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<h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">Shorewall and Traffic
Shorewall Traffic Accounting support was added in Shorewall release
Shorewall accounting rules are described in the file
/etc/shorewall/accounting. By default, the accounting rules are placed
in a chain called "accounting" and can
thus be displayed using "shorewall show accounting". All traffic
passing into, out of or through the firewall traverses the accounting
chain including traffic that will later be rejected by <a
href="Documentation.htm#Interfaces">interface options</a> such as
"tcpflags" and "maclist". If your kernel doesn't support the connection
tracking match extension (Kernel 2.4.21) then some traffic rejected
under 'norfc1918' will not traverse the accounting chain.<br>
The columns in the accounting file are as follows:<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">ACTION</span> - What to do when
a match is found. Possible values are:</li>
<li>COUNT- Simply count the match and continue trying to
match the packet with the following accounting rules</li>
<li>DONE- Count the match and don't attempt to match any following
accounting rules.</li>
<li><<span style="font-style: italic;">chain</span>> - The
name of a chain to jump to. Shorewall will create the chain
automatically. If the
name of the chain is followed by ":COUNT" then a COUNT rule matching
this rule will automatically be added to <<span
style="font-style: italic;">chain</span>><br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">CHAIN </span>- The name of the
chain where the accounting rule is to be added. If empty or "-" then
the "accounting" chain is assumed.<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">SOURCE</span> - Packet Source.
The name of an interface, an address
(host or net) or an interface name followed by ":" and a host or net
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">DESTINATION</span> - Packet
Destination Format the same as the SOURCE
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">PROTOCOL</span> - A protocol
name (from /etc/protocols) or a protocol
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">DEST PORT</span> - Destination
Port number. Service name from
/etc/services or port number. May only be specified if the protocol is
TCP or UDP (6 or 17).</li>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">SOURCE PORT</span>- Source Port
number. Service name from /etc/services
or port number. May only be specified if the protocol is TCP or UDP (6
or 17).<br>
In all columns except ACTION and CHAIN, the values "-","any" and
"all" are treated as wild-cards.<br>
The accounting rules are evaluated in the Netfilter 'filter' table.
This is the same environment where the 'rules' file rules are evaluated
and in this environment, DNAT has already occurred in inbound packets
and SNAT has not yet occurred on outbound ones.<br>
Accounting rules are not stateful -- each rule only handles traffic in
one direction. For example, if eth0 is your internet interface and you
have a web
server in your DMZ connected to eth1 then to count HTTP traffic in
both directions requires two rules: <br>
<pre> #ACTION CHAIN SOURCE DESTINATION PROTOCOL DEST SOURCE<br> # PORT PORT<br> DONE - eth0 eth1 tcp 80<br> DONE - eth1 eth0 tcp - 80</pre>
Associating a counter with a chain allows for nice reporting. For
<pre> #ACTION CHAIN SOURCE DESTINATION PROTOCOL DEST SOURCE<br> # PORT PORT<br> web:COUNT - eth0 eth1 tcp 80<br> web:COUNT - eth1 eth0 tcp - 80<br> web:COUNT - eth0 eth1 tcp 443<br> web:COUNT - eth1 eth0 tcp - 443<br> DONE web<br></pre>
Now "shorewall show web" will give you a breakdown of your web traffic:<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">
<pre>[root@gateway shorewall]# shorewall show web<br>Shorewall-1.4.6-20030821 Chain web at - Wed Aug 20 09:48:56 PDT 2003<br> <br>Counters reset Wed Aug 20 09:48:00 PDT 2003<br> <br>Chain web (4 references)<br> pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination<br> 11 1335 tcp -- eth0 eth1 tcp dpt:80<br> 18 1962 tcp -- eth1 eth0 tcp spt:80<br> 0 0 tcp -- eth0 eth1 tcp dpt:443<br> 0 0 tcp -- eth1 eth0 tcp spt:443<br> 29 3297 RETURN all -- * *<br>[root@gateway shorewall]#</pre>
Here's a slightly different example:<br>
<pre> #ACTION CHAIN SOURCE DESTINATION PROTOCOL DEST SOURCE<br> # PORT PORT<br> web - eth0 eth1 tcp 80<br> web - eth1 eth0 tcp - 80<br> web - eth0 eth1 tcp 443<br> web - eth1 eth0 tcp - 443<br><br> COUNT web eth0 eth1<br> COUNT web eth1 eth0<br></pre>
Now "shorewall show web" simply gives you a breakdown by input and
