<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd"> <article> <!--$Id$--> <articleinfo> <title>Xen and the Art of Consolidation</title> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>Tom</firstname> <surname>Eastep</surname> </author> </authorgroup> <pubdate><?dbtimestamp format="Y/m/d"?></pubdate> <copyright> <year>2006</year> <year>2007</year> <holder>Thomas M. Eastep</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <quote><ulink url="GnuCopyright.htm">GNU Free Documentation License</ulink></quote>.</para> </legalnotice> </articleinfo> <caution> <para>This article applies to Shorewall 3.0 and later. If you are running a version of Shorewall earlier than Shorewall 3.0.0 then please see the documentation for that release.</para> </caution> <section> <title>Xen Network Environment</title> <para><ulink url="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/">Xen</ulink> is a <firstterm>paravirtualization</firstterm> tool that allows you to run multiple virtual machines on one physical machine. It is available on a wide number of platforms and is included in recent <trademark>SUSE</trademark> distributions.</para> <para>Xen refers to the virtual machines as <firstterm>Domains</firstterm>. Domains are numbered with the first domain being domain 0, the second domain 1, and so on. Domain 0 (<firstterm>Dom0</firstterm>) is special because that is the domain created when the machine is booted. Additional domains (called <firstterm>DomU</firstterm>'s) are created using the <command>xm create</command> command from within Domain 0. Additional domains can also be created automatically at boot time by using the <command>xendomains</command> service.</para> <para>Xen virtualizes a network interface named <filename class="devicefile">eth0</filename><footnote> <para>This assumes the default Xen configuration created by <command>xend </command>and assumes that the host system has a single Ethernet interface named <filename class="devicefile">eth0</filename>.</para> </footnote>in each domain. In Dom0, Xen also creates a bridge (<filename class="devicefile">xenbr0</filename>) and a number of virtual interfaces as shown in the following diagram.</para> <graphic align="center" fileref="images/Xen1.png"/> <para>I use the term <firstterm>Extended Dom0</firstterm> to distinguish the bridge and virtual interfaces from Dom0 itself. That distinction is important when we try to apply Shorewall in this environment.</para> <para>The bridge has a number of ports:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>peth0 — This is the port that connects to the physical network interface in your system.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>vif0.0 — This is the bridge port that is used by traffic to/from Domain 0.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>vifX.0 — This is the bridge port that is used by traffic to/from Domain X.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </section> <section id="Before"> <title>Before Xen</title> <para>Prior to adopting Xen, I had a home office crowded with 5 systems, three monitors a scanner and a printer. The systems were:</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>Firewall</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Public Server in a DMZ (mail)</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Private Server (wookie)</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>My personal Linux Desktop (ursa)</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>My work system (docked laptop running Windows XP).</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para>The result was a very crowded and noisy room.</para> </section> <section id="After"> <title>After Xen</title> <para>Xen has allowed me to reduce the noise and clutter considerably. I now have three systems with two monitors. I've also replaced the individual printer and scanner with a Multifunction FAX/Scanner/Printer.</para> <para>The systems now include:</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>Combination Firewall/Public Server/Private Server/Wireless Gateway using Xen (created by building out my Linux desktop system).</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>My work system.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>My Linux desktop (wookie, which is actually the old public server box)</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para>Most of the Linux systems run <trademark>SUSE </trademark>10.1; my personal Linux desktop system and our Linux Laptop run <trademark>Ubuntu</trademark> "Dapper Drake".</para> <para><emphasis role="bold">The configuration described below uses a bridged Xen Networking configuration; if you want to see how to accomplish a similar configuration using a Routed Xen configuration then please see <ulink url="XenMyWay-Routed.html">this article</ulink>. I am now using the routed configuration because it results in one fewer domains to administer.