#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # The Shoreline Firewall4 (Shorewall-perl) Packet Filtering Firewall Compiler - V4.0 # # This program is under GPL [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt] # # (c) 2007 - Tom Eastep (teastep@shorewall.net) # # Complete documentation is available at http://shorewall.net # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # package Shorewall::Compiler; require Exporter; use Shorewall::Config; use Shorewall::Chains; use Shorewall::Zones; use Shorewall::Policy; use Shorewall::Nat; use Shorewall::Providers; use Shorewall::Tc; use Shorewall::Tunnels; use Shorewall::Actions; use Shorewall::Accounting; use Shorewall::Rules; use Shorewall::Proc; use Shorewall::Proxyarp; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( compiler EXPORT TIMESTAMP DEBUG ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( $export ); our $VERSION = '4.04'; our $export; our $reused = 0; use constant { EXPORT => 0x01 , TIMESTAMP => 0x02 , DEBUG => 0x04 }; # # Reinitilize the package-globals in the other modules # sub reinitialize() { Shorewall::Config::initialize; Shorewall::Chains::initialize; Shorewall::Zones::initialize; Shorewall::Policy::initialize; Shorewall::Nat::initialize; Shorewall::Providers::initialize; Shorewall::Tc::initialize; Shorewall::Actions::initialize; Shorewall::Accounting::initialize; Shorewall::Rules::initialize; Shorewall::Proxyarp::initialize; } # # First stage of script generation. # # Copy the prog.header to the generated script. # Generate the various user-exit jacket functions. # Generate the 'initialize()' function. # # Note: This function is not called when $command eq 'check'. So it must have no side effects other # than those related to writing to the object file. sub generate_script_1() { my $date = localtime; emit "#!/bin/sh\n#\n# Compiled firewall script generated by Shorewall-perl $globals{VERSION} - $date\n#"; copy $globals{SHAREDIRPL} . 'prog.header'; for my $exit qw/init isusable start tcclear started stop stopped clear refresh refreshed/ { emit "\nrun_${exit}_exit() {"; push_indent; append_file $exit or emit 'true'; pop_indent; emit '}'; } emit ( '', '#', '# This function initializes the global variables used by the program', '#', 'initialize()', '{', ' #', ' # These variables are required by the library functions called in this script', ' #' ); push_indent; if ( $export ) { emit ( 'SHAREDIR=/usr/share/shorewall-lite', 'CONFDIR=/etc/shorewall-lite', 'PRODUCT="Shorewall Lite"' ); } else { emit ( 'SHAREDIR=/usr/share/shorewall', 'CONFDIR=/etc/shorewall', 'PRODUCT=\'Shorewall\'', ); } emit( '[ -f ${CONFDIR}/vardir ] && . ${CONFDIR}/vardir' ); if ( $export ) { emit ( 'CONFIG_PATH="/etc/shorewall-lite:/usr/share/shorewall-lite"' , '[ -n "${VARDIR:=/var/lib/shorewall-lite}" ]' ); } else { emit ( qq(CONFIG_PATH="$config{CONFIG_PATH}") , '[ -n "${VARDIR:=/var/lib/shorewall}" ]' ); } emit 'TEMPFILE='; propagateconfig; emit ( '[ -n "${COMMAND:=restart}" ]', '[ -n "${VERBOSE:=0}" ]', qq([ -n "\${RESTOREFILE:=$config{RESTOREFILE}}" ]), '[ -n "$LOGFORMAT" ] || LOGFORMAT="Shorewall:%s:%s:"', qq(VERSION="$globals{VERSION}") , qq(PATH="$config{PATH}") , 'TERMINATOR=fatal_error' , '' ); if ( $config{IPTABLES} ) { emit( qq(IPTABLES="$config{IPTABLES}"), '[ -x "$IPTABLES" ] || startup_error "IPTABLES=$IPTABLES does not exist or is not executable"', ); } else { emit( '[ -z "$IPTABLES" ] && IPTABLES=$(mywhich iptables) # /sbin/shorewall exports IPTABLES', '[ -n "$IPTABLES" -a -x "$IPTABLES" ] || startup_error "Can\'t find iptables executable"' ); } emit( 