<pre style="margin-left: 40px;">[root@gateway shorewall]# shorewall show accounting web <br>Shorewall-1.4.6-20030821 Chains accounting web at - Wed Aug 20 10:27:21 PDT 2003<br> <br>Counters reset Wed Aug 20 10:24:33 PDT 2003<br> <br>Chain accounting (3 references)<br> pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination<br> 8767 727K web tcp -- eth0 eth1 tcp dpt:80<br> 0 0 web tcp -- eth0 eth1 tcp dpt:443<br>11506 13M web tcp -- eth1 eth0 tcp spt:80<br> 0 0 web tcp -- eth1 eth0 tcp spt:443<br>Chain web (4 references)<br> pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination<br> 8767 727K all -- eth0 eth1<br>11506 13M all -- eth1 eth0<br>[root@gateway shorewall]#<br><br></pre>
<p align="left"><font size="2">Last updated 8/20/2003 - <a
href="support.htm">Tom Eastep</a></font></p>
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><a href="copyright.htm"><font size="2">Copyright</font>
© <font size="2">2003 Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a></font></p>
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<h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">Multiple IPs with DMZ and Internal
<h1>Corporate Network</h1>
<p><font color="#ff0000" size="4"><b>Notes</b></font><big><font
<li><b>This configuration is used on a corporate network that has a
Linux (RedHat 8.0) server with three interfaces, running Shorewall 1.4.5
release,</b> </li>
<li><b>Make sure you know what public IP addresses are currently being
used and verify these </b><i>before</i><b> starting.</b> </li>
<li><b>Verify your DNS settings </b><i>before</i><b> starting any Shorewall
configuration especially if you have split DNS.</b> </li>
<li><b>System names and Internet IP addresses have been changed to protect
the innocent.</b> </li>
<p><big><font color="#ff0000"><b>Warning: </b></font><b><small>This configuration
uses a combination of Static NAT and Proxy ARP. This is generally not
relevant to a simple configuration with a single public IP address.</small></b></big><big><b><small>
If you have just a single public IP address, most of what you see here
won't apply to your setup so beware of copying parts of this configuration
and expecting them to work for you. What you copy may or may not work
in your configuration.<br>
<p>I have a T1 with 64 static IP addresses ( The
internet is connected to eth0. The local network is connected via eth1
( and the DMZ is connected to eth2 ( I have
an IPSec tunnel connecting our offices in Germany to our offices in the
US. I host two Microsoft Exchange servers for two different companies behind
the firewall hence, the two Exchange servers in the diagram below.</p>
<li>SNAT for all systems connected to the LAN - Internal addresses
10.10.x.x to external address </li>
<li>Static NAT for <i>Polaris</i> (Exchange Server #2). Internal address
| and external address </li>
<li>Static NAT for <i>Sims</i> (Inventory Management server). Internal
address and external address<br>
<li>Static NAT for <i>Project</i> (Project Web Server). Internal address
| and external address </li>
<li>Static NAT for <i>Fortress</i> (Exchange Server). Internal address
| and external address </li>
<li>Static NAT for <i>BBSRV</i> (Blackberry Server). Internal address
| and external address </li>
<li>Static NAT for <i>Intweb</i> (Intranet Web Server). Internal address
| and external address </li>
<p>The firewall runs on a 2Gb, Dual PIV/2.8GHz, Intel motherboard with
<p>The Firewall is also a proxy server running Privoxy 3.0.</p>
<p>The single system in the DMZ (address runs sendmail, imap,
pop3, DNS, a Web server (Apache) and an FTP server (vsFTPd 1.1.0). That
server is managed through Proxy ARP.</p>
<p>All administration and publishing is done using ssh/scp. I have X installed
on the firewall and the system in the DMZ. X applications tunnel through
SSH to Hummingbird Exceed running on a PC located in the LAN. Access to
the firewall using SSH is restricted to systems in the LAN, DMZ or the
system Kaos which is on the Internet and managed by me.</p>
<p align="center"><img height="1000" alt="(Corporate Network Diagram)"
src="images/CorpNetwork.gif" width="770" border="0">
<p>The Ethernet 0 interface in the Server is configured with IP address
|, netmask The server's default gateway is
|, the Router connected to my network and the ISP. This is the
same default gateway used by the firewall itself. On the firewall, Shorewall
automatically adds a host route to through Ethernet 2 (
because of the entry in /etc/shorewall/proxyarp (see below). I modified
the start, stop and init scripts to include the fixes suggested when having
an IPSec tunnel.</p>
<p><b>Some Mistakes I Made:</b></p>
<p>Yes, believe it or not, I made some really basic mistakes when building
this firewall. Firstly, I had the new firewall setup in parallel with the
old firewall so that there was no interruption of service to my users.
