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    <refmiscinfo>Configuration Files</refmiscinfo>


    <refpurpose>Shorewall file</refpurpose>



    <para>This file was added in Shorewall 4.4.15 and is used to define routes
    to be added to provider routing tables.</para>

    <para>The columns in the file are as follows.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">PROVIDER</emphasis></term>

          <para>The name or number of a provider defined in <ulink
          (5). Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.14, you may also enter
          <option>main</option> in this column to add routes to the main
          routing table.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">DEST</emphasis></term>

          <para>Destination host address or network address.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">GATEWAY</emphasis> (Optional)</term>

          <para>If specified, gives the IP address of the gateway to the

          <para>Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.14, you may specify
          <option>blackhole</option> in this column to create a
          <firstterm>blackhole</firstterm> route.</para>

          <para>Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.15, you may specify
          <option>prohibit</option> or <option>unreachable</option> in this
          column to create a <firstterm>prohibit</firstterm> or
          <firstterm>unreachable</firstterm> route respectively.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">DEVICE</emphasis> (Optional)</term>

          <para>Specifies the device route. If neither DEVICE nor GATEWAY is
          given, then the INTERFACE specified for the PROVIDER in <ulink
          (5). This column must be omitted if <option>blackhole</option>,
          <option>prohibit</option> or <option>unreachable</option> is
          specified in the GATEWAY column.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">OPTIONS</emphasis> (Optional)</term>

          <para>Added in Shorewall 5.0.2.</para>

          <para>Allowed options are:</para>

              <term><emphasis role="bold">persistent</emphasis></term>

                <para>If specified, the route remains in the provider's
                routing table even when the provider is disabled.</para>




    <title>See ALSO</title>

