diff --git a/Shorewall/Perl/Shorewall/Chains.pm b/Shorewall/Perl/Shorewall/Chains.pm
index 6c5002b66..e966ab9df 100644
--- a/Shorewall/Perl/Shorewall/Chains.pm
+++ b/Shorewall/Perl/Shorewall/Chains.pm
@@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ sub get_set_flags( $$ ) {
$setname = $1;
my $count = $2;
$options .= ",$option" while --$count > 0;
- } elsif ( $setname =~ /^(.*)\[(.*)\]$/ ) {
+ } elsif ( $setname =~ /^(.*)\[(src|dst)(,(src|dst))*\]$/ ) {
$setname = $1;
$options = $2;
@@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ sub match_source_net( $;$ ) {
} elsif ( $net =~ /^!?~/ ) {
fatal_error "MAC address cannot be used in this context" if $restriction >= OUTPUT_RESTRICT;
mac_match $net;
- } elsif ( $net =~ /^(!?)\+[a-zA-Z]\w*$/ ) {
+ } elsif ( $net =~ /^(!?)\+[a-zA-Z]\w*(\[.*\])?/ ) {
require_capability( 'IPSET_MATCH' , 'ipset names in Shorewall configuration files' , '' );
join( '', '-m set ', $1 ? '! ' : '', get_set_flags( $net, 'src' ) );
} elsif ( $net =~ s/^!// ) {
@@ -2522,7 +2522,7 @@ sub match_dest_net( $ ) {
$net =~ s/!// if my $invert = $1 ? '! ' : '';
validate_range $addr1, $addr2;
iprange_match . "${invert}--dst-range $net ";
- } elsif ( $net =~ /^(!?)\+[a-zA-Z]\w*$/ ) {
+ } elsif ( $net =~ /^(!?)\+[a-zA-Z]\w*(\[.*\])?$/ ) {
require_capability( 'IPSET_MATCH' , 'ipset names in Shorewall configuration files' , '');
join( '', '-m set ', $1 ? '! ' : '', get_set_flags( $net, 'dst' ) );
} elsif ( $net =~ /^!/ ) {
diff --git a/docs/ipsets.xml b/docs/ipsets.xml
index a21775107..0a994388c 100644
--- a/docs/ipsets.xml
+++ b/docs/ipsets.xml
@@ -120,6 +120,21 @@
ACCEPT net:+sshok $FW tcp 22
+ The name of the ipset can be optionally followed by a
+ comma-separated list of flags enclosed in square brackets ([...]). Each
+ flag is either src or dst and specifies whether it is the SOURCE address
+ or port number or the DESTINATION address or port number that should be
+ matched. The number of flags must be appropriate for the type of ipset. If
+ no flags are given, Shorewall assumes that the set takes a single flag and
+ will select the flag based on the context. For example, in the blacklist
+ file and when the ipset appears in the SOURCE column of the rules file,
+ src is assumed. If the ipset appears in
+ the DEST column of the rules file, dst is
+ assumed. Note that by using [dst] in the
+ blacklist file, you can coerce the rule into matching the destination IP
+ address rather than the source.
Shorewall can save/restore your ipset contents with certain