What is it?The Shoreline Firewall, more commonly known as "Shorewall", is a Netfilter (iptables) based firewall that can be used on a dedicated firewall system, a multi-function gateway/router/server or on a standalone GNU/Linux system. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. Copyright 2001, 2002 Thomas M. Eastep Thinking of Downloading this Site for Offline Browsing?You may want to reconsider -- this site is 181 MB!!! and you will almost certainly be blacklisted before you download the whole thing (my SDSL is only 384kbs so I'll have lots of time to catch you). Besides, if you simply download the product and install it, you get the essential parts of the site in a fraction of the time. And do you really want to download:
News11/09/2002 - Shorewall is Back on SourceForge The Shorewall 1.3 web site is now mirrored at SourceForge at http://shorewall.sf.net. 11/09/2002 - Shorewall 1.3.10 In this version:
rpm -Uvh --force shorewall-1.3.10-1.noarch.rpm 10/24/2002 - Shorewall is now in Gentoo Linux 10/23/2002 - Shorewall 1.3.10 Beta 1 In this version:
10/10/2002 - Debian 1.3.9b Packages Available
Apt-get sources listed at http://security.dsi.unimi.it/~lorenzo/debian.html. 10/9/2002 - Shorewall 1.3.9b 10/6/2002 - Shorewall.net now running on RH8.0 ![]() The firewall and server here at shorewall.net are now running RedHat release 8.0. 9/30/2002 - Shorewall 1.3.9a Roles up the fix for broken tunnels.9/30/2002 - TUNNELS Broken in 1.3.9!!! ![]()
In this version:
Donations |
Shorewall is free but if you try it and find it useful, please consider making a donation to Starlight Children's Foundation. Thanks! |
Updated 11/9/2002 - Tom Eastep