</emphasis></para> <para>Here is a high-level diagram of our network.</para> <graphic align="center" fileref="images/Xen5.png"/> <para>As shown in this diagram, the Xen system has three physical network interfaces. These are:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para><filename class="devicefile">eth0</filename> -- connected to the switch in my office. That switch is cabled to a second switch in my wife's office where my wife has her desktop and networked printer (I sure wish that there had been wireless back when I strung that CAT-5 cable halfway across the house).</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para><filename class="devicefile">eth1</filename> -- connected to our DSL "Modem".</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para><filename class="devicefile">eth2</filename> -- connected to a Wireless Access Point (WAP) that interfaces to our wireless network.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>There are three Xen domains.</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>Dom0 (DNS name ursa.shorewall.net) is used as a local file server (NFS and Samba).</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The first DomU (Dom name <emphasis role="bold">firewall</emphasis>, DNS name gateway.shorewall.net) is used as our main firewall and wireless gateway.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The second DomU (Dom name <emphasis role="bold">lists</emphasis>, DNS name lists.shorewall.net) is used as a public Web/FTP/Mail/DNS server.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para>Shorewall runs in Dom0 and in the firewall domain.</para> <caution> <para>As the developer of Shorewall, I have enough experience to be very comfortable with Linux networking and Shorewall/iptables. I arrived at this configuration after a fair amount of trial and error experimentation. If you are a Linux networking novice, I recommend that you do not attempt a configuration like this one for your first Shorewall installation. You are very likely to frustrate both yourself and the Shorewall support team. Rather I suggest that you start with something simple like a <ulink url="standalone.htm">standalone installation</ulink> in a domU; once you are comfortable with that then you will be ready to try something more substantial.</para> <para>As Paul Gear says: <emphasis>Shorewall might make iptables easy, but it doesn't make understanding fundamental networking principles, traffic shaping, or multi-ISP routing any easier</emphasis>.</para> <para>The same goes for Xen networking.</para> </caution> <section id="Domains"> <title>Domain Configuration</title> <para>Below are the relevant configuration files for the three domains. I use partitions on my hard drives for DomU storage devices.</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/boot/grub/menu.lst</filename> — here is the entry that boots Xen in Dom0.</para> <programlisting>title XEN root (hd0,1) kernel /boot/xen.gz dom0_mem=458752 sched=bvt module /boot/vmlinuz-xen root=/dev/hda2 vga=0x31a selinux=0 resume=/dev/hda1 splash=silent showopts module /boot/initrd-xen</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/modprobe.conf.local</filename></para> <para><filename class="devicefile">eth1</filename> (PCI 00:09.0) and <filename class="devicefile">eth2</filename> (PCI 00:0a.0) are delegated to the firewall DomU where they become <filename class="devicefile">eth3</filename> and <filename class="devicefile">eth4</filename> respectively. The SUSE 10.1 Xen kernel compiles pciback as a module so the instructions for PCI delegation in the Xen Users Manual can't be followed directly (see <ulink url="http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/Assign_hardware_to_DomU_with_PCIBack_as_module">http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/Assign_hardware_to_DomU_with_PCIBack_as_module</ulink>).</para> <programlisting>options pciback hide=(00:09.0)(00:0a.0) install tulip /sbin/modprobe pciback ; /sbin/modprobe --first-time --ignore-install tulip options netloop nloopbacks=1</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/xen/auto/01-firewall</filename> — configuration file for the firewall domain</para> <programlisting># -*- mode: python; -*- # configuration name: name = "firewall" # usable ram: memory = 384 # kernel and initrd: kernel = "/xen2/vmlinuz-xen" ramdisk = "/xen2/initrd-xen" # boot device: root = "/dev/hdb2" # boot to run level: extra = "3" # network interface: vif = [ 'mac=aa:cc:00:00:00:02, bridge=xenbr0', 'mac=aa:cc:00:00:00:03, bridge=xenbr1' ] # Interfaces delegated from Dom0 pci=[ '00:09.0' , '00:0a.0' ] # storage devices: disk = [ 'phy:hdb2,hdb2,w' ]</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/xen/auto/02-lists</filename> — configuration file for the lists domain</para> <programlisting># -*- mode: python; -*- # configuration name: name = "lists" # usable ram: memory = 512 # kernel and initrd: kernel = "/xen2/vmlinuz-xen" ramdisk = "/xen2/initrd-xen" # boot device: root = "/dev/hda3" # boot to run level: extra = "3" # network interface: vif = [ 'mac=aa:cc:00:00:00:01, bridge=xenbr1' ] hostname = name # storage devices: disk = [ 'phy:hda3,hda3,w' ]</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>With all three Xen domains up and running, the system looks as shown in the following diagram.