'IPTABLES_RESTORE=${IPTABLES}-restore', '[ -x "$IPTABLES_RESTORE" ] || startup_error "$IPTABLES_RESTORE does not exist or is not executable"' ); append_file 'params' if $config{EXPORTPARAMS}; emit ( '', "STOPPING=", '', '#', '# The library requires that ${VARDIR} exist', '#', '[ -d ${VARDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${VARDIR}' ); emit ( '', '#', '# Recent kernels are difficult to configure -- we see state match omitted a lot so we check for it here', '#', 'qt $IPTABLES -N foox1234', 'qt $IPTABLES -A foox1234 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT', 'result=$?', 'qt $IPTABLES -F foox1234', 'qt $IPTABLES -X foox1234', '[ $result = 0 ] || startup_error "Your kernel/iptables do not include state match support. No version of Shorewall will run on this system"', '' ); pop_indent; emit "}\n"; # End of initialize() } sub compile_stop_firewall() { emit <<'EOF'; # # Stop/restore the firewall after an error or because of a 'stop' or 'clear' command # stop_firewall() { deletechain() { qt $IPTABLES -L $1 -n && qt $IPTABLES -F $1 && qt $IPTABLES -X $1 } deleteallchains() { $IPTABLES -F $IPTABLES -X } setcontinue() { $IPTABLES -A $1 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT } delete_nat() { $IPTABLES -t nat -F $IPTABLES -t nat -X if [ -f ${VARDIR}/nat ]; then while read external interface; do del_ip_addr $external $interface done < ${VARDIR}/nat rm -f ${VARDIR}/nat fi } case $COMMAND in stop|clear|restore) ;; *) set +x case $COMMAND in start) logger -p kern.err "ERROR:$PRODUCT start failed" ;; restart) logger -p kern.err "ERROR:$PRODUCT restart failed" ;; restore) logger -p kern.err "ERROR:$PRODUCT restore failed" ;; esac if [ "$RESTOREFILE" = NONE ]; then COMMAND=clear clear_firewall echo "$PRODUCT Cleared" kill $$ exit 2 else RESTOREPATH=${VARDIR}/$RESTOREFILE if [ -x $RESTOREPATH ]; then if [ -x ${RESTOREPATH}-ipsets ]; then progress_message2 Restoring Ipsets... # # We must purge iptables to be sure that there are no # references to ipsets # for table in mangle nat filter; do $IPTABLES -t $table -F $IPTABLES -t $table -X done ${RESTOREPATH}-ipsets fi echo Restoring ${PRODUCT:=Shorewall}... if $RESTOREPATH restore; then echo "$PRODUCT restored from $RESTOREPATH" set_state "Started" else set_state "Unknown" fi kill $$ exit 2 fi fi ;; esac set_state "Stopping" STOPPING="Yes" TERMINATOR= deletechain shorewall run_stop_exit EOF if ( $capabilities{MANGLE_ENABLED} ) { emit <<'EOF'; run_iptables -t mangle -F run_iptables -t mangle -X for chain in PREROUTING INPUT FORWARD POSTROUTING; do qt $IPTABLES -t mangle -P $chain ACCEPT done EOF } if ( $capabilities{RAW_TABLE} ) { emit <<'EOF'; run_iptables -t raw -F run_iptables -t raw -X for chain in PREROUTING OUTPUT; do qt $IPTABLES -t raw -P $chain ACCEPT done EOF } if ( $capabilities{NAT_ENABLED} ) { emit <<'EOF'; delete_nat for chain in PREROUTING POSTROUTING OUTPUT; do qt $IPTABLES -t nat -P $chain ACCEPT done EOF } emit <<'EOF'; if [ -f ${VARDIR}/proxyarp ]; then while read address interface external haveroute; do qt arp -i $external -d $address pub [ -z "${haveroute}${NOROUTES}" ] && qt ip route del $address dev $interface f=/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$interface/proxy_arp [ -f $f ] && echo 0 > $f done < ${VARDIR}/proxyarp fi rm -f ${VARDIR}/proxyarp EOF push_indent; emit 'delete_tc1' if $config{CLEAR_TC}; emit( 'undo_routing', 'restore_default_route' ); my $criticalhosts = process_criticalhosts; if ( @$criticalhosts ) { if ( $config{ADMINISABSENTMINDED} ) { emit ( 'for chain in INPUT OUTPUT; do', ' setpolicy $chain ACCEPT', 'done', '', 'setpolicy FORWARD