => 0,
'destination-unreachable' => 3,
'network-unreachable' => '3/0',
'host-unreachable' => '3/1',
'protocol-unreachable' => '3/2',
'port-unreachable' => '3/3',
'fragmentation-needed' => '3/4',
'source-route-failed' => '3/5',
'network-unknown' => '3/6',
'host-unknown' => '3/7',
'network-prohibited' => '3/9',
'host-prohibited' => '3/10',
'TOS-network-unreachable' => '3/11',
'TOS-host-unreachable' => '3/12',
'communication-prohibited' => '3/13',
'host-precedence-violation' => '3/14',
'precedence-cutoff' => '3/15',
'source-quench' => 4,
'redirect' => 5,
'network-redirect' => '5/0',
'host-redirect' => '5/1',
'TOS-network-redirect' => '5/2',
'TOS-host-redirect' => '5/3',
'echo-request' => '8',
'router-advertisement' => 9,
'router-solicitation' => 10,
'time-exceeded' => 11,
'ttl-zero-during-transit' => '11/0',
'ttl-zero-during-reassembly' => '11/1',
'parameter-problem' => 12,
'ip-header-bad' => '12/0',
'required-option-missing' => '12/1',
'timestamp-request' => 13,
'timestamp-reply' => 14,
'address-mask-request' => 17,
'address-mask-reply' => 18 );
sub validate_icmp( $ ) {
my $type = $_[0];
my $value = $icmp_types{$type};
return $value if defined $value;
return $type if $type =~ /^(\d+)(\/\d+)?$/;
fatal_error "Invalid ICMP Type ($type)"
# Handle parsing of PROTO, DEST PORT(S) , SOURCE PORTS(S). Returns the appropriate match string.
@ -653,8 +751,9 @@ sub do_proto( $$$ )
if ( $proto =~ /^((tcp|6)((:syn)?))|(udp|17)$/ ) {
if ( $3 ) {
$output = '-p tcp --syn ';
$output = '-p 6 --syn ';
} else {
$proto = $protocols{$proto} if defined $protocols{$proto};
$output = "-p $proto ";
@ -662,8 +761,10 @@ sub do_proto( $$$ )
if ( $ports =~ tr/,/,/ > 0 ) {
fatal_error "Port list requires Multiport support in your kernel/iptables: $ports" unless $capabilities{MULTIPORT};
fatal_error "Too many entries in port list: $ports" if port_count( $ports ) > 15;
$ports = validate_port_list $ports;
$output .= "-m multiport --dports $ports ";
} else {
$ports = validate_portpair $ports;
$output .= "--dport $ports ";
@ -672,15 +773,22 @@ sub do_proto( $$$ )
if ( $sports =~ tr/,/,/ > 0 ) {
fatal_error "Port list requires Multiport support in your kernel/iptables: $sports" unless $capabilities{MULTIPORT};
fatal_error "Too many entries in port list: $sports" if port_count( $sports ) > 15;
$sports = validate_port_list $sports;
$output .= "-m multiport --sports $sports ";
} else {
$sports = validate_portpair $sports;
$output .= "--sport $sports ";
} elsif ( $proto =~ /^(icmp|1)$/i ) {
fatal_error 'Multiple ICMP types are not permitted' if $ports =~ /,/;
$output .= "-p icmp ";
$output .= "--icmp-type $ports " if $ports;
if ( $ports ne '' ) {
$ports = validate_icmp $ports;
$output .= "--icmp-type $ports ";
fatal_error 'SOURCE PORT(S) not permitted with ICMP' if $sports ne '';
} elsif ( $proto =~ /^(ipp2p(:(tcp|udp|all)))?$/i ) {
require_capability( 'IPP2P' , 'PROTO = ipp2p' );
@ -689,6 +797,7 @@ sub do_proto( $$$ )
$output .= "-p $proto -m ipp2p --$ports ";
} else {
fatal_error "SOURCE/DEST PORT(S) not allowed with PROTO $proto, rule \"$line\"" if $ports ne '' || $sports ne '';
$proto = validate_proto $proto;
$output .= "-p $proto ";
} elsif ( $ports ne '' || $sports ne '' ) {
@ -1013,7 +1122,7 @@ sub mysplit( $ ) {
my $element = shift @input;
if ( $element =~ /\[/ ) {
while ( ! ( $element =~ /\]/ ) ) {
while ( substr( $element, -1, 1 ) ne ']' ) {
last unless @input;
$element .= ( ',' . shift @input );

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@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
%capabilities );
%services );
our @EXPORT_OK = ();
our @VERSION = 1.00;
@ -196,6 +198,11 @@ our %capabilities =
COMMENTS => undef,
ADDRTYPE => undef,
# /etc/protocols and /etc/services
our %protocols;
our %services;
my %capdesc = ( NAT_ENABLED => 'NAT',
MANGLE_ENABLED => 'Packet Mangling',
@ -1036,6 +1043,30 @@ sub get_configuration( $ ) {
} else {
$config{LOCKFILE} = '';
open_file '/etc/protocols' or fatal_error "Cannot open /etc/protocols: $!";
while ( read_a_line ) {
my ( $proto1, $number, $proto2, $proto3 ) = split_line( 2, 4, '/etc/protocols entry');
$protocols{ $proto1 } = $number;
$protocols{ $proto2 } = $number unless $proto2 eq '-' || $proto3 ne '-';
open_file '/etc/services' or fatal_error "Cannot open /etc/services: $!";
while ( read_a_line ) {
my ( $name1, $proto_number, @names ) = split_line( 2, 10, '/etc/services entry');
my ( $number, $proto ) = split '/', $proto_number;
$services{ $name1 } = $number;
while ( defined ( $name1 = shift @names ) && $name1 ne '-' ) {
$services{ $name1 } = $number;

View File

@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ sub setup_mac_lists( $ ) {
my $chainref = $chain_table{$table}{( $config{MACLIST_TTL} ? macrecent_target $interface : mac_chain $interface )};
my $chain = $chainref->{name};
if ( $config{MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL} || $config{MACLIST_DISPOSITION} != 'ACCEPT' ) {
if ( $config{MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL} || $config{MACLIST_DISPOSITION} ne 'ACCEPT' ) {
my $variable = get_interface_addresses $interface;
add_command $chainref, "for address in $variable; do";
add_command $chainref, " echo \"-A $chainref->{name} -s \$address -m addrtype --dst-type BROADCAST -j RETURN\" >&3";