# # Shorewall version 4 - Auto Blacklist Action # # Parameters are: # # Event - Name of the event to associate with this blacklist # Interval # Count - Interval and number of Packets to trigger blacklisting # Default is 60 seconds and 5 packets. # Successive - If a matching packet arrives within this many # seconds of the preceding one, it should be logged # and dealt with according to the Disposition and # Log Level parameters below. Default is 2 seconds. # Blacklist time - Number of seconds to blacklist # Default is 300 (5 minutes) # Disposition - Disposition of blacklisted packets # Default is DROP # Log Level - Level to Log Rejects # Default is info (6) # ?format 2 DEFAULTS -,60,5,2,300,DROP,info ?begin perl use Shorewall::Config; my ( $event, $interval, $count, $successive, $bltime, $disposition, $level ) = get_action_params(7); fatal_error "The event name parameter to AutoBL is required" unless supplied $event; fatal_error "Invalid interval ($interval) passed to AutoBL" unless $interval =~ /^\d+$/ && $interval; fatal_error "Invalid successive interval ($succesive) passed to AutoBL" unless $successive =~ /^\d+$/; fatal_error "Invalid packet count ($count) passed to AutoBL" unless $count =~ /^\d+$/ && $count; fatal_error "Invalid blacklist time ($bltime) passed to AutoBL" unless $bltime =~ /^\d+$/ && $bltime; validate_level( $level ); 1; ?end perl ############################################################################### #TARGET SOURCE DEST PROTO DPORT SPORT # # Silently reject the client if blacklisted # ?if $REAP_OPTION ?set check_param 'check:reap' ?else ?set check_param 'check' ?endif IfEvent(${1}_BL,$6,$5,1,src,$check_param) # # Blacklist if M attempts in the last N seconds # IfEvent($1,AutoBLL($1,$6,$7),$2,$3,src,$check_param) # # Log and reject if the client has tried to connect # in the last N seconds # ?if $4 IfEvent($1,$6:$7,$4,1,-,update,Added) ?endif # # Un-blacklist the client # ResetEvent(${1}_BL,LOG:$7,-,Removed) # # Set the event and accept the connection # SetEvent($1,ACCEPT,src)