</para> <graphic align="center" fileref="images/Xen4.png"/> <para>The zones correspond to the Shorewall zones in the firewall DomU configuration.</para> <note> <para>If you want to run a simple NAT gateway in a Xen DomU, just omit the second bridge (xenbr1), the second delegated interface, and the second DomU from the above configuration. You can then install the <ulink url="two-interface.htm">normal Shorewall two-interface sample configuration</ulink> in the DomU.</para> </note> <caution> <para>Under some circumstances, UDP and/or TCP communication from a domU won't work for no obvious reason. That happened with the <emphasis role="bold">lists</emphasis> domain in my setup. Looking at the IP traffic with <command>tcpdump -nvvi eth1</command> in the <emphasis role="bold">firewall</emphasis> domU showed that UDP packets from the <emphasis role="bold">lists</emphasis> domU had incorrect checksums. That problem was corrected by arranging for the following command to be executed in the <emphasis role="bold">lists</emphasis> domain when its <filename class="devicefile">eth0</filename> device was brought up:</para> <para><command>ethtool -K eth0 tx off</command></para> <para>Under SUSE 10.1, I placed the following in <filename>/etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d/resettx</filename> (that file is executable):</para> <programlisting>#!/bin/sh if [ $2 = eth0 ]; then ethtool -K eth0 tx off echo "TX Checksum reset on eth0" fi</programlisting> <para>Under other distributions, the technique will vary. For example, under <trademark>Debian</trademark> or <trademark>Ubuntu</trademark>, you can just add a 'post-up' entry to <filename>/etc/network/interfaces</filename> as shown here:</para> <programlisting> iface eth0 inet static address netmask post-up ethtool -K eth0 tx off</programlisting> </caution> <caution> <para>Update. Under SUSE 10.2, communication from a domU works okay without running ethtool <emphasis role="bold">but traffic shaping in dom0 doesn't work!</emphasis> So it's a good idea to run it just to be safe.</para> </caution> <para>SUSE 10.1 includes Xen 3.0.2 which supports PCI delegation. The network interfaces that connect to the net and wifi zones are delegated to the firewall DomU.</para> <para>When Shorewall starts during bootup of Dom0, it creates the two bridges using this <filename>/etc/shorewall/init</filename> extension script:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting>for bridge in xenbr0 xenbr1; do if [ -z "$(/sbin/brctl show 2> /dev/null | fgrep $bridge)" ]; then /sbin/brctl addbr $bridge /sbin/ip link set dev $bridge up fi done</programlisting> </blockquote> </section> <section id="Dom0"> <title>Dom0 Configuration</title> <para>The goals for the Shorewall configuration in Dom0 are as follows:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Allow traffic to flow unrestricted through the two bridges. This is done by configuring the hosts connected to each bridge as a separate zone and relying on Shorewall's implicit intra-zone ACCEPT policy to permit traffic through the bridge.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Ensure that there is no stray traffic between the zones. This is a "belt+suspenders" measure since there should be no routing between the bridges (because they don't have IP addresses).</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>The configuration is a simple one:</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN_OPTIONS OUT_OPTIONS fw firewall loc ipv4 dmz ipv4</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/policy</filename> (Note the unusual use of an ACCEPT all->all policy):</para> <programlisting>#SOURCE DEST POLICY LOGLEVEL LIMIT dmz all REJECT info all dmz REJECT info all all ACCEPT</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/interfaces</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS loc xenbr0 dhcp,routeback dmz xenbr1 - routeback</programlisting> </blockquote> </section> <section id="Firewall"> <title>Firewall DomU Configuration</title> <para>In the firewall DomU, I run a conventional three-interface firewall with Proxy ARP DMZ -- it is very similar to the firewall described in the <ulink url="shorewall_setup_guide.htm">Shorewall Setup Guide</ulink> with the exception that I've added a fourth interface for our wireless network. The firewall runs a routed <ulink url="OPENVPN.html">OpenVPN server</ulink> to provide road warrior access for our two laptops and a bridged OpenVPN server for the wireless network in our home. Here is the firewall's view of the network:</para> <graphic align="center" fileref="images/network4.png"/> <para>The two laptops can be directly attached to the LAN as shown above or they can be attached wirelessly -- their IP addresses are the same in either case; when they are directly attached, the IP address is assigned by the DHCP server running in Dom0 and when they are attached wirelessly, the IP address is assigned by OpenVPN.