shorewall-interfaces5Configuration FilesinterfacesShorewall interfaces file/etc/shorewall[6]/interfacesDescriptionThe interfaces file serves to define the firewall's network
interfaces to Shorewall. The order of entries in this file is not
significant in determining zone composition.Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.3, the interfaces file supports two
different formats:FORMAT 1 (default - deprecated)There is a BROADCAST column which can be used to specify the
broadcast address associated with the interface.FORMAT 2The BROADCAST column is omitted.The format is specified by a line as follows:
?FORMAT {1|2}
The columns in the file are as follows.ZONE -
zone-nameZone for this interface. Must match the name of a zone
declared in /etc/shorewall/zones. You may not list the firewall zone
in this column.If the interface serves multiple zones that will be defined in
the shorewall-hosts(5)
file, you should place "-" in this column.If there are multiple interfaces to the same zone, you must
list them in separate entries.Example:
loc eth1 -
loc eth2 -
interface[:port]Logical name of interface. Each interface may be listed only
once in this file. You may NOT specify the name of a "virtual"
interface (e.g., eth0:0) here; see
If the option is not specified, then the
logical name is also the name of the actual interface.You may use wildcards here by specifying a prefix followed by
the plus sign ("+"). For example, if you want to make an entry that
applies to all PPP interfaces, use 'ppp+'; that would match ppp0,
ppp1, ppp2, …When using Shorewall versions before 4.1.4, care must be
exercised when using wildcards where there is another zone that uses
a matching specific interface. See shorewall-nesting(5)
for a discussion of this problem.Shorewall allows '+' as an interface name, but that usage is
deprecated. A better approach is to specify
'=+' in the OPTIONS column (see
below).There is no need to define the loopback interface (lo) in this
file.If a port is given, then the
interface must have been defined
previously with the option. The OPTIONS
column may not contain the following options when a
port is given.arp_filterarp_ignorebridgelog_martiansmssoptionalproxyarprequiredroutefiltersourcerouteupnpwaitBeginning with Shorewall 4.5.17, if you specify a zone for the
'lo' interface, then that zone must be defined as type
in shorewall6-zones(5).BROADCAST (Optional) -
{-|detect|address[,address]...}Only available if FORMAT 1.If you use the special value detect, Shorewall will detect the broadcast
address(es) for you if your iptables and kernel include Address Type
Match support.If your iptables and/or kernel lack Address Type Match support
then you may list the broadcast address(es) for the network(s) to
which the interface belongs. For P-T-P interfaces, this column is
left blank. If the interface has multiple addresses on multiple
subnets then list the broadcast addresses as a comma-separated
list.If you don't want to give a value for this column but you want
to enter a value in the OPTIONS column, enter - in this column.OPTIONS (Optional) -
[option[,option]...]A comma-separated list of options from the following list. The
order in which you list the options is not significant but the list
should have no embedded white-space.accept_ra[={0|1|2}]IPv6 only; added in Shorewall 4.5.16. Values are:0Do not accept Router Advertisements.1Accept Route Advertisements if forwarding is
disabled.2Overrule forwarding behavior. Accept Route
Advertisements even if forwarding is enabled.If the option is specified without a value, then the
value 1 is assumed.This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.arp_filter[={0|1}]IPv4 only. If specified, this interface will only
respond to ARP who-has requests for IP addresses configured on
the interface. If not specified, the interface can respond to
ARP who-has requests for IP addresses on any of the firewall's
interface. The interface must be up when Shorewall is
started.Only those interfaces with the
option will have their setting
changed; the value assigned to the setting will be the value
specified (if any) or 1 if no value is given.This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.arp_ignore[=number]IPv4 only. If specified, this interface will respond to
arp requests based on the value of number
(defaults to 1).1 - reply only if the target IP address is local address
configured on the incoming interface2 - reply only if the target IP address is local address
configured on the incoming interface and the sender's IP
address is part from same subnet on this interface's
address3 - do not reply for local addresses configured with
scope host, only resolutions for global and link4-7 - reserved8 - do not reply for all local addressesThis option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.Do not specify arp_ignore for any interface involved
in Proxy ARP.blacklistChecks packets arriving on this interface against the
file.Beginning with Shorewall 4.4.13:If a zone is given in the
ZONES column, then the behavior is as if blacklist had been specified in the
IN_OPTIONS column of shorewall-zones(5).Otherwise, the option is ignored with a
WARNING: The 'blacklist'
option is ignored on multi-zone
bridgeDesignates the interface as a bridge. Beginning with
Shorewall 4.4.7, setting this option also sets
.If you have a bridge that you don't intend to define
bport zones on, then it is best to omit this option and
simply specify .dbl={none|src|dst|src-dst}Added in Shorewall 5.0.10. This option defined whether
or not dynamic blacklisting is applied to packets entering the
firewall through this interface and whether the source address
and/or destination address is to be compared against the
ipset-based dynamic blacklist (DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=ipset... in
The default is determine by the setting of
(e.g., no dynamic blacklist checking).DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=YesDefault is src
(e.g., the source IP address is checked).DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=ipset[-only]Default is src.DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=ipset[-only],src-dst...Default is src-dst (e.g., the source IP
addresses in checked against the ipset on input and the
destination IP address is checked against the ipset on
packets originating from the firewall and leaving
through this interface).The normal setting for this option will be dst or none for internal interfaces and
src or src-dst for Internet-facing
interfaces.destonlyAdded in Shorewall 4.5.17. Causes the compiler to omit
rules to handle traffic from this interface.dhcpSpecify this option when any of the following are
true:the interface gets its IP address via DHCPthe interface is used by a DHCP server running on
the firewallthe interface has a static IP but is on a LAN
segment with lots of DHCP clients.the interface is a simple bridge with a DHCP
server on one port and DHCP clients on another
port.If you use Shorewall-perl for
firewall/bridging, then you need to include
DHCP-specific rules in shorewall-rules(5).
