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    <refpurpose>Shorewall6 global configuration file</refpurpose>



    <para>This file sets options that apply to Shorewall6 as a whole.</para>

    <para>The file consists of Shell comments (lines beginning with '#'),
    blank lines and assignment statements
    (<emphasis>variable</emphasis>=<emphasis>value</emphasis>). If the
    <emphasis>value</emphasis> contains shell metacharacters or white-space,
    then it must be enclosed in quotes. Example:


    <para>Many options have as their value a <emphasis>log-level</emphasis>.
    Log levels are a method of describing to syslog (8) the importance of a
    message and a number of parameters in this file have log levels as their

    <para>These levels are defined by syslog and are used to determine the
    destination of the messages through entries in /etc/syslog.conf (5). The
    syslog documentation refers to these as "priorities"; Netfilter calls them
    "levels" and Shorewall6 also uses that term.</para>

    <para>Valid levels are:</para>

    <programlisting>       7       debug
       6       info
       5       notice
       4       warning
       3       err
       2       crit
       1       alert
       0       emerg</programlisting>

    <para>For most Shorewall6 logging, a level of 6 (info) is appropriate.
    Shorewall6 log messages are generated by NetFilter and are logged using
    facility 'kern' and the level that you specifify. If you are unsure of the
    level to choose, 6 (info) is a safe bet. You may specify levels by name or
    by number.</para>

    <para>If you have built your kernel with NFLOG target support, you may
    also specify a log level of NFLOG (must be all caps). Rather than log its
    messages to syslogd, Shorewall6 will direct netfilter to log the messages
    via the NFLOG target which will send them to a process called 'ulogd'.
    ulogd is available with most Linux distributions (although it probably
    isn't installed by default). Ulogd is also available from <ulink
    and can be configured to log all Shorewall6 message to their own log

    <para>The following options may be set in shorewall6.conf.</para>










          <para>To allow for default rules to be applied when USE_ACTIONS=No,
          NFQUEUE_DEFAULT options have been added.</para>

          <para>DROP_DEFAULT describes the rules to be applied before a
          connection request is dropped by a DROP policy; REJECT_DEFAULT
          describes the rules to be applied if a connection request is
          rejected by a REJECT policy. The other three are similar for ACCEPT,
          QUEUE and NFQUEUE policies.</para>

          <para>The value applied to these may be:</para>

            <member>a) The name of an

            <member>b) The name of a <replaceable>macro</replaceable>
            (Shorewall6-shell only)</member>

            <member>c) <emphasis role="bold">None</emphasis> or <emphasis

          <para>The default values are:</para>






          <para>If USE_ACTIONS=Yes, then these values refer to action.Drop and
          action.Reject respectively. If USE_ACTIONS=No, then these values
          refer to macro.Drop and macro.Reject.</para>

          <para>If you set the value of either option to "None" then no
          default action will be used and the default action or macro must be
          specified in <ulink

        <term><emphasis role="bold">ACCOUNTING=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>Added in Shorewall 4.4.7. If set to Yes, Shorewall6 accounting
          is enabled (see <ulink
          If not specified or set to the empty value, ACCOUNTING=Yes is

        <term><emphasis role="bold">ADMINISABSENTMINDED=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>The value of this variable affects Shorewall6's stopped state.
          When ADMINISABSENTMINDED=No, only traffic to/from those addresses
          listed in <ulink
          is accepted when Shorewall6 is stopped. When
          ADMINISABSENTMINDED=Yes, in addition to traffic to/from addresses in
          connections that were active when Shorewall6 stopped continue to
          work and all new connections from the firewall system itself are
          allowed. If this variable is not set or is given the empty value
          then ADMINISABSENTMINDED=No is assumed.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">AUTO_COMMENT=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>If set, if there is not a current comment when a macro is
          invoked, the behavior is as if the first line of the macro file was
          "COMMENT &lt;macro name&gt;". The AUTO_COMMENT option has a default
          value of 'Yes'.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">AUTOMAKE=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>If set, the behavior of the <command>start</command> and
          <command>restart</command> commands is change; if no files in
          class="directory">/etc/shorewall</filename></filename> have been
          changed since the last successful <command>start</command> or
          <command>restart</command> command, then the compilation step is
          skipped and the compiled script that executed the last
          <command>start</command> or <command>restart</command> command is
          used. The default is AUTOMAKE=No.</para>

