package Shorewall::Tunnels; require Exporter; use Shorewall::Common; use Shorewall::Config; use Shorewall::Zones; use Shorewall::Chains; use strict; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( setup_tunnels ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( ); our @VERSION = 1.00; # # Here starts the tunnel stuff -- we really should get rid of this crap... # sub setup_tunnels() { sub setup_one_ipsec { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest, $gatewayzones) = @_; ( $kind, my $qualifier ) = split /:/, $kind; fatal_error "Invalid IPSEC modifier ($qualifier) in tunnel \"$line\"" if $qualifier && ( $qualifier ne 'noah' ); my $noah = $qualifier || ($kind ne 'ipsec' ); my $options = '-m $state --state NEW -j ACCEPT'; add_rule $inchainref, "-p 50 $source -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p 50 $dest -j ACCEPT"; unless ( $noah ) { add_rule $inchainref, "-p 51 $source -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p 51 $dest -j ACCEPT"; } add_rule $outchainref, "-p udp $dest --dport 500 $options"; if ( $kind eq 'ipsec' ) { add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source --dport $options"; } else { add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source -m multiport --dports 500,4500 $options"; } for my $zone ( split /,/, $gatewayzones ) { fatal_error "Invalid zone ($zone) in tunnel \"$line\"" unless $zones{$zone}{type} eq 'ipv4'; $inchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${zone}2${firewall_zone}", 1; $outchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${firewall_zone}2${zone}", 1; unless ( $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ) { add_rule $inchainref, "-p 50 $source -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p 50 $dest -j ACCEPT"; unless ( $noah ) { add_rule $inchainref, "-p 51 $source -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p 51 $dest -j ACCEPT"; } } if ( $kind eq 'ipsec' ) { add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source --dport 500 $options"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p udp $dest --dport 500 $options"; } else { add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source -m multiport --dports 500,4500 $options"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p udp $dest -m multiport --dports 500,4500 $options"; } } } sub setup_one_other { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest , $protocol) = @_; add_rule $inchainref , "-p $protocol $source -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref , "-p $protocol $dest -j ACCEPT"; } sub setup_pptp_client { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest ) = @_; add_rule $outchainref, "-p 47 $dest -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $inchainref, "-p 47 $source -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p tcp --dport 1723 $dest -j ACCEPT" } sub setup_pptp_server { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest ) = @_; add_rule $inchainref, "-p 47 $dest -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p 47 $source -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $inchainref, "-p tcp --dport 1723 $dest -j ACCEPT" } sub setup_one_openvpn { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_; my $protocol = 'udp'; my $port = 1194; ( $kind, my ( $proto, $p ) ) = split /:/, $kind; $port = $p if $p; $protocol = $proto if $proto; add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source --dport $port -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest --dport $port -j ACCEPT"; } sub setup_one_openvpn_client { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_; my $protocol = 'udp'; my $port = 1194; ( $kind, my ( $proto, $p ) ) = split /:/, $kind; $port = $p if $p; $protocol = $proto if $proto; add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source --sport $port -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest --dport $port -j ACCEPT"; } sub setup_one_openvpn_server { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_; my $protocol = 'udp'; my $port = 1194; ( $kind, my ( $proto, $p ) ) = split /:/, $kind; $port = $p if $p; $protocol = $proto if $proto; add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source --dport $port -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest --sport $port -j ACCEPT"; } sub setup_one_generic { my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_; my $protocol = 'udp'; my $port = '--dport 5000'; if ( $kind =~ /.*:.*:.*/ ) { ( $kind, $protocol, $port) = split /:/, $kind; $port = "--dport $port"; } else { $port = ''; ( $kind, $protocol ) = split /:/ , $kind if $kind =~ /.*:.*/; } add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source $port -j ACCEPT"; add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest $port -j ACCEPT"; } sub setup_one_tunnel($$$$) { my ( $kind , $zone, $gateway, $gatewayzones ) = @_; fatal_error "Invalid zone ($zone) in tunnel \"$line\"" unless $zones{$zone}{type} eq 'ipv4'; my $inchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${zone}2${firewall_zone}", 1; my $outchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${firewall_zone}2${zone}", 1; my $source = match_source_net $gateway; my $dest = match_dest_net $gateway; my %tunneltypes = ( 'ipsec' => { function => \&setup_one_ipsec , params => [ $kind, $source, $dest , $gatewayzones ] } , 'ipsecnat' => { function => \&setup_one_ipsec , params => [ $kind, $source, $dest , $gatewayzones ] } , 'ipip' => { function => \&setup_one_other, params => [ $source, $dest , 4 ] } , 'gre' => { function => \&setup_one_other, params => [ $source, $dest , 47 ] } , '6to4' => { function => \&setup_one_other, params => [ $source, $dest , 41 ] } , 'pptpclient' => { function => \&setup_pptp_client, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } , 'pptpserver' => { function => \&setup_pptp_server, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } , 'openvpn' => { function => \&setup_one_openvpn, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } , 'openvpnclient' => { function => \&setup_one_openvpn_client, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } , 'openvpnserver' => { function => \&setup_one_openvpn_server, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } , 'generic' => { function => \&setup_one_generic , params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } , ); $kind = "\L$kind"; (my $type) = split /:/, $kind; my $tunnelref = $tunneltypes{ $type }; fatal_error "Tunnels of type $type are not supported: Tunnel \"$line\"" unless $tunnelref; $tunnelref->{function}->( $inchainref, $outchainref, @{$tunnelref->{params}} ); progress_message " Tunnel \"$line\" $done"; } # # Setup_Tunnels() Starts Here # open TUNNELS, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tunnels" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped tunnels file: $!"; while ( $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; my ( $kind, $zone, $gateway, $gatewayzones, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line; if ( $kind eq 'COMMENT' ) { if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) { ( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//; $comment =~ s/\s*$//; } else { warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter"; } } else { fatal_error "Invalid Tunnels file entry: \"$line\"" if $extra; setup_one_tunnel $kind, $zone, $gateway, $gatewayzones; } } close TUNNELS; $comment = ''; } 1;