</para> <para>The Shorewall configuration files are shown below. All routing and secondary IP addresses are handled in the SUSE network configuration.</para> <blockquote> <para>/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf:</para> <programlisting>STARTUP_ENABLED=Yes VERBOSITY=0 LOGFILE=/var/log/firewall LOGFORMAT="Shorewall:%s:%s:" LOGTAGONLY=No LOGRATE= LOGBURST= LOGALLNEW= BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL= MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL=$LOG TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL=$LOG SMURF_LOG_LEVEL=$LOG LOG_MARTIANS=No IPTABLES=/usr/sbin/iptables PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin SHOREWALL_SHELL=/bin/bash SUBSYSLOCK= MODULESDIR= CONFIG_PATH=/etc/shorewall:/usr/share/shorewall RESTOREFILE=standard IPSECFILE=zones IP_FORWARDING=On ADD_IP_ALIASES=No ADD_SNAT_ALIASES=No RETAIN_ALIASES=No TC_ENABLED=Internal CLEAR_TC=Yes MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN=Yes CLAMPMSS=Yes ROUTE_FILTER=No DETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS=Yes MUTEX_TIMEOUT=60 ADMINISABSENTMINDED=Yes BLACKLISTNEWONLY=Yes DELAYBLACKLISTLOAD=No MODULE_SUFFIX= DISABLE_IPV6=Yes BRIDGING=No DYNAMIC_ZONES=No PKTTYPE=No MACLIST_TTL=60 SAVE_IPSETS=No MAPOLDACTIONS=No FASTACCEPT=Yes BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=DROP MACLIST_TABLE=mangle MACLIST_DISPOSITION=DROP TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION=DROP</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN_OPTIONS OUT_OPTIONS fw firewall net ipv4 #Internet loc ipv4 #Local wired Zone dmz ipv4 #DMZ vpn ipv4 #Open VPN clients wifi ipv4 #Local Wireless Zone</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/policy</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#SOURCE DEST POLICY LOGLEVEL LIMIT $FW $FW ACCEPT $FW net ACCEPT loc net ACCEPT $FW vpn ACCEPT vpn net ACCEPT vpn loc ACCEPT loc vpn ACCEPT $FW loc ACCEPT wifi all REJECT $LOG loc $FW REJECT $LOG net $FW DROP $LOG 1/sec:2 net loc DROP $LOG 2/sec:4 net dmz DROP $LOG 8/sec:30 net vpn DROP $LOG all all REJECT $LOG</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/params (edited)</filename>:</para> <programlisting>MIRRORS=<comma-separated list of Shorewall mirrors> NTPSERVERS=<comma-separated list of NTP servers I sync with> POPSERVERS=<comma-separated list of server IP addresses> LOG=info INT_IF=eth0 DMZ_IF=eth1 EXT_IF=eth3 WIFI_IF=eth4 OMAK=<IP address at our second home></programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/init</filename>:</para> <programlisting>echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/interfaces</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS net $EXT_IF dhcp,logmartians,blacklist,tcpflags,nosmurfs dmz $DMZ_IF logmartians loc $INT_IF dhcp,routeback,logmartians wifi $WIFI_IF dhcp,maclist vpn tun+ - </programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/nat</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#EXTERNAL INTERFACE INTERNAL ALLINTS LOCAL $EXT_IF No No #Wookie $EXT_IF No No #Work LapTop </programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/masq (Note the cute trick here and in the <filename>following proxyarp</filename> file that allows me to access the DSL "Modem" using its default IP address (</filename>. The leading "+" is required to place the rule before the SNAT rules generated by entries in <filename>/etc/shorewall/nat</filename> above.</para> <programlisting>#INTERFACE SUBNET ADDRESS PROTO DPORT IPSEC +$EXT_IF: $EXT_IF</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/proxyarp</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ADDRESS INTERFACE EXTERNAL HAVEROUTE PERSISTENT $EXT_IF $INT_IF yes $DMZ_IF $EXT_IF yes</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#TYPE ZONE GATEWAY GATEWAY_ZONE openvpnserver:udp net #Routed server for RoadWarrior access openvpnserver:udp wifi #Home wireless network server </programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/actions</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ACTION Mirrors # Accept traffic from Shorewall Mirrors </programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/action.Mirrors</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#TARGET SOURCE DEST PROTO PORT SPORT ORIGDEST RATE ACCEPT $MIRRORS</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/rules</filename>:</para> <programlisting>?SECTION NEW ############################################################################################################################################################################### #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DPORT