          <para>The setting of the AUTOMAKE option is ignored if the
          <command>start</command> or <command>restart</command> command
          includes a directory name (e.g.,<command> shorewall6 restart


          <para>This parameter determines the disposition of packets from
          blacklisted hosts. It may have the value DROP if the packets are to
          be dropped or REJECT if the packets are to be replied with an ICMP
          port unreachable reply or a TCP RST (tcp only). If you do not assign
          a value or if you assign an empty value then DROP is assumed.</para>


          <para>This parameter determines if packets from blacklisted hosts
          are logged and it determines the syslog level that they are to be
          logged at. Its value is a syslog level (Example:
          BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL=debug). If you do not assign a value or if you
          assign an empty value then packets from blacklisted hosts are not

        <term><emphasis role="bold">BLACKLISTNEWONLY=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>When set to <emphasis role="bold">Yes</emphasis> or <emphasis
          role="bold">yes</emphasis>, blacklists are only consulted for new
          connections. When set to <emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis> or
          <emphasis role="bold">no</emphasis>, blacklists are consulted for
          every packet (will slow down your firewall noticably if you have
          large blacklists). If the BLACKLISTNEWONLY option is not set or is
          set to the empty value then BLACKLISTNEWONLY=No is assumed.</para>

            <para>BLACKLISTNEWONLY=No is incompatible with

        <term><emphasis role="bold">CLAMPMSS=[</emphasis><emphasis

          <para>This parameter enables the TCP Clamp MSS to PMTU feature of
          Netfilter and is usually required when your internet connection is
          through PPPoE or PPTP. If set to <emphasis
          role="bold">Yes</emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">yes</emphasis>,
          the feature is enabled. If left blank or set to <emphasis
          role="bold">No</emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">no</emphasis>,
          the feature is not enabled.</para>

          <para><emphasis role="bold">Important</emphasis>: This option
          requires CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TCPMSS in your kernel.</para>

          <para>You may also set CLAMPMSS to a numeric
          <emphasis>value</emphasis> (e.g., CLAMPMSS=1400). This will set the
          MSS field in TCP SYN packets going through the firewall to the
          <emphasis>value</emphasis> that you specify.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">CLEAR_TC=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>If this option is set to <emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>
          then Shorewall6 won't clear the current traffic control rules during
          [re]start. This setting is intended for use by people that prefer to
          configure traffic shaping when the network interfaces come up rather
          than when the firewall is started. If that is what you want to do,
          set TC_ENABLED=Yes and CLEAR_TC=No and do not supply an
          /etc/shorewall6/tcstart file. That way, your traffic shaping rules
          can still use the “fwmark” classifier based on packet marking
          defined in <ulink
          url="shorewall6-tcrules.html">shorewall6-tcrules</ulink>(5). If not
          specified, CLEAR_TC=No is assumed.</para>

            <para>If you also run Shorewall and if you have
            TC_ENABLED=Internal in your <ulink
            then you will want CLEAR_TC=No in this file.</para>


          <para>Specifies where configuration files other than shorewall6.conf
          may be found. CONFIG_PATH is specifies as a list of directory names
          separated by colons (":"). When looking for a configuration file
          other than shorewall6.conf:</para>

              <para>If the command is "try" or a "&lt;configuration
              directory&gt;" was specified in the command (e.g.,
              <command>shorewall6 check ./gateway</command>) then the
              directory given in the command is searched first.</para>

              <para>Next, each directory in the CONFIG_PATH setting is
              searched in sequence.</para>

            <para>If CONFIG_PATH is not given or if it is set to the empty
            value then the contents of /usr/share/shorewall6/configpath are
            used. As released from shorewall.net, that file sets the
            CONFIG_PATH to
            /etc/shorewall6:/usr/share/shorewall6:/usr/share/shorewall but
            your particular distribution may set it differently. See the
            output of shorewall6 show config for the default on your