DHCP uses UDP ports 67 and 68.This option allows DHCP datagrams to enter and leave the
interface.forward[={0|1}]IPv6 only Sets the
/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/interface/forwarding option to the
specified value. If no value is supplied, then 1 is
assumed.This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.ignore[=1]When specified, causes the generated script to ignore
up/down events from Shorewall-init for this device.
Additionally, the option exempts the interface from hairpin
filtering. When '=1' is omitted, the ZONE column must contain
'-' and must be the only
OPTION.Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.5, may be specified as
'' which only causes the generated
script to ignore up/down events from Shorewall-init; hairpin
filtering is still applied. In this case, the above
restrictions on the ZONE and OPTIONS columns are
lifted.loopbackAdded in Shorewall 4.6.6. Designates the interface as
the loopback interface. This option is assumed if the
interface's physical name is 'lo'. Only one interface man have
the option specified.logmartians[={0|1}]IPv4 only. Turn on kernel martian logging (logging of
packets with impossible source addresses. It is strongly
suggested that if you set routefilter on an interface that you
also set logmartians. Even if
you do not specify the option, it
is a good idea to specify because
your distribution may have enabled route filtering without you
knowing it.Only those interfaces with the
option will have their setting
changed; the value assigned to the setting will be the value
specified (if any) or 1 if no value is given.To find out if route filtering is set on a given
interface, check the contents of
- a non-zero value indicates that route filtering is
enabled.Example: teastep@lists:~$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter
teastep@lists:~$ This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
This option may also be enabled globally in the shorewall.conf(5)
maclistConnection requests from this interface are compared
against the contents of shorewall-maclist(5).
If this option is specified, the interface must be an Ethernet
NIC and must be up before Shorewall is started.mss=numberAdded in Shorewall 4.0.3. Causes forwarded TCP SYN
packets entering or leaving on this interface to have their
MSS field set to the specified
number.nets=(net[,...])Limit the zone named in the ZONE column to only the
listed networks. The parentheses may be omitted if only a
single net is given (e.g.,
nets= Limited broadcast to the zone is
supported. Beginning with Shorewall 4.4.1, multicast traffic
to the zone is also supported.nets=dynamicDefines the zone as dynamic.
Requires ipset match support in your iptables and kernel. See
for further information.nodblAdded in Shorewall 5.0.8. When specified, dynamic
blacklisting is disabled on the interface. Beginning with
Shorewall 5.0.10, nodbl is
equivalent to dbl=none.nosmurfsIPv4 only. Filter packets for smurfs (packets with a
broadcast address as the source).Smurfs will be optionally logged based on the setting of
SMURF_LOG_LEVEL in shorewall.conf(5).
After logging, the packets are dropped.optionalWhen is specified for an
interface, Shorewall will be silent when:a /proc/sys/net/ipv[46]/conf/
entry for the interface cannot be modified (including for
proxy ARP or proxy NDP).The first address of the interface cannot be
obtained.May not be specified with required.physical=nameAdded in Shorewall 4.4.4. When specified, the interface
or port name in the INTERFACE column is a logical name that
refers to the name given in this option. It is useful when you
want to specify the same wildcard port name on two or more
bridges. See the interface name is a wildcard
name (ends with '+'), then the physical
name must also end in '+'. The physical
name may end in '+' (or be exactly
'+') when the interface name is not
a wildcard name.If is not specified, then it's
value defaults to the interface
name.proxyarp[={0|1}]IPv4 only. Sets
Do NOT use this option if you are employing Proxy ARP through
entries in shorewall-proxyarp(5).
This option is intended solely for use with Proxy ARP
sub-networking as described at:
This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.Only those interfaces with the
option will have their setting changed; the value assigned to
the setting will be the value specified (if any) or 1 if no
value is given.proxyndp[={0|1}]IPv6 only. Sets
/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/interface/proxy_ndp.This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.Only those interfaces with the
option will have their setting changed; the value assigned to
the setting will be the value specified (if any) or 1 if no
value is given.requiredAdded in Shorewall 4.4.10. If this option is set, the
firewall will fail to start if the interface is not usable.