DROP', '', 'deleteallchains', '' ); for my $hosts ( @$criticalhosts ) { my ( $interface, $host ) = ( split /:/, $hosts ); my $source = match_source_net $host; my $dest = match_dest_net $host; emit( "\$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $interface $source -j ACCEPT", "\$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $interface $dest -j ACCEPT" ); } emit( '', 'for chain in INPUT OUTPUT; do', ' setpolicy $chain DROP', "done\n" ); } else { emit( '', 'for chain in INPUT OUTPUT; do', ' setpolicy \$chain ACCEPT', 'done', '', 'setpolicy FORWARD DROP', '', "deleteallchains\n" ); for my $hosts ( @$criticalhosts ) { my ( $interface, $host ) = ( split /:/, $hosts ); my $source = match_source_net $host; my $dest = match_dest_net $host; emit( "\$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $interface $source -j ACCEPT", "\$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $interface $dest -j ACCEPT" ); } emit( "\nsetpolicy INPUT DROP", '', 'for chain in INPUT FORWARD; do', ' setcontinue $chain', "done\n" ); } } elsif ( $config{ADMINISABSENTMINDED} ) { emit( 'for chain in INPUT FORWARD; do', ' setpolicy $chain DROP', 'done', '', 'setpolicy OUTPUT ACCEPT', '', 'deleteallchains', '', 'for chain in INPUT FORWARD; do', ' setcontinue $chain', "done\n", ); } else { emit( 'for chain in INPUT OUTPUT FORWARD; do', ' setpolicy $chain DROP', 'done', '', "deleteallchains\n" ); } process_routestopped; emit( '$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT', '$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT' ); emit '$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT' unless $config{ADMINISABSENTMINDED}; my $interfaces = find_interfaces_by_option 'dhcp'; for my $interface ( @$interfaces ) { emit "\$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p udp -i $interface --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT"; emit "\$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -p udp -o $interface --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT" unless $config{ADMINISABSENTMINDED}; # # This might be a bridge # emit "\$IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p udp -i $interface -o $interface --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT"; } emit ''; if ( $config{IP_FORWARDING} eq 'on' ) { emit( 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'progress_message2 IP Forwarding Enabled' ); } elsif ( $config{IP_FORWARDING} eq 'off' ) { emit( 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'progress_message2 IP Forwarding Disabled!' ); } emit 'run_stopped_exit'; pop_indent; emit ' set_state "Stopped" logger -p kern.info "$PRODUCT Stopped" case $COMMAND in stop|clear) ;; *) # # The firewall is being stopped when we were trying to do something # else. Kill the shell in case we\'re running in a subshell # kill $$ ;; esac } '; } # # Second Phase of Script Generation # # copies the 'prog.functions' file into the script, generates # clear_routing_and_traffic_shaping() and the first part of # 'setup_routing_and_traffic_shaping()' # # The bulk of that function is produced by the various config file # parsing routines that are called directly out of 'compiler()'. # # We create two separate functions rather than one so that the # define_firewall() shell can set global IP configuration variables # after the old config has been cleared and before we start instantiating # the new config. That way, the variables reflect the way that the # distribution's tools have configured IP without any Shorewall # modifications. # # Note: This function is not called when $command eq 'check'. So it must have no side effects other # than those related to writing to the object file. # sub generate_script_2 () { copy $globals{SHAREDIRPL} . 