            <para>Note that the setting in /usr/share/shorewall6/configpath is
            always used to locate shorewall6.conf.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">DELETE_THEN_ADD=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>If set to Yes (the default value), entries in the
          /etc/shorewall6/route_stopped files cause an 'ip rule del' command
          to be generated in addition to an 'ip rule add' command. Setting
          this option to No, causes the 'ip rule del' command to be


          <para>Causes Shorewall6 to not load the listed kernel

        <term><emphasis role="bold">DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>Added in Shorewall 4.4.7. When set to <emphasis
          role="bold">No</emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">no</emphasis>,
          dynamic blacklisting using the <command>shorewall6 drop</command>,
          <command>shorewall6 reject</command>, <command>shorewall6
          logdrop</command> and <command>shorewall6 logreject</command> is
          disabled. Default is <emphasis role="bold">Yes</emphasis>.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">EXPAND_POLICIES=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>Normally, when the SOURCE or DEST columns in
          shorewall6-policy(5) contains 'all', a single policy chain is
          created and the policy is enforced in that chain. For example, if
          the policy entry is<programlisting>#SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG
#                   LEVEL
net     all  DROP   info</programlisting>then the chain name is 'net2all'
          which is also the chain named in Shorewall6 log messages generated
          as a result of the policy. If EXPAND_POLICIES=Yes, then Shorewall6
          will create a separate chain for each pair of zones covered by the
          policy. This makes the resulting log messages easier to interpret
          since the chain in the messages will have a name of the form 'a2b'
          where 'a' is the SOURCE zone and 'b' is the DEST zone.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">EXPORTPARAMS=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>It is quite difficult to code a 'params' file that assigns
          other than constant values such that it works correctly with
          Shorewall6 Lite. The EXPORTPARAMS option works around this problem.
          When EXPORTPARAMS=No, the 'params' file is not copied to the
          compiler output.</para>

          <para>With EXPORTPARAMS=No, if you need to set environmental
          variables on the firewall system for use by your extension scripts,
          then do so in the init extension script.</para>

          <para>The default is EXPORTPARAMS=Yes which is the recommended
          setting unless you are running Shorewall6 Lite.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">FASTACCEPT=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>Normally, Shorewall6 defers accepting ESTABLISHED/RELATED
          packets until these packets reach the chain in which the original
          connection was accepted. So for packets going from the 'loc' zone to
          the 'net' zone, ESTABLISHED/RELATED packets are ACCEPTED in the
          'loc2net' chain.</para>

          <para>If you set FASTACCEPT=Yes, then ESTABLISHED/RELEATED packets
          are accepted early in the INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT chains. If you
          set FASTACCEPT=Yes then you may not include rules in the ESTABLISHED
          or RELATED sections of <ulink

            <para>FASTACCEPT=Yes is incompatible with

        <term><emphasis role="bold">HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>You may set HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes in to effectively divide the
          packet mark and connection mark into two mark fields.</para>

          <para>The width of the fields are determined by the setting of the
          WIDE_TC_MARKS option.</para>

          <para>When WIDE_TC_MARKS=No (the default):</para>

          <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
              <para>The MARK field in the providers file must have a value
              that is less than 65536 and that is a multiple of 256 (using hex
              representation, the values are 0x0100-0xFF00 with the low-order
              8 bits being zero).</para>

              <para>You may only set those mark values in the PREROUTING

              <para>Marks used for traffic shaping must still be in the range
              of 1-255 and may still not be set in the PREROUTING

          <para>When WIDE_TC_MARKS=Yes:</para>

          <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
              <para>The MARK field in the providers file must have a value
              that is a multiple of 65536 (using hex representation, the
              values are 0x010000-0xFF0000 with the low-order 16 bits being

              <para>You may only set those mark values in the PREROUTING

              <para>Marks used for traffic shaping must be in the range of
              1-16383 and may still not be set in the PREROUTING chain.</para>

          <para>Regardless of the setting of WIDE_TC_MARKS, when you SAVE or
          RESTORE in tcrules, only the TC mark value is saved or restored.
          Shorewall handles saving and restoring the routing (provider)

        <term><emphasis role="bold">IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>When this option is set to <emphasis
          role="bold">Yes</emphasis>, it causes subzones to be treated
          differently with respect to policies.</para>