During my out-bound testing, I set up systems on the LAN to utilize the
firewall which worked fine. When testing my NAT connections, from the outside,
these would fail and I could not understand why. Eventually, I changed
the default route on the internal system I was trying to access, to point
to the new firewall and "bingo", everything worked as expected. This oversight
delayed my deployment by a couple of days not to mention level of frustration
it produced. </p>
<p>Another problem that I encountered was in setting up the Proxyarp system
in the DMZ. Initially I forgot to remove the entry for the eth2 from the
/etc/shorewall/masq file. Once my file settings were correct, I started
verifying that the ARP caches on the firewall, as well as the outside system
"kaos", were showing the correct Ethernet MAC address. However, in testing
remote access, I could access the system in the DMZ only from the firewall
and LAN but not from the Internet. The message I received was "connection
denied" on all protocols. What I did not realize was that a "helpful"
administrator that had turned on an old system and assigned the same address
as the one I was using for Proxyarp without notifying me. How did I work
this out. I shutdown the system in the DMZ, rebooted the router and flushed
the ARP cache on the firewall and kaos. Then, from kaos, I started pinging
that IP address and checked the updated ARP cache and lo-and-behold a
different MAC address showed up. High levels of frustration etc., etc.
The administrator will <i>not</i> be doing that again! :-)</p>
<p><b>Lessons Learned:</b></p>
<li>Read the documentation. </li>
<li>Draw your network topology before starting. </li>
<li>Understand what services you are going to allow in and out of the
firewall, whether they are TCP or UDP packets and make a note of these
port numbers. </li>
<li>Try to get quiet time to build the firewall - you need to focus
on the job at hand. </li>
<li>When asking for assistance, be honest and include as much detail
as requested. Don't try and hide IP addresses etc., you will probably
screw up the logs and make receiving assistance harder. </li>
<li>Read the documentation. </li>
<p>This is by no means the final configuration. In the near future, I will
be moving more systems from the LAN to the DMZ. I will also be watching
the logs for port scan programs etc. but, this should be standard security
<p>Here are copies of my files. I have removed most of the internal documentation
for the purpose of this space however, my system still has the original
files with all the comments and I highly recommend you do the same.</p>
<pre>##############################################################################<br># /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf V1.4 - Change the following variables to<br># match your setup<br>#<br># This program is under GPL []<br>#<br># This file should be placed in /etc/shorewall<br>#<br># (c) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 - Tom Eastep (<br>##############################################################################<br># L O G G I N G<br>##############################################################################<br>LOGFILE=/var/log/messages<br>LOGFORMAT="Shorewall:%s:%s:"<br>LOGRATE=<br>LOGBURST=<br>LOGUNCLEAN=info<br>BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL=<br>LOGNEWNOTSYN=<br>MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL=info<br>TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL=debug<br>RFC1918_LOG_LEVEL=debug<br>PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin<br>SUBSYSLOCK=/var/lock/subsys/shorewall<br>STATEDIR=/var/lib/shorewall<br>MODULESDIR=<br>FW=fw<br>NAT_ENABLED=Yes<br>MANGLE_ENABLED=Yes<br>IP_FORWARDING=On<br>ADD_IP_ALIASES=Yes<br>ADD_SNAT_ALIASES=Yes<br>TC_ENABLED=Yes<br>CLEAR_TC=No<br>MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN=No<br>CLAMPMSS=No<br>ROUTE_FILTER=Yes<br>NAT_BEFORE_RULES=No<br>MULTIPORT=Yes<br>DETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS=Yes<br>MUTEX_TIMEOUT=60<br>NEWNOTSYN=Yes<br>BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=DROP<br>MACLIST_DISPOSITION=REJECT<br>TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION=DROP<br>#LAST LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br><br></pre>
<h3>Zones File</h3>
<pre><font face="Courier">#<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- Sample Zone File For Two Interfaces<br># /etc/shorewall/zones<br>#<br># This file determines your network zones. Columns are:<br>#<br># ZONE Short name of the zone<br># DISPLAY Display name of the zone<br># COMMENTS Comments about the zone<br>#<br>#ZONE DISPLAY COMMENTS<br>net Net Internet<br>loc Local Local Networks<br>dmz DMZ Demilitarized Zone<br>vpn1 VPN1 VPN to Germany<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</font><font
