<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>My Shorewall Configuration</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="none"> </head> <body> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;" width="100%" id="AutoNumber1" bgcolor="#400169" height="90"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="100%"> <h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">About My Network</font></h1> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <blockquote> </blockquote> <h1>My Current Network </h1> <blockquote> <p><big><font color="#ff0000"><b>Warning: </b></font><b><small>I</small></b></big><big><b><small> use a combination of Static NAT and Proxy ARP, neither of which are relevant to a simple configuration with a single public IP address.</small></b></big><big><b><small> If you have just a single public IP address, most of what you see here won't apply to your setup so beware of copying parts of this configuration and expecting them to work for you. What you copy may or may not work in your configuration. </small></b></big><br> </p> <p> I have DSL service and have 5 static IP addresses ( My DSL "modem" (<a href="http://www.fujitsu.com">Fujitsu</a> Speedport) is connected to eth0. I have a local network connected to eth2 (subnet and a DMZ connected to eth1 (�</p> <p> I use:<br> </p> <ul> <li>Static NAT for Ursa (my XP System) - Internal address and external address</li> <li>Static NAT for Wookie (my Linux System). Internal address and external address</li> <li>SNAT through the primary gateway address ( for� my Wife's system (Tarry) and the laptop when connected through the Wireless Access Point (wap)</li> </ul> <p> The firewall runs on a 256MB PII/233 with RH8.0.</p> <p> Wookie runs Samba and acts as the a WINS server.� Wookie is in its own 'whitelist' zone called 'me'.</p> <p> My laptop (eastept1) is connected to eth3 using a cross-over cable. It runs its own <a href="http://www.sygate.com"> Sygate</a> firewall software and is managed by Proxy ARP. It connects to the local network through a PPTP server running on Ursa. </p> <p> The single system in the DMZ (address runs postfix, Courier IMAP (imaps and pop3), DNS, a Web server (Apache) and an FTP server (Pure-ftpd). The system also runs fetchmail to fetch our email from our old and current ISPs. That server is managed through Proxy ARP.</p> <p> The firewall system itself runs a DHCP server that serves the local network.</p> <p> All administration and publishing is done using ssh/scp. I have X installed on both the firewall and the server but no X server or desktop is installed. X applications tunnel through SSH to XWin.exe running on Ursa.</p> <p> I run an SNMP server on my firewall to serve <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/%7Eoetiker/webtools/mrtg/"> MRTG</a> running in the DMZ.</p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="images/network.png" width="764" height="846"> </p> <p>�</p> <p>The ethernet interface in the Server is configured with IP address, netmask The server's default gateway is (Router at my ISP. This is the same default gateway used by the firewall itself). On the firewall, Shorewall automatically adds a host route to through eth1 ( because of the entry in /etc/shorewall/proxyarp (see below).</p> <p>A similar setup is used on eth3 ( which interfaces to my laptop (<br> </p> <p>Ursa ( AKA runs a PPTP server for Road Warrior access.