Shorewall 4.1 Patch Release 3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E L E A S E 4 . 1 H I G H L I G H T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Support is included for multiple internet providers through the same ethernet interface. 2) Support for NFLOG has been added. 3) Enhanced operational logging Problems corrected in Shorewall 4.1.3. 1) If NFLOG or ULOG was specified with parameters, the resulting iptables-restore input contained elements that were incorrectly up-cased. 2) If STARTUP_LOG is specified without LOG_VERBOSITY, /sbin/shorewall produces an error. 3) If LOG_VERBOSITY is specified without STARTUP_LOG, run-time error messages are produced. 4) Shorewall-shell was mishandling the entries in /etc/shorewall/rules and in /etc/shorewall/tcrules where both a SOURCE interface and MAC address were specified. Example: ACCEPT net:eth0:~01-02-03-04-05-06 $FW tcp 22 Other changes in Shorewall 4.1.3. 1) If the program named in SHOREWALL_SHELL doesn't exist or is not executable, Shorewall and Shorewall-lite now both fall back to /bin/sh after issuing a warning message. Previously, both terminated with a fatal error. Migration Issues. 1) Previously, when HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes, Shorewall allowed non-zero mark values < 256 to be assigned in the OUTPUT chain. This has been changed so that only high mark values may be assigned there. Packet marking rules for traffic shaping of packets originating on the firewall must be coded in the POSTROUTING table. 2) Previously, Shorewall did not range-check the value of the VERBOSITY option in shorewall.conf. Beginning with Shorewall 4.1: a) A VERBOSITY setting outside the range -1 through 2 is rejected. b) After the -v and -q options are applied, the resulting value is adjusted to fall within the range -1 through 2. New Features in Shorewall 4.1. 1) Shorewall 4.1 contains experimental support for multiple Internet providers through a single ethernet interface. Configuring two providers through a single interface differs from two providers through two interfaces in several ways. a) Only ethernet (or ethernet-like) interfaces can be used. For inbound traffic, the MAC addresses of the gateway routers is used to determine which provider a packet was received through. Note that only routed traffic can be categorized using this technique. b) You must specify the address on the interface that corresponds to a particular provider in the INTERFACE column by following the interface name with a colon (":") and the address. c) Entries in /etc/shorewall/masq must be qualified by the provider name (or number). d) This feature requires Realm Match support in your kernel and iptables. If you use a capabilities file, you need to regenerate the file with Shorewall 4.1 or Shorewall-lite 4.1. e) You must add route_rules entries for networks that are accessed through a particular provider. f) If you have additional IP addresses through either provider, you must add route_rules to direct traffic FROM each of those addresses through the appropriate provider. g) You must add MARK rules for any traffic that you know originates from a particular provider. Example: Providers Blarg (1) and Avvanta (2) are both connected to eth0. The firewall's IP address with Blarg is (gateway and the IP address from Avvanta is (gateway We have a second IP address ( from Blarg. /etc/shorewall/providers: #PROVIDER NUMBER MARK DUPLICATE INTERFACE GATEWAY Blarg 1 1 main eth0: ... Avvanta 2 2 main eth0: ... /etc/shorewall/masq: #INTERFACE SOURCE ADDRESS eth0(Blarg) eth0(Avvanta) eth0(Blarg) eth1 eth0(Avvanta) eth1 /etc/shorewall/route_rules: #SOURCE DEST PROVIDER PRIORITY - Blarg 1000 - Avvanta 1000 - Blarg 26000 /etc/shorewall/tcrules #MARK/CLASSIFY SOURCE DEST 1 eth0: 2 eth0: 2) You may now include the name of a table (nat, mangle or filter) in a 'shorewall refresh' command by following the table name with a colon (e.g., mangle:). This causes all non-builtin chains in the table to be reloaded. Example: shorewall refresh nat: 3) When no chain name is given to the 'shorewall refresh' command, the mangle table is refreshed along with the blacklist chain (if any). This allows you to modify /etc/shorewall/tcrules and install the changes using 'shorewall refresh'. 4) Support for the NFLOG log target has been added. NFLOG is a successor to ULOG. In addition, both ULOG and NFLOG may be followed by a list of up to three numbers in parentheses. The first number specifies the netlink group (1-32). If omitted (e.g., NFLOG(,0,10)) then a value of 1 is assumed. The second number specifies the maximum number of bytes to copy. If omitted, 0 (no limit) is assumed. The third number specifies the number of log messages that should be buffered in the kernel before they are sent to user space. The default is 1. Examples: /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf: MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL=NFLOG(1,0,1) /etc/shorewall/rules: ACCEPT:NFLOG(1,0,1) vpn fw tcp ssh,time,631,8080 5) Shorewall-perl 4.1 implements an alternative syntax for macro parameters and for the NFQUEUE queue number. Rather than following the macro name (or NFQUEUE) with a slash ("/") and the parameter, the parameter may be enclosed in parentheses. Examples -- each pair shown below are equivalent: DNS/ACCEPT DNS(ACCEPT) NFQUEUE/3 NFQUEUE(3) The old syntax will still be accepted but will cease to be documented in some future Shorewall release. 