'prog.functions'; emit( '', '#', '# Clear Routing and Traffic Shaping', '#', 'clear_routing_and_traffic_shaping() {' ); push_indent; save_progress_message 'Initializing...'; if ( $export ) { my $fn = find_file 'modules'; if ( $fn ne "$globals{SHAREDIR}/modules" && -f $fn ) { emit 'echo MODULESDIR="$MODULESDIR" > ${VARDIR}/.modulesdir'; emit 'cat > ${VARDIR}/.modules << EOF'; open_file $fn; while ( read_a_line ) { emit_unindented $currentline; } emit_unindented 'EOF'; emit 'reload_kernel_modules < ${VARDIR}/.modules'; } else { emit 'load_kernel_modules Yes'; } } else { emit 'load_kernel_modules Yes'; } emit ''; for my $interface ( @{find_interfaces_by_option 'norfc1918'} ) { emit ( "addr=\$(ip -f inet addr show $interface 2> /dev/null | grep 'inet\ ' | head -n1)", 'if [ -n "$addr" ]; then', ' addr=$(echo $addr | sed \'s/inet //;s/\/.*//;s/ peer.*//\')', ' for network in; do', ' if in_network $addr $network; then', " error_message \"WARNING: The 'norfc1918' option has been specified on an interface with an RFC 1918 address. Interface:$interface\"", ' fi', ' done', "fi\n" ); } emit ( '[ "$COMMAND" = refresh ] && run_refresh_exit || run_init_exit', '', 'qt $IPTABLES -L shorewall -n && qt $IPTABLES -F shorewall && qt $IPTABLES -X shorewall', '', 'delete_proxyarp', '' ); if ( $capabilities{NAT_ENABLED} ) { emit( 'if [ -f ${VARDIR}/nat ]; then', ' while read external interface; do', ' del_ip_addr $external $interface', ' done < ${VARDIR}/nat', '', ' rm -f ${VARDIR}/nat', "fi\n" ); } emit "delete_tc1\n" if $config{CLEAR_TC}; emit "disable_ipv6\n" if $config{DISABLE_IPV6}; pop_indent; emit "}\n"; emit( '#', '# Setup Routing and Traffic Shaping', '#', 'setup_routing_and_traffic_shaping() {' ); push_indent; } # # Third (final) stage of script generation. # # Generate the end of 'setup_routing_and_traffic_shaping()': # Generate code for loading the various files in /var/lib/shorewall[-lite] # Generate code to add IP addresses under ADD_IP_ALIASES and ADD_SNAT_ALIASES # # Generate the 'setup_netfilter()' function that runs iptables-restore. # Generate the 'define_firewall()' function. # # Note: This function is not called when $command eq 'check'. So it must have no side effects other # than those related to writing to the object file. # sub generate_script_3($) { emit 'cat > ${VARDIR}/proxyarp << __EOF__'; dump_proxy_arp; emit_unindented '__EOF__'; emit( '', 'if [ "$COMMAND" != refresh ]; then' ); push_indent; emit 'cat > ${VARDIR}/chains << __EOF__'; dump_rule_chains; emit_unindented '__EOF__'; emit 'cat > ${VARDIR}/zones << __EOF__'; dump_zone_contents; emit_unindented '__EOF__'; pop_indent; emit "fi\n"; emit '> ${VARDIR}/nat'; add_addresses; pop_indent; emit "}\n"; progress_message2 "Creating iptables-restore input..."; create_netfilter_load; create_chainlist_reload( $_[0] ); emit "#\n# Start/Restart the Firewall\n#"; emit 'define_firewall() {'; push_indent; emit "\nclear_routing_and_traffic_shaping"; set_global_variables; emit ''; emit<<'EOF'; setup_routing_and_traffic_shaping if [ $COMMAND = restore ]; then iptables_save_file=${VARDIR}/$(basename $0)-iptables if [ -f $iptables_save_file ]; then cat $iptables_save_file | $IPTABLES_RESTORE # Use this nonsensical form to appease SELinux else fatal_error "$iptables_save_file does not exist" fi set_state "Started" else if [ $COMMAND = refresh ]; then chainlist_reload run_refreshed_exit $IPTABLES -N shorewall set_state "Started" else setup_netfilter restore_dynamic_rules run_start_exit $IPTABLES -N shorewall set_state "Started" run_started_exit fi cp -f $(my_pathname) ${VARDIR}/.restore fi date > ${VARDIR}/restarted case $COMMAND in start) logger -p kern.info "$PRODUCT started" ;; restart) logger -p kern.info "$PRODUCT restarted" ;; refresh) logger -p kern.info "$PRODUCT refreshed" ;; restore) logger -p kern.info "$PRODUCT restored" ;; esac EOF pop_indent; emit "}\n"; copy $globals{SHAREDIRPL} . 