May not be specified together with optional.routeback[={0|1}]If specified, indicates that Shorewall should include
rules that allow traffic arriving on this interface to be
routed back out that same interface. This option is also
required when you have used a wildcard in the INTERFACE column
if you want to allow traffic between the interfaces that match
the wildcard.Beginning with Shorewall 4.4.20, if you specify this
option, then you should also specify either
(see below) or
on all interfaces (see
below).Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.18, you may specify this
option to explicitly reset (e.g., routeback=0). This can be used to
override Shorewall's default setting for bridge devices which
is routeback=1.routefilter[={0|1|2}]IPv4 only. Turn on kernel route filtering for this
interface (anti-spoofing measure).Only those interfaces with the
option will have their setting
changes; the value assigned to the setting will be the value
specified (if any) or 1 if no value is given.The value 2 is only available with Shorewall and
later when the kernel version is 2.6.31 or later. It specifies
a loose form of reverse path
filtering.This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.This option can also be enabled globally via the
ROUTE_FILTER option in the shorewall.conf(5)
file.If ROUTE_FILTER=Yes in shorewall.conf(5),
or if your distribution sets net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1
in /etc/sysctl.conf, then setting
routefilter=0 in an
interface entry will not disable
route filtering on that
interface! The effective setting
for an interface is the maximum
of the contents of
and the routefilter setting specified in this file
(/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/interface/rp_filter).There are certain cases where
cannot be used on an
interface:If USE_DEFAULT_RT=Yes in shorewall.conf(5)
and the interface is listed in shorewall-providers(5).If there is an entry for the interface in shorewall-providers(5)
that doesn't specify the
option.If IPSEC is used to allow a road-warrior to have a
local address, then any interface through which the
road-warrior might connect cannot specify
.Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.1, when
is set to a non-zero value, the
option is also implicitly set. If
you actually want route filtering without logging, then you
must also specify after
.rpfilterAdded in Shorewall 4.5.7. This is an anti-spoofing
measure that requires the 'RPFilter Match' capability in your
iptables and kernel. It provides a more efficient alternative
to the option below. It performs a
function similar to (see above)
but works with Multi-ISP configurations that do not use
balanced routes.sfilter=(net[,...])Added in Shorewall 4.4.20. This option provides an
anti-spoofing alternative to on
interfaces where that option cannot be used, but where the
option is required (on a bridge,
for example). On these interfaces,
should list those local networks that are connected to the
firewall through other interfaces.sourceroute[={0|1}]If this option is not specified for an interface, then
source-routed packets will not be accepted from that interface
unless it has been explicitly enabled via sysconf. Only set
this option to 1 (enable source routing) if you know what you
are doing. This might represent a security risk and is usually
unneeded.Only those interfaces with the
option will have their setting
changed; the value assigned to the setting will be the value
specified (if any) or 1 if no value is given.This option does not work with a wild-card physical name (e.g., eth0.+).
Beginning with Shorewall 5.1.10, If this option is
specified, a warning is issued and the option is
ignored.tcpflags[={0|1}]Packets arriving on this interface are checked for
certain illegal combinations of TCP flags. Packets found to
have such a combination of flags are handled according to the
setting of TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION after having been logged
according to the setting of TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL.Beginning with Shorewall 4.6.0, tcpflags=1 is the
default. To disable this option, specify tcpflags=0.unmanagedAdded in Shorewall 4.5.18. Causes all traffic between
the firewall and hosts on the interface to be accepted. When
this option is given:The ZONE column must contain '-'.Only the following other options are allowed with
unmanaged:arp_filterarp_ignoreignoreroutefilteroptionalphysicalroutefilterproxyarpproxyudpsourcerouteupnpIncoming requests from this interface may be remapped
via UPNP (upnpd). See
Supported in IPv4 and in IPv6 in Shorewall 5.1.4 and
later.upnpclientThis option is intended for laptop users who always run
Shorewall on their system yet need to run UPnP-enabled client
apps such as Transmission (BitTorrent client). The option
causes Shorewall to detect the default gateway through the
interface and to accept UDP packets from that gateway. Note
that, like all aspects of UPnP, this is a security hole so use
this option at your own risk. Supported in IPv4 and in IPv6 in
Shorewall 5.1.4 and later.wait=secondsAdded in Shorewall 4.4.10. Causes the generated script
to wait up to seconds seconds for the
interface to become usable before applying the required or optional options.ExampleIPv4 Example 1:Suppose you have eth0 connected to a DSL modem and eth1
connected to your local network and that your local subnet is The interface gets its IP address via DHCP from
subnet You have a DMZ with subnet
using eth2. Your iptables and/or kernel do not support "Address Type
Match" and you prefer to specify broadcast addresses explicitly
rather than having Shorewall detect them.Your entries for this setup would look like:?FORMAT 1
net eth0 dhcp
loc eth1
dmz eth2 2:The same configuration without specifying broadcast addresses
is:?FORMAT 2
net eth0 dhcp
loc eth1
dmz eth2Example 3:You have a simple dial-in system with no Ethernet
connections.?FORMAT 2
net ppp0 -Example 4 (Shorewall 4.4.9 and later):You have a bridge with no IP address and you want to allow
traffic through the bridge.?FORMAT 2
- br0 bridgeFILES/etc/shorewall/interfaces/etc/shorewall6/interfacesSee ALSO