face="Courier" size="2"><br></font></pre>
<h3>Interfaces File: </h3>
net eth0 routefilter,norfc1918,blacklist,tcpflags<br>
loc eth1 detect dhcp,routefilter<br>
dmz eth2 detect<br>
vpn1 ipsec0<br>
<h3>Routestopped File:</h3>
<pre><font face="Courier">#INTERFACE HOST(S)<br>eth1 -<br>eth2 -<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE</font><font
face="Courier" size="2"> </font></pre>
<h3>Policy File:</h3>
<pre>###############################################################################<br>#SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST<br>loc net ACCEPT<br>loc fw ACCEPT<br>loc dmz ACCEPT<br># If you want open access to the Internet from your Firewall <br># remove the comment from the following line.<br>fw net ACCEPT<br>fw loc ACCEPT<br>fw dmz ACCEPT<br>dmz fw ACCEPT<br>dmz loc ACCEPT<br>dmz net ACCEPT<br># <br># Adding VPN Access<br>loc vpn1 ACCEPT<br>dmz vpn1 ACCEPT<br>fw vpn1 ACCEPT<br>vpn1 loc ACCEPT<br>vpn1 dmz ACCEPT<br>vpn1 fw ACCEPT<br>#<br>net all DROP info<br>all all REJECT info<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br></pre>
<h3>Masq File: </h3>
<pre>#INTERFACE SUBNET ADDRESS<br>eth0 eth1 1192.0.18.126<br>#<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br></pre>
<h3>NAT File: </h3>
<pre>#EXTERNAL INTERFACE INTERNAL ALL INTERFACES LOCAL<br>#<br># Intranet Web Server<br> eth0:0 No No<br>#<br># Project Web Server<br> eth0:1 No No<br>#<br># Blackberry Server<br> eth0:2 No No<br>#<br># Corporate Mail Server<br> eth0:3 No No<br>#<br># Second Corp Mail Server<br> eth0:4 No No<br>#<br># Sims Server<br> eth0:5 No No<br>#<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br></pre>
<h3>Proxy ARP File:</h3>
<pre><font face="Courier" size="2">#ADDRESS INTERFACE EXTERNAL HAVEROUTE<br>#<br># The Corporate email server in the DMZ<br> eth2 eth0 No<br>#<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE </font></pre>
<h3>Tunnels File:</h3>
<h3>Rules File (The shell variables are set in /etc/shorewall/params):</h3>
<pre>##############################################################################<br>#ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE ORIGINAL<br># PORT PORT(S) DEST<br>#<br># Accept DNS connections from the firewall to the network<br>#<br>ACCEPT fw net tcp 53<br>ACCEPT fw net udp 53<br>#<br># Accept SSH from internet interface from kaos only<br>#<br>ACCEPT net: fw tcp 22<br>#<br># Accept connections from the local network for administration <br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp 20:22<br>ACCEPT loc net tcp 22<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp 53<br>ACCEPT loc fw udp 53<br>ACCEPT loc net tcp 53<br>ACCEPT loc net udp 53<br>#<br># Allow Ping To And From Firewall<br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw icmp 8<br>ACCEPT loc dmz icmp 8<br>ACCEPT loc net icmp 8<br>ACCEPT dmz fw icmp 8<br>ACCEPT dmz loc icmp 8<br>ACCEPT dmz net icmp 8<br>DROP net fw icmp 8<br>DROP net loc icmp 8<br>DROP net dmz icmp 8<br>ACCEPT fw loc icmp 8<br>ACCEPT fw dmz icmp 8<br>DROP fw net icmp 8<br>#<br># Accept proxy web connections from the inside<br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp 8118<br>#<br># Forward PcAnywhere, Oracle and Web traffic from outside to the Demo systems<br># From a specific IP Address on the Internet.<br># <br># ACCEPT net: loc: tcp 1521,http<br># ACCEPT net: loc: tcp 5631:5632<br>#<br># Intranet web server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 443<br>ACCEPT dmz loc: tcp 443<br>#<br># Projects web server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 80<br>ACCEPT dmz loc: tcp 80<br># <br># Blackberry Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 3101<br>#<br># Corporate Email Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 25,53,110,143,443<br>#<br># Corporate #2 Email Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 25,80,110,443<br>#<br># Sims Server<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 80,443<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 7001:7002<br>ACCEPT net: loc: tcp 5631:5632<br>#<br># Access to DMZ<br>ACCEPT loc dmz udp 53,177<br>ACCEPT loc dmz tcp 80,25,53,22,143,443,993,20,110 -<br>ACCEPT net dmz udp 53<br>ACCEPT net dmz tcp 25,53,22,21,123<br>ACCEPT dmz net tcp 25,53,80,123,443,21,22<br>ACCEPT dmz net udp 53<br>#<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE</pre>
<h3>Start File:</h3>