SPORT ORIGDEST RATE USER ############################################################################################################################################################################### REJECT:$LOG loc net tcp 25 REJECT:$LOG loc net udp 1025:1031 # # Stop NETBIOS crap # REJECT loc net tcp 137,445 REJECT loc net udp 137:139 # # Stop my idiotic work laptop from sending to the net with an HP source/dest IP address # DROP loc:! net ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Local Network to Firewall # DROP loc:! fw # Silently drop traffic with an HP source IP from my XP box ACCEPT loc fw tcp 22 ACCEPT loc fw tcp time,631,8080 ACCEPT loc fw udp 161,ntp,631 ACCEPT loc: fw udp 111 DROP loc fw tcp 3185 #SUSE Meta pppd Ping(ACCEPT) loc fw REDIRECT loc 3128 tcp 80 - ! ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Road Warriors to Firewall # ACCEPT vpn fw tcp ssh,time,631,8080 ACCEPT vpn fw udp 161,ntp,631 Ping(ACCEPT) vpn fw ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Road Warriors to DMZ # ACCEPT vpn dmz udp domain ACCEPT vpn dmz tcp www,smtp,smtps,domain,ssh,imap,https,imaps,ftp,10023,pop3 - Ping(ACCEPT) vpn dmz ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Local network to DMZ # ACCEPT loc dmz udp domain ACCEPT loc dmz tcp ssh,smtps,www,ftp,imaps,domain,https - ACCEPT loc dmz tcp smtp Trcrt(ACCEPT) loc dmz ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Internet to ALL -- drop NewNotSyn packets # dropNotSyn net fw tcp dropNotSyn net loc tcp dropNotSyn net dmz tcp ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Internet to DMZ # ACCEPT net dmz udp domain ACCEPT net dmz tcp smtps,www,ftp,imaps,domain,https - ACCEPT net dmz tcp smtp -, ACCEPT net dmz udp 33434:33454 Mirrors net dmz tcp rsync Limit:$LOG:SSHA,3,60\ net dmz tcp 22 Trcrt(ACCEPT) net dmz ############################################################################################################################################################################## # # Net to Local # # When I'm "on the road", the following two rules allow me VPN access back home using PPTP. # DNAT net loc: tcp 1729 DNAT net loc: gre # # Roadwarrior access to Wookie # ACCEPT net:$OMAK loc tcp 22 Limit:$LOG:SSHA,3,60\ net loc tcp 22 # # ICQ # ACCEPT net loc: tcp 113,4000:4100 # # Bittorrent # ACCEPT net loc: tcp 6881:6889,6969 ACCEPT net loc: udp 6881:6889,6969 # # Skype # ACCEPT net loc: tcp 1194 # # Traceroute # Trcrt(ACCEPT) net loc: # # Silently Handle common probes # REJECT net loc tcp www,ftp,https DROP net loc icmp 8 ############################################################################################################################################################################### # DMZ to Internet # ACCEPT dmz net udp domain,ntp ACCEPT dmz net tcp echo,ftp,ssh,smtp,whois,domain,www,81,https,cvspserver,2702,2703,8080 ACCEPT dmz net:$POPSERVERS tcp pop3 Ping(ACCEPT) dmz net # # Some FTP clients seem prone to sending the PORT command split over two packets. This prevents the FTP connection tracking # code from processing the command and setting up the proper expectation. The following rule allows active FTP to work in these cases # but logs the connection so I can keep an eye on this potential security hole. # ACCEPT:$LOG dmz net tcp 1024: 20 ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Local to DMZ # ACCEPT loc dmz udp domain,xdmcp ACCEPT loc dmz tcp www,smtp,smtps,domain,ssh,imap,rsync,https,imaps,ftp,10023,pop3,3128 Trcrt(ACCEPT) loc dmz ############################################################################################################################################################################### # DMZ to Local # ACCEPT dmz loc: udp 123 ACCEPT dmz loc: tcp 21 Ping(ACCEPT) dmz loc ############################################################################################################################################################################### # DMZ to Firewall -- ntp & snmp, Silently reject Auth # ACCEPT dmz fw tcp 161,ssh ACCEPT dmz fw udp 161 REJECT dmz fw tcp auth Ping(ACCEPT) dmz fw ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Internet to Firewall # REJECT net fw tcp www,ftp,https DROP net fw icmp 8 ACCEPT net fw udp 33434:33454 ACCEPT net:$OMAK fw udp ntp ACCEPT net fw tcp auth ACCEPT net:$OMAK fw tcp 22 Limit:$LOG:SSHA,3,60\ net fw tcp 22 Trcrt(ACCEPT) net fw ############################################################################################################################################################################### # Firewall to DMZ # ACCEPT fw dmz tcp domain,www,ftp,ssh,smtp,https,993,465 ACCEPT fw dmz udp domain REJECT fw dmz udp 137:139 Ping(ACCEPT) fw dmz ############################################################################################################################################################################## # Avoid logging