6) Shorewall 4.1 contains enhanced operational logging capabilities through a set of related enhancements to Shorewall-common and Shorewall-perl. The enhancements are not supported by Shorewall-shell nor are they supported by Shorewall-lite except when the script is compiled using Shorewall-perl. a) The STARTUP_LOG option in /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf gives the name of the Shorewall operational log. The log will be created if it does not exist. b) The LOG_VERBOSITY option in /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf gives the verbosity at which logging will occur. It uses the same value range as VERBOSITY: -1 Do not log 0 Almost quiet 1 Only major steps 2 Verbose c) An absolute VERBOSITY may be specified on the command line using the -v option followed by -1,0,1 or 2. Example: shorewall -v2 check d) The /etc/init.d/shorewall script supplied with the packages sets '-v0' as the default. This may be overridden with the OPTIONS setting in /etc/defaults/shorewall or /etc/sysconfig/shorewall. Logging occurs on both Shorewall-perl and the generated script when the following commands are issued: start restart refresh Messages in the log are always timestamped. This change implemented two new options to the Shorewall-perl compiler (/usr/share/shorewall-perl/ --log= --log_verbosity={-1|0-2} The --log option is ignored when --log_verbosity is not supplied or is supplied with value -1. To avoid a proliferation of parameters to Shorewall::Compiler::compile(), that function has been changed to use named parameters. Parameter names are: object Object file. If omitted or '', the configuration is syntax checked. directory Directory. If omitted or '', configuration files are located using CONFIG_PATH. Otherwise, the directory named by this parameter is searched first. verbosity Verbosity; range -1 to 2 timestamp 0|1 -- timestamp messages. debug 0|1 -- include stack trace in warning/error messages. export 0|1 -- compile for export. chains List of chains to be reloaded by 'refresh'. log File to log compiler messages to. log_verbosity Log Verbosity; range -1 to 2. Those parameters that are supplied must have defined values. Defaults are: object '' ('check' command) directory '' verbosity 1 timestamp 0 debug 0 export 0 chains '' log '' log_verbosity -1 Example: use lib '/usr/share/shorewall-perl/'; use Shorewall::Compiler; compiler( object => '/root/firewall', log => '/root/compile.log', log_verbosity => 2 ); 7) Previously, when HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes, Shorewall allowed non-zero mark values < 256 to be assigned in the OUTPUT chain. This has been changed so that only high mark values may be assigned there. Packet marking rules for traffic shaping of packets originating on the firewall must be coded in the POSTROUTING table. 8) Previously, Shorewall did not range-check the value of the VERBOSITY option in shorewall.conf. Beginning with Shorewall 4.1: a) A VERBOSITY setting outside the range -1 through 2 is rejected. b) After the -v and -q options are applied, the resulting value is adjusted to fall within the range -1 through 2. 9) The tcdevices file has been extended to include an OPTIONS column. Currently only a single option is defined. classify When specified, you must use explicit CLASSIFY tcrules to classify traffic by class. Shorewall will not create any CLASSIFY rules to classify traffic by mark value. The 'classify' option should be specified when you want to do all classification using CLASSIFY tcrules. Because CLASSIFY is not a terminating target, every packet passes through all CLASSIFY rules. 'classify' can prevent packets from having to pass through useless additional rules. Example: /etc/shorewall/tcdevices #INTERFACE IN-BANDWITH OUT-BANDWIDTH OPTIONS $EXT_IF 1300kbit 384kbit classify /etc/shorewall/tcclasses #INTERFACE MARK RATE CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS $EXT_IF 10 5*full/10 full 1 tcp-ack,tos-minimize-delay $EXT_IF 20 2*full/10 6*full/10 2 default $EXT_IF 30 2*full/10 6*full/10 3 /etc/shorewall/tcrules #MARK SOURCE DEST PROTO PORT(S) SOURCE # PORT(S) 1:110 $EXT_IF 1:130 $EXT_IF tcp - 873 This example shows my own simple traffic shaping configuration. I have three classes; one for traffic from our local network, one for rsync from the master server, and one for all other DMZ traffic. I use CLASSIFY rules to assign traffic to the first and third class and let the rest default to the second class. 10) COMMENT lines are now supported in macro bodies by Shorewall-perl and are ignored by the Shorewall-shell compiler. The standard macros (with the exception of macro.Drop and macro.Reject) have been modified to include a COMMENT line describing the macro. COMMENT lines in macros work slightly differently from COMMENT lines in other files. COMMENT lines in macros are ignored if COMMENT support is not available or if there was a COMMENT in use when the top-level macro was invoked. This allows the following: /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SSH: #ACTION SOURCE PROTO DEST SOURCE RATE USER/ # PORT(S) PORT(S) LIMIT GROUP COMMENT SSH PARAM - - tcp 22 /etc/shorewall/rules: COMMENT Allow SSH from home SSH/ALLOW net:$MYIP $FW COMMENT The comment line in macro.SSH will not override the COMMENT line in the rules file and the generated rule will show /* Allow SSH from home */ when displayed through the Shorewall show and dump commands.