<pre>############################################################################<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- /etc/shorewall/start<br>#<br># Add commands below that you want to be executed after shorewall has<br># been started or restarted.<br>#<br>qt service ipsec start<br></pre>
<h3>Stop File:</h3>
<pre>############################################################################<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- /etc/shorewall/stop<br>#<br># Add commands below that you want to be executed at the beginning of a<br># "shorewall stop" command.<br>#<br>qt service ipsec stop</pre>
<h3>Init File:</h3>
<pre>############################################################################<br># Shorewall 1.4 -- /etc/shorewall/init<br>#<br># Add commands below that you want to be executed at the beginning of<br># a "shorewall start" or "shorewall restart" command.<br>#<br>qt service ipsec stop<br></pre>
<p><font size="2">Last updated 7/16/2003</font>
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<p><small><a href="GnuCopyright.htm">Copyright 2003 Thomas M. Eastep and
Graeme Boyle</a></small><br>
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<h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">Generic Tunnels</font></h1>
Shorewall includes built-in support for a wide range of VPN solutions.
If you have need for a tunnel type that does not have explicit support,
you can generally describe the tunneling software using "generic
<h2>Bridging two Masqueraded Networks</h2>
<p>Suppose that we have the following situation:</p>
<p align="center"> <img border="0" src="images/TwoNets1.png"
width="745" height="427"> </p>
<p align="left">We want systems in the subnetwork to be
able to communicate with the systems in the network. This is
accomplished through use of the /etc/shorewall/tunnels file, the
/etc/shorewall/policy file and the /etc/shorewall/tunnel script that is
included with Shorewall.<br>
<p align="left">Suppose that you have tunneling software that uses two
different protocols:<br>
<p align="left">a) TCP port 1071<br>
b) GRE (Protocol 47)<br>
c) The tunnel interface on system A is "tun0" and the tunnel interface
on system B is also "tun0".<br>
<p align="left">On each firewall, you will need to declare a zone to
represent the remote subnet. We'll assume that this zone is called
'vpn' and declare it in /etc/shorewall/zones on both systems as follows.</p>
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<td>Remote Subnet</td>
<p align="left">On system A, the will comprise the <b>vpn</b>
In /etc/shorewall/interfaces:</p>
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<td> </td>
<p align="left">In /etc/shorewall/tunnels on system A, we need the
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<td><b>GATEWAY ZONE</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">generic:47<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">net<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><br>
<p>These entries in /etc/shorewall/tunnels, opens the firewall so that
TCP port 1071 and the Generalized Routing Encapsulation Protocol (47)
will be accepted to/from the remote gateway.</p>
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<td> </td>
<p>In /etc/shorewall/tunnels on system B, we have:</p>
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<td><b>GATEWAY ZONE</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">generic:47<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">net<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><br>
<p align="left"> You will need to allow traffic between the "vpn" zone
and the "loc" zone on both systems -- if you simply want to admit all
traffic in both directions, you can use the policy file:</p>
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<td><strong>LOG LEVEL</strong></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<p>On both systems, restart Shorewall and start your VPN software on
each system. The systems in the two masqueraded subnetworks
can now talk to each other</p>
<p><font size="2">Updated 8/9/2003 - <a href="support.htm">Tom Eastep</a>
<p><a href="copyright.htm"><font size="2">Copyright</font> © <font
size="2">2001, 2002, 2003Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a></p>
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<h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">Controlling Output
Traffic by UID/GID<br>
This capability was added in Shorewall release
Netfilter provides the capability to filter packets generated on the
firewall system by User Id and/or Group Id. Shorewall provides two
separate but related ways to use this Netfilter capability:<br>
<li>Shorewall allows you to