          <para>Subzones are defined by following their name with ":" and a
          list of parent zones (in <ulink
          url="shorewall6-zones.html">shorewall6-zones</ulink>(5)). Normally,
          you want to have a set of special rules for the subzone and if a
          connection doesn't match any of those subzone-specific rules then
          you want the parent zone rules and policies to be applied; see
          <ulink url="shorewall6-nesting.html">shorewall6-nesting</ulink>(5).
          With IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=Yes, that happens automatically.</para>

          <para>If IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=No or if IMPLICIT_CONTINUE is not set,
          then subzones are not subject to this special treatment. With
          IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=Yes, an implicit CONTINUE policy may be overridden
          by including an explicit policy (one that does not specify "all" in
          either the SOURCE or the DEST columns).</para>


          <para>If specified, gives the pathname of the 'ip' executable. If
          not specified, 'ip' is assumed and the utility will be located using
          the current PATH setting.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">IP_FORWARDING=</emphasis>[<emphasis

          <para>This rather useless parameter determines whether Shorewall6
          enables or disables IPV6 Packet Forwarding on all interfaces
          (/proc/sys/net/ipv6/config/all/forwarding). Possible values

              <term><emphasis role="bold">On</emphasis> or <emphasis

                <para>packet forwarding will be enabled.</para>

              <term><emphasis role="bold">Off</emphasis> or <emphasis

                <para>packet forwarding will be disabled.</para>

              <term><emphasis role="bold">Keep</emphasis> or <emphasis

                <para>Shorewall6 will neither enable nor disable packet

            <para>If this variable is not set or is given an empty value
            (IP_FORWARD="") then IP_FORWARD=On is assumed.</para>


          <para>This parameter names the ip6tables executable to be used by
          Shorewall6. If not specified or if specified as a null value, then
          the ip6tables executable located using the PATH option is

          <para>Regardless of how the ip6tables utility is located (specified
          via IP6TABLES= or located via PATH), Shorewall6 uses the
          ip6tables-restore and ip6tables-save utilities from that same


          <para>If specified, gives the pathname of the 'ipset' executable. If
          not specified, 'ipset' is assumed and the utility will be located
          using the current PATH setting.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">KEEP_RT_TABLES=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>When set to <option>Yes</option>, this option prevents scripts
          generated by Shorewall6 from altering the /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
          database when there are entries in
          <filename>/etc/shorewall6/providers</filename>. If you set this
          option to <option>Yes</option> while Shorewall6 (Shorewall6-lite) is
          running, you should remove the file
          (<filename>/var/lib/shorewall6-lite/rt_tables</filename>) before
          your next <command>stop</command>, <command>refresh</command>,
          <command>restore</command> on <command>restart</command>

          <para>The default is KEEP_RT_TABLES=No.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">LOAD_HELPERS_ONLY=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>Added in Shorewall 4.4.7. When set to Yes, restricts the set
          of modules loaded by shorewall to those listed in
          /var/lib/shorewall6/helpers and those that are actually used. When
          not set, or set to the empty value, LOAD_HELPERS_ONLY=No is


          <para>This option controls the amount of information logged to the
          file specified in the STARTUP_LOG option.</para>

          <para>Values are:</para>

            <member>-1 - Logging is disabled</member>

            <member>0 - Silent. Only error messages are logged.</member>

            <member>1 - Major progress messages logged.</member>

            <member>2 - All progress messages logged</member>

          <para>If not specified, then -1 is assumed.</para>


          <para>This option is intended for use as a debugging aid. When set
          to a log level, this option causes Shorewall6 to generate a logging
          rule as the first rule in each builtin chain.</para>

              <para>The table name is used as the chain name in the log

              <para>The chain name is used as the target in the log


            <para>For example, using the default LOGFORMAT, the log prefix for
            logging from the nat table's PREROUTING chain is:</para>

            <programlisting>    Shorewall:nat:PREROUTING

              <para>To help insure that all packets in the NEW state are
              logged, rate limiting (LOGBURST and LOGRATE) should be disabled
              when using LOGALLNEW. Use LOGALLNEW at your own risk; it may
              cause high CPU and disk utilization and you may not be able to
              control your firewall after you enable this option.</para>