Freenode.net probes # DROP net: all </programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/tcdevices</filename></para> <programlisting>#INTERFACE IN_BANDWITH OUT_BANDWIDTH $EXT_IF 1300kbit 384kbit</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/tcclasses</filename><programlisting>#INTERFACE MARK RATE CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS $EXT_IF 10 5*full/10 full 1 tcp-ack,tos-minimize-delay $EXT_IF 20 3*full/10 9*full/10 2 default $EXT_IF 30 2*full/10 6*full/10 3</programlisting></para> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/mangle</filename><programlisting>#ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DPORT SPORT USER TEST CLASSIFY(1:110) $EXT_IF #Our internal nets get priority #over the server CLASSIFY(1:130) $EXT_IF tcp - 873 #Throttle rsync traffic to the #Shorewall Mirrors. </programlisting></para> </blockquote> <para>The tap0 device used by the bridged OpenVPN server is bridged to eth0 using a SUSE-specific SysV init script:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting>#!/bin/sh # # The Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall) Packet Filtering Firewall - V3.0 # # This program is under GPL [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt] # # (c) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 - Tom Eastep (teastep@shorewall.net) # # On most distributions, this file should be called /etc/init.d/shorewall. # # Complete documentation is available at http://shorewall.net # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # If an error occurs while starting or restarting the firewall, the # firewall is automatically stopped. # # Commands are: # # bridge start Starts the bridge # bridge restart Restarts the bridge # bridge reload Restarts the bridge # bridge stop Stops the bridge # bridge status Displays bridge status # # chkconfig: 2345 4 99 # description: Packet filtering firewall ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: bridge # Required-Start: boot.udev # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: 2 3 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Description: starts and stops the bridge ### END INIT INFO ################################################################################ # Interfaces to be bridged -- may be listed by device name or by MAC # INTERFACES="eth0" # # Tap Devices # TAPS="tap0" ################################################################################ # Give Usage Information # ################################################################################ usage() { echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|reload|restart|status" exit 1 } ################################################################################# # Find the interface with the passed MAC address ################################################################################# find_interface_by_mac() { local mac mac=$1 local first local second local rest local dev /sbin/ip link ls | while read first second rest; do case $first in *:) dev=$second ;; *) if [ "$second" = $mac ]; then echo ${dev%:} return fi esac done } ################################################################################ # Convert MAC addresses to interface names ################################################################################ get_interfaces() { local interfaces interfaces= local interface for interface in $INTERFACES; do case $interface in *:*:*) interface=$(find_interface_by_mac $interface) [ -n "$interface" ] || echo "WARNING: Can't find an interface with MAC address $mac" ;; esac interfaces="$interfaces $interface" done INTERFACES="$interfaces" } ################################################################################ # Start the Bridge ################################################################################ do_start() { local interface get_interfaces for interface in $TAPS; do /usr/sbin/openvpn --mktun --dev $interface done /sbin/brctl addbr br0 for interface in $INTERFACES $TAPS; do /sbin/ip link set $interface up /sbin/brctl addif br0 $interface done } ################################################################################ # Stop the Bridge ################################################################################ do_stop() { local interface get_interfaces for interface in $INTERFACES $TAPS; do /sbin/brctl delif br0 $interface /sbin/ip link set $interface down done /sbin/ip link set br0 down /sbin/brctl delbr br0 for interface in $TAPS; do /usr/sbin/openvpn --rmtun --dev $interface done } ################################################################################ # E X E C U T I O N B E G I N S H E R E # ################################################################################ command="$1" case "$command" in start) do_start ;; stop) do_stop ;; restart|reload) do_stop do_start ;; status) /sbin/brctl show ;; *) usage ;; esac </programlisting> </blockquote> </section> </section> </article>