'prog.footer'; } # # The Compiler. # # If the first argument is non-null, it names the script file to generate. # Otherwise, this is a 'check' command and no script is produced. # sub compiler( $$$$$ ) { my ( $objectfile, $directory, $verbosity, $options , $chains ) = @_; $export = 0; reinitialize if $reused++; if ( $directory ne '' ) { fatal_error "$directory is not an existing directory" unless -d $directory; set_shorewall_dir( $directory ); } set_verbose( $verbosity ) unless $verbosity eq ''; $export = 1 if $options & EXPORT; set_timestamp( 1 ) if $options & TIMESTAMP; set_debug( 1 ) if $options & DEBUG; # # Get shorewall.conf and capabilities. # get_configuration( $export ); report_capabilities; require_capability( 'MULTIPORT' , "Shorewall-perl $globals{VERSION}" , 's' ); require_capability( 'RECENT_MATCH' , 'MACLIST_TTL' , 's' ) if $config{MACLIST_TTL}; require_capability( 'XCONNMARK' , 'HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes' , 's' ) if $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS}; require_capability( 'MANGLE_ENABLED' , 'Traffic Shaping' , 's' ) if $config{TC_ENABLED}; require_capability( 'CONNTRACK_MATCH' , 'RFC1918_STRICT=Yes' , 's' ) if $config{RFC1918_STRICT}; set_command( 'check', 'Checking', 'Checked' ) unless $objectfile; initialize_chain_table; unless ( $command eq 'check' ) { create_temp_object( $objectfile ); generate_script_1; } # # Process the zones file. # determine_zones; # # Process the interfaces file. # validate_interfaces_file ( $export ); # # Process the hosts file. # validate_hosts_file; # # Report zone contents # zone_report; # # Do action pre-processing. # process_actions1; # # Process the Policy File. # validate_policy; # # Compile the 'stop_firewall()' function # compile_stop_firewall; # # Start Second Part of script # generate_script_2 unless $command eq 'check'; # # Set up MSS rules # setup_mss; # # Do all of the zone-independent stuff # add_common_rules; # # /proc stuff # setup_arp_filtering; setup_route_filtering; setup_martian_logging; setup_source_routing; setup_forwarding; # # Proxy Arp # setup_proxy_arp; # # Handle MSS setings in the zones file # setup_zone_mss; # # [Re-]establish Routing # setup_providers; # # TOS # process_tos; # # ECN # setup_ecn; # # Setup Masquerading/SNAT # setup_masq; # # MACLIST Filtration # setup_mac_lists 1; # # Process the rules file. # process_rules; # # Add Tunnel rules. # setup_tunnels; # # Post-rules action processing. # process_actions2; process_actions3; # # MACLIST Filtration again # setup_mac_lists 2; # # Apply Policies # apply_policy_rules; # # TCRules and Traffic Shaping # setup_tc; # # Setup Nat # setup_nat; # # Setup NETMAP # setup_netmap; # # Accounting. # setup_accounting; # # We generate the matrix even though we don't write out the rules. That way, we insure that # a compile of the script won't blow up during that step. # generate_matrix; if ( $command eq 'check' ) { progress_message3 "Shorewall configuration verified"; } else { # # Finish the script. # generate_script_3( $chains ); finalize_object ( $export ); # # And generate the auxilary config file # generate_aux_config if $export; } 1; } 1;