              <para>Do not use this option if the resulting log messages will
              be sent to another system.</para>


          <para>This parameter tells the /sbin/shorewall6 program where to
          look for Shorewall6 messages when processing the <emphasis
          role="bold">dump</emphasis>, <emphasis
          role="bold">logwatch</emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold">show
          log</emphasis>, and <emphasis role="bold">hits</emphasis> commands.
          If not assigned or if assigned an empty value, /var/log/messages is

        <term><emphasis role="bold">LOGFORMAT=</emphasis>[<emphasis

          <para>The value of this variable generate the --log-prefix setting
          for Shorewall6 logging rules. It contains a “printf” formatting
          template which accepts three arguments (the chain name, logging rule
          number (optional) and the disposition). To use LOGFORMAT with
          fireparse, set it as:</para>

          <programlisting>    LOGFORMAT="fp=%s:%d a=%s "</programlisting>

          <para>If the LOGFORMAT value contains the substring “%d” then the
          logging rule number is calculated and formatted in that position; if
          that substring is not included then the rule number is not included.
          If not supplied or supplied as empty (LOGFORMAT="") then
          “Shorewall6:%s:%s:” is assumed.</para>




          <para>These parameters set the match rate and initial burst size for
          logged packets. Please see ip6tables(8) for a description of the
          behavior of these parameters (the ip6tables option --limit is set by
          LOGRATE and --limit-burst is set by LOGBURST). If both parameters
          are set empty, no rate-limiting will occur. If you supply one of
          these, then you should also supply the other.</para>


          <programlisting>    LOGRATE=10/minute

          <para>For each logging rule, the first time the rule is reached, the
          packet will be logged; in fact, since the burst is 5, the first five
          packets will be logged. After this, it will be 6 seconds (1 minute
          divided by the rate of 10) before a message will be logged from the
          rule, regardless of how many packets reach it. Also, every 6
          seconds, one of the bursts will be regained; if no packets hit the
          rule for 30 seconds, the burst will be fully recharged; back where
          we started.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">LOGTAGONLY=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>Using the default LOGFORMAT, chain names may not exceed 11
          characters or truncation of the log prefix may occur. Longer chain
          names may be used with log tags if you set LOGTAGONLY=Yes. With
          LOGTAGONLY=Yes, if a log tag is specified then the tag is included
          in the log prefix in place of the chain name.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">MACLIST_DISPOSITION=</emphasis>[<emphasis

          <para>Determines the disposition of connections requests that fail
          MAC Verification and must have the value ACCEPT (accept the
          connection request anyway), REJECT (reject the connection request)
          or DROP (ignore the connection request). If not set or if set to the
          empty value (e.g., MACLIST_DISPOSITION="") then
          MACLIST_DISPOSITION=REJECT is assumed.</para>


          <para>Determines the syslog level for logging connection requests
          that fail MAC Verification. The value must be a valid syslogd log
          level. If you don't want to log these connection requests, set to
          the empty value (e.g., MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL="").</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">MACLIST_TABLE=</emphasis>[<emphasis

          <para>Normally, MAC verification occurs in the filter table (INPUT
          and FORWARD) chains. When forwarding a packet from an interface with
          MAC verification to a bridge interface, that doesn't work.</para>

          <para>This problem can be worked around by setting
          MACLIST_TABLE=mangle which will cause Mac verification to occur out
          of the PREROUTING chain. Because REJECT isn't available in that
          environment, you may not specify MACLIST_DISPOSITION=REJECT with

        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>If your kernel has a FORWARD chain in the mangle table, you
          may set MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN=Yes to cause the marking specified in
          the tcrules file to occur in that chain rather than in the
          PREROUTING chain. This permits you to mark inbound traffic based on
          its destination address when DNAT is in use. To determine if your
          kernel has a FORWARD chain in the mangle table, use the <emphasis
          role="bold">/sbin/shorewall6 show mangle</emphasis> command; if a
          FORWARD chain is displayed then your kernel will support this
          option. If this option is not specified or if it is given the empty
          value (e.g., MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN="") then MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN=No
          is assumed.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">MODULE_SUFFIX=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">"</emphasis><emphasis>extension</emphasis> ...<emphasis