define collections of users called "<a href="#UserSet">User Sets</a>"
and then to restrict
certain rules in /etc/shorewall/rules to a given User Set.</li>
<li>Shorewall also allows you to restrict a given <a href="#Rule">rule
</a>to a particular user and/or group.<br>
Since only packets created by programs running on the Shorewall box
itself, only rules whose SOURCE is the firewall ($FW) may be restricted
using either of the facilities.<br>
<h2><a name="UserSet"></a>User Sets<br>
Given the way that this facility is implemented in Shorewall, it is not
possible to control logging of individual rules using a User Set and
logging is rather specified on the User Set itself.<br>
User Sets are defined in the /etc/shorewall/usersets file. Columns in
that file include:<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">USERSET
The name of a User Set. Must be a legal
identifier of no more than six (6) characters in length.<br>
Log level for connections rejected for this User Set.<br>
level for connections accepted for this User Set.<br>
Log level for connections dropped for this User Set.<br>
In the REJECT and ACCEPT columns, if you don't want to specify a value
in the column but you want to specify a value in a following column,
you may enter "-".<br>
Users and/or groups are added to User Sets using the
/etc/shorewall/users file. Columns in that file are:<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">USERSET
The name of a User Set defined in
The name of a user defined on the system or a user number.<br>
The name of a group defined on the system or a number.<br>
<p align="left">Only one of the USER and GROUP
column needs to be non-empty. If you wish to specify a GROUP but not a
USER, enter "-" in the user column.<br>
<p align="left">If both USER and GROUP are
specified then only programs running under that USER:GROUP pair will
match rules specifying the User Set named in the USERSET column.<br>
<p align="left">Once a user set has been defined, its name may be
placed in the USER SET column of the /etc/shorewall/rules file. <span
style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><span style="font-weight: bold;">IMPORTANT:
the name of a user set is given in the USER SET column, you may not
include a log level in the ACTION column; logging of such rules is
governed solely by the user set's definition in the
/etc/shorewall/userset file.
<p align="left">Example: You want members of the
'admin' group and 'root' to be able to use ssh on the firewall to
connect to local systems. You want to log all connections accepted for
these users using syslog at the 'info' level.<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"></div>
<p align="left" style="margin-left: 40px;">/etc/shorewall/usersets</p>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"></div>
<pre style="margin-left: 80px;">#USERSET REJECT ACCEPT DROP<br>admins - info<br></pre>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"></div>
<p align="left" style="margin-left: 40px;">/etc/shorewall/users<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"></div>
<pre style="margin-left: 80px;">#USERSET USER GROUP<br>admins - admin<br>admins root<br></pre>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">/etc/shorewall/rules<br>
<pre style="margin-left: 80px;">#ACTION SOURCE DESTINATION PROTO PORT SOURCE ORIGINAL RATE USER<br># PORT(S) DESTINATION SET<br><br>ACCEPT $FW loc tcp 22 - - - admins<br></pre>
<h2><a name="Rule"></a>Restricting a rule to a particular user and/or
In cases where you may want to restrict a rule to a particular user
and/or group, the USER SET column in the rules file may be specified as:<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">[ <<span style="font-style: italic;">user
name or number</span>> ] : [ <<span style="font-style: italic;">group
name or number</span>> ]<br>
<div style="text-align: left;"><br>
When a user and/or group name is given in the USER SET column, it is OK
to specify a log level in the ACTION column. <br>
Example: You want user <span style="font-style: italic;">mail </span>to
be able to send email from the firewall to the local net zone<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">/etc/shorewall/rules (be sure to note
the ":" in the USER SET column entry).<br>
<p align="left"><font size="2">Last updated 9/19/2003 - <a
href="support.htm">Tom Eastep</a></font></p>
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><a href="copyright.htm"><font size="2">Copyright</font>
© <font size="2">2003 Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a></font></p>
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user