<br> </p> <p><font color="#ff0000" size="5"></font></p> </blockquote> <h3>Shorewall.conf</h3> <blockquote> <pre>SHARED_DIR=/usr/share/shorewall<br>LOGFILE=/var/log/firewall<br>LOGRATE=<br>LOGBURST=<br>LOGUNCLEAN=info<br>BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL=<br>LOGNEWNOTSYN=<br>MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL=$LOG<br>TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL=$LOG<br>RFC1918_LOG_LEVEL=$LOG<br>PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin<br>SUBSYSLOCK=/var/lock/subsys/shorewall<br>STATEDIR=/var/state/shorewall<br>MODULESDIR=<br>FW=fw<br>NAT_ENABLED=Yes<br>MANGLE_ENABLED=Yes<br>IP_FORWARDING=On<br>ADD_IP_ALIASES=Yes<br>ADD_SNAT_ALIASES=Yes<br>TC_ENABLED=Yes<br>CLEAR_TC=No<br>MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN=No<br>CLAMPMSS=Yes<br>ROUTE_FILTER=No<br>NAT_BEFORE_RULES=No<br>MULTIPORT=Yes<br>DETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS=Yes<br>MUTEX_TIMEOUT=60<br>NEWNOTSYN=Yes<br>BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=DROP<br>MACLIST_DISPOSITION=REJECT<br>TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION=DROP</pre> </blockquote> <h4> </h4> <h3>Params File (Edited):</h3> <blockquote>MIRRORS=<i><list of shorewall mirror ip addresses></i><br> NTPSERVERS=<i><list of the NTP servers I sync with></i><br> LOG=ULOG<br> TEXAS=<i><ip address of gateway in Dallas></i><br> </blockquote> <h3>Zones File</h3> <blockquote> <pre>#ZONE DISPLAY COMMENTS<br>net Internet Internet<br>me Wookie My Linux Workstation<br>dmz DMZ Demilitarized zone<br>loc Local Local networks<br>tx Texas Peer Network in Dallas<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS ONE - DO NOT REMOVE<font face="Courier" size="2"><br></font></pre> </blockquote> <h3>Interfaces File: </h3> <blockquote> <p> This is set up so that I can start the firewall before bringing up my Ethernet interfaces. </p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <pre>#ZONE INERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS<br>net eth0 dhcp,norfc1918,routefilter,blacklist,tcpflags<br>loc eth2 dhcp,maclist<br>dmz eth1<br>net eth3<br>- texas<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS ONE - DO NOT REMOVE<font face="Courier" size="2"><br></font> </pre> </blockquote> <h3>Hosts File: </h3> <blockquote> <pre>#ZONE HOST(S) OPTIONS<br>me������������� eth2:<br>tx������������� texas:<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS ONE - DO NOT REMOVE</pre> </blockquote> <h3>Routestopped File:</h3> <blockquote> <pre>#INTERFACQ HOST(S)<br>eth1<br>eth2 -<br>eth3<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS ONE - DO NOT REMOVE<font face="Courier" size="2"> </font></pre> </blockquote> <h3>Policy File:</h3> <blockquote> <pre>#SOURCE DESTINATION POLICY LOG LEVEL BURST:LIMIT<br>me all ACCEPT<br>tx me ACCEPT<br>all me CONTINUE - 2/sec:5<br>loc net ACCEPT<br>$FW loc ACCEPT<br>$FW tx ACCEPT<br>loc tx ACCEPT<br>loc fw REJECT $LOG<br>net net ACCEPT<br>net all DROP $LOG 10/sec:40<br>all all REJECT $LOG<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS ONE - DO NOT REMOVE<br></pre> </blockquote> <h3>Masq File: </h3> <blockquote> <p> Although most of our internal systems use static NAT, my wife's system ( uses IP Masquerading (actually SNAT) as do visitors with laptops. Also, I masquerade wookie to the peer subnet in Texas.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <pre>#INTERFACE SUBNET ADDRESS<br>eth0: eth2<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br><font size="2" face="Courier"> </font></pre> </blockquote> <h3>NAT File: </h3> <blockquote> <pre>#EXTERNAL INTERFACE INTERNAL ALL INTERFACES LOCAL<br> eth0:0 No No<br> eth0:1 No No<br> eth2:0 No No<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE<font size="2" face="Courier"></font></pre> </blockquote> <h3>Proxy ARP File:</h3> <blockquote> <pre>#ADDRESS INTERFACE EXTERNAL HAVEROUTE<br> eth1 eth0 No<br> eth3 eth0 No<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE<font face="Courier" size="2"> </font></pre> </blockquote> <h3>Tunnels File (Shell variable TEXAS set in /etc/shorewall/params):</h3> <blockquote> <pre>#TYPE ZONE GATEWAY GATEWAY ZONE PORT<br>gre net $TEXAS<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br><small> </small></pre> </blockquote> <h3>Common File:</h3> <blockquote> <pre>. /etc/shorewall/common.def<br>run_iptables -A common -p tcp --dport auth -j REJECT<br></pre> </blockquote> <h3>Rules File (The shell variables are set in /etc/shorewall/params):</h3> <blockquote> <pre>################################################################################################################################################################<br>#RESULT CLIENT(S) SERVER(S) PROTO PORT(S) CLIENT ORIGINAL DEST:SNAT<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Local Network to Internet - Reject attempts by Trojans to call home<br>#<br>REJECT:$LOG loc net tcp 6667<br>#<br># Stop NETBIOS crap since our policy is ACCEPT<br>#<br>REJECT loc net tcp 137,445<br>REJECT loc net udp 137:139<br>LOG:$LOG loc net tcp 137:139<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Local Network to Firewall<br>#<br>ACCEPT loc fw tcp ssh,time,10000<br>ACCEPT loc fw udp snmp<br>ACCEPT loc fw udp ntp<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Local Network to DMZ (10027 is our SMTP backdoor that bypasses virus/spam filtering)<br>#<br>ACCEPT loc dmz udp domain<br>ACCEPT loc dmz tcp smtp,domain,ssh,imap,https,imaps,cvspserver,www,ftp,10027,10000,8080 -<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Internet to DMZ<br>#<br>ACCEPT net dmz tcp www,smtp,ftp,imaps,domain,cvspserver,https,imap -<br>ACCEPT net dmz udp domain<br>ACCEPT net:$MIRRORS dmz tcp rsync<br>ACCEPT:$LOG net dmz tcp 32768:61000 20<br>DROP net dmz tcp 1433<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br>#<br># Net to Local<br>#<br># My laptop isn't NATTED when in its docking station. To allow access to the local lan, I need a VPN to Ursa which is enabled by the following "half"-rules.<br>#<br>DNAT- net loc: tcp 1723 -<br>DNAT- net loc: gre - -<br>#<br># When I'm "on the road", the following two rules allow me VPN access back home.<br>#<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 1723<br>ACCEPT net loc: gre<br>#<br># ICQ to Ursa<br>#<br>ACCEPT net loc: tcp 4000:4100<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Net to me<br>#<br>ACCEPT net me: tcp 4000:4100<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># DMZ to Internet<br>#<br>ACCEPT dmz net tcp smtp,domain,www,https,whois,echo,2702,21,2703,ssh<br>ACCEPT dmz net udp domain<br>ACCEPT dmz net: tcp pop3<br>ACCEPT dmz net: tcp pop3<br>#<br># Something is wrong with the FTP connection tracking code or there is some client out there<br># that is sending a PORT command which that code doesn't understand. Either way,<br># the following works around the problem.<br>#<br>ACCEPT:$LOG dmz net tcp 1024: 20<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># DMZ to Firewall -- ntp & snmp<br>#<br>ACCEPT dmz fw udp ntp ntp<br>ACCEPT dmz fw tcp snmp<br>ACCEPT dmz fw udp snmp<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br>#<br># DMZ to Local Network<br>#<br>ACCEPT dmz loc tcp smtp<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br>#<br># DMZ to Me -- NFS<br>#<br>ACCEPT dmz me tcp 111<br>ACCEPT dmz me udp 111<br>ACCEPT dmz me udp 2049<br>ACCEPT dmz me udp 32700:<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Internet to Firewall<br>#<br>ACCEPT net:eth3: fw udp ntp ntp<br>REJECT net fw tcp www<br>DROP net fw tcp 1433<br>DROP net:eth3:! fw all<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Firewall to Internet<br>#<br>ACCEPT fw net:$NTPSERVERS udp ntp ntp<br>ACCEPT fw net udp domain<br>ACCEPT fw net tcp domain,www,https,ssh,1723,whois,1863<br>ACCEPT fw net udp 33435:33535<br>ACCEPT fw net icmp 8<br>################################################################################################################################################################<br># Firewall to DMZ<br>#<br>ACCEPT fw dmz tcp www,ftp,ssh,smtp<br>ACCEPT fw dmz udp domain<br>ACCEPT fw dmz icmp 8<br>REJECT fw dmz udp 137:139<br>#LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE<br></pre> </blockquote> <p><font size="2"><a href="support.htm">Tom Eastep</a></font> </p> <a href="copyright.htm"><font size="2">Copyright</font> � <font size="2">2001, 2002, 2003 Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> </body> </html>