          <para>The value of this option determines the possible file
          extensions of kernel modules. The default value is "o gz ko


          <para>This parameter specifies the directory/directories where your
          kernel netfilter modules may be found. If you leave the variable
          empty, Shorewall6 will supply "/lib/modules/`uname


          <para>The value of this variable determines the number of seconds
          that programs will wait for exclusive access to the Shorewall6 lock
          file. After the number of seconds corresponding to the value of this
          variable, programs will assume that the last program to hold the
          lock died without releasing the lock.</para>

          <para>If not set or set to the empty value, a value of 60 (60
          seconds) is assumed.</para>

          <para>An appropriate value for this parameter would be twice the
          length of time that it takes your firewall system to process a
          <emphasis role="bold">shorewall6 restart</emphasis> command.</para>


          <para>The specified <replaceable>value</replaceable> enables certain
          optimizations. Each optimization category is associated with a power
          of two. To enable multiple optimization categories, simply add their
          corresponding numbers together.</para>

              <para>Optimization category 1 - Traditionally, Shorewall has
              created rules for <ulink
              url="../ScalabilityAndPerformance.html">the complete matrix of
              host groups defined by the zones, interfaces and hosts
              files</ulink>. Any traffic that didn't correspond to an element
              of that matrix was rejected in one of the built-in chains. When
              the matrix is sparse, this results in lots of largely useless

              <para>These extra rules can be eliminated by setting the 1 bit
              in OPTIMIZE.</para>

              <para>The 1 bit setting also controls the suppression of
              redundant wildcard rules (those specifying "all" in the SOURCE
              or DEST column). A wildcard rule is considered to be redundant
              when it has the same ACTION and Log Level as the applicable

              <para>Optimization category 2 - Added in Shorewall 4.4.7. When
              set, suppresses superfluous ACCEPT rules in a policy chain that
              implements an ACCEPT policy. Any ACCEPT rules that immediately
              preceed the final blanket ACCEPT rule in the chain are now

              <para>Optimization category 4 - Added in Shorewall 4.4.7. When
              set, causes short chains (those with less than 2 rules) to be
              optimized away. The following chains are excluded from

                  <para>accounting chains (unless

                  <para>action chains (user-defined)</para>

                  <para>'blacklst' chain</para>



                  <para>If a built-in chain has a single rule that branches to
                  a second chain, then the rules from the second chain are
                  moved to the built-in chain and the target chain is

                  <para>Chains with no references are deleted.</para>

                  <para>Accounting chains are subject to optimization if the
                  OPTIMIZE_ACCOUNTING option is set to 'Yes'.</para>

                  <para>If a chain ends with an unconditional branch to a
                  second chain (other than to 'reject'), then the branch is
                  deleted from the first chain and the rules from the second
                  chain are appended to it.</para>

              <para>Optimization category 8 - Added in Shorewall 4.4.9. When
              set, causes chains with duplicate rules to be collapsed into a
              single chain.</para>

          <para>The default value is zero which disables all

        <term><emphasis role="bold">OPTIMIZE_ACCOUNTING=</emphasis>[<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term>

          <para>Added in Shorewall 4.4.7. If set to Yes, Shorewall accounting
          changes are subject to optimization (OPTIMIZE=4,5,6 or 7). If not
          specified or set to the empty value, OPTIMIZE_ACCOUNTING=No is


          <para>Determines the order in which Shorewall6 searches directories
          for executable files.</para>




          <para>Eariler generations of Shorewall6 Lite required that remote
          root login via ssh be enabled in order to use the
          <command>load</command> and <command>reload</command> commands.
          Beginning with release 3.9.5, you may define an alternative means
          for accessing the remote firewall system. In that release, two new
          options were added to shorewall6.conf:<simplelist>

            </simplelist>The default values for these are as
              <member>RSH_COMMAND: ssh ${root}@${system} ${command}</member>

              <member>RCP_COMMAND: scp ${files}
            </simplelist>Shell variables that will be set when the commands
          are envoked are as follows:<simplelist>
              <member><replaceable>root</replaceable> - root user. Normally
              <option>root</option> but may be overridden using the '-r'

              <member><replaceable>system</replaceable> - The name/IP address
              of the remote firewall system.</member>

              <member><replaceable>command</replaceable> - For RSH_COMMAND,
              the command to be executed on the firewall system.</member>

              <member><replaceable>files</replaceable> - For RCP_COMMAND, a
              space-separated list of files to be copied to the remote
              firewall system.</member>

              <member><replaceable>destination</replaceable> - The directory
              on the remote system that the files are to be copied


          <para>Specifies the simple name of a file in /var/lib/shorewall6 to
          be used as the default restore script in the <emphasis
          role="bold">shorewall6 save</emphasis>, <emphasis
          role="bold">shorewall6 restore</emphasis>, <emphasis
          role="bold">shorewall6 forget </emphasis>and <emphasis
          role="bold">shorewall6 -f start</emphasis> commands.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">SAVE_IPSETS=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>If SAVE_IPSETS=Yes, then the current contents of your ipsets
          will be saved by the <emphasis role="bold">shorewall6
          save</emphasis> command. Regardless of the setting of SAVE_IPSETS,
          if saved ipset contents are available then they will be restored by
          <emphasis role="bold">shorewall6 restore</emphasis>.</para>


          <para>This option is used to specify the shell program to be used to
          interpret the compiled script. If not specified or specified as a
          null value, /bin/sh is assumed. Using a light-weight shell such as
          ash or dash can significantly improve performance.</para>


          <para>Specifies the logging level for smurf packets (see the
          nosmurfs option in <ulink
          If set to the empty value ( SMURF_LOG_LEVEL="" ) then smurfs are not

        <term><emphasis role="bold">STARTUP_ENABLED=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>Determines if Shorewall6 is allowed to start. As released from
          shorewall.net, this option is set to <emphasis
          role="bold">No</emphasis>. When set to <emphasis
          role="bold">Yes</emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">yes</emphasis>,
          Shorewall6 may be started. Used as a guard against Shorewall6 being
          accidentally started before it has been configured.</para>


          <para>If specified, determines where Shorewall6 will log the details
          of each <emphasis role="bold">start</emphasis>, <emphasis
          role="bold">restart</emphasis> and <emphasis
          role="bold">refresh</emphasis> command. Logging verbosity is
          determined by the setting of LOG_VERBOSITY above.</para>


          <para>This parameter should be set to the name of a file that the
          firewall should create if it starts successfully and remove when it
          stops. Creating and removing this file allows Shorewall6 to work
          with your distribution's initscripts. For RedHat, this should be set
          to /var/lock/subsys/shorewall6. For Debian, the value is
          /var/lock/shorewall6 and in LEAF it is /var/run/shorwall.</para>


          <para>If specified, gives the pathname of the 'tc' executable. If
          not specified, 'tc' is assumed and the utility will be located using
          the current PATH setting.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">TC_ENABLED=</emphasis>[<emphasis

          <para>If you say <emphasis role="bold">Yes</emphasis> or <emphasis
          role="bold">yes</emphasis> here, Shorewall6 will use a script that
          you supply to configure traffic shaping. The script must be named
          'tcstart' and must be placed in a directory on your

          <para>If you say <emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis> or <emphasis
          role="bold">no</emphasis> then traffic shaping is not

          <para>If you set TC_ENABLED=Internal or internal or leave the option
          empty then Shorewall6 will use its builtin traffic shaper
          (tc4shorewall6 written by Arne Bernin.</para>

            <para>If you also run Shorewall and if you have
            TC_ENABLED=Internal in your <ulink
            then you will want TC_ENABLED=No in this file.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">TC_EXPERT=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>Normally, Shorewall6 tries to protect users from themselves by
          preventing PREROUTING and OUTPUT tcrules from being applied to
          packets that have been marked by the 'track' option in <ulink

          <para>If you know what you are doing, you can set TC_EXPERT=Yes and
          Shorewall6 will not include these cautionary checks.</para>


          <para>Added in Shorewall 4.4.6. Determines the mapping of a packet's
          TOS field to priority bands. See <ulink
          url="shorewall6-tcpri.html">shorewall6-tcpri</ulink>(5). The
          <emphasis>map</emphasis> consists of 16 space-separated digits with
          values 1, 2 or 3. The first entry corresponds to Linux priority 9,
          the second to Linux priority 1, the third to Linux Priority 2, and
          so on. See tc-prio(8) for additional information.</para>

          <para>The default setting is TC_PRIOMAP="2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
          2 2".</para>


          <para>Determines the disposition of TCP packets that fail the checks
          enabled by the <emphasis role="bold">tcpflags</emphasis> interface
          option (see <ulink
          and must have a value of ACCEPT (accept the packet), REJECT (send an
          RST response) or DROP (ignore the packet). If not set or if set to
          the empty value (e.g., TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION="") then
          TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION=DROP is assumed.</para>


          <para>Determines the syslog level for logging packets that fail the
          checks enabled by the tcpflags interface option. The value must be a
          valid syslogd log level. If you don't want to log these packets, set
          to the empty value (e.g., TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL="").</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">TRACK_PROVIDERS=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>Added in Shorewall 4.4.3. When set to Yes, causes the
          <option>track</option> option to be assumed on all providers defined
          in <ulink
          url="shorewall6-providers.html">shorewall6-providers</ulink>(5). May
          be overridden on an individual provider through use of the
          <option>notrack</option> option. The default value is 'No'.</para>

          <para>Beginning in Shorewall 4.4.6, setting this option to 'Yes'
          also simplifies PREROUTING rules in <ulink
          Previously, when TC_EXPERT=No, packets arriving through 'tracked'
          provider interfaces were unconditionally passed to the PREROUTING
          tcrules. This was done so that tcrules could reset the packet mark
          to zero, thus allowing the packet to be routed using the 'main'
          routing table. Using the main table allowed dynamic routes (such as
          those added for VPNs) to be effective. The <ulink
          file was created to provide a better alternative to clearing the
          packet mark. As a consequence, passing these packets to PREROUTING
          complicates things without providing any real benefit. Beginning
          with Shorewall 4.4.6, when TRACK_PROVIDERS=Yes and TC_EXPERT=No,
          packets arriving through 'tracked' interfaces will not be passed to
          the PREROUTING rules. Since TRACK_PROVIDERS was just introduced in
          4.4.3, this change should be transparent to most, if not all,


          <para>Shorewall6 has traditionally been very noisy (produced lots of
          output). You may set the default level of verbosity using the
          VERBOSITY OPTION.</para>

          <para>Values are:</para>

            <member>0 - Silent. You may make it more verbose using the -v

            <member>1 - Major progress messages displayed</member>

            <member>2 - All progress messages displayed (pre Shorewall6-3.2.0

          <para>If not specified, then 2 is assumed.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">WIDE_TC_MARKS=</emphasis>{<emphasis
        role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>}</term>

          <para>When set to No (the default), traffic shaping marks are 8
          bytes wide (possible values are 1-255). When WIDE_TC_MARKS=Yes,
          traffic shaping marks are 14 bytes wide (values 1-16383). The
          setting of WIDE_TC_MARKS also has an effect on the HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS
          option (see above).</para>


          <para>Added in Shorewall 4.4.4. This option determines how Shorewall
          constructs chain names involving zone names and/or 'all'. The
          default is '2' (e.g., fw2net).</para>



    <title>See ALSO</title>

    <para>shorewall6(8), shorewall6-accounting(5), shorewall6-actions(5),
    shorewall6-blacklist(5), shorewall6-hosts(5), shorewall6-interfaces(5),
    shorewall6-ipsec(5), shorewall6-maclist(5), shorewall6-masq(5),
    shorewall6-nat(5), shorewall6-netmap(5), shorewall6-params(5),
    shorewall6-policy(5), shorewall6-providers(5), shorewall6-proxyarp(5),
    shorewall6-route_rules(5), shorewall6-routestopped(5),
    shorewall6-rules(5), shorewall6-tcclasses(5), shorewall6-tcdevices(5),
    shorewall6-tcrules(5), shorewall6-tos(5), shorewall6-tunnels(5),